Leadership and Professional Development Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of Leadership and Professional Development Assignment

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Leaders are critical for all areas of business in a company, particularly since management and leadership are inextricably linked. When workers in a company seek positions of leadership, they may be unsure about the best course of action (McKeever, 2021). This is really the point at which leadership development programs become critical. The essay discusses the purpose and value of leadership development with relevant leadership theories and models. Leadership development focuses on continuous improvement, equips firms to acknowledge talent pipeline shortages, and helps ease the hassles and expenses associated with turnover.

Leadership abilities seek, hire, and promote exceptional people. Without excellent leadership skills, a supervisor will have trouble recruiting and keeping high-performing employees. Moreover, it is typically far less expensive in the long run to develop, coach, and promote people within than to hire someone from outside, considering leadership development a smart investment (Westerberg and Tafvelin, 2014). (Westerberg and Tafvelin, 2014). Effective leadership enhances an individual's capacity to guide in such a disruptive environment. Agility is strengthened when businesses go beyond educating top executives and high potentials to harness the value of their personnel pools. Leadership qualities may be developed very quickly, especially via efforts that expose people to real-world circumstances.A successful leadership curriculum must include activities that promote staff learning and development. Feedback is a crucial part of any skill development course. Thus, one must encourage participants to provide feedback, since this may assist them in recognizing their own strengths and shortcomings.

Critical analysis of a range of leadership theories, models and evaluation of their effectiveness

There are many prominent leadership theories with innovative styles and approaches, and all of these leadership theories are constantly expanding to meet contemporary needs (Watkins, 1986). All of these leadership styles contribute to establishing a framework for embracing the observation of leadership.

Great Man Theory

“The great man theory is a nineteenth-century idea” that history can indeed be primarily described by the impact of great men, or legends; highly influential and unique individual people who seem to have a decisive historical effect due to its natural attributes such as towering intelligence, heroic courage, incredible leadership abilities, or divine inspiration. In a nutshell, the Great Man Theory of leadership stipulates that some individuals are predestined to lead (Mouton, 2019). No one could be turned into a great leader since leadership skills are inherent. Charisma, knowledge, political acumen, and knowledge are just a few of the natural characteristics of a great leader. According to Carlyle's Great Man Theory of Leadership, the class or kind of Hero is unimportant since a really Great Man would adopt any form of Hero he or she chooses(Spector, 2016). The class they are classified in is determined by many factors, surrounds, and environments at the moment of birth all through their life. Because Great Men are really destined to be become great leaders, they will assume any convenient form in order to establish their leading position. Whatever form they take, they all contain great characteristics in terms of lyricism, leadership, and inspiration, to name a few.

As a result, the theory is based on two fundamental assumptions:


Individuals with inherent leadership skills are adequate to wield control on others. Nobody can strive being a leader and attain greatness. “Mahatma Gandhi”, for instance, skillfully led people via nonviolent resistance due to his charisma and tact.


Whenever individuals respond to crucial circumstances, they evolve into leaders. The figureheads of the “Indian Independence Movement” are instances of the “Great Man Theory” (Mouton, 2019). Various leaders, from Lala Lajpat Rai to Annie Besant, fought for the country's cause.

The transformational theory or relationship theory

“James V. Downton” coined the term “transformational leadership” in 1973, and “James Burns” built on it in 1978. “Bernard M. Bass”, a scholar from 1985, took the idea further by providing metrics for assessing transformational leadership effectiveness (Kwan, 2020). This approach encourages leaders to exhibit genuine, powerful leadership in the expectation that workers will follow the lead. The transformational leadership approach encompasses a more nuanced examination of leadership qualities than past theories of leadership (Nawaz and Khan, 2016). Transformational leadership has far-reaching consequences. In a transformational leadership style, the leader simply understands the viewpoint of individual team members and encourages and motivates them appropriately. The transformational leadership style empowers the successful leader and his workforce to work together to accomplish the company's common goals and objectives (Salihu, 2019). Transformational leaders are incredibly worried with the well-being of their team members and are aware of the importance of recognition and successes.

