Developing Emotional Intelligence Skills For The Workplace Assignment

Developing Emotional Intelligence (EI) skills among employees at Amazon, highlighting the benefits of effective communication, decision-making, and overall business advantage.

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Assessment Task 1: Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: A Case Study on Amazon

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Why building an emotionally intelligent workforce should be a business priority in the post-COVID work climate and how employers can train and develop their existing staff to make them an emotionally intelligent workforce?

Introduction of Emotional Intelligence (EI) Skills For The Workplace 

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is described as the ability of an individual, which helps to understand, use, and manage their own decisions in a positive way. This can help individuals remain stress-free, communicate easily, and understand each other's feelings so that it can significantly help to overcome various challenges and conflicts. EI can be used in various sectors of a workplace that can help in the effective upbringing of an individual.

This study focusses on the importance of EI in the Amazon organization and what are the ways to develop EI within the employees working in the organization so that are benefitted to build their overall development as an individual thereby can help in the work of the organization. Initially, this study gives an overview of the organization. Then later in the study, the usage of various models describes how EI can be applied in an organization like Amazon. At the end of this study different recommendations are provided that can help in the effective usage of EI to help different individuals stand strong.

Overview of the organization

This study will focus on the usage of EI in an organization called Amazon. This organization provides various e-commerce solutions to its consumers initially, the company was more concentrated on selling books online. Then it transformed into a big multinational company that focused on cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. This organization was initially founded by Jeff Bezos on July 5, 1994. It has multiple subsidiaries, such as Amazon Web Services, Zoox which focus on autonomous vehicles, and Kuiper Systems which focused on satellite internet (Indla, 2021). Other subsidiaries include Ring, IMDb, MGM Holdings, and Food market.

Millions of employees work in different sectors of Amazon and for them to work efficiently day in and day out it is important for the organization to manage the Emotional aspect of the employees using the EI to help them to cope with different situations while working. EI can help Amazon to help their employees be efficient in self-management, raise self-awareness among themselves, also raise social awareness among the employees, and finally teach them how to manage different relationships within the organization. All these factors can help the organization to establish a strong relationship with their employees which can show effects their work in a positive way.

Key models of EI

EI can be described as the ability to carry out the proper reasoning and helps to deal the emotions, the proficiency to use emotions, and the knowledge regarding emotions to enrich thoughts. EI in the context of the organization is the key tool for an individual to adjust to the high demand, and increased pressure of life or work life (Drigas and Papoutsi, 2019). EI consists of several skills like emotional skills, and social skills that are used to cope with such high pressure from the organization. There are three major models of EI. they are described below.

Goleman’s EI Performance Model

As per the opinion of “Goleman”, EI is the set of skills or competencies that influences the performance of the managers and the leaders of the organization. Those skills consist of several aspects such as self-awareness, self-management, and relationship management ability of an individual. Goleman suggested twelve other subscales to assess the EI of the individuals. The subscales are “emotional awareness, emotional control, adaptability, orientation toward achievement, positive viewpoint, influence, guiding and mentoring, management of conflict, groupwork, empathy, awareness regarding the organization, and the inspirational leader” (Tai et al. 2018). These scales are analyzed by the most common tool questionnaires and assessed the EI of an individual.

Developing Emotional Intelligence Skills

Figure 1: Goleman’s EI Performance Model

(Source: Inspired by Tai et al. 2018)

EI Competencies Model of Bar-On’s

According to Bar-On, EI is a set of competencies including the social and emotional competency of an individual that establishes the interconnection among the behaviors. Just like the mkode3l proposed by Goleman, such competencies affected the performance and behavior of the employees in organizations (Miao et al. 2019). He proposed the main 5 scales which are the perception of self, expression of self, management of stress, interpersonal, and decision-making. There are 15 subscales too, some are common with Goleman’s model.

Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso’s EI Ability Model

Mayer and colleagues suggested that the information from the perceived emotion and managing emotions enhance the thought process and contribute to “decision-making”. This model emphasizes the four branches of EI.

