Digital Report On Irish Flight Booking Company Ryanair Assignment sample

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Introduction of Digital Report 

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  • Ryanair is an Irish company, responsible for booking flights
  • They have used a digital platform for booking flight tickets
  • Dynamic and responsive web application has been used for digital bookings

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This report focuses on the digital trend of the Irish flight booking company named Ryanair. Main goal of this report is to develop digital platforms by implementing digital marketing strategies and e-Business models (Saura et al. 2019). Many emerging technologies and business strategies are implemented for growing the overall business and performance. This company provides low-cost flight offers and discounts for booking.

2. Identification of E-business model

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  • E-business model is a better approach that helps some organizations or company for developing their business and performance over the internet
  • Four main basic e-business models are used to develop some businesses over the internet
  • B2B, B2C, C2C, and C2B business models are used to reach the aims and objectives of the business

In order to improve the overall business performance, some selective and suitable business models are used. Recently, most industries are using digital platforms for improving their business (Sani et al. 2019). E-business refers to a suitable and strategic approach that leads to overall business growth for the organization.

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  • Proper identification of e-business models is important before implementation in the organization
  • After analyzing many internal and external factors of Ryanair company, a proper business model has been implemented
  • Several challenges and risk factors have been analyzed by this company to implement such a business model

Every company wants to improve their revenue and performance based on many business strategies. It helps the company to increase its decision-making strategy and provides the ability to develop problems solving approaches (Mustaphi, 2020). In order to mitigate the business objectives and goals of the company, several challenges and risk factors are analyzed.

3. E-business concepts and approaches

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  • E-business model is an approach or technique which has been adopted or implemented by many organizations and companies to develop their business over the internet
  • It majorly used information technology and business strategies for improving their overall performance and effectiveness
  • Ryanair company has used B2C model, which refers to business to customer model to improve their customer satisfaction

According to many journals and reports, it has been analyzed that e-business models help companies to improve their overall growth and customer satisfaction (Dash and Chakraborty, 2020). This report focuses on increasing customer satisfaction by providing better web application based technology for dynamic booking at a low cost.

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  • E-business model mainly focus to improve their business in digital platform and growing customer satisfaction
  • It is providing technical support and technical advantages by their suitable and attractive web platform
  • It helps the companies to increase their number of consumers based on suitable e-business models and approaches

B2C business model, which refers to business to customer business model has been implemented by the Ryanair company. This business model is an e-business model that is based on the internet or on a digital platform. It provides flexibility to the consumers of the company for using their web portal easily (El Junusi, 2021). This section mainly deals with the evaluation of the e-business models and their concepts and approaches.

4. Identification of competitive and digital business strategy 

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  • In order to develop overall business, proper business strategy has been implemented
  • Competitive strategy generally aims to gain competitive advantages based on a long term business plan over the competitors of the industry
  • Four types of competitive strategies are used by this company to fix a defensive position among the competitors

Ryanair has implemented four basic competitive strategies to gain a defensive position among all the competitors in the economic market. Such competitive strategies are cost leadership strategy, coast optimization techniques, differentiation strategy, and focus strategy. All these major strategies are based on many factors and challenges of the company. Digital business strategy helps this company for increasing their overall revenue and for increasing their performance based on different aspects of this business plan and market growth.

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  • Business theory or strategy refers to the overall actions of the methods and techniques that are applied in an organization or company to attract more customers, business development, increase revenue, and compete with others
  • Firstly, the organization has analyzed the impacting factors before implementation of some suitable business strategy
  • Differentiation strategy has been used by this company to improve their customer satisfaction

Ryanair has decided to implement a differentiation business strategy that is applicable and effective for improving their customer satisfaction and customer attraction. They have modified their web portal and utilise so many modern web technologies which provide a user-friendly manner to the users. They have modified their overall business portal which is different and modern from other competitors. These business strategies have been used to mitigate the academic issues and problems that have been faced by the company. High oil and fuel princess, overcapacity are the major issues of this company (El Junusi, 2021). This business model and strategy helps this company to mitigate and solve these issues. Due to high customer attraction, high fuel pricing can be managed. This section mainly depicts all these business models and their corresponding strategies that are used to solve the problems. This helps this company for increasing their overall revenue and for increasing their performance based on different aspects of this business plan and market growth.

