International Logistics and Supply Chain Assignment Sample

Exploring the Principles and Importance of Global Supply Chains

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Introduction of International Logistics and Supply Chain Assignment

Logistics is articulated as the services, activities necessary for managing the physical movement of goods from their origin to destination. It is associated with the channels of transaction, distribution channel and there should be adequate supply of logistics services. With the emergence of globalisation in world trade, international logistics is gaining much importance (Delautre, 2019). Due to high competition the firms are required to gather sound knowledge of global trade and it is necessary to frame their business activities on a global scale. The international logistics are significant enough to attain the marketing and objectives of a business.

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International Logistics and Supply Chain


Literature Strategy of Global Supply Chain

Global pandemics have disrupted the entire supply chain system of the world. The global shocks have hindered the system of global supply chains. In order to minimise the shocks from pandemic, extreme war condition and war the the Government of the United States and eighteen partner countries released a joint statement on Cooperation on Global Supply Chains which has stated the strengthen the process of supply chain. They are working hard and with effort to reduce disruptions and build long term resilience. It is a global challenge where they are intending to approach it cooperatively. The eighteen partner economies that are working together are “United Kingdom, Brazil, Canada, costa Rica, the Democratic Republic of The Congo, the European Union, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Spain, the United Kingdom, and United States”. The economies are working collaboratively to address the crisis response and make the supply chains stronger. They are making sure that their approach is effective and reaches those who are in need. They are aiming to abide by the main principles of the global chain.

Transparency as one of the principle of global chain

According to the view of Gardner et al (2019), they are intended to promote transparency while consulting with the private firms and various levels of government and other stakeholders and remain steady with domestic laws and regulations of the participants. They are intending to upgrade the information sharing and extend the mutual methods and early cautionary systems. They are intending to undertake cooperation with the domestic laws of the participants (Martin, 2022). They are taking utmost care to safeguard the non-public information and the important information which is required to protect the essential security interests.

As per Centobelli et al., (2022)Transparency is the most effective way to gain trust among the suppliers , companies and customers as the transparent supply cushion projects the image of business which is honest and it could hold the practices and they are trustworthy. The supply chain transparency will need factually based information which is expected to be believed just on the abscess of faith. The customers are not well prepared to provide a brand the importance unless they give them benefit.

Diversification as one of the principles of global chain

In the opinion of Centobelli et al (2021) The committee is aimed to foster diversification and enhance the world-wide capacities for various dependable and maintainable sources of elements and inputs and intermediate goods. It will enhance the resilience of supply chains to make the economies less vulnerable. They are investigating more opportunities to promote public and private investment to provide priority and support partnerships and investments for access. They are approaching the development of economically and environmentally sustainable sourced materials. As per the opinion of Joint Statement (2022), they are promoting the association of small and medium sized businesses by prioritising the supply chains. They are focusing on adopting digital technologies which would facilitate the micro small and medium sized business. In order to upgrade the principles of equity and inclusion they are striving to make sure that investments are developed within a level of communities and they are remaining consistent with the domestic laws if Participants and abiding by the international obligations.

As per the view of Althaf and Babbitt (2021), they are working collaboratively to foster predictability , openness and the non discrimination in economic relations. They are aiming to reinforce and incorporate long standing, rule based financial partnerships and the relationship of supply chain. Incorporating diverse suppliers and vendors it would bring the financial benefits necessary to companies. The companies who participate in long- term diversity generate more than 130% greater return on investment than the traditional suppliers. It will help to enhance profits and improve communities and develop new customers and strategic partnerships. The companies who are promoting diversification supply chain strategies are resilient to the market changes and address the changes faster. These types of companies are responding to the customers needs and requirements (Baldwin and Freeman, 2022). It will push equality and opportunity and include procurement for business priority.

Security as a factor of global chain

In the view of Joint Statement (2022), in order to foster supply chain security they are intended to intensify the consultation to recognise and address the risks happening from the supply chain dependencies and the various vulnerabilities in serious infrastructure (Al et al., 2021). They are focused to work together to identify the mutual vulnerabilities and execute tasks to mitigate corruption present in the supply chain security. It will assist to comprehend the matter properly and manage the security to the supply chains (Shiquan and Deyi, 2022).

Sustainability as a factor of global chain

In the view of Maurice (2022) they are focused to promote global sustainability and responsible business across the global supply chains. It will frame the multilateral environmental agreement to include the “United Nations framework Convention on Climate Change” and the “Paris Agreement”. They are encouraging the integration of responsible business practices and identifying the significance of incorporating the various responsibilities under international labor conventions by the respective countries among the entire value chains (Dev et al., 2020). It will uphold the basic human rights and intent to mitigate the forced labour in the supply chain system. They are aiming to integrate and support the fair and sustainable trade of products and they are consistent with the domestic laws (Joint Statement, 2022).