  • Perceive emotion: This branch is mostly concerned with the perception of emotion. It also cultures the identification of emotion based on facial and postural expressions (Vaughan et al. 2019). It includes non-verbal perception and emotional expression for communicating by voice and face.
  • Use of emotions to enhance thoughts: This branch is solely concerned with the understanding of emotions and their effect on the enhancement of the thought process. It solely emphasizes the cognitive ability of the individuals.
  • Understand emotions: This branch discusses the capability of individuals to understand their own emotions. It also consists of the capability of analyzing emotions. This branch encourages awareness regarding the trends in emotion over time. It sheds light on the outcomes of emotion and the appreciation of them.
  • Management of emotions: This branch involves the self-management process of emotions by individuals. It has an impact on the personality of the individuals and their goals of them by the way emotions are managed.

Later Mayer and colleagues included many more skills regarding the problem-solving ability to define EI. There is a debate on most of the abilities identified by Mayer and colleagues are the specific forms of problem-solving.

Application of key models of EI in Amazon

Various models can be used to deal with the EI of the employees within the organization. Here in this study, three specific models have been used to understand the significance of EI in a workspace. Goleman’s EI Performance Model, Bar-On’s EI Competencies Model, and Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso’s EI Ability Model have been used to understand the importance of EI (Drigas and Papoutsi, 2018). This part of the study will give the application of these models in different sectors of the organization and how it can help in developing the EI in Amazon. All these models are seen to have a significant impact on developing EI among the employees working at Amazon.

The significance of developing EI in the workspace

There is a huge importance of EI in organizations including Amazon. The main functions of EI in organizations are to keep calm under high pressure and remain productive too. It helps to resolve the conflicts between the workers in the organization and emphasizes good interpersonal relationships. It accesses an openness in the workplace where every member can express themselves and their thoughts. EI includes constructive feedback over personal criticism. It also concerns reducing the stress of the employees in the organization. Employees who are acting according to EI, it is helpful for their progression in their career and produce an effective contribution to the organization (Guntersdorfer and Golubeva, 2018). Employees who are emotionally unintelligent generally struggle to cope with the pressure of the organization. They also struggle with the expression of their feelings. As they do not possess the clarity of th emotions often they act impulsively which affected the interpersonal relationship in the organization.

The major significance of EI in the context of the Workplace;

  • It is the key determinant to work toward the organizational goal regardless of the problems that arrive.
  • Employees remain motivated and active to understand their own emotions and the emotions of others.
  • Healthy communication among colleagues and the motivation to work towards the same goals and aligning efforts and ideas.
  • It increased efficiency with an empathetic approach and effective decision-making ability.
  • People with high EI are most likely to go to leadership positions in the company.

There is a high demand to put emphasis on the context of EI in Amazon. Amazon remains productive because of EI in the context of earning trust, where leaders provide active listening to their subordinates and show mutual respect. It is impactful in the context of employee engagement, retention of employees, and the performance of leaders and employees ((Drigas and Papoutsi, 2018). EI remains productive in the hiring and development of Amazon. Assessing the EI of the employees increased the competency of the workforce.

The relationship between EI and proper Effective management communication

EI allows an individual to learn more about their own emotions, and it helps to understand their feelings of themselves. EI is directly associated with how an individual communicates as emotions dictate how an individual would respond or communicate with others depending on the situation (Issah, 2018). EI helps an individual handle their emotions effectively thereby being able to communicate appropriately in each situation. The way an individual communicates also represents how a person presents themselves to the world. Communication skills are key to being able to apply themselves in a workplace efficiently.

Emotional Intelligence improves self-control: EI helps to improve one’s communication skills as it assists individuals to stay calm and composed under pressure situations. It not only helps individuals to communicate efficiently but also allows them to complete a particular task efficiently (Raeissi et al. 2022). EI also helps employees of Amazon to stay relaxed and have control over their nerves during a critical situation. This helps to take better decisions and help to deal with the matter very effectively. Even if an individual is going through various stress or if they feel to be under pressure stills, they would easily be able to handle that situation easily as they are calm and composed.

Developing Emotional Intelligence Skills

Figure 2: Factors of relationship related to EI with effective communication

(Source: Inspired by Raeissi et al. 2022)

Emotional Intelligence Improves diplomacy: EI helps employees of Amazon to read different situation well and help them to understand people’s emotion well. This will directly help individuals to communicate appropriately with different team members within the team as it can help to reach an efficient solution (Afzal et al. 2018). Taking decisions based on certain impulses may not produce the desired outcome. Therefore, it is important to use EI to read a particular situation and respond to it efficiently. Being more diplomatic in the way of speaking can help individuals to avoid conflicts and ensure there are strong and efficient working relationships.

