Organizational Behavior Assignment Unit H/508/0525

Fundamental Concepts in Organizational Behavior

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Introduction Of Organizational Behavior Assignment Sample

The organizations are confronting a range of issues in managing human resources as competition and globalization in the business world get more intense. When the diversification of the workforce which will impact the HR department's capability to manage its employees. This research examines the corporate environment in which the XYZ Company is facing issues in terms of employee motivation and satisfaction (Buchanan and Badham 2020). To address these issues the study will help clarify several important issues, including engagement among employees, culture of the organization control, politics, and community and their effect on the success of a firm. The researcher will discuss the relation between power, community, and politics, and their influence on the behavior of organizations in this piece. The study will explore the many aspects.

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Organizational Behavior

LO1 Analyze the influence of Culture, Politics and power on the behaviour of others in an organizational context

Organizational culture has a profound impact on the behaviour of employees as well as productivity, making it crucial to the success of the business. It is the underlying fundamentals that are based on values, assumptions, and values that the company's psychological environment is built upon. It is evident that the Case Corporation is experiencing problems in terms of employee retention and motivation. The Organizational culture is a factor on these issues too. The corporate organizations of today have a diverse workforce that can be difficult to manage (Cornwall 2017). The Case business must focus on creating an effective corporate environment in which employees appreciate each other and strengthen interpersonal relations. Furthermore, the company must strive to foster the kind of society where workers are not subjected due to an of the elements.

P1 Analyze how an organization's culture, politics and power influence individual and team behavior and performance (Handy French and Raven)

The organizational culture has a profound influence on employee behavior and productivity, which is why it is crucial for the growth of a company. It is the beliefs that are based on values, assumptions, and values that the company's psychological atmosphere is built on. The business must make sure that no discrimination is exhibited in the company that is based on any of the aspects, as this could affect employee behavior at work.

The concept is frequently utilized in communication across the organization. The five forms of French-Raven's power are presented with the observance of the degree to which they are observable as well as the degree to which power is dependent on the structural circumstances. Dependency refers to the level of internalization within individuals that are under social control. Based on these factors, it is possible to connect personal processes to the structural context.

John French and Bertram Raven presented the following forms of power:

  • Coercive Power: According to French and Raven there are other types of power that could be employed in a coercive way, like withholding rewards, expert knowledge, or using referent power to threaten the social exclusion. The Reward Power kind that is used to exercise power comes from the notion that we tend to be successful in the event that we get something in return. The most common forms are raises, promotions, or compliments.
  • Legitimate power: This type of power allows to connect certain emotions of obligation or accountability to leadership. The practice of rewarding and punishing employees could be considered to be a legitimate element of the official or appointed leadership position. Referent Power ability is derived from a person who is loved by many and who feels strongly connected to their character in some way. A leader with referent power usually is a great observer of their surroundings and has a lot of influence. The responsibility associated with this type of power is a lot and can be a risk to get lost in this.
  • Expert Power: This kind of power is based upon extensive knowledge, in-depth knowledge, or experience. They are usually highly skilled and believe in their ability to perform many administrative roles and responsibilities. This capability allows them to harness the power to reward and reward, in just the correct manner.

M1 Critical Analyses how the culture, politics and power of an organization can influence individual and team behavior and performance

Three influences such as culture, power and the political environment, have a significant impact on the behavior of employees and the success of the business. Companies must ensure that these influences are not having an adverse impact on the behavior of employees. If the company's culture is negative, the possibility of tensions and conflicts within the workplace increase. This can affect their performance and morale (Osabiya 2015). If issues like sexual discrimination and diversity of culture are prevalent within working environments, this may affect employees' motivation and negatively impact their productivity. In the case of CEOs, the business must first be aware of the social context before devising effective strategies for the correct management of the business. The CEO must exert his or her authority with care and with regard to the best interest of the company. It is essential for the company to make sure that there is no bias or favoritism is abounds, since this could demotivate certain. When such conducts are prevalent within work, these behaviors can have an adverse effect on the behavior of employees. The company should put an emphasis on the employee's rights in order to ensure that top managers are not abusing their authority. In addition, if there is a culture of politics used at work, then the morale of employees and the entire team will be affected (Dong, 2017).

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LO2 Evaluate how to motivate individual and teams to achieve a goal

Highly motivated employees will perform very well for the company and it is essential for employees to have a motivated workforce that is able to deliver more outcomes. The motivation of employees and their satisfaction at work are issues that the company is tackling. They must focus on implementing theories that are successful and can assist them in solving the issue. The process theories for motivation can be effective theories that aid companies in shaping their employees' behavior and encouraging them to improve (Barrick, et,al2015). In the case of this study, businesses will apply Adam's equity theory as well as Vroom's expectancy theory to be successful methods theories of motivation.

P2 Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques enable effective achievement of goals in an organizational context.