Ranking of sources



“Principles for Global Supply chain (2021) Chair's statement on Principles for Supply Chain Resilience, The White House. The United States Government. Available at: (Accessed: December 26, 2022)”

It is published by white House government of the United Kingdom. It is a much reliable source and states how the four principles are necessary to guide the global supply chains. These principles are incorporated to improve the situations of supply chains and enhance efficiency.

“Joint Statement (2022) Joint statement on cooperation on global supply chains - united states department of state, U.S. Department of State. U.S. Department of State. Available at: (Accessed: December 26, 2022)”

It is another reliable source which is published by the US government which outlines the four guiding principles of global supply chains. It states how the principles are significant for carrying out the supply chain activities in this competitive world

“Delautre, G., 2019. Decent work in global supply chains: An internal research review. Geneva: International Labour Office”

It is also a reliable source as it has been published from International Labour Organisation which states how the global economy is heavily impacted by global supply chains.

“Maurice, L.C.S., 2022. Corporate Social Responsibility: The Co-Responsibility of Business along Global Supply Chains. Springer Nature”.

It is a reliable source which clarifies the concept of sustainability in the context of global supply chains.

“Centobelli, P., Cerchione, R., Del Vecchio, P., Oropallo, E. and Secundo, G., 2022. Blockchain technology for bridging trust, traceability and transparency in circular supply chain. Information & Management, 59(7), p.103508”.

It is important source where it has reflected how local and global pressures by the government and consumers to obtain sustainability and inspire the researchers to examine technological innovation can provide effective environmental performance.


Importance of global supply chains and how it has benefitted United Kingdom

The principles of supply chain are based on mutual understanding, trust and various common interests and shared values of the supply chain. It will help to reduce the various inherent risks while sourcing the raw materials and selling products (Khanfar et al., 2021)

The Joint statement on Cooperation has helped to recover the supply chains from the unprecedented shocks of pandemics. It has further assisted to incorporate product innovation strategies and integrated logistics and supply chain. It will help the company to adjust dynamically to the rising inflation (Principles for Global Supply chain, 2021).

There is customer spending and they are responsible for taking charge of managing the inventories. Any unnecessary trade restrictions are avoided and there should be more interconnectedness. If there is enough sustainable and resilient supply chain we would work in partnerships. The nations will be more resilient to the global supply chain which is necessary for economic development. The improvement of transparency will help to eliminate the shocks of the supply chain to comprehend their own vulnerabilities. Transparency of supply chains means the raw materials should be sourced sustainably (Principles for Global Supply chain, 2021). It would promote awareness of risks and it has recognised the shortages in the supply chains issues of the United Kingdom. The openness to communication would promote a faster response to different kinds of disruptions to supply chains. Transparency has allowed customers of the United Kingdom to make informed and effective purchasing decisions. The business has successfully catered to the needs and demands of customers. It is a necessary condition for a sustainable supply chain management.

At the governmental level of the United Kingdom transparency has contributed to share deep and sound knowledge of supply chain challenges. By incorporating the supply chain transparency the government of the United Kingdom has provided compatible standards and information sharing to recognise the various transparency measures and work collaboratively with the private sectors. It will emphasise on the significance of transparency associated with the measures of government to further strengthen the resilience of the supply chain.

It has further helped the United Kingdom to work together and promote resilience. It has incorporated much shared prosperity and avoided any type of unnecessary trade restrictions and maintained free flow of goods and services. The country identified that diversity of supply has incorporated an effective global market palace where each of us has a role to play a shared benefit. The diverse global suppliers are not attributed to promote resilience but they foster connectivity. The United Kingdom has stated that security should be provided with high prioritisation particularly in supply chain technology. It would address the vulnerabilities of security which would prevent any kind of disruptions which would interfere with any kind of critical system. It is necessary to take into consideration inefficient delivery, schedules and unauthorised products. The government of the United Kingdom has worked with the industry to comprehend better and handle the security risks in a better way. It would help to meet the global sustainability goals (Shayganmehr et al., 2021). The United Kingdom has created fair and effective labour conditions so that the workers could work sustainability within the workplaces. The country has followed the principle of sustainability and obtained far better results. The country has incorporated business practices with the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and international guidelines. The country has invested in climate and environmental sustainability and has developed a clean supply chain and in extreme conditions they are having the reliance of the economies on nature.

By following the guiding principles the countries have expressed their willingness to extend the efforts about the systematic supply chain challenges so that they could work collaboratively to identify them. It has improved the transparency of the raw materials and good policy is the driver of supply chain disruptions (Park and Li, 2021). The partners are helping to promote secure and resilient supply chains and it has further discussed working collaboratively and identifying the supply chain challenges.

