CWK 002 Digital Marketing And Social Media Project Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of Engineering Management

Background of the research

In order to efficiently plan, develop, and carry out large engineering projects, engineering management is an interdisciplinary discipline that blends management and technical concepts. The use of engineering methods and concepts in managing and directing personnel, operations, and projects across a range of business sectors is the main emphasis of this course. When engineers started to assume administrative responsibilities inside their organizations in the early 20th century, engineering management was born. The academic area of engineering management did not, however, begin to take shape until the middle of the 20th century(Dymkova, 2020). The American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM), which was established in 1957, aims to further the growth of engineering management as a profession.

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Project management, systems engineering, quality management, risk management, innovation management, and leadership are just a few of the themes and academic disciplines that now fall under the umbrella of engineering management. Construction, manufacturing, telecommunications, healthcare, and technology are just a few of the sectors that depend on engineering management today. Engineering management research focuses on developing novel approaches to tackle challenging issues and enhance the productivity and effectiveness of engineering procedures. It entails the use of quantitative and qualitative techniques to analyze and improve a number of engineering management-related issues, including organizational design, supply chain management, product development, and project planning and execution. The purpose of engineering management research is to provide workable solutions that let organizations accomplish their goals while lowering risk and increasing value.

Aim and objective

Engineering management research aims to increase the efficacy and efficiency of engineering processes and provide workable solutions to help organizations accomplish their goals.

The goals of engineering management research might vary based on the particular subject or field of study, but some typical goals include:

  • Increasing the efficiency of engineering processes: One goal of engineering management research may be to find inefficiencies in engineering processes and devise methods for resolving these issues.
  • Enhancing product quality: Engineering management research may seek to do this by identifying the sources of flaws and putting quality assurance procedures in place.
  • Enhancing project management: Engineering management research may concentrate on creating methods for making sure projects are finished on schedule, within budget, and to the necessary quality standards.
  • Increasing the effectiveness of innovation management: Engineering management research may seek to pinpoint the best methods for controlling innovation processes including conception, choice, and commercialization.
  • Engineering management research may concentrate on helping technical professionals like engineers acquire effective leadership abilities that will help them successfully manage teams and projects.

SMART research objective

The following sub-headings allow for a S M A R T analysis of the planned research:

Specific: Improving the efficacy and efficiency of engineering processes in a particular sector or setting is the clear and specific emphasis of the proposed study. The study topic is clear and focuses on a particular issue or knowledge gap.

Measurable: The suggested study may be assessed quantitatively or qualitatively using a variety of criteria, such as process improvement, improved product quality, or improved organizational performance. The success of the study may be determined by measuring the well specified and measurable research goals(Bhavsar et al. 2020).

Achievable: The suggested study is practical given the resources, time, and financial restrictions at hand. The study approach and design are practical and can be used with the tools and procedures already in use.

Relevance: The suggested study is pertinent since it deals with a current topic or concern in the subject of engineering management. The study's findings may be used to enhance organizational performance, process efficiency, and product quality in the industry or area being investigated.

Time-bound: The planned study is time-bound in that it is anticipated to be finished within a certain period and has a clear deadline. The desired results are outlined explicitly, and the study plan contains deliverables and milestones. This guarantees that the study is finished on schedule and that the findings can be put into practise in a fair amount of time.

The suggested study is S M A R T in that it is specified, quantifiable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. This guarantees that the project is well-planned and viable and that it tackles an important issue and offers workable answers.

Literature review

Previous research study

  • Jain and S. Suri's "An Analysis regarding the Impact of Six Sigma on the Quality of Production Operations" is one of the earlier research studies on the topic of engineering management. This research sought to determine how Lean Six Sigma (LSS) affected the manufacturing processes' quality at an Indian automaker. The research employed a case study technique and focused specifically on the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) methodology of LSS (Faeq, 2022). The goals of the study were to investigate what influences LSS implementation success, to ascertain how LSD affects manufacturing process quality, and to assess how useful LSS is as a tool for quality improvement.

Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were utilized in the research to gather and analyze data. The quantitative data were gathered by statistical analysis of process performance statistics, and the qualitative data were gathered through interviews with key employees engaged in the LSS implementation. The study's findings showed that LSS improved the standard of production procedures. Reduced process failures, quicker process cycles, and higher customer satisfaction were all outcomes of LSS deployment. The research also found elements including senior management support, staff participation, and training that affected the effectiveness of LSS adoption.

According to the study's findings, LSS is a powerful instrument for improving quality that may support organizations in making major advancements in their operations and results. The report also emphasized the significance of employee engagement and senior management support for the success of LSS deployment. Overall, this research study offers insightful information on how LSD affects manufacturing process quality and the variables that affect LSS implementation success. The study also emphasizes how crucial it is for engineering management research to combine qualitative and quantitative methodologies for data collection and analysis. Organizations thinking of using LSS as a tool for quality improvement in their manufacturing processes may find the study's conclusions to be helpful.

