Legislation and Organizational Practices Assignment Sample

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Introduction of Legislation and Organizational Practices Assignment

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1. Significance of work-life balance and impact its impact on legislation

The concerned study outlines the core competencies of an employee’s lifestyle in an organization along with witty different models for developing the employee’s status. Apart from that, different stages of an employee’s life cycle are mentioned and provide different strategies for improving the employee’s experience as well as improving job satisfaction levels.

Work-life balance is the most important concept that makes the employee life efficient by splitting the time into professional and personal space. Proper work-life balance of an employee guides to improve the lifestyle and makes the employee motivation that reflects on the business productivity. As per the point of view of Nkomo et al. (2019), work-life balance reduces the stress level of employees that makes them more energetic and motivates which has a positive impact on self-efficiency. Apart from that, it also improves mental health as well as promotes better physical health. As stated by Kang and Kaplan (2019), work-life balance increases the employee's presence in the workplace as well as enhances internal communication skills. Creative thinking ability, productive skills, and job satisfaction level were also increased by work-life balance.

“Flexible Working Regulations 2014”: The particular regulations came into force for the rights of the employees in England, Scotland as other countries in the UK. The idea of “flexible working application” was taken from the UK’s legislation under 80F section 1996 Act that deals with the statuary right5s of employees to request the work flexible contract. On 30 June 2014, the regulation came into force and the employees of the countries have the right to work according to the four enlisted in the regulation. The “Employment Rights Act 1996” is the main source of ideas for this legislation. As per this legislation, the working time and location can be negotiated with the organization. This legislation also includes annualized hours, flexi-time, job sharing method and the shift working that benefitted the employees. All the employees of the UK apply for this legislation.

2. Well-being in the workplace and its importance

The concept of well-being in the workplace is a significant factor that guides the improvement of the workplace culture and internal communication level among the employees. PERMA model is the most important for the concept of wellbeing in the workplace that mainly focuses on the different aspects of en employees that affects self-efficiency and performance. The well-being of employees reflects the work engagement ratio and the relationship among the teammates (Wilkinson et al. 2018). A high level of well-being leads to positive emotion and energy that flows to the other employees and leads to achieving the organizational goals.

 The concept of well-being in the workplace

(Source: Wilkinson et al. 2018)

The workplace environment increases the well-being level such as social and intellectual wellness guides to increase the communication level and the problem-solving skills along with decision-making skills. TESCO, one of the largest retail organizations always forces on the employees well being and spent more than $200000 for mental and physical health improvement (Raybould et al. 2020). The employee retention rate of the organization is around 56.4% and the employees are happily engaged with the organization to get several facilities like job flexibilities, attractive job timings and reword giving facilities. The level of employee well-being attracts the employees as well as customers to the organization. According to recent research, it is disclosed that high well-being ratio reduces the health care cost by more than $250 million and increases the employee productivity by more than 85% (Norton, 2019). Apart from that, occupational wellness and physical wellness are other significant aspects of wellness that guide the employees to resolve any situational challenges of the organization.

3. Employee engagement and its impact on the organization

The employee engagement process determines the brand awareness as well as the employee's attraction level. The procedure of employee engagement guides to decrease the employee retention rate along with increasing business productivity.

Procedures for employee engagement

(Source: Addis and Kutar, 2018)

In order to implement the employee engagement process, proper planning and design of an effective job advertisement are very important. The accurate market survey guides the HRM to recognize the requirement of candidates as well as the knowledge or skills of the regional candidates. The result analysis is the most significant stage of the employee engagement process that focuses on the evaluation of the qualities and skills of the candidate with the organizational requirements (Addis and Kutar, 2018). Preparing an action plan is very important to proceed with this task, evaluate the action plan frequently, and make changes as per requirements.

Positive consequences of employee engagement

The positive impacts of employee engagement on an organization include better employee performance and enhance business productivity. Apart from that, a higher employee retention rate along with a lower turnover rate is the outcomes of employee engagement.

 Consequences of employee engagement

(Source: Nkomo et al. 2019)

According to research, it is seen that ASDA has improved business productivity by more than 12.5% from 2021 to 2020. More than 92% of employees believe the values and vision of the organization proves a great level of job satisfaction and increase the retention rate (Brimhall and Mor Barak, 2018). Apart from that, high employee’s engagement rate reduces around 8.6% business risk in TESLA, which smoothen the impulsive rate.

Negative consequences of employee engagement

The over-engagement policy is the bunting problem of the UK based organization that reduces the business productivity as well as organizational culture. Apart from that, the higher level of employee engagement makes the communication distribution and makes the organizational structure more complex. In 2020, TESCO faced the issue of over-engagement reduces their business productivity by around 21.5% and for that reason; the organization sacked more than 2200 employees (Nkomo et al. 2019). It helps to maintain an effective organizational structure and increase business productivity.

