MCN Report - Jaguar Service Encounter Analysis Assignment Sample

A detailed analysis of service encounters at Jaguar, an automobile company, using marketing and operations theories.

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MCN Report Template Introduction - Jaguar

The journal will be used to produce the Individual Report (2000 words) and will be submitted as an appendix to it.

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Students will Choose ONE of the Service Encounters from the reflective journal and provide solutions from a marketing and operations perspective to the problematic issues they have observed within this report.

Students should use their knowledge of what has been taught in the module in their analysis, and provide workable recommendations supported by concepts from the module that will enhance the ability of the system or subsystem to meet customer needs.

Higher marks are awarded for:

  • If your choice of course concepts/theory is the best suited to the issues you raise from the encounter.
  • Data collected which links to the course concepts; for example, if you are using capacity analysis you will need to observe demand and staff/resources employed. If you are using 7P/4Ps, then data could be marketing materials from the business, websites, trade magazines, etc.
  • Recommendations which use theory provided by the module
  • Critical evaluation of the theory and application. For example, what other potentially negative outcomes could come from your recommendation?

Introduction of automobile company - jaguarlandrover

This company is a well-known automobile company producing a range of products in the market. They provide luxurious cars to society and have a high market value all over the world (, 2022). This company is based on providing sports cars in the market and has a good image in the minds of the customers. In this report, the company Jaguar Land Rover has been described its transformed resources and the transforming resources that are required to be improved based on the betterment of the company. The services that were encountered are based on the transformed resources and transforming resources.

Discussion regarding Module Concepts Chosen

The transformation model is been chosen to identify the actual outcomes that the company provide to its customers for the betterment of the company. In this scenario, the model has been taken to evaluate how the services of the company is been made based on the basis of the requirements of the customers(Liou et al. 2021). The outcomes and the results that are been evaluated from this report is been that the company has been provided many kinds of transformed and transforming resources which might or might not be helpful for the growth of the company.

Here the model shows the evaluation of resources that were been faced by the reporter for the evaluation of the transformation model. It can be said that the company has been providing poor-quality of beverages to the guests and this influence the goodwill of the business(Choudhary et al. 2022). This report has been chosen in order to identify the possible outcomes of the company regarding the business module which can affect the performance and the value of the company towards the customers. The 7p model has taken place where the main concept of “product” has been not sufficient to fulfil the demand of the customers(Radwan, 2018).

The 7Ps of marketing consist of Products as the first main concept. The behaviour of the company in serving food and beverages to the guests was poor and it is been identified from this model and can be seen that this factor required to be changed for the betterment of the company (Anjani et al. 2018). In this report, the behaviour of the staff and the facilities provided for the welcoming of the guests in the company are been determined and has been seen that these facilities are very poor by the staff of the company and need to be improved for the betterment of the competitive market.


In this report, it can be seen that with the help of the transformation model various kinds of issues are encountered and which have a high impact on the value of the company in the minds of the customers. The data that were collected from this survey seems that there is a poor facility of food and beverages provided to the guests or the customers in the company. It can also be seen that the behaviours of the staff in the guest areas are not so good in terms of providing facilities and welcoming the guests into the company (SPOTLIGHT, 2020).

The transformation model has been evaluated in the month of December and it can be seen that in the time of winter, the company must provide various kinds of facilities in the guestroom for the comfort of the guests (Bailey, 2019). It can be said rather found that the customers provide low ratings in terms of the facilities provided to them and the behaviours of the company staffs are required to be improved for the betterment of the company.

There are other issues that were been faced such as the time taken for the computation of the transformation model in the company and the information provided was not sufficient enough to justify the answers to the questions that were required for the report of the business.

Analysis using Services Marketing & Operations Theory

Service marketing refers to the facilities provided by any company along with the sale of goods and services. It can be said that the services that were offered to the guests and the customers built an image of the company in the market. There are various issues that were been seen in the service of the company and it can be said that these services required to be examined and should be improved. The services that are been received from the company are the good behaviours of the staff in the welcoming process, the poor food quality provided at the time of the interview and the process was time-consuming for the identification of the resources of the company from the viewpoint of the customers.