Relation between EI and business advantage

EI is seen to have greatly affected a business in a positive way. In business people with high Emotional Quotients (EQ) are seen to be very desirable employees as they tend to enjoy various advantages from time to time. Some of the most influential people like Martin Luther King Jr, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, and Warren Buffett are seen to have high EQ which helped them to be as successful as they became in the past (Giao et al. 2020). EQ has had a significant impact on the business of Amazon which has helped them to be a successful organization.

In a study, it was seen recruiting managers of over 2600, out of the 2600 managers, 71% of the manager believed on the fact that people with higher EQ have a greater value in the market compared to individuals having higher Intelligence Quotients (IQ) (, 2018). There were various reasons behind these conclusions which made the manager of the Amazon organization believe in the fact that EQ is greater than IQ (Sabie et al. 2020). These reasons are as follows:

  • Employees having high EQ tends to have settled nerves which helps them to take better decisions in critical situations (Rezvani et al. 2018). Whereas people with higher IQs may be calm and composed in a critical situation.
  • They also believe in the fact that people with higher EQ tend to listen more rather than speak which helps to understand things quickly. People having high IQs may not have good listening skills which can hamper their work.
  • People with high EQ tend to have good leadership skills as they tend to lead by example in most situations (Kotsou et al. 2019). On the other hand, individuals with higher IQs may not have good leadership skills in them.
  • Individuals with higher EQ take various business decisions very carefully so that it meets the required objective.

Evaluation of the models of EI

The models of EI are comparatively new and controversial too. In the last few decades, the concept of EI and EQ become popular in the context of the organization and the performance of the employees and the leaders. The models of the EI have inputted many ideas of the skills that are relevant in the context of surviving in the organization and caring the mental and physical health (, 2021). People generally avoid issues regarding their mental health and struggle with their emotions. The three models that are discussed before have provided several subscales and branches of EI. There are several key components that are relevant to the business development processes of organizations. The identification of new skills also takes place, for instance, relationship management with the family can also be impactful in the subject of productivity in the workplace. The EI models proposed by Goleman, Bar-On, Mayer, and colleagues remain under the light of discussion for formulating an effective communication strategy in their organization and controlling the impulse of the individual, and modifying the working environment. It can be said that the models are effective for the overall growth of the organization as well as for amazon.

Relevance of the models in meeting the development needs of

According to the EI models, it emphasizes mostly the set of skills that are useful in developing the career and contributing to productivity in the organization in the context of EI in the workplace. These sets of skills discussed above are mainly helpful for effective decision-making, which is the key concern of the leaders of the organization for business development. The EI models found that the role of EI in the workplace is to build effective communication among co-workers. Overall, EI has an impact on the mental health of the organization. EI not only emphasized the mental health but the physical health of the employees.

The model originated by Goleman, has highlighted twelve subscales such as awareness, self-control, positive viewpoint, guidance from the mentors or the seniors, empathetic approach, and many other aspects that can be analyzed by several EI tests (Guntersdorfer and Golubeva, 2018). It would be effective for organizations including Amazon to assign a component and potential workforce.

The EI competency model of the Bar-On suggested fifteen subscales too. The impactful subscales in the context of the organization are social responsibility, impulse control, flexibility, stress tolerance, optimism, and many other subscales. Here being flexible in the context of stress management, productivity, and accepting criticism in the workplace are relevant for the business development of the organization. It is also important to control impulses to maintain a cooperative working environment. Problem-solving ability is necessary for any company to increase productivity and effectiveness regarding innovation and unique ideas.

Another model proposed by Mayer and colleagues the ability model helps the management of the organizations to understand the perceived emotions of the employees. The understanding and the ability to manage emotions are effective for enhancing the thought process, and an enhanced thought process is relevant in the context of the progression of the business.


Emotional Intelligence is an essential component to have for the employees working at Amazon. Millions and millions of employees work in the organization in various sectors. Therefore, it is vital that all employees have good EI which can help to work efficiently within the organization. It is recommended that employees have good EI as it can help them gain higher job satisfaction. Employees getting good job satisfaction helps them to work efficiently and productively which can have a direct impact on the growth of the organization (Nguyen et al. 2019). It recommended using various models like Goleman’s EI Performance Model, Bar-On’s EI Competencies Model, and Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso’s EI Ability Model mentioned in the study above as it can help to improve the EI of various employees working in Amazon. EI can also help employees to improve their work quality as EI helps them to stay calm and composed during a critical situation which helps them to take better decisions (Chand et al. 2019). It is recommended that the managers of Amazon understand every individual’s strength and weakness which can help assign tasks efficiently thereby building their self-confidence. To improve EI, it is recommended to manage different stress factors of the employees which can help them stay confident and express themselves fully.

