Logistic Planning Document Assignment Sample

Analyzing Risk Plans and Strategies for Community Event Success

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Introduction of the Discussion on the Topic of the Logistic Planning Document 

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Analyzing all the plans and strategies for handling potential risks and preparing a structure to fight them, will further help in improving the odds of becoming a successful company as cited by Gerba, 2019. The report analyses the risks of Worthy Work through a risk assessment matrix. The crowd control plan for the event is highlighted through the 7-step process mentioned in this report. The prime impacting force which affects the most event appraisal is the Performance Evaluation of the event. A foremost element of post-event appraisal is to develop learning and improve practice. Other than these, monitoring is also a crucial part of the performance appraisal of events, which in turn needs post-event analysis. The Gantt chart will give the event logistics and planning process for Nurturing Dream event. The site plan will be added to the report which will help to make further plans which are related to the location of the event. The discussion on the topic of the logistic planning document will cover all the matrix, posters, marketing plan, and website links to achieve the objectives of the report.

Risk assessment safety and security

Significance of risk management

According to Aven, 2016 risk management is a crucial process as it allows a company with the required tools and elements which can be sufficiently deal and recognize with the risks. After recognizing the risk, it is very simple to work on removing it.

Risk Assessment Matrix

The risk matrix includes two intersecting factors which are the likelihood of the occurrence of the risk and the severity or impact of the risk on the business (Knutson and Huettel, 2015).

The figure 1 matrix shows the probabilities of risk for the event to be organized by the event

company Worthy Work. The company is going to organize a small-scale community development event which will further help the small community to develop and provide those funds for their betterment.

The above matrix shows the likelihood of the risk occurring at the event which is divided into three parts which are:

  • Improbable – refer to the level of risk which is unlikely to occur at an event.
  • Possible – this level refers to risk likely occurring at an event.
  • Probable – and in this, it is the full chance of risk to occur at an event.

The other part of the matrix shows the severity which includes the impact of risk on business which is as follows:

  • Acceptable – Refer to slight to no impact on the event
  • Tolerable – This shows impacts that are sensed but do not have any serious outcomes.
  • Undesirable – This causes a serious effect on the action and outcomes.
  • Intolerable – These are factors that cause a disaster to the event.

The risk rating criteria for the matrix are as follows:

  • Low 0 – Acceptable and it is fine to continue further.
  • Medium 1 – As low as practically feasible, qualification efforts are required (Eales, 2016).
  • High 2 - These are usually acceptable risks and required support.
  • Extreme 3 - These risks are intolerable, the event should be on hold for a while.

Crowd control plan

An effective crowd control management plan is required when a large number of people are rather for some event. This plan includes steps to take which are for both parts of the event pre and post.

The crowd control plan for the event is as follows:

  • The first and foremost step when preparing a crowd control plan is to make sure venue staff members and team members of the event company are well-trained to handle and prevent any hazardous situation at the event.
  • Those who are responsible for planning the event must gather all information, plan adequate protocols for crowd management, and consult relevant before preparing plans.
  • According to Cocos, 2017 emergency services, local authorities, security, and internal staff must be elaborate in planning the event. And it is also significant to work on the guiding principle of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
  • OSHA implements health and safety regulations to protect workforces. The crowd control plan’s guidelines are applied to event venues.
  • Employees are required to be properly trained on keeping the crowd under the control and working according to the plans. And the staffing plans should include the details of the number of workers required and their point of station.
  • fire emergency and police should be alerted of the crowd size and other factors pose-event.
  • The crowd control plan also involves the particulars which are the volume and size of the venue chosen for the event, location of entrance and exits, emergency escape routes, first aid facilities, and arrangements according to the weather forecast.

Event tickets design

The above figure 1 shows the ticket of the event from which entry will be given to the participants and figure 2 gives detail information about the terms and conditions for the entry of the event.

Table of appraisal and insurance

Post event appraisal and insurance includes:

1. Effects

2. Learning

3. Process

4. Performance

5. Collection of data

6. Identification of risk

7. Management

8. Decision making process

The effects of overflowing on victims and the recovery process would be prioritizing to understand and required improvement will be considered.

Learning from previous experience on how to deal and handle the over crowd at the event and managing attendees with full planning.

Improved process of managing crowd is applied for long term recovery.

Performance monitoring and designing the event according to needs and requirement is main focus.

Collecting data and getting the greater knowledge of causes of mishappening at event.

Identifying the risk factors which will affect the event.

Managing the data helps in creating a record at the event permitting judgement with other events

Storing the information gathered and event appraisal refers that long-term trends might be measured and offers information to defend future decision-making process.