Transformational leaders provide more possibilities for advancement to team members who seem to be exceptionally motivated and more dedicated to the leader’s purpose and to accomplishing the executive objectives. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy to leadership. Nevertheless, it is critical to acknowledge the diversity of leadership concepts, models, theories, approaches, and attitudes (Wong et al., 2019). One thing that all theories and styles of leadership have in common is that they really place a high value on connection and connection between the leader and his members of the team. The transactions are advantageous to the business organizations’ team members and to external customers, another company, and major suppliers. According to studies, the effectiveness of a leadership style may be improved by concentrating on attitudes and behaviors and seeking the application of specific actions with potential, reaction, and implementation.

Critical View of Transformational Leadership

The primary criticism leveled against transformative leadership is that it has increased authority to exploit power and authority. Through powerful emotional discussions, leaders motivate team members in this leadership style, regardless of their impact on team members. Certain leaders have an uncontrollable need to inspire their team members. Furthermore, studies note that transformative leaders are change agents, and they are frequently exploited in order to gain control (Metcalf, and Benn, 2013). Indeed, team members are superfluous in terms of demonstrating their commitment to their leaders, and they are excessively linked with their leaders. And this may quickly lead to tyranny under this kind of leadership.

The notion of trait theory

The trait theory of leadership is often referred to as the “one best method” perspective on leadership. According to trait leadership theory, effective leaders possess a set of personal characteristics that contribute to their capacity to unite others behind a shared goal. These qualities include facets of the individual’s personality and motives, a set of knowledge and competencies, and interpersonal conduct. The characteristic perspective is consistent with the roots of leadership ideas. According to this perspective, a person must possess specific personal qualities in order to be successful. According to proponents of the notion, leaders are mentally more adjusted, allowing them to exercise sound judgment and participate in social activities.

They seek further information, provide additional information, and take the initiative in analysing or summarising a situation. The majority of traits theories assert that leadership characteristics are inherited or inborn and cannot be learned via education. Numerous scholars have expressed their opinions on the traits that are deemed necessary for good leadership (Matthews, 2018). The trait theory conceives in itself the domains of the physical, psychological, moral, educational, technological, and experiential arena.

 According to trait theory of leadership, effective leaders possess a set of personal characteristics that contribute to their ability to organise others behind a common purpose. These qualities include facets of the individual’s personality and motives, a collection of abilities and talents, and interpersonal behaviour. Using traits to describe successful leadership takes both innate and acquired characteristics into account. Additionally, this approach has been utilised to differentiate leaders from followers. Recognizing the relevance of these qualities enables businesses to make more informed decisions about leader selection, training, and development.

Effectiveness of trait theory

The trait theory of leadership is focused with identifying different personality characteristics and attributes that are related with effective leadership across a wide range of contexts and situations. It is relevant to persons at all degrees and in a wide range of different types of businesses. Managers may utilise the information gained from the theory to assess their own position within the organisation and decide how their position could be enhanced further. They can get a complete understanding of their own identities as well as the influence they have on others in the organisation. This concept informs managers about their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as how to enhance their own leadership talents and abilities.

The following are some of the advantages of trait theories:

  1. It imparts a thorough knowledge and comprehension of the leader's component in the leadership process.
  2. It provides valuable insight into leadership.
  3. It acts as a benchmark against which an individual's leadership characteristics may be evaluated.
  4. It is legitimate, as much study has confirmed the theory's foundation and premise (Prentice et al., 2019).
  5. The merits of trait theories stem from the capacity to classify observed behaviours and their application of objective criteria.
  6. While numerous distinct trait theorists developed their ideas separately, they frequently arrived at a comparable collection of qualities through component analysis.

Another consequence of trait theory would be that trait theory affect an individual's suitability for a specific activity or profession. And also, the trait theory indicates that awareness of one's own personal qualities may aid in success in any Endeavour since it enables one to make judgments consistent with one's traits.

Behavioural Theories

Leadership is one of the key aspects that allows and integrates an organization to reach its pre-determined goals appropriately. According to behavioural leadership theory, a leader's performance is measured by his or her conduct, rather than by their inherent qualities. Leaders' attitudes and behaviours are observed and evaluated while they are reacting to a given circumstance. It is based on the premise that leaders are created, not born (Harrison,2017). Experts argue that anybody can acquire and adopt certain leadership skills. There are a number of domains where the behavioural leadership theory is particularly applicable. It is possible to evaluate any professional leader as per the behavioural leadership theory.All leaders, according to this notion, are capable of understanding and evolving by adopting and implementing positive behaviours in the workplace (Leroy, Palanski& Simons, 2012). It also urges leaders to be mindful of their own conduct and how it impacts their team's performance and contentment.