The data that are been required for the betterment of the company are the services provided by the staff to the customers in the sale of goods and also to the guests who visited the company. It can also be seen that the floor of the company guest room is been dirty and no maintenance is been done in order to make it beautiful. There is also a lack of electrical appliances as it has been held in the winter, therefore, resulting in a poor environment for the guests and the customers. There is a lack of heater facilities and a lack of washrooms for the guests too.

The use of the service marketing analysis is been made to identify the issues of the service staff and to evaluate them based on the performance of the company in the market. It can be said that with the help of service marketing, the company needs to focus on the 7p of the marketing strategies. The main factor of the marketing strategy is the product (Van Pinxteren et al. 2019). The product relates to the services and other kinds of products including the actual product sold by the company. Here in this scenario, it can be seen that the foods and the beverages that are been produced for the guests are of poor quality.

Though this company provides high-end valuable automobiles in the market, it can also be a problem that the company might face in the near future regarding the quality of food served by the company to the customers and the guests. The other facilities of the company are also not so well in terms of the comfort to the customers (Schwartz et al. 2019). Here it can be seen that the room for the guests is not sufficiently equipped with basic electronic items for the comfort of the customers and the guests. It can be seen that it is time for winter and the company is not been providing heater facilities to the customers and which can rather affect the motive of the company to diminish in the market. It can also be seen that the foods provided are kind of stale in quality and many guests are not having them. This service facility is creating a negative impact on the goal of the company.

There is various service influencing processes that get influenced by the service itself, the participation of the customers and the guest, the location of the company and the complexity of the service. Upon these factors, it is been required the company to improve the facilities in the service department so as to be better in the workings of the company (Rust, 2020). The participation of the customers is the major factor for the improvement of the services of the company and hence it can be said that in this company the services that are been provided do not make any kinds of fair appraisal to the customers resulting in the downfall of the value in the market.

The operational theory is also been used to identify the problems and to rectify the same with the help of planning, organising, staffing and directing. With the help of these theories, it can be said that the service provided by the company needs to be improved for the betterment of the organisation in the market. There are various kinds of problems related to the service provided by the company and it may influence the minds of the customers in adopting the goods of the company. Thus with the help of these theories, it can be said that the company needs to focus on the problems that arose and rectify them for the betterment.


From the above report, it can be seen that the company has provided various kinds of transformed and transforming resources to the guests and the customers. They have been provided with the poor environmental structure of the guest waiting rooms which has influenced the minds of the customers to adopt the services of this company. It can be found that the company has been providing with poor food to the guests and the behaviour of the staffs is not as expected by many customers. There are various kinds of methods that can be taken place for the evaluation of the problems faced by the company with the customers.

The company needs to use various methods and tactics in order to maintain a healthy relationship with the customers by providing the best facilities along with the sale of its products in the market. Jaguar is a worldwide known automotive company and with poor performance in servicing the customers and the guests, it can be a challenging factor for the company to earn profit from the market (Baron et al. 2018). The company needs various kinds of recommendations for the changes to be made in the service sector of the company.

It can be seen that the company has not provided basic amenities in the guest rooms of the company which has resulted in the downfall in the value of the company in the market. It is been recommended to the company make washrooms and provide heater facilities in the guest rooms so that it can be a reliable and comfortable option for the customers and the guest to afford the products of the company leading to the increase in its value in the market. With the help of the improvement in the service facilities of the company, it can be seen that the customers have been rating fewer rates that have been influencing the sales of the company.

Therefore it can be said that the company requires various kinds of improvement in the service department and it can be said that the foods provided by the company to the guests and the customers are required to be with a quality of food and the service of the staffs in the guest area should also provide with better behaviours so that the customers and the guests feel reliable on them and can also be able to rely on its products (Wirtz, and Lovelock, 2021). It can be seen that the staff were been friendly with the customers in terms of sales but in terms of providing extra services along with the sale of the goods, it can be seen that the staff are not behaving well and are denying various kinds of the request of the customer. There are various kinds of problems that have been raised while computing the transformation model in the business.