4. Summarization of principal aspects of discrimination legislation

The principal aspects of “Flexible Working Regulations 2014” include resolving the issue of direct and indirect discrimination. Direct discrimination in the workplace can be seen in terms of age, sex as well as cultural or social background. Apart from that, the economical and religious background is another aspect of direct discrimination that is resolved after the regulation of the “Equality Act 2010” (Kang and Kaplan, 2019). Indirect discrimination includes organizational practice as well as different policies and regulations within the organization. The concerned act not only resolves the issues of physical and mentally victimization. Female workers are mainly victims of physical and mental harassment. As per the point of view of Brimhall and Mor Barak (2018), disability-based harassment is another important harassment that is commonly seen within the workplace that can decrease the business productivity by more than 9.4% and the employee retention rate reduced by 6.4% (Broad and Turnbull, 2019). Apart from that, legal and political harassment is another important discrimination process that decreases brand awareness and organizational sustainability.

5. Explanations of diversity and inclusion mean and their significance

Diversity and inclusive workplace culture is a significant aspect that guides an increase in the communication level and the organizational culture. The diverse culture of the workplace makes the employee motivated and energetic, which reflects self-efficiency as well as self-productivity (Broad and Turnbull, 2019). The inclusive workplace culture guides the organization to recognize the mental state of the employees that guides to identify the strength and weaknesses of the organization that assists to set the organizational goals and objectives. According to recent research, it is disclosed that diversity and inclusive workplace culture guide to increasing the market share of the organization and by following this process; TESCO has increased its market share from 45% to 38%. Apart from that, the diversity and inclusive workplace culture increased brand awareness as well as increased sustainability. Sainsbury the leading retail organization was able to increase more than 14.6% consumer volume by implementing the diversity and inclusive workplace culture into their business process (Cole et al. 2019). In order to the successful implementation of the diversity and inclusive workplace culture into the business process arranging training sessions frequently is very important that makes aware of the cultural diversity6 among the employees.

6. Difference between fair and unfair dismissal

Fair dismissal

Unfair dismissal

? Good conduct is an important aspect of fair dismissal and it guides to increase the performance capability.

? Fair dismissal also promotes redundancy within the workplace that guides to mitigate the unfair situation within the workplace (Cole et al. 2019).

? The diversity and inclusive workplace culture promote fair dismissal that maintains an energetic environment within the workplace.

? Termination of an employee without any valid reason is regarded as unfair dismissal.

? In this dismissal, the employees are forced to resign which decreases the employee retention rate and consumer volume is also reduced by unfair dismissal.

? The organization's policies and brand awareness are greatly affected by unfair dismissal.

 Difference between fair and unfair dismissal

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Addis, C. and Kutar, M.S., 2018, March. The general data protection regulation (GDPR), emerging technologies and UK organisations: awareness, implementation and readiness. In UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings 2018 (p. 29). UKAIS–UK Academy for Information Systems.

Brimhall, K.C. and Mor Barak, M.E., 2018. The critical role of workplace inclusion in fostering innovation, job satisfaction, and quality of care in a diverse human service organization. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance42(5), pp.474-492.

Broad, R. and Turnbull, N., 2019. From human trafficking to modern slavery: the development of anti-trafficking policy in the UK. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research25(2), pp.119-133.

Cole, C., Gnanapragasam, A., Cooper, T. and Singh, J., 2019. An assessment of achievements of the WEEE Directive in promoting movement up the waste hierarchy: experiences in the UK. Waste Management87, pp.417-427.

Kang, S.K. and Kaplan, S., 2019. Working toward gender diversity and inclusion in medicine: myths and solutions. The Lancet, 393(10171), pp.579-586.

Moodie, C., Hoek, J., Scheffels, J., Gallopel-Morvan, K. and Lindorff, K., 2019. Plain packaging: legislative differences in Australia, France, the UK, New Zealand and Norway, and options for strengthening regulations. Tobacco control28(5), pp.485-492. (Moodie et al. 2019)

Nkomo, S.M., Bell, M.P., Roberts, L.M., Joshi, A. and Thatcher, S.M., 2019. Diversity at a critical juncture: New theories for a complex phenomenon. Academy of Management Review44(3), pp.498-517.

Norton, P., 2019. Post-legislative scrutiny in the UK Parliament: adding value. The Journal of Legislative Studies25(3), pp.340-357.

Raybould, B., Cheung, W.M., Connor, C. and Butcher, R., 2020. An investigation into UK government policy and legislation to renewable energy and greenhouse gas reduction commitments. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy22(2), pp.371-387.

Wilkinson, K., Tomlinson, J. and Gardiner, J., 2018. The perceived fairness of work–life balance policies: A UK case study of solo?living managers and professionals without children. Human Resource Management Journal28(2), pp.325-339.

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