There is a multitude of distinct behavioural leadership styles. In some workplace settings, each may be more or less productive since it entails a particular set of behaviours:

People-oriented leaders: They focus on behaviors that allow them to satisfy the requirements of everyone they encounter, especially managers, workers, and customers. They are known as people-oriented leaders (DERUE et al., 2011). Relationships and communication drive them and their conduct. In order to encourage their team members to work effectively, people-oriented leaders establish connections with individuals.

This kind of leader favours behaviour associated to:

  • Encouraging alliance
  • Rewarding achievement
  • Perceiving their team's development
  • Mentoring group members

Task-oriented leaders: As a result, they are concerned primarily with the achievement of goals and the formulation of targets (Gavetti, 2012). Leadership styles characterized by task-oriented focus develop in a well-structured workplace and are typically characterized by authoritarian behaviours. They tend to be more concerned with the eventual results of their team than with the day-to-day growth process itself. A task-oriented leader's behaviours include the following:

  • Introducing projects
  • Forming processes
  • Expounding instructions
  • Obtaining relevant data

Participative leaders: People who engage their teams in decision-making to make a conscious effort to involve everyone in the procedure (Brohiet al., 2018). These individuals place a high value on active contact with others, as well as on evaluation. Their team's advantages and weaknesses are known to them, so they may allocate work accordingly. Each group participant's voice is heard and valued under this leadership style. The following are characteristics of participatory leaders:

  • Facilitate group meetings
  • Asking for constructive comment
  • Taking ideas for enhancement
  • Delegate responsibilities to other group members

Status-quo leaders: Both efficiency and employee happiness are given high priority by status quo executives (Brohiet al., 2018). All jobs are completed on schedule, and their teammates are supported and encouraged throughout. Leaders that adhere to the status quo tend to fulfil the requirements of their team without exceeding expectations. These are some of the behavioursrelatedto the status quo leaders:

  • Allocating responsibilities evenly
  • Necessitating regular development reports
  • Imposing company strategies impartially
  • Replying to feedback impartially

The transactional theory or management theory

  1. Extrinsic Motivation: The group is motivated by a transaction leader with funds, acknowledgment or acclaim (Kellerman et al., 2007). Though rewards may not entice the most efficient and innovative, these leaders can unduly depend on external sources of motivation.
  2. Practicality: The practicality is one of the most distinctive features of a transactional management approach. Transactional leaders handle all limits and challenges in practical terms.
  • Opposed to Change: Transaction leaders might be reluctant to changes since they depend on regularity (Kellerman et al., 2007). These executives may focus on achieving corporate objectives. For this purpose, they could attempt not to adopt new methods to think or operate rather to protect the status quo.
  1. Conventional Decision-Making: Transactional leaders might inhibit independent activity in order to reduce risks. All are honoured for performing what is required in their sphere of competence. This signifies outcomes and alignment of the mavericks.
  2. Performance Oriented: The transaction leader supervises the productivity of employees in accordance with fixed targets (McKeever, 2021). The leader will notice quickly that workers accomplish a default objective and recompense them properly. They are likewise conscious of bad performances and in such situations, they may retain awards or even penalise the worker.
  3. Linear Thinking: Transaction leaders are excellent at meeting corporate objectives and restrictions in current systems (Kellerman et al., 2007). People tend to think about solving issues within the box. Although many are good at dealing with everyday issues, they may strive to implement adaptable solutions.
  • Just-in-Time Management: Transactions are defined as short-term transactions. Instead of working proactively to address problems, minimise risks and find new possibilities, a transaction leader wants to deal with problems. A focus on data and results might trap the leaders in the specifics so mixed that the broader picture cannot be seen.
  • Directive: Transactional leaders are powerful policymakers and they accept this characteristic as their primary component (McKeever, 2021). Workers that do well under this management style obey directions and guidelines.
  1. Structured: Structure, organ chart and norms are very important to the transactional leader.Organizational hierarchy form a structure put leaders at the forefront and determine each role's tasks and duties.
  2. Individual Effort: An individual performer might be more interested in the motivating approach of a transaction leader (McKeever, 2021). While individuals can be allocated to teams, the inflexible organisational structure preferred by leaders may place minimal emphasis on working together to achieve larger corporate objectives.

