Marketing Essential Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of Marketing Essential Assignment Sample

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Marketing can be explained as an activity that business organisations perform to promote their products and services ready for sale in the marketplace. Mainly it is the work of the marketing department to develop a relationship with customers and perform research to know the requirements of customers and collect information about the marketplace (Rudden, 2016). The information collected from the marketplace is provided to the organisation's management. The organisation can use this information to make relevant changes in the products or services to improve their performance. This report will provide an overview of marketing performed by Cambridge marketing college London. The marketing activities performed by education sector organisations are different from other business organisations. However, organisations' activities are similar to the common business practice. The role and responsibilities of marketing functions will be explained in the report. In addition, the importance of marketing function will be explained for the organisation. To improve the organisation's performance in the market, a specific marketing plan will be developed in the report. The effectiveness of the marketing plan also will be explained in the report.


Roles and Responsibilities of Marketing Function

Roles of Marketing Function

The business organisation plays different roles to improve the organisation's performance in the marketplace. These roles of the marketing department can help the business organisation improve their performance in the marketplace. Some of the main roles of the marketing function in an organisation are-

Customer Analysis: This is the main role of the marketing department in an organisation. In this role, the main function of the marketing department is to perform customer analysis to find and analyse the possible customer of the company. The business organisation can utilise this knowledge to develop a proper strategy to improve marketing operations' effectiveness. For the customer analysis process, different channels are used by the marketing department to collect information about customers. However, suppose the marketing department does consider the customer for the analysis process. In that case, it can affect the marketing policies and processes used by the marketing department of Cambridge marketing college London to improve the effectiveness of the marketing process. For example, social media, market research, and information database can be used by the organisation to gain more information that is critical.

Selling Products and Services: This role is considered a process in which customers are provided with suitable products and services as per their requirements. At starting needs of customers are evaluated to suggest the best suitable product or service to them. This is how good services or products are delivered to the customers. The main objective of the marketing department is to increase the sales of organisation in the market. This role of the marketing department is important to maintain the organisation's productivity in the target market. This marketing department's role is important for maintaining sales and profitability of Cambridge marketing college London in the target market. If the marketing department does not perform this role effectively, it can affect the company's profitability in the global market.

Pricing: The organisation's marketing department also decides the pricing of the product. In this process, the marketing function's main role is to research the marketplace and find the best suitable positioning of company products in the target market. Then, as per market and customer data, proper pricing of a company product is proposed by the organisation's marketing department. The marketing department has all the information related to the customer, and it is their role to set the pricing of company products as per the customer requirement and capability. This process can help the Cambridge marketing college London develop a customer base effectively.

Market Research: This is the core role of the marketing department in a business organisation. In this process, the marketing department uses various processes and methods from the marketplace. For example, current trends, the demand of product and information of retailer is used by the marketing department to improve the company's operations. In addition, market research is performed by the Cambridge marketing college London to analyse crucial information about customers and their needs. Information collected in market research can be used to make effective changes in company products according to the needs and requirements of the customers.

Manage Image of Organization: This is the most important role of the marketing department to maintain the organisation's brand value in the target marketplace (Henríquez, 2018). In this process, various promotional activities are performed by the marketing department to improve the visibility of the company in the target market. The main purpose of the marketing department is to improve the brand value of the company in the target market. This process consists of various activities planned by the marketing department to make a positive impact on customers. For this process, various positive aspects of the organisation are presented in the promotions and advertisements to develop a positive image of the company in the target market. This is most important for the marketing department to work on the organisation's brand equity and improve the value of Cambridge marketing college London in the global market. In addition, it is important to develop effective relationships with customers and meet long-term business objectives.

Market Growth: There are different activities are performed by the marketing department to find an emerging market that the company can target to grow their business on a global level. This is how the marketing department analyses new possible markets to reach new possible customers. In addition, the marketing department performs a range of activities to help the organisation grow on an international level. For example, the marketing department of Cambridge marketing college London can analyse global business opportunities for global expansion. This is how this role of the marketing department is important for the organisation's global expansion.