The company is also been recommended that for the improvement in 1 year the service staff of the company must improve their behaviours in terms of support to the customers. In the case of the medium term, it can be said that the company must be improving the facilities provided in the guest rooms so that the customers can feel comfortable in the guest rooms provided. For the term of 5 years and more, it can be said that the company need to keep on improving the facilities of the customers and that can influence in a positive way the growth of the business. The company is also been recommended to maintain part of the main sales so as to get the market in the hype as well as the company should also provide various kinds of other facilities to the guests and its customers for the betterment of the company in the market.

The final recommendation that can be given to the company is to maintain the 7p principles and need focus on the transforming resources of the company for the long run in the market. There are various other principles that are also required to be followed along with these principles for the betterment, it can also help in the growth of the company along with the sale of its products all over the world and hence it is been recommended that the company must take initiatives for the betterment in future.


Anjani, H.D., Irham, I. and Waluyati, L.R., 2018. Relationship of 7P marketing mix and consumers' loyalty in traditional markets. Agro Ekonomi, 29(2), pp.261-273.

Bailey, D., 2019. How long can Jaguar Land Rover continue to go it alone?.

Baron, S., Harris, K. and Hilton, T., 2018. Services marketing: text and cases. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Choudhary, N.A., Ramkumar, M., Schoenherr, T., Rana, N.P. and Dwivedi, Y.K., 2022. Does Reshoring Affect the Resilience and Sustainability of Supply Chain Networks? The Cases of Apple and Jaguar Land Rover. British Journal of Management.

Halaj, M., Van?ová, M.H. and Mo?arníkova, K., 2021. The Decision-Making Process in Jaguar Land Rover Nitra. (2022) About the Company available at:

Korec, P. and Popjaková, D., 2019. Priemysel v Nitre, od parného mlynu Arpád, cez Plastiku, np, k Jaguar Land Rover Slovakia. Acta Geographica Universitatis Comenianae, 63(1), pp.103-134.

Liou, R.S. and Rao-Nicholson, R., 2021. Multinational enterprises and Sustainable Development Goals: A foreign subsidiary perspective on tackling wicked problems. Journal of International Business Policy, 4(1), pp.136-151.

Radwan, M., 2018. The impact of leadership on employees’ productivity in Jaguar Land Rover Saudi Arabia service centre.

Rust, R.T., 2020. The future of marketing. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 37(1), pp.15-26.

Schwartz, L.M. and Woloshin, S., 2019. Medical marketing in the United States, 1997-2016. Jama, 321(1), pp.80-96.

SPOTLIGHT, C.L., 2020. IBF Talks To CEO of Jaguar Land Rover, Sir Ralf Speth.

Van Pinxteren, M.M., Wetzels, R.W., Rüger, J., Pluymaekers, M. and Wetzels, M., 2019. Trust in humanoid robots: implications for services marketing. Journal of Services Marketing.

Wirtz, J. and Lovelock, C., 2021. Services marketing: People, technology, strategy. World Scientific.


Student Number: 67855

Journal Entry Number: 1

Name of Firm: Jaguar Land Rover

Type of Service: automobile industry

Date of Encounter: December 2022

Time of Encounter: 13:25

Description of the business

Jaguar Land Rover provides various kinds of automobile services and dealerships in the market

Ratings for the level of satisfaction with the encounter (1-10)


Apply relevant marketing and operations theories:

For this encounter, the transformation model has been taken as the base model for the identification of the actual sales and the purchase that the company makes to its customers. The transformation model refers to a model of identifying how the organisation works for the benefit of its customers.

In this model, the work has been divided into 3 parts: the transformation activity, outputs and inputs. With the help of the transformation of the activities, the inputs are been used for the creation of the outputs. There are two resources in which the inputs have been divided namely Transforming of resources and transformed resources, which identify the things that are changed and are required to be changed. A problem occurred in the encounter with Jaguar Land Rover and this model has been chosen to identify the nature of the problem.