Event logistics and operational planning

Event Logistics

It is a process of management, planning, and supervisory of the transmission, storage, and intangible or tangible procedures which includes in course of planning for an event Haugen, 2021. Possible changes are to be applied quickly in the overall planning. These points are considered in event logistics:

  • Warehousing
  • Traffic management
  • Venue details
  • Delivery Management
  • Loading Schedules
  • Asset tracking
  • Freight and bump-out logistics.

Event evaluation process

Event evaluation is the procedure of judgmentally measuring, observing, and monitoring the application of an event given order to measure its outcomes precisely (as cited by Brown, 2015). There are three key phases:

  • Pre-event evaluation (probability study)
  • control and Monitoring process (implementation during the event) and,
  • Post-event evaluation (evaluation of the event outcomes)

The event evaluation process is as follows:

  • Planning and identification – it defines the purpose of the event evaluation for which data is required to be collected. This step in the process includes several different stakeholder agendas including the following measures: the host organization. Sponsors, funding bodies, government departments, and council.
  • Data collection – in this step of the process all relevant data is collected which is related to the event's objectives and goals (Dwyer and Forsyth 2017). Data is in form of event documentation, media monitoring, event observation, staff briefs, and survey. The data collection is done in two ways:
    • Quantitative data collection – based on statistical analysis.
    • Qualitative data collection – based on responses, feedback, and perceptions.
  • Data analysis - all the data collected from surveys and questionnaires are analyzed in this step to unveil useful statistics. In this case, the event company has used open questions through a general survey which further needs to be coded and categorized accordingly.
  • Reporting – reporting includes the feedback from the event organized. Reports are prepared in two ways which are :
    • Narrative function: it includes the story of the event and it is achievements.
    • Record function: it is a definitive and formal account of the event outcomes and process.
  • Dissemination– this is the final step in the process of evaluation it involves disseminating the report to all important event stakeholders (Katzouris, 2016). It includes documented outcomes which are presented in dynamic form like media release, PowerPoint, etc. this event report is a tool that helps in enhancing the prospects of the event.

The above figure 3 shows the event logistics and planning process for Nurturing Dream event. The chart includes tasks and processes performed in planning for the event. Firstly it includes the period for planning the pre-event event, during the event, and post-event.

  • Pre-event – it includes 4 weeks of planning for risk management and research for defining event logistics. Two weeks for analyzing the hazards and preventative measures and operational planning and marketing communication this is part of strategy development.
  • During the event – on the day of the event which is the 13 th of October, 2022 it includes execution of the event and staging. And it also involved the evaluation and monitoring of the factors affecting the event.
  • Post-event – it includes the feedback and reporting from the audience.

Site plan

A site plan is an architectural plan that includes the location and orientation of the building or area of the site. This plan includes the contours, dimensions, landscape, and features of the land (as cited by Listokin and Walker, 2017). The site plan includes:

  • Title block,
  • Directional orientation
  • Major dimensions
  • Key materials
  • Site boundaries including the adjoining boundaries
  • Location of the building (TBC, Salisbury)
  • Parking areas
  • The layout of external services like drainage, water, gas, and electricity
  • Roads, footpaths, ramps.

Event staging and design

Importance of event and post-event evaluation

Post-event evaluation (P-E Eval) is important for the event management process:

  • It is the last step in the planning process where the objectives and goals established at the beginning of event elements are used as standards to regulate the outcomes and success.
  • It permits event managers to appraise their procedures and communicate event outcomes and results to stakeholders
  • As economic outcomes are now increasingly important, there is the need to accurately evaluate the financial impact for a range of stakeholders esp. when they are investors and/or government agencies who have spent public money

Functions of post-event evaluation:

Measuring event outcomes, regarding the event’s goals and objectives;

  • Creating a demographic profile for the event audience for future planning. Evaluate the number of people who attended the event, and where they came from.
  • Proof of identity of how the event could be improved, after analyzing what is going right and what is not providing sound results, should be considered for improvement in planning future events.
  • Enhancement of event reputation: seizing and publicizing the success of an event can contribute to establishing its status and credibility.
  • Evaluation of event management process: examines the procedures applied in the conduct and planning of the event and makes changes where necessary

Event Schedule

The figure 4 explains the detailed overview of schedule divided in a particular time for the flexibility of the members participating in the event. From the above figure it is clear that the event will start at 7 in the morning and ends 6 in the evening.