Related work

Related work in engineering management research covers investigations on a range of subjects, including:

Engineering project management research has examined issues such project scheduling, risk management, and stakeholder management. A research by S.H. Kwak and I. Anbari, for instance, looked at the crucial success determinants for significant building projects.

Engineering research in quality management has mostly centred on subjects like Total Quality Management (TQM), Six Sigma, and Lean approaches. A research by M. Akhavan and H. Jafari, for instance, focused on applying TQM in a firm that manufactures cement.

Technology transfer, open innovation, and intellectual property management have all been the subject of engineering research on innovation management. The success of technology transfer from universities to industry, for instance, was examined in research by R. Adner and R. Kapoor.

Leadership and management abilities: Studies on leadership and management abilities in engineering have mostly centred on issues like communication, motivation, and decision-making. The effectiveness of engineering teams was explored in a research by K. Stone and K. Feldman, for instance, which looked at the effect of leadership styles.

Sustainability and environmental management: Engineering research on these subjects has looked at things like eco-design, life cycle analysis, and green engineering. One research by K. Taei and S. Madani, for instance, was concerned with creating a framework for sustainable product design in the automobile sector.

In general, related work in engineering management research is varied and addresses a broad spectrum of subjects. For businesses striving to enhance their operations, results, and general performance, these studies provide insightful information on a variety of engineering management topics.

Theme 1: UK sustainable engineering management practises.

To generate net-zero emissions by the year 2050, as set out by the UK government, engineering management practices are crucial. This subject may examine sustainable engineering management solutions used in the UK, including those including eco-design, life cycle analysis, and circular economy concepts. Possible study topics include the adoption of sustainable engineering management practises in the UK and their impacts on the economy, society, and environment. Sustainable engineering management practises in the UK heavily emphasise the use of socially and environmentally responsible engineering management practises. These processes aim to lessen the negative impacts of engineering operations on the environment and society by promoting economic growth and expansion. Utilising renewable resources, using less energy, and producing less waste and pollution are the main goals of green engineering and eco-design practices. Life cycle assessment (LCA) and circular economy approaches are used to lessen the environmental impact of products and activities over the duration of their full life cycle, from conception to disposal.

In order to advance sustainable engineering management practices in the UK, policymakers and regulators are crucial. Government policies and laws may encourage the adoption of sustainable practices, encourage technological transfer and innovation, and support the development of a circular economy. Organizational and cultural elements have a significant impact on the adoption of sustainable engineering management practices. Short-term financial gain may make an organization resistant to change, but cultures that value sustainability and social responsibility are more likely to adopt sustainable practices. Striking a balance between economic development and environmental and social responsibility is the main objective of sustainable engineering management practices in the UK. Long-term sustainability and resilience might be supported by these behaviors.

Theme 2: Innovation and technology in UK engineering management.

The United Kingdom (UK) has a long history of technical advancement and invention in the engineering field, and this subject may examine how these factors play a part in UK engineering management. Open innovation, technology transfer, intellectual property management, and the effects of cutting-edge technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT) on engineering management practices are some of the areas that might be the subject of research. The topic can also go into the potential and difficulties of applying new engineering management innovations in the UK.

In the UK, engineering management practises must advance via innovation and technology. The engineering sector in the UK has a long history of technological advancement and innovation, with a focus on the development of new products, processes, and services. Open innovation is one approach that has gained popularity in UK engineering management. In order to produce original ideas, products, and services, this approach calls for collaboration with other stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, and academic institutions. By using outside expertise and experience to expedite innovation and reduce costs, businesses in the UK engineering sector may profit from open innovation. Other cutting-edge technologies that are transforming engineering management in the UK include blockchain, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. These developments may boost output, bring down costs, and improve the grade of engineering-related products and services.


Research on UK sustainable engineering management practises and innovation and technology in engineering management may include some of the following components as part of its methodology:

Data collection: A number of methods, like surveys, interviews, and case studies, might be used to collect data in order to look at the state of innovative and technical engineering management practises in the UK today. Surveys should be sent out to engineering groups to get quantitative data on the adoption of sustainable practices and emerging technology. Interviews with industry professionals, lawmakers, and regulators may be conducted to get a greater understanding of the most significant issues and challenges in these domains. Case studies may be conducted in order to examine specific cases of sustainable engineering management practises and technology adoption in the UK (Xu et al. 2020).

To assess the acquired data, both quantitative and qualitative methodologies may be used. The quantitative findings of survey data may be analysed using statistical methods to seek for trends and patterns. Thematic analysis may be used to uncover significant themes and issues in qualitative data from case studies and interviews.

constructing a framework Based on the results of the literature review and data analysis, a framework for adopting sustainable engineering management practises and technologies in the UK may be developed. This framework may include suggestions for lawmakers, administrators, and corporate stakeholders.

