Talent Strategies By Organisation To Attract And Retain People Assignment Sample

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Talent Strategies To Attract And Retain People

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Section 1 – Project Planning

Project Background

A research study has been carried out on what talent management (TM) strategies are used by organisations for attracting and retaining employees. Talent management is basically the process by which organisations and businesses recognize and develop talented individuals who can bring a positive impact upon the company and its productivity. According to the opinion of Claus, 2019), talent management is one of the significant organisational architects of the experiences of different employees where the physical environment, culture and technology are integrated in order to produce a sustainability and a winning situation for the employer, the employee, as well as the customer. TM is not only about selecting talented people for the organisation, but also offering them the right job and designation., training for skills development, boating their morale and meeting the basic needs of the people, by offering a favourable workplace condition, non-violence, promoting equality, compensations, rewards and looking after their health and wellbeing. Tesco is one such organisation who is focused towards talent management and implements a range of talent management strategies to manage and retain its people. TM has a significant role in organisational success (McDonnell et al. 2017).

Project Aim

The main aim of this research study is to identify and evaluate the talent management strategies which are used by the organisation, Tesco in order to attract and retain people.

Project Objectives

  • To find out the best suitable talent management strategies for Tesco
  • To recognize the importance of talent management to organisational performance and productivity
  • To determine the present condition/ position of Tesco regarding talent management and Employee Retention
  • To develop a clear understanding of the role of HR manager in employee retention
  • To identify possible issues associated with the implementation of talent management strategies

Project management plan



Estimated amount (£)

Development of plan and manuscripts

€ 300

Collection of resources

€ 550

Conducting survey

€ 2500

Conducting Interview

€ 3500

Data analysis using company information and feedback

€ 1500

Producing and strong a hard copy

€ 1000

Data regulation and discussion with the managerial department of the company

€ 3200



Table 1: Cost

(Source: Self-created)


Include scope

The scope of this research project, different talent management strategies approaches by Tesco to retain its people, the importance of retaining talent to the company, the impact of failure in retaining talent to the company and other factors related to best TM practices are deceased in this report.

Exclude scope

Some of the excluded scope of this research study includes management and leadership functions. These functions will be related to the research topic to address the outlined research objectives (Pillai and Sivathanu 2020). 




Starting date

End date

Setting goals




Allocating and sourcing resources




Gathering information/ data related to the research topic








Analysis of team members’ potential and areas of weaknesses




Delivering training to team members




Analysis of data collected through various means




Table 2: Time

(Source: Self-created)


Time management: In order to manage time for this project, Evernote application is used. This is a free application for smartphones (iOS and Android) and computers that helped to store articles, to-do list and other typed notes. It helped to keep everything in sync between the computer, smartphone and tablet of the researcher. This allowed the researcher to manage his time accordingly and effectively to complete all the project related activities in a timely manner.

Cost management: Cost requirements for this project was not huge however, to ensure that everything is in-line, Paymo was used that is a project management application and time tracker tool.

Risk management: For risk management, a risk charter was created (mentioned below) to categorize the expected risks as per their effect, possibility importance and mitigation plan (Mangisaet al. 2020). THE mitigation plans that were used to deal with the risks in this project are mentioned in table 4.



Communication planning

(How do you communicate with them)


(Communication medium)

Timeframe for communication

(daily or Weekly)

Stakeholders 1 (Writer Stakeholders name here)


Communication with the tutor who was assisting the researcher to complete this project was mainly done through online meetings, phone calls and video calling. Due the pandemic situation it was tried to avoid face-to-face meetings (Deeba 2020).

Online meeting was conducted once every week.

Phone calls were done once a day to provide information on project progress

Once a week drafts were submitted to the tutor to acquire his/her valuable insights and feedbacks

Stakeholders 2 (Writer Stakeholders name here)

Tesco management

Communication with the Tesco management was mainly done through emails for example acquiring permission for interviewing its managers (Paramita 2020).

Once before the interviews started and once after it was finished.

Stakeholders 2


Communication was done only though email and Facebook

Once before sharing the questionnaire and once after getting their responses


Probable Risk


(High, Medium, Low)


(High, Medium, Low)


(High, Medium, Low)

Mitigation plans

1. Not getting permission for survey with employees of Tesco


High (Due to pandemic situation)


In the initial mail that was sent to Tesco for getting permission, it was mentioned that it was an academic research and the outcomes will only be used for academic purpose and will not published elsewhere without permission

2. Ethical Issue


High (Collection and sharing personal information of managers)


Data Protection Act 2018 was followed and it was ensured that paticipants are not asked any personal questions. Besides, names and other details of the participants are kept classified and will not be shared with any third-party organisation (Rozario et al. 2020).

