UMKCQT-15-M Meeting Customer Needs Assignment Sample

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Article 1: Sustainability into service marketing in order to expand decision making from a mix to a matrix

It is identified that decision-making is playing a sound and effective role to make an industry sustainable. The retail sector is developing in a sound way while they are able to approach a proper decision-making process. Critical issues and problems have been resolved while retail industries are following different technologies. As stated by Pomering and Johnson (2018), it is identified that the triple bottom line is a popular technology that is helpful for the industry to approach decision making positively. In association with that, a positive outcome can be considered simultaneously while industries and companies are following this process. Effectiveness has been gained by the companies and industry and that is helpful to reduce conflicts and threats at the same time. Overall development processes are being ensured by adopting sound decision-making and approaching a mix to a matrix. Based on this, risk analysis matrix and probability matrix are helpful to reduce the challenges and problems during expansion of the organization. Difficulties have been resolved significantly and that is considered as a significant process of development.

Sustainability is being enhanced particularly and that is essential to cope with different issues from the competitors. Overall events can be ensured by implementing triple bottom line theory where a company can mitigate the risks and threats regarding supply chain management. In addition to that sustainability in service is being also approached simultaneously by following the theory positively. In this case, both the management and employees are responsible to cope with the problems and challenges properly. As opined by Hutahayan (2020), overall movement has been enhanced particularly and that is essential to reach their expected goals and objectives as well. Improvement and expansion of the industries can be ensured significantly by following the sustainability theory in a positive way. Based on this, advancement in technology and innovation is also needed to cope with different challenges and problems at the same time.

 It is observed service quality can be enhanced by adopting the appropriate theory where consumer satisfaction levels are being met as well. It is important to follow a sustainability service marketing framework in order to develop in a maintained manner. Difficult situations and problems will be resolved in a sound way and that is helpful to increase the sustainable service as well. In association with that, the service marketing mix is also playing a vital and significant role in order to reach the expected goals and objectives in the long end.

Effectiveness has been enhanced particularly and that is essential to ensure success as well. It is also identified that the sustainability service marketing mix approach is able to include price, promotions, and place. As opined by Afthanorhan et al. (52019), it also includes partnerships, processes, and physical evidence in a sound way and that is effective for reducing the challenges and problems in the long end. Overall improvement has been ensured particularly and that is considered as the key factor for increasing sustainability. Efficiency levels of the operational management are being enhanced where service management is experiencing both the challenges and opportunities. Technological implementations are helpful to utilize these opportunities and resolve the challenges simultaneously.


Strategic management helps an organization to prepare a comparative Ent advantage in its market and it is offering to occupy a majority of market share. This is an effective way for a business organization to identify market demand and then expand in business to get more appropriate results from business operations. In case of any kind of issues faced by an organization, the overall business organization needs to do a proper market success to analyze the armlet requirement. As stated by Simulate and Boon-It (2020), the overall strategic management is primarily dependent on theoretical knowledge of a business organization and then expand in business to get success. In market operation, an organization needs to properly elevate the market requirement and prepared products and services as per market demands. In case of any kind of business-associated issues occurring in front of a business organization, strategic management, and its practices helps to mitigate issues that are present in front of a company.

During the time of preparing effective plans, an organization needs to consider its resources organization's Ability to using latest technology or updated technology to mitigate business associated challenges. Additionally, it is found that different types of challenges are present in front of a business organization and then getting market success for overall improvement. As opined by Ajmal et al. (2017), in case of any kind of business associated issues are unable to meet with business overall business organization. Different types of strategies are needed to be utilized by an organization to meet up with its long- and short-term goals and then introduced in business to manage proper plans to achieve market success. The main aim of strategic management is to ensure business success as well as ensuring comparative advantages with its rival companies.

In the present business days, different types of strategies are applied by an organization to communicate with its market indicators and then get market success. Relationship with market operations and marketing then expanding in business to get proper business success from its business to ensure its long- and short-term goals. As stated by Pakurár et al. (2016), however, it is found that a clear different situation is present between MNC and SMEs strategic operational management. Due to the reason of clear differentiation between business operation and resources are present. It is directly influencing an organization to utilize its fallible resources in an effective way.

Article 3: Conceptualizing trust with cultural perspective in international business operations

In present-day business trends, every business organization aims for the international market due to this reason the administration team of every business organization is dealing with different types of challenges. In this situation, an MNC needs to ensure that those strategies are applied by its administration team to ensure the business's success by using proper plans. In case of any kind of business associated challenges are unable to meet management team inefficiency is mainly responsible. In this situation, the administration team of a business organization needs to ensure that those strategies applied by them are able to meet up their expectations and then get market success. As opined by Wikhamn (2019), it is found that the same scenario is present in the Sainsbury business organization, this company is primarily facing different types of servicing associated issues in its business. Issues that are faced by Sainsbury are primarily creating a deep impact in business and then getting market success from business operations. In case of any kind of business-associated issues are present under a business organization, the overall business organization is able to solve issues in its business.

