Critical Reflection Assignment Sample

Critical Reflection on Learning Experiences and Personal Growth Assignment

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Introduction Of Critical Reflection

Effective situational analysis has measured the current position and performance of an entity in a dynamic market. The assignment has outlined the corporate issues of AG BARR in the current period. It is a drink made by Scot the AG Barr is half first which is not declaring dividends, the financial results of the iconic drinks makers warned in recent weeks that it continues the situation “monitor closely” and increasing challenges. The stock market said that they have seen challenges increase across the UK haulage fleet which is associated in part with covid -19, impacting the deliveries of customer inbound materials (Lawet al. 2020). In addition to the associated risks with a wider labor pool current pandemic are areas that need to be closely monitored. The executive Chief Rogermany time said of the supply issue that directly controls the stressed firm that was so far managing its way through the crisis.

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1. Present corporate issues

Based on my analysis of the case scenario, In the half period of the year, the sales jumped 19% to 132.5 million in the same year which was the year before (ag,2021).My comprehension states that, Due to covid situation, the company’s growth has fallen from a high growth level to a low which affected the shortage of supply.The issue that I have selected to state the corporate governance issues are subsequently briefed below-

Issues Summaries
Quality Issue in product
  • Based on my analysis on the company, it is a core Barr drink company producing soft drinks whose quality.
  • Barr Soft drink flavors attract people and love to have them which brings excitement now has a quality matter which is taking away the customer.
Supply chain issue
  • I have observed that, soft drinks recently got warned in the pandemic situation.
  • During the pandemic situation, the sales of the company fall down.
Business resilience
  • The price and cost and the financial volatile backdrop.
  • They had made a particular non-progress in no time and no waste growth in the year.
Strategic Governance
  • It drags in the poor and fewer people can afford it due to its high price.
  • Because of the poor bad weather and challenges that also hurt performance.

Table 1: “Corporate governance issues”

(Source:, 2022)

2. Description of identified issues

Product quality issue

According to my knowledge, Quality is the business heart which aims for sustainable delivery of growth providing quality brands and products and the trust of the customer, the principle guides the policy everyone that ensure they continue high standard the leadership team which is committed to the development and implementation of quality management meeting the requirement of manufacturing and ensuring the customer's products all the time.Based on my analysis,activities that have created operational excellence with the dealing of customers, vendors, and communists to operate it have to manage and improve systematically in every part of the business clearing the management responsibility for improvement. The objective quality at all levelsis set and advised in organized resources to provide the order to achieve, the management review of percentage in order to progress the quality objectives to accessed necessary introduced additional are required. (Leishman et al. 2019). Responsibility for all aspects of the supply chain is required to improve cost efficiency.

Supply Chain Issue

According to my perception on the corporate governance issue, the financial record revealing the results of the soft drinks gets warned to monitor the situation. The stock market has seen increasing challenges in the UK associated with parts impacting the deliveries of customers' materials. I want to state that, manysupplies issue thatwas said to be by the direct company owner but the stress was firm so managing through the way meant crisis is the only way out. The further investment in our business which remain confident in our ability and continued delivery and growth in revenue and profit both, some failures are due to some components like aging specific components made a ferrous number of cycles and from that point, it stops displaying mechanical properties. For the Supply chain issue, I want to recommend that the company must optimize the inventory that they own. My perception of the issue states that the company must embrace technology to eradicate the supply chain issue.The Companies must follow strategies to minimize the supply chain issue.

Strategic Governance issues

According to my perception on the corporate governance issue, the complexity of strategic implications has ceased the growth rate of the company in the highly competitive business environment. The “strategic governance issues” that have been identified in the portfolio in the previous task have created a negative impact on the financial performance of the firm. The company has looked forward to using the “corporate governance code” to control and mitigate the issue. The company has used a “code of corporate governance” to improve the engagement of employees during the nomination of the committee to review the engagement of the workforce (, 2022). For strategic governance issues, I want to recommend that the company must embrace the basic attributes of transparency and accountability. These basic attributes will help the company to improve the governance issue in the management.

3. Explanation of the linking issues with the “UK corporate governance code”

Based on my perception on the corporate governance issue, I want to state that, the outlook of the company sales reveals that despite the pandemic and the returning and reopening of pubs and clubs, there has been a heavy shift to at-home drinking of their products, attracting more customers buying drinks on the go and the hospitality sector.

Pre-mixed brands saw some of the strongest growth in 27 weeks more than a year ago. I can observe that half a year ago the sales jumped a lot in million compared to the same year ago. The tax profit was nearlyup tothe impactwrite-down on the water brand recorded in results the previous year. It also announced the second half of the year's strong financial outcome. Brand believed in racked ahead of the sales the previous year(Weetmanet al. 2019). Cost control and price adjustment inflation from packaging and cost of energy has effectively managed the company.

It has been observed from the annual report of the selected company that the firm has used provision 31 of the “UK Corporate governance code of 2018” to access the viability of the firm (, 2022). The implication of this provision has cut off the impact of the disruption in the “supply chain and management structure” due to instability and uncertainty in the market. The specialization in maintaining the appropriate and effective rules and policies that have been used by an entity has been assured by the implication of the corporate governance code (, 2022). The implication and adoption of this code have reduced the issue of maintaining the quality of products and services offered by the company in the highly dynamic business environment. According to my knowledge of the corporate governance issue, the UK corporate governance code set the guide that can be followed by the company to have the ethical board practice in the management. The key component of the practice is interdependent on all good governance strategies like sustainability, accountability, responsibility, transparency, and so on. According to me, the company must follow the key attributes for better performance.