Management of Demand: This is the main role of the marketing department in which the marketing department considers information related to the market demand to manage the operations of the organisation. In this approach, organisations can effectively meet customers' requirements and demands in the marketplace. According to the demand for company products in the target market, the marketing department can change in approach to managing and meeting the customer demand effectively. This is important to reduce operational losses of the company in the market.

Responsibilities of Marketing Function

There are different responsibilities are need to be fulfilled by the marketing department to maintain the operations and performance of the company in the target market. Some of the main responsibilities of the marketing function are- This is important for the marketing department to understand customers' needs. This is also one of the responsibilities of the marketing function to work on the company's brand value in the marketplace to develop a loyal and emotional connection with the customer. In this process, the organisation effectively uses different communication channels to deal with customers. This is also the responsibility of the marketing function to look for new technologies that can improve their effectiveness in the marketplace (Perreault, 2018). This is also one of the responsibilities of the marketing department to work on innovative practices improving the effectiveness of marketing function in the target market. This is also required to keep monitoring the activities of competitors in the marketplace to make effective changes in their operations.

Roles of Responsibilities Marketing Function for Education Sector Organization

As per the above information, there is a range of actions performed by the marketing department to improve the organisation's performance in the target market. By performing different actions, the marketing department can provide different benefits to the company in the target market. For college, the marketing department can perform customer analysis to find possible students student base who can register in different courses offered by them. The practices that other organisations run can also be targeted to make relevant changes in the college operations and marketing operations to make a better impact on customers. The college's marketing department can target new areas to target more students to get registered in college. The marketing department can also perform a range of activities to improve the company's image in the target market. The marketing department can also help the organisation decide the reasonable cost of courses offered to the customers. This is how an organisation can offer various courses to the customer at an effectively low price. This is how different roles of the marketing department can help organisations increase the number of students registered with the college.

Roles and Responsibilities in Context of Cambridge Marketing College London

The marketing department's roles and responsibilities are also crucial for the college. If the organisation effectively plays all the responsibilities, it can improve the performance of the college. Different innovative practices can help the marketing department attract more students to get registered in college. Proper coordination in activities can help the organisation gain higher profitability in operations (Paurva, 2019). This effective coordination can help the organisation develop a proper relationship with students. The marketing department can implement new tools to improve college reach to more students. By focusing on the brand value of college in the marketplace, more students can be targeted to get registered by the company. The marketing department can also track the competitive organisation to help college management add new courses to address more students. This is how the marketing department can focus on various responsibilities to increase the number of students' registration in college. It is the role and responsibility of the marketing department to maintain and manage the external operations of the organisation. The marketing department allows the organisation to understand various external and internal aspects that can affect their profitability and performance in operations. The marketing department analyses all political, economic, social and technological factors in the internal market to design the business and marketing plan for the company. The marketing department uses the organisation's internal factors to address the challenges that organisations in the global market face.


7 P's of Marketing Mix

The marketing mix is considered a process in which the organisation can consider various elements of the marketing process to improve the company's marketing process. The college can target these marketing assets to increase the number of student registration. In marketing, the organisation can focus on the marketing mix to effectively promote the courses offered to the students. As per the marketing mix concept, the process of promotion starts from the development of products provided to the customer. Through the marketing mix process, organisations can focus on various aspects like- Product, price, promotion, place, packaging, positioning and people. The company can target these aspects of an organisation to meet the company's targets. The organisation can target a different marketing element to make marketing and promotion activities effective. Some of the considerations that are needed to be made in the marketing mix are-


