Individual Essay: Topic 2 Assignment Sample

Explore the critical importance of working independently, its benefits, and challenges in the business world.

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Individual Essay: Topic 2

Introduction Of Importance of Independent Work in Business

“Working independently” is the ability to perform the assigned task self-sufficiently with little or no supervision enabling one to set personal goals and acquire personal empowerment. Working solely helps in increasing the decision-making ability process and eliminates interpersonal conflicts. Apart from this, it fosters productivity and higher job satisfaction among the employees. The essay critically discusses the importance of the ability to perform independently as the most important skill in the business world.

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Importance of working independently

The importance of “working independently” allows access to all the responsibilities successiveness and execution of the tasks to one individual. Based on the research work of Apriana et al. (2019), independent working is one of the prominent factors that help in becoming a leader and successfully building a collaborative team. Learning from the strengths and weakness helps in developing self-discipline and state commitment to the tasks and their completion within the stipulated time period. There is various set of skills that one individual can learn over time and grow thorough knowledge and thinking power like managing and dealing with tasks individually and without any interference.

Based on the ideology of Joiner (2019), lone working mostly enables individuals to set their own scheduled timing and patterns that are best suitable for self-productivity and competency. The aspect is comparably difficult for one in case they are engaged in the group task and assignment. The flexibility in the working pattern and schedule is great for the satisfaction of the jobs and organizational experience. Apart from all these factors the individuality aspect of working performance massively contributes to job satisfaction.

The capability to work independently is one of the imperative skills in business

As individuals one needs to adopt different preferences and choices regarding how to begin and execute the task. Based on the references of Varadarajan (2020), individual capability to work helps in selecting assigning, correcting, and supervising the tasks by themselves. It helps in selecting clients based on individual potentiality and ability to retain their trust and quality aspect. As a sole learner, an individual can learn self-discipline which is the ability to control self actionable form remaining unaffected by the external and internal environment.

An Independent working ambiance helps in becoming a proficient learner with experimentation and less conflict within the group as compared to team collaboration. The traditional form of working with team members allows the splitting of the task and divides the responsibilities among the members. This needs perfect communication that might be slightly different from the difference in opinions, thinking processes, and many more. However, sole working allows less communication and finishing the tasks based on one’s best potential knowledge and empowerment. Based on the views of Khosa (2019), working by you increases the accumulation of energy to be focused and devoted to one task rather than meditation with colleagues.

Independents assigners are responsible to dig out the details and specifications of the tasks from start to end. As opined by Succi and Canovi (2020), it helps in becoming leaders and strategic decision-makers for self-work and making its implementation for future growth. Creativity and experiments are at the forefront of the sole and independent workers. Working by self helps in tackling the challenges and issues with self-awareness and solutions derived out of less support and concern. This is one form of the upshot of working without dependence that helps in learning from one’s own series of successes and mistakes (Bowen, 2020). Individuals are exposed to highly motivated and stronger versions of themselves with responsibilities and are in charge of their performance independently.

Merits of working individually

The primary advantage that one gains while working individually is that one can get their own pace and timings which is the largest form of attraction while being the sole partner and able to manage one’s own time. Based on the views of Zeithaml et al. (2020), structurization and contemplating jobs help stakeholders to manage the tasks and resources with less conflict and more responsibility from the initiation phase.

The hassle of managing teams is reduced as handling the team is not an easy task to accomplish it requires a hefty amount of devotion. Thus, the absence in the management of the tasks helps in focusing on one’s own task and easily manages to bring equilibrium in professional and personal upfront.

It helps in developing skills and learning knowledgeable things through positive choices and increases the time management scalability of the individuals at a greater pace (Vod? and Florea, 2019). There are fewer distractions that are the product of general workplace hubbub, office politics, and many more. Self-independence helps in practicing self-accountability for the mistakes committed and growing day to day with that. The minimization of the other forms of distractions that is present in the workplace and making necessary improvements individually.

Demerits of working independently

There are many negative remarks about working individually and not relying on others for any sort of professional work. Based on the ideology of Cook (2020), it increases the responsibility on the shoulders of one individual that could have been lowered with split allocations. There comes a constraint and limitation on growth with fewer exchanges of views and opinions in the sole working pattern.

Each individual is not competent in managing the tasks with effective management skills and efficiency. Thus in case of less communication and dependency on others in such a workplace can create a mental burden on individuals. Completing task with communication helps in facing the challenges, overcoming them, and tackling them proficiently. Feedback is one of the essential requirements that aid in the development and brushing up time to time skills (Rebele and Pierre, 2019). Thus, the lack of absence of feedback engrossed can create a border in self-growth and the ability to make it up to the mark.


The entire conclusion has been determined based on the importance and adaptability of working independently and without relying on others. Learning new and adaptive things helps in encouraging creativity and innovation criteria of the individuals to higher end making a higher reflection in the forthcoming time period. The discussion of the ability of the individual assignment and its handling along with the few merits and demerits has been vividly described within the essay. The critical analysis is helpful in minimizing the challenges and operational inefficiencies of the individuals and learning new skills.


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