International Business Environment Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of International Business Environment Assignment

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The International Business Environment is multifaceted, encompassing the political hazards, cultural barriers, currency concerns, legal and tax problems. International Business Environment (IBE) thus encompasses political, administrative, fiscal, economic and environmental, legal and technical settings. The setting in which multinational firms operate is a global business setting. There are numerous distinctions with it (Hrechyshkina and Samakhavets, 2019). Thus, the variables making an international business environment are obligatory for individuals at the management level to deal with. In this aspect, in the case of Unilever, the organisation proficiently developed its business in order to extensively develop its market value in the international platform.

Analysis of How the Organisation has responded to Globalisation

Unilever is frequently referred to now as one of the largest global enterprises. However, its numerous international organisations are not the result of a purposeful attempt to be identified as a transnational organisation. When Unilever was formed in 1930, it manufactured a wide range of other customer goods in various countries, including soap, processed food and other products. Since then, the firm has grown largely via a process of Darwinian retention and refusal of what has been used, that is to say via real practice, as an organisation that reacts to the marketplace (Walter, 2021). However, Unilever has in the fundamental sense become a multinational enterprise irrespective of the procedure: The organisational leadership team of Unilever believes both globally and act locally. The very structure of the goods necessitates close closeness to local marketplaces; economies of scale explain a lot of divisions in specific roles, and it is a much-desired way of transmitting data throughout the business to advantage from everybody's inventiveness and expertise.

All these elements have led to the current system: a matrix of individual executives worldwide, who, nevertheless, have shared knowledge and vision of company strategy. Major product groupings in Europe and North America are important for earnings at Unilever and other geographic organisations. Even in Albania and Cambodia, even in nations where Unilever doesn't have its own industrial activities, some of its brands, like Lipton Tea and Lux Soap, are recognised. They are functioning in one or more operational firms in each of around 75 nations with a total of around 500 undertakings in the Unilever Group (Cramer, 2017). "Thinking transnationally," in this situation, indicates an informal sort of international collaboration between autonomous entities.

Analysis of the Global Business Environment Concerning with Global COVID-19 Pandemic

With a worrying rate of infection and economic activity, the COVID-19 pandemic has become almost unstoppable as governments have put severe restrictions on mobility to stop the spread of the virus. With growing health and human impact, economic harm is already apparent and constitutes the world's worst financial crisis in years.The Global Economic Prospects for June 2020 outline both the current and the short-run forecast for the consequences of the epidemic and the long-term damage to the financial outlook. The basic projection envisages a 5% loss of global GDP by 2020 using market currency weights, the world's greatest recession in decades, while administrations have made exceptional efforts to tackle the slump with assistance for budgetary and regulatory policies (Amankwah-Amoah, Khan and Wood, 2021). Due to lowers expenditure, degradation of the human capital via losses of jobs and education, the dispersion in global commerce and supply, the profound recessions caused by the outbreak are likely to leave enduring scars.

The issue emphasises the necessity for urgently needed measures to mitigate the health and economic impacts of the pandemic, safeguard the vulnerable people and pave the way for a sustainable recovery. For emergent and underdeveloped nations, many facing severe vulnerability, strengthening public health systems, meeting the difficulties of informal economy and implementing changes that promote robust and sustainable growth as the health problem slows down, are important.This attitude can, nevertheless, be hopeful (Baroukiet al., 2021). If the outbreaks of COVID-19 continue, mobility restrictions are expanded or replicated, or consumer spending interruptions are protracted, the downturn may be worse. Corporations may find it difficult to service debt, increased risk aversions might lead to higher borrowing rates and bankruptcy and foreclosures in several nations could trigger financial crises. According to this scenario, global economic growth in 2020 might decline by about 8%.

The June 2020 Global Economic Prospects go beyond the immediate perspective to what might have the severe global recession's lasting effects: the potential production outputs as a result of full capacity and full employment and labour productivity a country can reach. The effort of containing COVID-19 might lead to deepening and lengthier recession in emerging and developing economies particularly low-income nations with inadequate capacity for healthcare worsening a decade-long tendency to reduce prospective development and economic development (Saadat, Rawtani and Hussain, 2020). Until this catastrophe, many developing and emerging nations experienced slower development; the COVID-19 surprise renders the problems these nations confront more difficult.

Evaluation of How the Organisation has Provided Consideration to transform in the Global Consumer Retail Industry

In view of the fascinating investigation into how effectively to serve customers, we clearly had to do things regarding how they got to retail. It helps their brands harness excellent Omni channels strategy and deliver them to retail outlets across the world as part of "Unilever's Global Retail Development Team" here in the Netherlands. The organising team and management construct and run landmark shops, pop up events, fixed shops, kiosks and compact structures meant to capture people worldwide throughout numerous brands from Unilever (Hole, Pawar and Khedkar, 2019). The main task is to translate the design into real physical thoughts while combining technological advancement and valuable technology. This entails selecting the proper sources of manufacture and installation in each region to ensure that every operation is achievable at a particular time and cost. They also focus on a systemic and modular strategy to implementing shops in Unilever efficiently.


In this way, by effectively considering the entire study, it becomes evident that during the organisational business operation of Unilever throughout the world, the organisation has prominently transformed its business process and the business globalisation method in order to efficiently operate its organisational business in the international market. Due to this, the organisation moreover has been able to significantly change the supply chain management system to get high-quality service to deliver effective products to the consumers throughout the world. This also helps the organisation to maintain consistency within their organisational profitability even during this outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.


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Cramer, J., 2017. Corporate Social Responsibility and Globalisation: an action plan for business. Routledge.

Hole, Y., Pawar, M.S. and Khedkar, E.B., 2019, November. Omni Channel Retailing: An Opportunity and Challenges in the Indian Market. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1362, No. 1, p. 012121). IOP Publishing.

Hrechyshkina, O. and Samakhavets, M., 2019.Foreign trade of the Republic of Belarus in the international business environment.

Saadat, S., Rawtani, D. and Hussain, C.M., 2020.Environmental perspective of COVID-19. Science of the Total environment728, p.138870.

Walter, S., 2021.The backlash against globalization. Annual Review of Political Science24, pp.421-442.

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