Analysis of Drivers of Change that Impact Business Organization

Lewin’s Change Management Model

  1. Unfreezing: It is the initial transitional phase and one of the most essential steps in the whole change management process. It includes enhancing the ability of individuals to transform via a realisation to go to a changed circumstance from the present normal routine. It entails sensitizing individuals to the necessity for change to embrace the new methods to work for improved outcomes and boosting their motivation (Westerberg andTafvelin, 2014). Efficient interaction is a crucial part of gaining people's intended support and participation in the transformation approach throughout this phase.
  2. Change:The transitional phase or the practical execution of transformation can also be considered as the phase. It means that the new methods to do things are accepted. This is the step where individuals are unfrosted and the real shift is carried out. Throughout this phase it is important to carefully prepare, communicate effectively with people and to encourage them to support the change. The incertitude or the dread of the effects of changing is considered to make this stage of transition not that simple.
  • Freezing or Refreezing:Throughout this phase, persons go from the transitional phase to a much steadier condition, which they might consider to be the state of balance. The refrigeration stage is the final step where individuals embrace or internalise the new methods of functioning or transforming themselves, embrace them for themselves and build partnerships (Westerberg and Tafvelin, 2014). Workers must be awarded, recognised and given positive reinforcing to sustain new conduct or modifications in the way they operate. Policies or institutions may aid to sustain changed working methods.

Drivers of Changes

During the organisational business operation in the market, the leadership and the management team of the organisation have realised that there are some key drivers in the market that lead the organization to change their business and marketing system(Westerberg and Tafvelin, 2014). In this aspect, generally, the change drivers are the consumer needs, consumer preferences, competition, technological factors, supply and demand of the products; legislative regulations, economic development, social factors, environment, politics, etc. are the prime reason behind fetching a change within the organisational culture.

  1. Political Factor: During the organisational businesses, the political approval is must to establish the organisational business in order to significantly operate the business in the market (Missenet al., 2012). Moreover, generally, the organisations need to proficiently consider the permission and the approval of the federal and local political leaders to operate the business.
  2. Economic Factor: Within the market of a developed and a developing country, the organisations will get different impact on their business (Hendee,Hazle and Clements, 2013). Generally, the economic stability of developed country is stronger than a developing country. Therefore, the organisations can get extensive profitability in a developed country.
  • Social Factor: Social acceptance of the products and services of the organisations also play the most significant role for developing organisational business(Hendee, Hazle and Clements, 2013). Therefore, before launching the organisational businesses, the organisations need to effectively analyse the market regarding the understanding of social preferences.
  1. Technological Factor:During this era of digitalisation the technological factors play more effective role as a reason behind extensive development of an organisational business (Missenet al., 2012).
  2. Environmental Factor:The climate change and other natural disasters negatively impact the organisational businesses by delaying their entire activities of the organisations(Hendee, Hazle and Clements, 2013).
  3. Legal Factor:Moreover, during the conduction of the organisational business operation, the organisations need to pursue all the rules and regulations of the country, where they intend to operate their business regarding trade.

Generally, an organisational culture fully depends on their employee performance and the leadership and the management system. The efficiency in leadership and management system also help to enhance the organisational employee performance. In this aspect, the organisations need to implement and fetch some changes within the organisational culture (Missenet al., 2012). Through this, they will be able to proficiently develop their organisational proficiency and productivity. In this way, the organisations moreover will be able to prominently develop and stable their organisational by establishing an effective management system.

Discussion of the impetus for new ways of working across infrastructure, processes, people and culture and sustainability in own organization

The culture of an organisation is the combination of fundamental principles that its members have about the organisational mission, values, and beliefs, which influence their behaviour. Environmental and cultural change both plays a major influence, though not to the everyone's satisfaction (Maamari and Saheb, 2018). The reason for this is because almost everyone has genuine reasons to be concerned about organisational performance. Sensibly, a sustainable culture engenders both immediate concern and optimism for the future (Lee, 2020). It demonstrates, logically, the rationale commercial sense for being worried and reacting. Environmental change is a little issue; it involves return and harm, problems and possibilities, business and standards, and support to company and its infrastructure.