There are two types of products provided to the students in the educational institute. These products can be classified into two different categories: tangible and intangible. This is important for the organisation to consider both aspects to provide higher satisfaction to the students. There are different courses offered to the students in colleges. This is important for the organisation to maintain better education activities in the organisation. This can be effective for the organisation to implement some improvement in the education process to improve the knowledge and capability of students (Charlesworth, 2020). Quality of product is the most important thing for promoting organisation in the target market. An organisation can develop a better education curriculum to provide better knowledge to the students. This is how a better quality of education needs to be provided to the students to improve the organisation's reputation in the target market. The organisation can use different processes to improve the marketing activity. Some of the most common processes that business organisations can use are- Main development can be made in the curriculum developed by the organisation to deliver education to the students. Different changes can be made in the curriculum to make the learning process easier and effective for the students. If the organisation's employees are satisfied with the service, it can improve the organisation's reputation in the marketplace. The organisation can also implement different educational theories to make the delivery process of knowledge more effective. The education process's effectiveness can also be improved by improving the level of students that are present in the organisation. The educational resources used in the organisation within the curriculum practices to maintain the quality of knowledge provided to the students. The organisation can also make other changes in the student's learning process. For example, by focusing on practical education, students' knowledge can be effectively developed. This is for the intangible products that are provided to the students. On the other side, this is also important for the organisation to improve the quality of tangible sources provided to the students. In this process, the organisation can improve the quality of resources offered to the students. For example, the quality of books, study material and certificates can be improved to improve the mindset of students about the organisation. This is how some changes can be introduced in the education process to improve the organisation's reputation in the target market.


The price of the courses is the most important thing that the students consider before selecting any course in any education institute. This is highly important for education organisations to offer various courses to students at a comparatively low price (Haywood, 2019). The organisation can use different processes to reduce the cost of educational courses offered to the students. For example, an organisation can move to an online process to reduce the cost of processing. This can also help the organisation reduce the cost of stationary and education resources. By using proper management practices, costs of operations can be reduced. Virtual classes can be conducted to reduce the cost of education courses. The organisation can use an effective curriculum to reduce the cost of education courses of the organisation. By making effective changes in the design of courses, efficient cost-cutting can be performed. The organisation can use different processes and techniques to reduce the cost of education courses designed for the students.


This is the most crucial thing in the marketing mix. This is the core marketing process in which different processes and techniques promote the services and products. For the education sector organisation process of promotions are similar to the business organisation. The only difference is in the content that the organisation uses. Educational sector organisations can use different processes to promote courses offered to the customers. Digital marketing is the most effective promotion technique that the educational institute can use for promotions. There are too many users of social media applications on a global level. So, an organisation can focus on social media promotion to make direct communication with many possible customers. In this process, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn can be used by organisations for promotion activities (Proctor, 2020). These platforms also can be helpful for the organisation to get connect with possible students and analyse their responses. This is how the organisation can use social media and digital platforms to promote. The promotional activities used by the organisation can be improved more by developing more effective and productive strategies in the promotional process. For example, organisations can use integrated marketing communication to improve the effectiveness of institutions' marketing and promotion processes.


The location of the institute is a crucial factor in the education sector. This is the prime factor that is needed to be considered by the organisation to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. For example, suppose the institute's location is in the city or metropolitan. In that case, the organisation has an advantage, and if the institute's location is in a rural area, it can affect the organisation's competitive advantage. To improve this factor, an organisation can use two different strategies. In the first strategy, an organisation can open its branch in multiple locations to make it accessible for students. If the institute's location is in a rural place, it can increase the cost of promotion and other marketing activities (Kuntonbutr, 2019). This is how an organisation can open multiple branches in metropolitan cities to target more students. The other strategy that the institute can use is related to the digital platform. For example, the institute can offer online classes to students who live in remote areas, improving the organisation's reach. This is how Place is the most crucial element of the marketing mix.