The direction of a person's conduct, their level of effort, and their ability to persist through difficulties are all influenced by the physical forces of motivation. Believes by showing loyalty and dedication, members of a group can strengthen their organization by acting as a unit. Some authors have even gone as far as to develop theories and models that help to comprehend the motivational process (Beaubie and Baker, 2017). This encompasses, among other things, hygiene, Frederick Herzberg's motivation, and Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The theories of motivation's includes content and process Content theories and process theories are the two main divisions of the totality theory of motivation. The "what" that motivates people is addressed by content theories, which concentrate on particular objectives and needs.

Maslow, Alderfer, Herzberg, and McClelland were among the authors who looked at motivation from the "content" approach. According to content theorists, everyone has the same standards and expectations for their jobs. Currently, these needs show up in social, bodily, and psychological ways. Process theories emphasize motivation as a "process" and are concerned with the "how" of motivation. From the "process" perspective, motivation has been investigated by authors like Vroom, Porter & Lawler, Adams, and Locke. Process theories are subjective. In other words, they think that each person has specific needs and, as a result, different motivating factors. Theories of content focus on each person's unique needs and aspirations in order to understand "what" inspires people. From a "content" approach, Maslow, Alderfer, Herzberg, and McClelland looked at motivation. Process Theories are centered on "how" motivation happens and are concerned with what is referred to as the "process" of motivation. From the "process" perspective, motivation was investigated by Vroom, Porter & Lawler, Adams, and Locke.

M2 Critically evaluate how to influence the behaviour of others through the effective application of behavioral motivational theories, concepts and models

Highly motivated workers will perform admirably for the company, and it is crucial for workers to have a motivated crew that can produce better results. The organization is attempting to address the challenges of employee motivation and satisfaction. They must concentrate on creating hypotheses that are sound and will help them address this issue (MacMillan, 2022). The process theories of motivation can be useful theories that help an organization mould the behavior of its employees and motivate them to get better. For this particular firm, the Adam's equity theory and the Vroom expectation theory will be applied as successful approaches theories of motivation.

Vroom Theory

Employees are motivated according to the Vroom expectancy principle, when they are able to achieve the desired outcomes. This theory suggests that employees behave in a way that is influenced by alternative choices they make that increase their happiness and reduce their discomfort. Expectancy as well as instrumentality and valence are the three components of this model. If the company successfully handles all three of these aspects then it will be capable of motivating and influencing employees.

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Adam's Equity Theory

In Adam's equity theory, if companies care about giving their employees the tools to succeed to succeed, they need to create an equitable relationship between rewards and success (Cheng and. al. 2020). If the company offered more incentives based on the success of the job this would assist in keeping employees engaged and enticing employees to be more productive within the company.

Content theories of motivation are often efficient, and if an organization insists in effectively

Implementing these theories, it can aid in better motivating workers(Mathieu, 2017).

LO3 Demonstrate an understanding of how to cooperate effectively with others

Motivation among employees is a concern in the company have chosen. It is recommended that the Group focuses on creating an efficient and supportive environment in which authority is effectively used. Additionally, the company should focus on creating new methods that integrate these motivational ideas in an acceptable manner (Graham, 2017). In the end, one can say that businesses must provide their employees with the right environment and make greater power use, and there should not be any politics within the workplace. The application of motivational theories can help them to positively influence employees' behavior and encourage them to perform well to benefit the company.

P3 Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team

A motivated and efficient team is crucial to achieve desired results within a predetermined timeframe. A successful team is characterized with the following attributes:

Complementary Skill Set: A successful team structure is comprised of individuals with similar but distinct skills that compliment the skills of their team members. The team should be constructed in a manner that there is a mixture of skills that support each other, be it technological, analytical, and strategic.

Team spirit: Alongside possessing the required skills, a having a positive attitude and a sense of belonging are essential. This helps to create a sense of belonging to the team, which is essential during difficult projects. An effective team will are proud of being part of the team (Wilson, 2018).

A positive attitude among team members is vital to getting the job completed efficiently. A team that is successful always is characterized by a positive 'can-do' attitude that further inspires team members to put forth their maximum effort.

When a team falls apart the main reasons can be traced to Lack cohesion, Lack in Team work and praising individuals instead of the whole Team or Time Management.

To address these issues here are a few issues to be taken into consideration:

Credit: In any team there is an individual leader. If teaming up with someone else, each team member should be given the same recognition, praise, and importance for the leader as well as the other team members.

Equality: If anyone is weak, it's the duty of the other members to help him learn and help him become competent enough to accomplish the task instead of not focusing on his weaknesses or not assigning any tasks to him.

Transparency: There must be openness between the team members. No one should feel excluded.

Facilitate: Imagine that the tasks is given to all and or two of members are having issue to finish prior to the deadline. If encounter such a situation, instead of stressing him out, why not work together to assist him in completing the task to ensure that the team finishes the task in time. By helping each other, make team more cohesive!

Time management: Split tasks according to the number of people work with to ensure work can be completed in very short amount of time.

Follow-up: The leader has to be on the lookout for follow-up to ensure that all tasks assigned to them are in the schedule.