It can be recommended to the management of Amazon to assign EI expertise to assess the EI and measure the EQ by using several test tools and the questionnaire, for instance, the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). There are many other scales and subscales suggested by many experts to analyze the EI of an organization. The company can be benefited on several grounds such as building trust among the employees and communicating thoroughly with the employees. They can maintain good interpersonal relationships among the employees of the company. The company can use those tests to assess EI while hiring new employees. During the hiring process, they can identify the employee with high EI. It can be effective for the productivity of the company because it is the key finding from the models that the high EI of an individual tends to be more productive and contribute efficiently to the organization (Kotsou et al. 2019). The most important feature of an employee with high EI is to be capable of reducing stress and being able to cope with high pressure. Amazon already got the result of assessing the EI of the employees and the leaders of the company. It is also important to reinforce such processes in the company.


To conclude this study EI can be easily used to develop good work within the organization. The importance of EI is very much evident from the fact that it helps employees to be self-aware of different situations, helps employees to gain management skills in the form of self-management, EI helps employees to gain confidence and motivation in the way they work. EI is also seen to help employees gain different social skills and have social awareness.

The use of different models helps to understand the ways to improve EI in Amazon. The application of the models helps to identify different applications of those models to help improve EI in various sectors of the organization. The relationship between EI and effective communication also shows how critical is EI when it comes to effective communication for an employee so that they can express themselves efficiently while working at Amazon.

Assessment Task 2

Introduction of 3 issues of Emotional Intelligence (EI)

People with low EQ often suffer to understand their own feelings and cannot control or manage their emotions properly. They are usually unable to identify the reasons for the outcome es of their behavior. People with disrupted EQ can often experience the outburst of emotions and their emotions are tough to control.

Dimensions of emotional issues

EI helps to improve a lot of aspects of an individual. I am lacking in a lot of aspects that define a well-developed individual. EI can help me to rectify and improve on such aspects that can eventually help me to be a better individual (Puliyakkadi, 2018). I lack good communication skills as I am not able to express my thoughts clearly to the other person which sometimes leads to a situation of misunderstanding and raises a situation of conflict. EI can also help me to take better decisions as I also lack decision-making skills.

Use of Emotional Intelligence on emotions

EI has helped me to improve in a lot of aspects, emotionally. EI helped me to empathize with others this helped me to understand people’s feelings and help them accordingly. EI also helped me to gain the confidence to give proper feedback to others and if I commit any mistake then I also have no hesitation in apologizing for my mistakes (Bucich and MacCann, 2019). This helps to get rid of misunderstandings and prevents conflicts of interest. EI most importantly has given me the ability to listen to others carefully which helps me to understand the aim of the task and carry out the task efficiently (Kanesan and Fauzan, 2019). Having good listening skills has helped me commit fewer mistakes with the task I am assigned and it makes me more efficient while I work. EI also helped me to get habits of easily forgiving others which makes me a better individual.

The process to improve and capitalize the EI

There are several processes to improve and capitalize on the EI. First, the individual needed to acknowledge the situation. It is necessary to pay attention to one’s own behavior. The process of improving EI involves taking responsibility, it consists of taking responsibility for an individual’s own feelings and the feelings of others (Hodzic et al. 2018). It is necessary to be empathetic toward other and that not only improve the EI it also improves the health of the surroundings of the individuals. Improvement of the EI brings certainty and confidence in the individuals. The concept of EI not only focuses on the mental health of the individuals but emotions are also related to the physical health of the individual. So, this process emphasizes physical activity too. The process of capitalize EI involves meeting new people. It includes a tough self-assessment and taking inspiration from others. There are many more ways to improve EI, it is a lifetime process.


In conclusion, it can be said that there are several major issues regarding EI to produce incompetence’s among individuals. EI helps one to be a better individual. This is a never-ending process. It can be improved in several effective ways. Most importantly, there is an impact of EI on emotions that can be beneficial for the individual.

References (Assessment Task 1)


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References (Assessment Task 2)


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