5. Digital marketing strategies

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  • Ryanair has implemented digital marketing strategies which help the company for overall growth and increase revenue
  • Social media marketing and mobile marketing have been used by this ryanair company to increase their revenue and customer attraction
  • Digital marketing strategy helps the company for attracting more customers and increase their revenue depending on the marketing strategy

Several digital marketing strategies are there to attract customers of some companies. Ryanair has decided to start a social media and mobile marketing strategy which helps them to increase their customers. Social media marketing refers to the increase of their advertisement and popularity with the help of social media (Chi, 2021). As most the people are using social media nowadays, they have decided to implement such marketing strategies to increase their customer attraction. Social media helps them to spread about their fare prices and flight packages. Most of the users are familiar with social media and using the facilities that they have provided by their digital platform. With the help of social media marketing and mobile marketing, they have attracted so many customers. Differentiation business strategy is also applied with this digital marketing strategy to increase their customer interaction and revenue.

6. Discussion of similar web market intelligence platform

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  • Web market intelligence refers to the data or information collection of other similar companies that they have used to grow their business and economy
  • It mainly focuses on other similar companies data or external data that helps them to understand the market growth
  • Web market analysis helps this company to mitigate the challenges and for gaining a position against their competitors on the economic market

Web market intelligence refers to the data analysis of other similar markets they want to enter or some company with whom they want to compete. Many modern data analysis tools are used for understanding similar market analysis. Such analytical tools are Tableau, Microsoft Excel, and some programming languages (Chi, 2021). Ryanair has built their website with some specific programming language that helps them to understand analysis reports easily of the competitors. Python and R programming languages help them to verify data and for data analysis. With the help of these programming languages, they can view the analytical report in their web portal or in their official web application.

7. Analysis of customer traffic data

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  • Customer traffic data refers to the overall information of the customers of the company who are logged in into their web portal
  • Analysis of all these data and information gives the ability to understand the similar market ups and downs
  • Customers are generally attracted to many offers and discounts based on specific features and characteristics

In order to understand and analyze all information and they gathered data of other companies. This web portal helps the company to understand and analyze other similar web portals of other companies (Dash and Chakraborty, 2020). Customer traffic data helps to fix a defensive position among other competitors. This helps this company for increasing their overall revenue and for increasing their performance based on different aspects of this business plan and market growth.

8. Identification of e-CRM and social network channel

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  • CRM refers to customer relationship management
  • e-CRM states that customer relationship management based on electronic and internet
  • It helps to manage and maintain all forms of relationship between the customers and the companies

CRM refers to the customer relationship management of the organization or the company. It mainly uses information technology based techniques for managing and maintaining all the issues and challenges that the organization has faced (Mustaphi, 2020). It helps the company to mitigate the challenges and to solve the issues with the help of customer support and relationships. CRM helps this company for increasing their overall revenue and for increasing their performance based on different aspects of this business plan and market growth.

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  • Social network channel have been analyzed to understand the proper sentiments and market trends
  • Social media helps to understand the likes and dislikes based on many observation that is done by the social network channel analysis
  • With the help of social network channel analysis, Ryanair company has suggested to increase the capacity and decrease the costs to increase customers and revenue

In order to manage and maintain the customer support and services, and market initiatives several social networking channels have been done by this ryanair organization. Based on the analysis report, the ryanair company has adopted some suitable business strategy and business model that helps to increase the business performance (Sani et al. 2019). All these represent the clearity and the cohesions of the findings based on several data analysis reports. All these reports are the main reason for improving the overall business performance of Ryanair.

9. Identification of cyber security measures

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  • Cyber security helps the ryanair company for providing security to the customer’s informations
  • Cyber security generally uses so many encryption and decryption algorithms to keep data privacy
  • It provides data confidentiality, authenticity, and data integrity

Cybersecurity is the major trend among information technology recently. In order to keep data private, most of the companies use high profile and experienced cyber security experts to do that. In the field of networking, several third party users are using user’s personal information for many reasons. As a result, the customers are feared for trusting their company based on their data security. Companies should take the responsibility to keep their personal information private and secured. Ryanair has used some selected and applicable encryption and decryption algorithms for data protection (Saura et al. 2019). Advanced encryption standard algorithm is used for data encryption, and diffie Helman key exchange algorithm is used for sharing the keys for decrypting the messages, which the sender or the users have been sent. Data confidentiality and integrity is the major concern about the customer’s personal information. In order to keep users' personal information private and secure, these encryption algorithms are important and useful for the company.

10. Conclusion

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  • This report focuses on the overall description of the digital trends and marketing strategies that have been applied in the Ryanair company
  • Several aspects about the business plans and marketing strategies are discussed properly in this report
  • Several cyber security concerns have been implemented to increase their overall performance and growth

All these major parts and the points that are discussed in this report are very useful for the Ryanair company to understand the overall market trends and effectiveness. This helps the company to apply some selected and most suitable marketing strategy that helps this company to improve and increase their customer attraction. Based on all these digital marketing strategies and business plan, several aspects about the ryanair company have been implemented and supported by this company for improving their overall performance and marketing growth.



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