Adhere to the vision of sustainability

It is an era of dramatic, game-changing swings towards significant accomplishments. The majority of organizations want to bolster their sustainability efforts and redesign their products. It is the task of a competent leader to inquire and debate with team members the most effective path toward sustainability. A “creative approach” to build sustainable is not a formula that is not a compilation of stock boilerplate clichés, it is not empty and cynical. It is designed to help by including team members in the invention and creative processes and by engaging proudly, widely, and often (Westerberg and Tafvelin, 2014). The sustainability vision could help him articulate his goals, attitude, and highest-leverage sustainability responsibilities for particular segments, goods, activities, or client segments. A compelling vision provides direction for plans, objectives, and cultural values, as well as a feeling of purpose and drive. It is an ongoing process for long-term guiding principle that motivates members of the team and aids in collective action synchronization. A sustainable culture engenders both immediate worry and optimism for the future on an emotional connection. It explains the logical business rationale for caring and behaving sensibly. Climate change is not just a green issue; it also is a matter of profit and loss, of difficulty and opportunity, of enterprise and morality, and of benefit about ourselves and the globe.

Engaging the organization's processes, people, culture, and sustainability completely

A successful organization's systems, people, attitude, and sustainability lead team members in meaningful and beneficial ways. A successful leader who is also a change agent fosters a culture wherein team members understand their responsibility to participate to the success of the company (McKeever, 2021). A successful leader is liable for encouraging team members to advocate for sustainability and for recognizing the many types of incentives associated with sustainability efforts. While empowerment is often disregarded as a catch-all term, when used properly, it may have a significant impact. Members of the team should believe in their very own potential for empowerment. They may see that they might make a positive contribution if they possess the necessary knowledge and information, as well as the ability and control to make the right decisions.

Motivation is often a leader's hidden weapon. A successful leader is always trying out new motivating techniques in order to improve team members' empowerment and enthusiasm. Extrinsic incentives are initially helpful because they are directly connected to relevant choices and actions (Lee, 2020). However, basic incentives and rewards must be in place to maintain the strength and achievements over the long term. Personal pleasure and satisfaction stem from pursuing and building upon such a worthy subject. In the optimal environment, the team members may experience and build a strong feeling of responsibility, such as the psychological ownership of important project tasks and their objective, and it is desirable to generate a sense of pleasure that reaches far into the future via mutual advantages.

Integrate sustainability considerations into decision-making processes

In a truly sustainable culture, individuals address the problem openly and incorporate this into decision-making processes. To build a company case for an activity, one must adopt an integrative perspective that considers profit, people, and the environment into account (Mouton, 2019). Sustainability gets culturally entrenched when it is incorporated into all key decisions: corporate and business strategy and achievement targets at all management units, in all functions, and in all fundamental business functions and procedures.

Toyota Motors demonstrates leadership—An Applied Example

Toyota Motors' leadership approach is based on the concepts of collaboration, affiliation, and agreement, with a transformative style of leadership. At Toyota Motors, transformative executives as change agents support the business, not the other way around. As according Toyota Motors' culture, transformative leaders are best suited if their limitations or faults endanger the business organization in any way. Toyota Motors specializes in training each and every leader in the organization to perform effectively as per the leadership model that is most appropriate for the situations.


As per this research report, great leaders and effective leaders are the main drivers since they serve as that of the change agent for their businesses. A successful business must first determine its transformational drivers. According the researcher's study, the leadership model, methodology, and theories serve as a basis for identifying the aspects of leadership talents and competencies. All research indicates that CEOs are the most important element in a sustainable company's order to successfully drive change and manage innovation. Furthermore, it is claimed that, of all the many leadership styles and models, the transformational leadership model has been the most essential for effectively integrating the drivers of change in the global corporate sector. Thus, sustainable business organisations must embrace transformational leader in order to achieve their full potential for effectiveness and success.


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Personal Development Plan- SMART


-amplification the outcomes by utilizing all types of communications.

-Training team members.

-Encouraging and motivating team members.


-To establish the goal to attain the production target by 20% prior the target time.

-Finish the project report as early as possible with the aid of team members.


-Provide the team members with the greatest available resources to finish the production project, such as suitable training or project management solutions, and solicit feedback on a weekly basis.

-Encourage team members to accomplish production objectives.


-With a realistic approach, manufacturing time may be optimised and overall production time reduced.

-Production objectives must be relevant and shared.


-Attain a 20% increase in total production time.

-Set a project report on a three-month or quarterly basis for the team's efforts.

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