Process in the marketing mix is considered a process used by the education institute to provide or deliver knowledge to the students. The effectiveness of the education process is important to impact the students positively. The education process can be directly related to the resources organisations, and teachers in the institutes use. These factors need to be considered by the organisation to impact the students positively. If the education delivery process used by the organisation is effective, it can improve the organisation's image in the target market. In this element of the marketing mix, various aspects can be considered. For example, the teaching, practical learning, placement process can be considered. By improving the effectiveness of these processes can be used by the organisation to improve the marketing process of the institute and attract more students from different locations.

Physical Evidence

Physical evidence of organisations can be considered factors visible to the students while dealing with or interacting with the organisation. For example, the building of the institute, the environment in the institution, the logo & name of the institute, educational resources provided to the students, and various other tangible and intangible assets of the organisation can be considered physical evidence of the organisation (Muralidharan and Raval, 2017). The organisation can make various changes in the organisation assets to get an effective response from students. For this process, better designs and colour combinations can be used by organisations in the logo to attract the target audience. The institution's infrastructure can be improved to impact the students positively. Posters and educational resources can perform effective branding to impact the organisation's stakeholders critically. By developing the physical aspects of the organisation, a better impact can be created on the target audience.


Different people are connected to the educational institute. These people are considered a stakeholder of the organisation. This is highly important for the institution to focus on this stakeholder to improve the organisation's effectiveness and its brand value in the target market. In an educational institute, two types of people are there: related to the teaching community and the non-teaching community. Both types of stakeholders need to be considered by the organisation to improve the education delivery process used by the organisation. In this marketing element, diverse organisations mainly focus on the teaching staff. This is highly important for the organisation to hire highly qualified and efficient teachers to deliver and implement better learning practices in the curriculum (Muralidharan and Raval, 2017). Apart from the teaching staff, this is also important for the institute to effectively develop effective management staff to manage various activities in the institute. In this marketing element, the mixed organisation can positively hire highly qualified and experienced people to impact the parents and students positively. By developing effective staff, an organisation can deliver better knowledge to students. By providing better results in the education process, the organisation's reputation can be improved. The institution can focus on the teacher development and employee development process to improve their skills to improve this organisation factor. Teachers and other stakeholders of the organisation can be provided with rewards and various benefits to make them loyal. This is how the effectiveness and performance of institutions can be improved in the target market.

The organisation can implement various suggestions provided in the marketing mix to get better results with marketing and attract more people to get registered with the institute's educational program.


Marketing Plan

Executive Summary

The specific marketing plan has been developed to develop a proper marketing plan for Cambridge marketing college London. Different external factors have been evaluated for organisations to evaluate the impact of these factors on the organisation's operations. The organisation's internal capability has also been analysed in the report to take proper action in the marketing plan. A competitive analysis has been performed to analyse the institute's position in the market. Based on market analysis proper marketing plan has been developed in the report.


Political Factor

Political factors are mainly related to the decisions and changes made by the country's government. This is highly important for the business organisation to consider the government's changes. Mainly, this is most important for the organisation to consider and follow the government's changes in the country's education policy. The government implements different changes in education policy to deliver high-quality education and knowledge to the students. The government's main focus is to provide better conditions to the students for their complete development and growth. Political factors can force the marketing department to change the marketing policy to maintain stability in business operations. The management system used by the institute effectively adopts changes that the government implements in the education policy. This process can help the organisation implement all the changes suggested or implemented by the government in various policies related to the institute.

Economical Factor

Economic factors are crucial for colleges and all educational institutes in the country. This is directly related to the funds that are offered to the instituted by the government and other sources. Minor changes in the economic conditions can majorly affect the operations and processes of the organisation. In the economic factors, various elements are needed to be considered, for example, economic stability on a local and global level, economic crisis and inflation. These factors can affect the operations of college majorly. Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, most countries face economic crises. The main reason behind this problem is the restriction on the global supply chain. This economic crisis has affected the economic conditions of different countries. Because of this situation, funds allocated to the organisation are slightly reduced, affecting the organisation's operations. It has affected the operations of the organisation in operations. To overcome these issues in the business process, this is important for the marketing department to make effective changes in the marketing process to meet the business objectives effectively. This is how the organisation should consider economic factors to make relative changes to keep their operations effective and productive.