The various types of issues that United Kingdom have faced and combat against are

  • Enhancing the information and the transparency: The country has shared their willingness to share the information about the necessary and emerging systematic supply chain issues both bilaterally and multilaterally. It will attempt to share the best practice to identify port congestion and existing disruptions in the supply cushions. It will be undertaken to remain consistent with the principles of the market.
  • Sustainable development: The countries have communicated to expand cooperation, information sharing and they should access responsibly to support the sustainable manufacture and trading of products and services. The UK would trade effectively to fight against climate change and other sustainable goals.
  • Supply security: The United Kingdom has expressed the willingness to make effective communications with each other to identify the potential lack and cooperatively to mitigate the various issues by maintaining the open markets. The United Kingdom has securely supplied the medicines during the global pandemic by following the principle of security.

Each and every country has shared these four principles and the various non organisations to improve the efficiency of the supply chain issues. It has helped the countries to deliver effective services to the customers and improve their resilience (Delautre, 2019). They want to improve information exchange and expand the use of shared strategies and early warning systems. They seek to cooperate with the participants' domestic legal systems. They are taking every precaution to secure the sensitive information that is necessary to safeguard the vital security interests.Diverse international suppliers are said to create connection rather than resilience. Security should be given first priority, according to the United Kingdom, especially when it comes to supply chain technology. In order to prevent any form of disturbances or interference with any type of crucial system, it would address security's flaws.


Gardner, T.A., Benzie, M., Börner, J., Dawkins, E., Fick, S., Garrett, R., Godar, J., Grimard, A., Lake, S., Larsen, R.K. and Mardas, N., 2019. Transparency and sustainability in global commodity supply chains. World Development, 121, pp.163-177.

Shayganmehr, M., Kumar, A., Luthra, S. and Garza-Reyes, J.A., 2021. A framework for assessing sustainability in multi-tier supply chains using empirical evidence and fuzzy expert system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 317, p.128302.

Martin-Ortega, O., 2022. Transparency and human rights in global supply chains: from corporate-led disclosure to a right to know. In the Research Handbook on Global Governance, Business and Human Rights. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Centobelli, P., Cerchione, R., Del Vecchio, P., Oropallo, E. and Secundo, G., 2022. Blockchain technology for bridging trust, traceability and transparency in circular supply chain. Information & Management, 59(7), p.103508.

Maurice, L.C.S., 2022. Corporate Social Responsibility: The Co-Responsibility of Business along Global Supply Chains. Springer Nature.

Althaf, S. and Babbitt, C.W., 2021. Disruption risks to material supply chains in the electronics sector. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 167, p.105248.

Baldwin, R. and Freeman, R., 2022. Risks and global supply chains: What we know and what we need to know. Annual Review of Economics, 14, pp.153-180.

Al-Farsi, S., Rathore, M.M. and Bakiras, S., 2021. Security of blockchain-based supply chain management systems: challenges and opportunities. Applied Sciences, 11(12), p.5585.

Dev, N.K., Shankar, R. and Qaiser, F.H., 2020. Industry 4.0 and circular economy: Operational excellence for sustainable reverse supply chain performance. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 153, p.104583

Khanfar, A.A., Iranmanesh, M., Ghobakhloo, M., Senali, M.G. and Fathi, M., 2021. Applications of blockchain technology in sustainable manufacturing and supply chain management: A systematic review. Sustainability, 13(14), p.7870.

Centobelli, P., Cerchione, R., Esposito, E. and Passaro, R., 2021. Determinants of the transition towards circular economy in SMEs: A sustainable supply chain management perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, 242, p.108297.

Delautre, G., 2019. Decent work in global supply chains: An internal research review. Geneva: International Labour Office.

Park, A. and Li, H., 2021. The effect of blockchain technology on supply chain sustainability performances. Sustainability, 13(4), p.1726.

Shiquan, D. and Deyi, X., 2022. The security of critical mineral supply chains. Mineral Economics, pp.1-12.

Zavala-Alcívar, A., Verdecho, M.J. and Alfaro-Saiz, J.J., 2020. A conceptual framework to manage resilience and increase sustainability in the supply chain. Sustainability, 12(16), p.6300.

Principles for Global Supply chain (2021) Chair's statement on Principles for Supply Chain Resilience, The White House. The United States Government. Available at: (Accessed: December 26, 2022).

Joint Statement (2022) Joint statement on cooperation on global supply chains - united states department of state, U.S. Department of State. U.S. Department of State. Available at: (Accessed: December 26, 2022).

Baldwin, R. and Freeman, R., 2022. Risks and global supply chains: What we know and what we need to know. Annual Review of Economics, 14, pp.153-180.

Al-Farsi, S., Rathore, M.M. and Bakiras, S., 2021. Security of blockchain-based supply chain management systems: challenges and opportunities. Applied Sciences, 11(12), p.5585.

Dev, N.K., Shankar, R. and Qaiser, F.H., 2020. Industry 4.0 and circular economy: Operational excellence for sustainable reverse supply chain performance. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 153, p.104583.

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