The issues with the shareholders and controlling the board members have been mitigated by the company by adopting the relevant principles of the corporate governance of the UK in 2018 (, 2022, p.60). According to me, it has been observed from the “corporate governance report” of the enterprise that the authority or executive of the company has used “provision 10 of the UK corporate governance” to avoid issues in the financial reporting of the company in the highly dynamic business environment.

The high-quality business with excellent team management and invested manufacturing the supplies of the portfolio with the notable position at shore capital the food and beverage comment which delivered the supplies portfolio which is different with British brand at shore capital the revenue exhibiting the company (ZXhang et al. 2023). The inflammatory increased the action controls the impact on the margin of profit, adjusting the price customer, it as a volatile backdrop made particular progress its environmental program, providing the support business strength of our customer.

4. Critical discussion on the perspective of corporate governance about the identified issues

Based on my perception the Critical opinion is an example of the UK corporate governance code in some particular areas of compliance with the governance of the UK Materials might affect the work of the product which keeps working the same way expect to buy a combusting car for under 10000 USD, I want to state based on the analysis that the failures become much more frequent some have passed and came earlier products used intensively extreme conditions. That makes a critical number of components that will come at a certain point. The proper use of the environment might get a bit too high might be a surge and might other stresses that lead to a product longer fit in the eye of users. The abnormal use of the various types of people hasreceived a product without reading or receiving the product manual instruction. (Davis et al. 2021).

Pay much attention maybe abusive and taking a city some issue qualities are driven don't specify exactly to use in an innovation to your contract cheap option. they expect them to pass the final inspection a few days later (Sobhan et al. 2021). The governance basically corporates and directed the accountable shareholders the corporate has come up with mainly the economic deregulation of business the rapid place of companies has forced been tap internationally and subsequently to competition greater than before. Policymakers and business managers have become increasingly aware of the importance of standards of governance corporately (Law et al. 2020).

The UK has one of the governance bodies which is best through laws but has poor implementation as social and performance era which has affected governance corporately the share of ownership and tunneling funds among groups the landscape of India is best in its implied contracts between and the company distribution of the company rights rewards and duties among different shares of the corporation(Oelsneret al. 2022). The proper control and supervision of the informative flow of the company is the proper operation of balance checks. Resolving and conforming to the interest clashing interests of different participators in the corporation. The ensuring responsibility of directors of boards and the corporation administrate controlled. They inspire strength and confidence by assuring the commitment to grow the high and earnings. The growing need for the corporate governance concept of course basically deals with the objectives that corporate governance.(Dickson et al. 2021). I want to state that the corporate governance top achieves the specific goals of fulfilling the pretension of owners taking care of the interest of employees. In consideration of the atmosphere, the regional community maintains relations with guests and suppliers that fulfill all the applicable legal regulatory conditions. corporate governance procedure and participation results in an organization motivated to figure towards the corporate goals demonstrating the advantage of pots success, with good government comes good business figure towards the corporation goals demonstrating the advantage by the large attempt of the board of success which should take the organization forward and maximize the wealth. the scenario of the current responsibility gives a lot of importance to businesses gain everything from society it also has some public funds like stock market financial institutions and government offices on a large scale(Hashem et al. 2019). For the purpose of avoiding irregularities,I have observed thatmany companies started corporate governance. It bruins a lot from society and also has some explanation from the business these expectation by social responsibility requires the board to protect these liabilities and need corporate governance only attend the general meeting of companies generally the inactive companies and their management association are not so strong and make a profit of situation and misuse their power is an imperative need of corporate governance to protect the company.


At last, based on my knowledge,I state that this report is concluded with the corporate governance issue of the company “A.G. BARR”.I want to state that Ithas been taken note of energizing proficiency in a gathering shocked for one combination of exceptionally frail get-away climate situations and it can be observed in the report that the continuous budgetary challenges stood up to buy things bought by shoppers affiliations, especially normal assets fetched weights and changeable profitable position for those offering. Looking progressed it is questionable that these challenges will significantly alter, still, they hold up meticulously guaranteed that the merger of our settled working show, endured committed exertion to something adeptness, development brand fair-mindedness, sound monetary articulation counting picks up and misfortunes for a period of and expertise for advance prospect take off bureaucracy well built up within the moment put to suppose this effectiveness. In this report I have stated that, within the period alone, they expect few to diminish within the pace of suggestion expansion from rising generation costs that we expect anticipated at a decreased alone number level. The current show decrease for “PET” is the despondent period on period, trim mash costs are lower but the fetching of carbohydrate flotsam and jetsam with assurance is extraordinary. “A.G. BARR” has brought intense financial acting in addressing period markets. I want to state that, generation extends to come back well to fair-minded agents. They have compelled a powerful rumor in wage and capacity and have continued to extend show share over the comfortable drinks show. Items and supply chains alter authorized numbers of buyers to their brands. They encourage introducing in property, accomplishing supplementary volume that authorizes bureaucracy to advance in agreement with administrations requests and in agreement with stock trade pace. After addressing “2011”, the final 12-month bookkeeping period kept going with powerful conditions of useful effectiveness.


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