Social Factor

Social factors are related to the personal values of individuals in society. These factors are most important for the organisation to consider the social factors to attract more people to increase the number of admission in different courses. The elements or factors that are needed to be considered by the organisation are related to the population of the locality in which the organisation is situated, diversity in population, economic status of people in locality and education level of people. These factors need to be considered by the organisation to generate more benefits. For example, the locality population is high, and then the organisation has more people to attract. If the financial condition of people is high, then the organisation can manage the course price accordingly to generate more profit. The organisation and marketing department also need to consider social factors to maintain the productivity of the strategies designed by the marketing department of Cambridge marketing College London. The high-quality level of the education system in the organisation can also help the organisation encourage people to enrol in different courses that the institute offers.

Technological Factor

Technological factors are related to the technology that the organisation uses to perform various operations in the organisation. In this factor, current technology used by organisations can be considered to analyse technical factors better. This is because the technology used by organisations is effective and advanced. For example, the technology used by organisations is compatible with the online education process. The organisation can use this technique in the lockdown period to continuously organise classes on the online platform. This can help the Cambridge marketing college London to maintain the satisfaction level of students. The marketing department also can use various technologies in the marketing process to address and attract the audience more effectively. This is how technological factors are positive for the organisation.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors are not that crucial for the educational sector organisation. So, these factors are not hard and fast for Cambridge marketing college London. However, some considerations need to be followed by the organisation to keep their operations sustainable for the environment and biodiversity of the locality. For example, an organisation can use sustainable products to reduce the impact on the environment. Organisation also uses digital platforms to deliver education to the students. This is also important for the marketing department to consider these factors in the marketing process to avoid issues associated with the company's marketing operations. This is important for the organisation to maintain sustainability in business operations to perform marketing functions more effectively. This can help the organisation to save the environment and save trees. By these processes, an organisation can meet various rules and regulations developed by the legal authority in-country.

Legal Factor

There are different legislation that needs to be considered by the education sector organisation to keep their actions legal and uninterrupted. Some of the legislation that needs to be considered is- Education act 2011 is most important for the Cambridge marketing college London. This act is related to the education standard provided to the students. By following this act, organisations and teachers can deliver knowledge and information to the students. This is important for the organisation to consider all the legal aspects in the business process to perform marketing strategies more effectively. Following acts are needed to be considered by the organisation to avoid any legal action against the organisation.



The college workforce is effective and skilled. It can improve the reputation of the organisation in the global market. The organisation have effective technology to provide online education to the students, and this can be helpful for the marketing department to improve the internal operations of the organisation. Organisations have effective resources to improve the learning process of students. Management of the organisation is also innovative. This behaviour can improve the productivity of the organisation. The curriculum used by the organisation is based on practical learning that can improve the quality of education.


The marketing process used by Cambridge marketing college London is based on the traditional approach, and it can affect the organisation's marketing process. The traditional marketing approach can also reduce the organisation's reach in the global market. More human resources are required to maintain operations. Lack of human resources can reduce the effectiveness of the marketing operation of an organisation in the target market. Lack of funds organisation can reduce the capability to perform various development in the marketing process in an organisation.


The organisation can use advanced technology to improve the marketing process. Technological development can allow the marketing department to perform marketing operations more effectively. More branches can be opened in other cities to improve the organisation's reach. This strategy can be helpful for the organisation to make the reach to the larger market and increase the profitability of the company in the target market. More courses can be offered to increase the number of students enrolled with the organisation. This factor is related to making changes in the products and services offered to the students.


A large number of competitors in the locality can create pressure on the marketing department to perform marketing functions more effectively. In addition, economic issues due to the coronavirus pandemic can affect the internal and external operations of the organisation in the target market.

