Physical And Mental Health Case Study

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Introduction of Physical And Mental Health Case Study

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A patient mainly who is suffering from a chronic disease or any other disease where the patient is not able to go outside and live a normal life, goes through several mental problem. Situations like this make the patient isolated from the society therefore they feel themselves neglected by the society. Sometimes the long-term health condition leads the patient to severe depression where a patient loses all the reasons for being happy and fails to find a reason to be alive. They feel loneliness; therefore, they want some company. They sometimes want to do the daily work like the other healthy people in the society but they are not able to do so due to their health condition; therefore, it leads them to lose self-confidence and day by day, they get no more motivation to continue the treatment and live in the society. In such a condition, what a patient needs more is the support of family, friends, and relatives. However, in many cases the family neglects the patients also. Regarding this situation, a nursing staff or a nursing professional can help overcome the situation, which may become very helpful for the parent and its family also.


A retired miner is suffering from long-term lung disease. The condition of the patient is serious and therefore the patient is still under treatment. According to the doctor, the patient is under the support of the oxygen and this is a long term supporting system that is being given to the patient by the doctor. The man stays alone and due to his health condition he cannot go out and is not able to live the like his previous normal life, which he used to live. Therefore, the patient is feeling isolated (Meel, 2022). In this condition, taking care of the man’s mental health should be another important concern for the doctors too.

Identification of the condition and Need of integration of care

In this case, the main concern is to identify the reason behind the issues that a patient is feeling and to identify the possible ways to meet the criteria that can be helpful to manage the problem and the source or issues that are faced by the patient (Hays et al. 2018). In the identification of issues, it may help in finding the method, which can lead to the identification of the way, which is helpful in this case.

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The integrated care in the healthcare system is the service that serves to improve the health care service by providing better adherence to treatment, in case of readmission and in case of providing treatment in the home, increasing the satisfaction of a patient and also of the patient’s family (Bailey et al. 2021). It also works for providing health literacy and in the self-care of the health professional. Integrated care is always concerned about the job satisfaction of the health worker to improve the outcome that is the result of the performance of the healthcare worker.

The effectiveness of current practice in the integration of physical and mental health needs

People with poor mental health conditions have a higher risk of chronic health conditions. In this study, the patient is already suffering from a severe lung condition and is under long-term treatment. In this case, the patient is supported with the oxygen therefore the patient is unable to go outside and unable and has difficulties with the movement as he is living with the oxygen support in his daily life (Chen et al. 2019). A patient with poor and chronic health disease can develop the risk of poor mental health in this novice and versa condition.

The impact of integrating care is mainly to reduce the poor quality of the health care service. The inequalities in the health service so that each and every people who are in need of healthcare support get the service in their perfect time without being suffered from the biased service giving process and also it helps in the provide a better service in case of patient who atr5e under the home treatment also. The integrated care of health service also makes some fragmentation in the health care service and provides education so that they perform their duty accordingly and each patient gets the service as per their need (Hays et al. 2018). This service also is concerned about the economic purpose of the health care service so that a patient does not die due to the lack of economic sources to access the proper medical care. Through the integrated care approaches, the service provider can develop a mental and physical health plan to improve the strategy about management of the mental health condition of a patient who is suffering from the long-term physical chronic disease.

Mental Health Integration that is the (MHI) is a part of the healthcare service that provides service to the both. The doctor leaded team and to the patients. In this case, the mental and physical health condition of the both personal is considered important and the health service is provided accordingly. In this case the Public Health Agencies can also provide service to the patient who are going through a poor mental health conditio9n may be due to suffering from any chronic physical disease for a long time (Stuijfzand et al. 2020). By incorporating the research area so that the relation between the mental health condition and the physical chronic health condition can be understood properly.

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Barriers to integration of care

There are several challenges that are being faced by the heath care workers in case of the integration of care. There are many barriers in this case which mainly includes lack of commitment, limited sources, poor information technology, conflicting objectives, poor fitness coordination, and poor care pathways. The biggest challenge in the healthcare integration is the lack of resources and the budgets so that it can create improvement in the integration care programme (Haysetal.2018). In this integrated care programme, lack of commitment to the health care organization is a very important challenge because the commitment of the health care staff in providing the required service is very important. In case of urgent delivery of the service-limited sources is another problem due to which sometime it becomes very tough to provide adequate medical equipment to the patient (Reynolds et al. 2018). Mainly in case of poor mental condition what is mainly needed is a nursing profession who can provide service to the patient and help in improving the mental condition by speaking with the patient giving time and understanding the mental situation through which the patient is going on in this case availability of staff should be very good.