The Transformation Model

Figure 1 - The Transformation Model

Three main issues that made for satisfaction or dissatisfaction with this service encounter

  • Good and Friendly behaviors of the staff
  • Lack of materials which I didn’t enjoy
  • It was a confusing process which took time for the encounter to take place.

Present evidence collected from the business which applies to the theory:

This company makes output and the people rather than the customers are the Transformed resource inputs for the process. The output here is an experience of the company.

For the delivery of the encounter, the company needs an employee to start the experience. I was been asked to sit in the guest room which was very big and various amenities were been present for the guests. Gentle music is been playing in the background which has helped me to make the experience more reliable. These are the transformed resources of the company to the people who have gathered for the collection of the experience. Moreover, the company offered beverages and food at the time of experience and the quality or rather the serving was not at all well mannered. It can be an example of transforming the resources of the company. The process of transformation was more or less has spent well and no other kinds of problems arose at the time of the encounter.

Analysis, using the marketing and operations course theories

With the help of the transformation model, it can be seen that the company has been able to provide various aspects of the encounters which they have been promised to provide. Although, the analysis shows that Jaguar has failed to provide sufficient transforming resources with the support of the total experience.

The issue that has been seen is that there is a lack of products that can be inadequate. The product here is been adequate for the experience and unsuccessful for the beverages. The company might be helpful if the products have been divided into two parts namely transformed resources and transformation of the resources, which can be helpful for the company to focus on various areas and make improvements in addition to supporting another transformation model that is been delivered successfully as the service concept.


Student Number: 120369

Journal Entry Number: 2

Name of Firm: JAGUAR

Type of Service: automobile industry

Date of Encounter: 5th December 2022

Time of Encounter: 1.30 PM

Very briefly, describe the business:

JAGUAR is the Uk based automobile industry organization and is running successfully.

How would you rate your level of satisfaction with this encounter? (Scale of 1-7 where 1 is extremely dissatisfied and 7 is extremely satisfied)


Apply relevant marketing and operations concepts/theories from the lectures to your service encounter: (briefly describe the concept and its purpose as it applies your service encounter)

I will use the applicable theories and models of communication in the specific service encounter in order to engage in an effective mode of communication with the necessary stakeholders and clients. These employ successful campaigns related to the Company and its development, direct marketing, product packaging, distribution, and these. When the model is properly established, opportunities will arise for producing crucial elements including desire, awareness, interest, and action, all of which are essential for the business to adopt. Organizational and cultural changes frequently have an effect on how well the organisation performs throughout a service interaction.

communication Theory

Figure 2: communication Theory

Using bullet points list three main issues that made you satisfied OR dissatisfied with this service encounter

  • The process made me wait for a very long time, which was quite exhausting
  • the service provided by the Company at the time of the contact was subpar.
  • The group's members came up to me in a warm and welcoming manner.

Present evidence or data collected from the business that applies to the concept/theory:

In essence, the entity creates an output that is considered to be an experience. As a result, it may be said that the encounter process' input is its participants. On the other hand, the experience is the output. One of the employees was meant to participate in the encounter session during the intervention, but it took him longer than expected. The level of upkeep and cleaning that was revealed to me left me with a bad impression. Other than that, the encounter went without a hitch, and I had no problems. According to my experience, the product is successful in such a scenario. however, the unsuccessful experience is linked to the atmosphere that existed at the time.

What does your analysis, using the marketing and operations course concepts/theories, tell you about the company?

The 7Ps of the marketing model can be applied to improve the Company's marketing operations. If the 7Ps of marketing theory had been applied, the service interaction might have gone successfully. This will force the firm to concentrate on its key assets, which are its people and resources. This could have been presented to outsiders and would have successfully clarified all pertinent issues of the encounter procedure. If the Company had handled their hygiene problems while still maintaining a better degree of efficiency.


Student Number: 43636

Journal Entry Number: 3

Name of Firm: JAGUAR

Type of Service: Automobile Company

Date of Encounter: September, 2021

Time of Encounter: 3.30

Very briefly, describe the business:

JAGUAR is a automobile company that produced household products.