Porter Five Force Analysis

The threat of New Entrant: This threat is high for Cambridge marketing college London because different reputed institutions work in the same location. This threat can be reduced by improving the quality of education.

The threat of Substitutes: This threat is also high because many organisations offer students different courses at a lower cost. Online platforms are a major threat to the company. This threat can be reduced by providing better courses to students.

Bargaining Power of Customer: The bargaining power of students is high in location because they have more substitute options in the locality. This threat can be avoided by reducing the price of courses and providing better quality education to students.

Bargaining Power of Supplier: This supplier power is low because Cambridge marketing college London is producing its resources to teach students. This power can be reduced by developing self-capability to produce educational resources.

Rivalry Between Existing Organisations: Rivalry among competitors is also too high in London, UK. There are too many organisations providing similar services to the students. This rivalry can be reduced by providing quality education to the students at an effective cost.

STP Plan


The marketing department can use different approaches to launch a marketing plan to attract more students to enter Cambridge marketing college London. In this process, organisations can use demographic and geographical segmentation techniques to target people. For example, an organisation can target people between 15 to 40 years old in the demographic approach. In this process, medium class families can be targeted by the organisation.


People from an entire locality can be considered for the marketing process in the targeting process. After this, nearby locations can be targeted to improve profitability.


In the positioning process to Cambridge marketing college London can use functional positioning to provide better services to the customer.

Aim of Marketing Plan

  • To use advanced technology to increase the reach of the marketing process by 40 %.


  • To use advanced digital marketing technology to interact with students directly.
  • To use social media marketing to collect information about the target audience.


  • To use Information systems to process customer data more efficiently.
  • Use AI to improve the processing of student data.

Marketing Channel

To implement the marketing plan organisation can use a direct marketing channel to make the marketing plan successful. Along with this digital marketing, the organisation can use the process to reach a larger audience.




Technology development

1500 Euros

Implementation of marketing plan

2000 Euros

Marketing resources

400 Euros

Promotion Cost

2000 Euros

Extra Expenses

3000 Euros


The organisation can use this marketing plan to get a better student response. In addition, this marketing plan will help the organisation improve its reach to the audience at a lower cost. The organisation can use various marketing channels to attract more students and increase the number of people registered with the organisation.


This report is concluding the importance of marketing for business organisation. Various functions of marketing have been explained in the report. The roles of marketing have been evaluated for the educational organisation. Responsibilities of marketing functions have been evaluated for the organisation's performance in the marketplace. Various benefits of the marketing function have been evaluated for Cambridge marketing college London, which faces issues with a declining number of students. The marketing mix plan has been evaluated for the Cambridge marketing college London to improve their marketing process. Various suggestions have been provided in the report to improve the effectiveness of the marketing process. The specific marketing plan has been developed in a report to promote the students' courses.


Books and Journals

Charlesworth, A., 2020. Absolute Essentials of Digital Marketing. Routledge.

Haywood, M., 2019. Brand essentials. Professional Beauty, (Mar/Apr 2019), p.78.

Henríquez, F.A.G., 2018. Destination marketing essentials (2. Anuario Turismo y Sociedad. (23). pp.275-278.

Kuntonbutr, S., 2019. Book Review: Essentials of Marketing. RMUTT Global Business Accounting and Finance Review. 2(1).

Muralidharan, K. and Raval, N., 2017. Six Sigma marketing and productivity improvement. A Quarterly Journal of the National Productivity Council. 58(1). pp.107-114.

Parva, S., 2019. Essentials of marketing research.

Perreault, W.D., 2018. Essentials of marketing. New York: Mc Graw Hill.

Proctor, T., 2020. Absolute Essentials of Strategic Marketing: A Research Overview. Routledge.

Rudden, D., 2016, November. Private Practice: Can You Hear Me Now? Marketing Essentials for Audiologists in a Noisy Health Care World. In Seminars in hearing (Vol. 37, No. 4, p. 325). Thieme Medical Publishers.

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