M3 Analyze relevant team and group development theories to support the development of cooperation within effective teams

Collaboration among team members is the primary aspect required to ensure an efficient and seamless business operations. The workplace environment encourages the involvement of employees in open and honest communication (Luthans, 2021). Collaboration in the workplace is characterized by teams that can be efficient or not effective. It has been discovered that the mere presence of teams doesn't help organizations. The team must be efficient in order to accomplish its goals and goals. The team will attain the status of being successful by having an open and honest discussion in which members are able to freely express their opinions within the organization, and a using a situational leadership approach and team members respect each their opinions and perspectives.

Ineffective teams are opposed to a team that is effective since the members in these teams don't listen to one another, and closed discussions are held within the company and an authoritative style of leadership is adhered to. The process of making decisions in effective teams is marked by a type of consensus that is based on general agreement gained from every member. However, in unproductive team, decision-making is usually made prematurely, before the main issues are addressed. In addition, it is observed that the roles of team members play an important part in determining whether the team is efficient or ineffective (Donaldson and Walsh, 2015). This can be recognized through the lens of theories of team development, developed by Meredith Belbin. Based on this concept, there exist many teams that have roles that influence the efficiency of teams. This influences the way teams to behave.

LO4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organizational behavior to a given business situation

P4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organizational behavior within an organizational context and given business situation

Organization Behavior is founded on a handful of basic concepts that deal with the character of individuals and organizations.

The most fundamental ideas of organizational behavior include;

Personal Differences: The notion of individual differences originates from psychology. From the time of birth, everyone is unique. Furthermore, personal experiences post-birth can make people different.

Perception: The perceptions of people can differ depending on how they look at an object. Two individuals can present in different ways identical object. This is due to their own experiences.

An entire person: A worker's personal life is not separated from his professional life. Because of this, it is impossible to separate them. Therefore, the manager must take care of an employee as a total individual.

Motivational Behavior: Certain motives are required to enhance the work experience. An increase in satisfaction with the work is the best method to improve the work experience.

The desire to be involved every employee is looking for opportunities to be involved in the decision-making process. They want the opportunity to share their knowledge and gain knowledge from their experience.

The importance of the individual a person wants to be treated in a different way from other production factors, (land, capital, labor).

Human Dignity: The idea is extremely philosophical. Every person should be treated with respect and respect, regardless of whether they are the CEO of a company or the laborer.

Organizations are a Social System they are social structures; therefore their activities are governed by social law and psychological laws. Like people with mental requirements as well, they also are socially oriented and have status.

In the case of Mutual Interest, The mutual interest is expressed in the statement that organizations require people, and individuals also require organizations.

The Holistic Theory: This idea is a way of understanding the relationship between people and organizations regarding the entire person, the entire group, the organization, and the entire social system.

M4 Evaluate How concepts and philosophies of OB inform and influence behaviour within a given business situation

When it comes to the concept and philosophy of organizational behavior it is apparent they're based upon two key aspects that include the character of the people involved and the nature of the organization. The term "nature of people" refers to the essential characteristics of individuals and people in an organization, which can be comparable or distinctive. The factors that affect the character of individuals are personal differences, the whole person, motivated behavior, and perception. When considering the first aspect the individual differences it is evident that individuals are viewed one-on-one. Managers at Marks and Spencer, generally hold one-on-one meetings on a quarterly basis with employees in order to understand their views. However, this method has been criticized for being biased and judgmental. The other aspect of an organization's behavior is perception, which is the ability to see and make conclusions about things. Motivation is another aspect that affects the behavior of individuals both in a positive and negative manner. The employees at Marks and Spencer are more than happy with the HR policies and rewards strategies provided by the management; however, there are some lower-level employees who are not content with the guidelines of the Company which can lead to the negative behavior of employees. The whole person is affected by the emotional state of employees that is not separate from physical ones.

Another aspect of the philosophy and concept of organizational behavior is the nature of an organization which plays an important part. The elements that influence the nature of organizations are ethics, social system as well as mutual interests. The social system refers to the connection of social companies with their suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. It can be formal or informal. The behavior of people is dependent on these social systems since it is a mirror image of the beliefs and values of organizations. The individual and group drive influence the behavior. Ethics are the moral guidelines of organizations. Marks and Spencer meet moral requirements and ethical standards throughout its business activities, including values of integrity, integrity and discipline, and client-centricity. Additionally, the ethics code reward for training has recently been added to the culture of the company to recognize ethical behavior. Mutual interest is the understanding between employees and also the organization. Mutual interest is a significant element in the behavior that is prevalent at work. In the case of Marks and Spencer, it is evident that the Company in large part faces numerous difficulties related to understanding among employees and companies. Therefore, mutual interests can result in positive and negative behavior. Regarding the theory of team development developed by Tuckman it was discovered that the components of the theories and concepts of behavior in organizations are completely in line with the 4 phases: creating the team, norming, storming, and acting.


In accordance with the article mentioned above the company in question must understand the effects of ideologies, financial wealth and politics on the behavior of employees and productivity. They should adopt proactive strategies that will aid them in effectively tackling all the factors so that they can positively affect the behavior of employees. In addition, the business should employ both the methods and models of motivation, to successfully resolve the issue of employee satisfaction and motivation of employees.


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