How would you rate your level of satisfaction with this encounter? (Scale of 1-7 where 1 is extremely dissatisfied and 7 is extremely satisfied)


Apply relevant marketing and operations concepts/theories from the lectures to your service encounter: (briefly describe the concept and its purpose as it applies your service encounter)

For the service encounter of the business from the marketing models, I will utilise the STP model. The STP model is a top-down strategy, and its main objective is to focus the customer's engagement with the business. As there are four step methods to help deliver the dependable and customised communications to the potential customers, "Segmentation," "Targeting," and "Positioning" are the complete form of the STP model. This can assist in the differentiation of the various processes and the amount of service rendered during the specific accounting year.

One of the most modern marketing ideas, it can improve the effectiveness and effectiveness of the communication application. I believe that using this approach with the service

One of the most modern marketing ideas, it can improve the effectiveness and effectiveness of the communication application. As this is a consumer-based business, I believe that using this model to describe a service encounter can help me better understand the connection and relationship with potential customers. This model includes data from market segments and customer experience requirements from segmentation, where consumer detection, requirements, and market segmentation are all taken into account. The information is acquired via market research and data analysis, and in the following stage, demand analysis is used to identify the target market.

This concept is chosen to help me understand the main issues with the service encounter with JAGUAR and the origin is derived with the help of the STP model.

Using bullet points list three main issues that made you satisfied OR dissatisfied with this service encounter

I did not enjoy the entire procedure of contacting customer support because it was really troublesome.

  • The prices of the products are reasonable and the selection of products is broad.
  • I didn't like how long it took for the website to load and how long the line was at the checkout counter.

Present evidence or data collected from the business that applies to the concept/theory:

Both physical locations and the company's website sell the vehicles that it manufactures. This means that there are people marketing the goods and that the targeting and positioning of the products based on possible customers has been thoroughly examined. This is where I had my service experience and had the opportunity to purchase a product from both locations.

The company's website, as well as a number of supermarket stores and department stores, carry the products. I was instructed to visit the store and buy various goods from the boutiques and department store, which had a pleasant atmosphere with a light BGM playing in the background. Although the products were divided up differently, making it difficult to notice, this created for a pretty pleasant shopping experience; this is where the STP model comes into play. There were no further problems during the process, and I believe the STP model was a smart choice.

What does your analysis, using the marketing and operations course concepts/theories, tell you about the company?

Using data analysis on customer feedback, the STP model's implementation can assist me in determining whether or not I was successful in reaching new customers. However, it might be said that the business was unable to assist in identifying the resources that could adequately account for the experience. The 7 Ps marketing approach can also be used when taking into account product prices. The products can be divided into categories according to their intended use.


Student Number: 12589

Journal Entry Number: 4

Name of Firm: JAGUAR ltd

Type of Service: Automobile Company

Date of Encounter: 1.12.2022

Time of Encounter: 12.03 pm

Describe the business

JAGUAR is a provider of electronic gadgets that works on technology or electronic technology.

How would you rate your level of satisfaction with this encounter? (Scale of 1-7 where 1 is extremely dissatisfied and 7 is extremely satisfied


Apply relevant marketing and operations concepts/theories from the lectures to your service encounter: (briefly describe the concept and its purpose as it applies to your service encounter)

The transformation model can be applied while partaking in this encounter. The transformational model seeks to achieve organisational transformations and efficiency. The model's use will help the company modify its degree of profitability and attract the most clients possible to the brand. Additionally, the company can introduce fresh and important modifications within the organisation for the critical elements that will trigger the analytical process of improvement by using the transformational model. It appears that just a small number of businesses are aware of the suitable approaches that are haphazardly taken into account for changing marketing techniques.

The model is built on connecting customers with a high degree of product impact in order to generate favorable feedback from them toward the brand. According to Irnawati and Prasetyo (2020), the transformative business model aids in the preparation of three or more application features, such as personalization, a collaborative ecosystem, agility, and an adaptive management system. These innovations or systems are crucial for implementing the necessary changes inside the organization and maintaining its high degree of organization. The market is currently being heavily impacted by AI-driven tools and techniques, necessitating the high-level integration of these tools and processes into the company.