Nursing stigma

Nursing Stigma is a negative attitude of a nursing staff or a nursing professional. It may be to the patient illness or the mental condition of a patient. This can affect both kinds of patients who are suffering from the physical health related condition of from the mental health related condition. The discrimination and the stigma is a very important role of a nursing stuff, which never should be applied in their profession toward ant patient because this can make a patient feel uncomfortable, neglected. This can increase the possible chances of appearance of the complication; can also worsen the situation by reducing the likelihood of taking further treatment (Liu et al. 2020). There are many symptoms of stigma in the nursing care, which include the rough behaviour toward the patient, inadequate treatment or delay in the treatment, providing proper treatment in time-to-time and also refusing to provide proper care and negligence or delay in informing the senior staff about the health and mental condition of the patient.

The nursing stigma is a very important part for providing proper care and service by the nursing care. In this case, the nursing professional must reduce this kind of negative role in their profession while serving the patient (Bailey et al. 2021). The main concern of nursing professional and the nursing staff should be never hurt a patient by any of their activities. Therefore, they must work on it and improve their skill while providing the service to the patients. Mainly in case of those patient who are suffering from a chronic disease and is under long-term treatment is observed. Therefore, they may go through severe poor mental health condition, the nursing stigma that is a negative role of the nursing st6afrf can lead to the negative impact on the patient health and mental condition affecting on the recovery time of the patient (Özdin and Bayrak Özdin, 2020). It mainly happens in case of that patient who are diagnosed with severe illness, which can reduce the hope of living also.

Improving the nursing practice

 In the case of management of the mental condition of a patient who is suffering from a long-term health condition, the nursing care that is provided to the patient should be always kind band very helpful. In this case the nursing staff must try both improve their skill and she must avoid all the characters that falls under the nursing stigma (Taquet et al. 2021). In this case, the nursing staff must improve their performance by following the guideline of the nursing practice. The nursing professional should provide the individualized patient care that is giving the patient the required time and try to talk with the patient to understand what is actually going on in the patient mind. The nursing professional should improve the skill that is to gain knowledge about the how to serve the patient while putting effort to self-care management (Clemens et al. 2020). The nursing staff must be offering the empathy toward the patient. In case of management of the mentally poor condition of a patient, a nursing staff must provide the time to understand what may make the patient feel comfortable.


In this case, study the patient is mainly suffering from the severe lung disease, in which the patient is under treatment. The patient is living with the oxygen support for a long period and therefore he faces lots of problem while movement. He sometimes wants to go outside to meet his neighbours and friends (Lee et al. 2020). Therefore, the patient under long period of treatment is facing some mental conditions such as he feels to be isolated in the home. In this situation, the patient needs health care support to survive this condition and live a quality life while going through his treatment.

In order to serve for this kind of patients the Heath care system must keep their service available by increasing the number of staff so that the patient gets care individually and also the health care staff gets adequate time to understand the patient's condition both the mental and physical. There is a strong relationship between the mental and physical health condition and its recovery. In this case, the integrated care is a very important part to be implemented in the health care system to develop better quality of service given to the patients (Kohrt et al. 2018). Avoiding the nursing stigma factors the nursing care stuff must improve the nursing practice and must develop some skills through gaining knowledge to provide better service in case of patients who need mental support and a quality life while being under the treatment.


In case of any patient, the physical health condition and the mental health condition are related to each other. That is if a patient is going through a long term chronic disease that patient may face many mental health related problem such as depression, self-isolation, feeling of being neglected, losing the hope of living. In this study, the patient is also going through a chronic lung disease for which he is being treated with oxygen support for a long period. Therefore, from this study it can be concluded that a patient who have been going through such serious and chronic disease need proper mental support care. In order to meet these requirements the health care service need the intervention of integrated care of mental and physical health condition. So that the requirements of a patient can be, fulfil without any delay and discrimination that is the inequality in the health care service. Therefore, to serve the patient maintaining proper guidelines the nursing staff or any health care professional must avoid the nursing stigma factor and must be concerned and committed to their responsibility. This character actually can improve the mental health condition of a patient and therefore the physical condition of a patient does improve accordingly.


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