Marketing communication

Marketing Timeline

The figure 5 gives the social media marketing plan for the promotional and advertising activities which will be followed throughout the event timeline. The social media plan is

important in marketing strategy (Ryan, 2015). With the help of this plan, a company can get work refining cadence and content which further helps in establishing stronger relationships with the audience.

Social Media Plan

A social media plan helps a company to determine its target audience and encourages them to join social networks and share their content.

For being creative amongst all the others in the market and attract the audience to be part of the event, Worthy Work has created an attractive social media plan which is classified into the following steps:

Pre-event plan

Significance to an effective and efficient social media plan construction before the event, prioritizing the reach, and anticipation for the event. This includes the following key elements:

  • Identifying target audiences
  • Selecting the ideal social channel for promoting the event for attracting the audience. These channels are Instagram, Facebook, newspapers, etc.
  • Using hashtags consistent with event branding for this event #nuturingdreams, the hashtag is used as cited by Bandyopadhyay, 2016.
  • Engaging influencers for promoting the event.
  • Post regularly on the page and website for being connected with the audience and attract more and more participants.
  • Creating an event poster that is distributed to every house, also post that on the website and Instagram page.

During event

Amplifying the network amongst the audience and organizers using various social media strategies during the event follows the key elements such as:

  • Live streaming the event is the biggest opportunity it helps increase popularity on social media platforms.
  • Promoting hashtags by making them available at photo booths at the event, printed forms, etc.
  • Arrange a social wall, which will make it even more attractive. Social media strategy is great to encourage people to put live images, text, questions, and feedback with tags og events.

Post-event plan

  • Creating videos and posting them on every social media website, with interesting content to drive further engagements ( as cited by McCann and Barlow 2015).
  • Find feedback and recommendations from attendees on Instagram, tweeter, and Facebook and use them for advertising the next event.
  • With the help of survey tools conducted an online survey to get check on the performance of the event and collect feedback from the audience. Using open-ended questions can also help.

Event Poster

The figure 6 poster is a significant design to attract more and more people for the participation in order to achieve the objectives of the event. Poster is one of the important part of communication marketing.

Event’s website home page

The website homepage in figure 7 is made to show the overall working on the web pages which is developed for the participants to give ease in enrolment for the event with the detailed information. The website will make the event more professional and build trust in the eyes of the customers which is the important marketing strategy known as branding and positioning.

Event monitoring and evaluation

The above figure 8 analyses questions are as follows which are evaluated from the feedback information.

  • From where did you get the information about this event?
  • What encourages you to come to this event?
  • What was the main attraction of this event?
  • Did this event meet your expectations?
  • Was the transport/parking satisfactory?
  • Did you get a registration for this event before coming?
  • Were the seating, sound, and vision suitable?
  • Would you like to attend this kind of event again?
  • Would you recommend the event to others?
  • How was the management team's behaviour, were they of any help?
  • How much would you rate this event?
  • Was this event helpful in small-scale community development?


Aven, T. (2016). Risk assessment and risk management: Review of recent advances on their foundation. European Journal of Operational Research, 253(1), 1-13.

Bandyopadhyay, S. (2016). How a cost-effective social media plan can make a difference for small businesses. Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, 19(1), 4.

Brown, S., Getz, D., Pettersson, R., & Wallstam, M. (2015). Event evaluation: Definitions, concepts and a state of the art review. International Journal of Event and Festival Management.

Cocos, A., Qian, T., Callison-Burch, C., & Masino, A. J. (2017). Crowd control: effectively utilizing unscreened crowd workers for biomedical data annotation. Journal of biomedical informatics, 69, 86-92.

Dwyer, L., & Forsyth, P. (2017). Event evaluation Approaches and new challenges. In The value of events (pp. 105-123). Routledge.

Eales, N. (2016). Risk assessment. In Missing Persons (pp. 180-189). Routledge.

Gerba, C. P. (2019). Risk assessment. In Environmental and pollution science (pp. 541-563). Academic Press.

Haugen, K. K. (2021). Event logistics. Høgskolen i Molde-Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk.

Katzouris, N., Artikis, A., & Paliouras, G. (2016). Online learning of event definitions. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 16(5-6), 817-833.

Knutson, B., & Huettel, S. A. (2015). The risk matrix. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 5, 141-146.

Listokin, D., & Walker, C. (2017). The subdivision and site plan handbook. Routledge.

McCann, M., & Barlow, A. (2015). Use and measurement of social media for SMEs. Journal of small business and enterprise development.

Ryan, D. (2015). Understanding social media: how to create a plan for your business that works. Kogan Page Publishers.

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