Using bullet points list three main issues that made you satisfied OR dissatisfied with this service encounter

  • Poor services and supplies that were not of higher quality
  • A complex marketing process that prolonged the encounter process
  • A nice and inviting environment that involved me

Present evidence or data collected from the business that applies to the concept/theory:

JAGUAR is a high-tech company that uses technological equipment and tools to produce a variety of cutting-edge goods. In addition, the encounter process gave me the idea that people are the resource input that has been altered. The experience, though, is where I experienced encounters like coming across processes.

After I completed the encounter process, one member was eventually needed to welcome me and begin the process. My grasp of many concepts and emotions as a result of the transformative experience helped me to adopt a constructive outlook on the organization, which destroyed how I was going to approach the activity.

What does your analysis, using the marketing and operations course concepts/theories, tell you about the company?

I was able to examine the Company using the transformational model, and I discovered that numerous modifications had been implemented within the original structure. The 7ps' adoption will be advantageous for the strategy as well. The management of the business's problem areas will be made possible by the integration of the models.


Student Number: 330052

Journal Entry Number: 5

Name of Firm: Jaguar

Type of Service: Multinational automobile company

Date of Encounter: April 2022

Time of Encounter: 12.30 pm

Very briefly, describe the business:

Jaguar is a multinational automobile company based in the UK and there are several chains across the country and the world.

How would you rate your level of satisfaction with this encounter? (Scale of 1-7 where 1 is extremely dissatisfied and 7 is extremely satisfied)


Apply relevant marketing and operations concepts/theories from the lectures to your service encounter: (briefly describe the concept and its purpose as it applies your service encounter)

The AIDA marketing model, which primarily focuses on the consumer, is the marketing philosophy I have employed for the service encounter. Since this is a hospitality-based business, the only thing that should receive priority is the experience and input of the customers. With the aid of "Awareness," "Interest," "Desire," and "Action," this model tracks the consumer's journey and effectively infers the automobile 's marketing strategy. This is used to indicate how marketing communications are strategically planned. The dissemination of the material aids in comprehending the numerous time periods when the pandemic and inflation have been taken into consideration. This support aids in the development of the decision-making procedure relevant and applicable.

This model contains cognitive stages where analysis based on client service experience and purchasing behaviour is taken into account. This is more concerned with the final choice that the customers have made along the way than it is with their relationship with the business. Additionally, the integration of social media platforms utilised for business marketing and promotion aids in achieving AIDA's varied goals.

For my service interaction with the InterContinental Automobile groups, where the understanding of the causes of the problems is, I have made the decision to use the AIDA model. The AIDA model can be used to determine the nature of the issue and its components.

Using bullet points list three main issues that made you satisfied OR dissatisfied with this service encounter

  • I being a staff was cooperative and friendly.
  • There was a complicated process while checking in at the automobile and making automobile
  • The parts of the cars low quality and not as much as I had expected.

Present evidence or data collected from the business that applies to the concept/theory:

The organisation works in the vehicle sector, where the AIDA model takes into account customer satisfaction and experience. especially considering that I am a consumer and the result of my experience staying in the car The business dispatched a manager to show me around the car while I was waiting in the lobby to aid with the end result.

The interior of the car had a pleasant atmosphere, with decent ventilation and sufficient illumination. Despite the lengthy wait, I believe I had a pleasant experience. The accessibility in the car weren't of the calibre I had anticipated. Although the whole process wasn't difficult, there were problems with the quality that came up.

What does your analysis, using the marketing and operations course concepts/theories, tell you about the company?

The application of the AIDA model has helped me in the development of the process and the experience of the automobile stay. The evaluation has many issues, especially with the materials and the bedding used in the automobile s, which are deemed lower than expected. The marketing is the best tool, which can be used for the implementation of the food, drinks and other items, used in the automobile to make the stay and experience of the consumers as comfortable as possible. There are several places like maintaining the quality of the maintained and the bedding used in the rooms.

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