In present-day business trends, most business organizations are analyzing their business associated challenges and then expand their business in a new market. It is found that Sainsbury is mainly facing issues regarding its servicing sector associated that can dice lying creating a negative impact in its business and then get positive results from business operations. As stated by Lin et al. (2020), the main aim of this company is to identify its customers' demands and then prepare effective plans for ensuring its business success. In case of any kind of business, associated issues are facing by an organization management team need to properly analyzed in business and then evaluate its business in a proper way. It is found that in the global market an organization is dealing with different types of uncertainties that can create a direct impact on business performance. In this situation, management team's efficiency in choosing the right decision or strategy helps to achieve its long- and short-term goals. Another main target of strategic operation to identify the cultural differentiation that is present between target market and the existing market. Strategic management and its practices help an organization to reduce cultural differentiation that is present and occupying the majority of market share.

Article 4: Linkages between Firm Innovation Strategy, Suppliers, Product Innovation, and Business Performance: Insights from Resource Dependence Theory

Business innovation is an effective strategy for a business organization to preparing an effective strategy for business improvement. Business innovation primarily as an organization to meet up with their predetermined goals and work to achieve goals. In innovation different types of strangles are prepared by an organization like business development and identification to market requirement. Business innovation helps Sainsbury to minimize its cost and it is an effective strategy to meet up with its predetermined goals. As stated by Jajja et al. (2017), in case of any kind of innovation associated issues are arising in front of a business organization demonstration team need to solve. In innovation, some important aspects need to be analyzed by an organization and then expand its business in the market. In innovation, different types of factors are analyzed and introduced in business to meet different types of requirements in which operational innovation, financing, and planning associated strategies are implemented by a business organization to meet up with market requirements. It is found that different companies are using different types of innovation stages in their business.

However, research and development department of a business organization is primly taking responsibility for business innovation. It is found that customer awareness of products is directly influenced by business innovation to boost profitability. Innovation simultaneously improves under an organization and it is directly companies that possess a diverse degree of creativity and capital (Varadarajan, 2018). Another or considerably changed type of improvement or execution is the utilization of interaction advancement. This involves major innovative, hardware, or gadget enhancements. It is intended to decrease assembling or administration unit costs, to boost creation effectiveness and appropriation. Be that as it may, designing cycles and corporate innovations are not unmistakably recognized. Nonetheless, we keep on accepting that the advances in measures relate exclusively to improvements in current actual gear that addresses new information, for example, ventures that make epitomized advancements changes inside the organization. The presentation of new advertising approaches requiring emotional changes in item advancement or bundling or the putting of items or valuing methodologies is known as showcasing development. Its point is to all the more likely fulfill the requests of our customers, open new business sectors or offer the organization's products to another commercial center to raise business incomes (Povolná, 2019). The critical goal of executing showcasing advances, along these lines, is to augment in general income volumes to permit utilizing monetary scale, adequately portion markets to take up more prominent portions of client excesses, viably rival costs, and have item includes that increment deals.

Article 5: Assessing the effects of service quality on customer satisfaction Asyraf Afthanorhan, Zainudin Awang, Norfadzilah Rashid, Hazimi Foziah, and Puspa Liza Ghazali

Customer satisfaction is helping an organization to connect with a huge number of customers and retaining existing customers of a business. In case of any kind of business-associated challenges faced by an organization, customer satisfaction is the way to meet up with long and short goals. As stated by Hutahayan (2020), customer satisfaction is primarily indicating the identification of customers' requirements and prepares strategies to meet up requirements. Customer satisfaction and organization is required different types of strategies in which technology and strategic management is playing an important role. Sainsbury needs to ensure that those strategies are utilized by this company are able to fulfill their customer's requirement and then prepare effective strategies for getting market success. As opined by Pakurár et al. (2019), Updated technology is able to meet up with customers’ requirements and it helps an organization to prepare effective plans for its business. Communicating with customers by using less amount of labor and time is helping an organization to get market success and also helps to get more appropriate strategies for a business. During the time of preparing effective plans to ensure business success, identification of customers' needs is essential. As opined by Nunkoo et al. (2020), service quality of Sainsbury is directly influencing customers to be satisfied with their business operations and then get success from business operations. In customer satisfaction, an organization needs to ensure that it prepares some effective strategies for its business and then get a proper market success and it is a crucial aspect to meet up with their requirements. According to strategic management and innovation, Sainsbury can meet up with their target customers’ needs achieve their goals.


Afthanorhan, A., Awang, Z., Rashid, N., Foziah, H. and Ghazali, P., 2019. Assessing the effects of service quality on customer satisfaction. Management Science Letters, 9(1), pp.13-24.

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Pomering, A. and Johnson, L.W., 2018. Building Sustainability into Services Marketing: Expanding decision-making from a mix to a matrix. Sustainability, 10(9), p.2992.

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Wikhamn, W., 2019. Innovation, sustainable HRM and customer satisfaction. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 76, pp.102-110.

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