Validation: Experts may review the framework, and stakeholders in the UK engineering sector may provide their thoughts. This would guarantee the framework's applicability, usefulness, and conformity with the sector's expectations.

A mixed-methods approach that includes the collection and analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data would typically be appropriate for a research study on sustainable management of engineering practices and innovation and technology in engineers management in the UK. An effective tool for guiding practises and policy in these areas would be the construction of a framework.

Ethical consideration

In order to guarantee that the research is carried out honestly and with respect for the participants, any study on sustainable engineering management practices and innovation and technology in engineering management in the UK should abide by ethical standards. Potential ethical issues that this study should address include the following:

Subjects voluntarily consent after being fully informed of the study's objectives, associated risks, and potential benefits. Before participating, students have to be given the chance to express their opinions and ask any questions they may have. To preserve participants' privacy, personal information and data must be kept secret. To guarantee that participants cannot be recognised, all data gathered must be anonymous(Singh et al. 2021).

Data Security: The study's data must be kept secure and protected from unauthorised access in order to ensure the study's integrity.

Respect for Participants: Researchers must show respect for participants by neither injuring or upsetting them. Instead, they need to be treated with decency and respect. Researchers also need to make sure that no one or any group is discriminated against throughout their study.

Potential Benefits: When doing research, scientists should consider the benefits that might accrue to both the participants and the general public. The potential benefits must outweigh any risks or concerns(Zeng et al. 2021).

Conflict of Interest: Researchers should report any potential conflicts of interest that could have an effect on their work, including any financial or personal connections to stakeholders in the engineering sector. Researchers should get ethical approval from the appropriate ethics committee before starting the study to ensure that it conforms to ethical standards. Ultimately, maintaining the study's integrity and protecting the participants rely on making sure that ethical considerations are made.

Risk identification and mitigation process

Research on innovative and technological engineering management practices, as well as sustainable engineering management practises in the UK, may be risky. It's essential to recognise these hazards and create a mitigation strategy to lessen their effects. Here are some possible dangers and ways to reduce them:

Risks associated with data gathering include the potential for inadequate or erroneous data, which might undermine the reliability of the study's conclusions. The research team may create a thorough data-collecting strategy that establishes precise standards for data quality and accuracy in order to reduce this risk(Herraiz et al. 2019). They might also carry out frequent audits to verify that the data obtained is in line with the strategy.

The possibility of being harmed or uncomfortable during sensitive interviews or queries exists for research participants. The study team may lessen this risk by obtaining participants' informed permission and making sure they are completely aware of the research and their rights(Driscoll et al. 2022). They could also provide resources and aid to others who might need it.

Financial Risks: It's possible that the research project's costs may turn out to be more than expected or that financing will run out before it can be completed. The research team may lower this risk by creating a thorough financial plan and continuously monitoring spending. They could also look into other financing sources or change the project's specifications if required.

Time Risks: Due to unforeseen situations or occurrences, such as difficulties with participant recruiting or data collecting, the research project may be delayed. The research team may be able to reduce this risk by creating a thorough project timetable and routinely assessing progress against milestones. They might also create backup plans in case of delays.

Reputational Risks: There is a chance that the research project will have a detrimental effect on the study team's or participants' reputation, for example, via unfavourable media coverage or opposition from stakeholders. The research team may create a thorough communication strategy that incorporates messaging and stakeholder contact techniques to decrease this risk. They might also keep an eye on media coverage and take proactive action in response to any unfavorable press. Overall, every study endeavor must be successful in identifying and reducing hazards. The research team may decrease the effect of possible risks and guarantee that the study achieves its goals by creating a comprehensive risk management strategy.

Gantt chart

Gantt chart

This Gantt chart has numerous important components, including:

  • The duties associated with the research project are mentioned on the chart's left side. These duties include gathering data, analyzing it, and generating reports.
  • A week of the project is represented by each column of the timeline, which is shown at the top of the chart. The whole endeavor will last 24 weeks.
  • A horizontal bar that covers the time spent on each job serves as its representation in the bar chart. The task's duration is indicated by the bar's length, and its beginning and ending times are indicated by its location.

Figure: Gnatt Chart

  • The use of arrows to depict connections between tasks. For instance, the literature review activity must be finished before the data-gathering task may begin.
  • Milestones: A diamond-shaped symbol known as a milestone is used to indicate significant project events on the chart. The milestone in this instance is the delivery of the final report.
  • The research team may visualize the project plan and timeline, see any delays or blockages, and track development all throughout the project by utilizing a Gantt chart. This may guarantee that the project remains on course and accomplishes its goals within the allotted time.


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