3. Poor collection of survey information due to incomplete responses




Additional time was requested from the tutor in case of receiving a lot of incomplete responses to share the questionnaire with new bunch of participants. However, it was not required as all questionnaires were received completed

4. Questions asked were not relevant to project aims and objectives




Before and after developing and questionnaire, discussion was conducted with the tutor to ensure questionnaires are relevant to research aims and research questions





Microsoft Word

To note down the entire project and submit to the tutor

Email account

To share questionnaire withparticipants

Facebook account

To share questionnaire with participants

Access to several journals, articles and books

To learn about talent management, strategies of talent management, project management tools and techniques

A quite place

To analyze the collected data

Video calling tool

To communicate with the tutor

Work breakdown structure

Talent Strategies by Tesco toAttract and RetainPeople

Project Planning

Developing project aim

Developing projectObjectives

Reviewing projectsteps

Research Methodology



Creating structure











Selecting Data Collectionprocess

Data collection

Data Analysis

Gantt chart


1st week

2nd week

3rd-4th week

5th week

Finalizing project topic


Developing project aims and objectives


Finalizing data collection process


Creating risk charter and developing mitigation strategies


Collection of data


Analysis of data


Developing recommendation


Writing down the complete project


Final submission


Section 2 – Conduct Quantitative/Qualitative Research

Research method

Two types of research methods are qualitative research method and quantitative research method. Qualitative method is a type of research where data is collected through sharing open-ended questions and conversational communication. In qualitative method, mostly non-numerical data is collected (Krishnan and Krishnaprabha 2020). One best way of collecting qualitative data is to conduct interview with personnel with knowledge on the selected research topic. There are several pros and cons of using qualitative research such as,

  • Acquiring more content or information from participants
  • It includes smaller sample size
  • It eliminates the chances of probable bias in responses of the participants
  • Responses of the participants can be open and do not remain limited as open-ended questions are used
  • However, qualitative method provides subjective data
  • Conducting interviews are time-consuming task and is not feasible in this pandemic situation
  • In this method, researchers are to identify unspoken data points

On the other hand, quantitative method means a systematic investigation of phenomena by acquiring quantifiable data and performing mathematical techniques to analyse the data if required (Petrovskaya 2021). One most suitable and effective quantitative method is survey questionnaire method that is used in this research. Some major pros and cons of quantitative research are,

  • It does not need much of investment
  • Within a shorter amount of time it is possible to collect a lot of data from a lot of participants
  • This method is trustworthy and repeatable
  • It can collect data in a faster manner
  • However, there is a chance of influence from peers or friends at the time of providing responses

This research has followed only quantitative method as due to the pandemic situation it was not possible to conduct interviews.

Data collection and analysis

This research project has followed by primary and secondary data collection methods. Primary data is collected through survey questionnaire and secondary data is collected by searching journals, articles and books.

Sampling technique and size

This research has followed probability sampling method. Probability sampling means every individual within a particular population has the chance of taking part in a research work. This research collected data from random 30 employees of Tesco therefore, all the employees of Tesco had the chance of being selected as those 30 employees (Jhaet al. 2020).

Accuracy and authenticity

The collected data is accurate and authentic as real-time data is collected from employees of the organisation.

Conduct secondary research

Secondary data was collected to find any differences between primary data and the secondary data.

Section 3 – Present Findings

Quantitative Analysis



Total Responses







Above 40



Graph 1: Number of employees

Source: Created by author

From the above table, it can be stated that the most of the employees joined in this research from the age group of 18-25. However employees from 40 years above of the age also took part of this survey process (Park 2020).

Q2. What is your gender?



Total Responses







Graph 2: What is your gender?

Source: Created by author

From this above table it can be stated that more males are participated in this survey and 13 females are participated in this survey, so it is pretty much clear that Tesco has around same number to female employees in basis of male employees. The female employees also take part in talent acquisition process. In future Tesco must try to hire more female employees which will help them to made a good women empowerment in their company, and that will help the company to grow and make better reputation in market.

Q3. How long you are working in Tesco.



Total Responses







Above 40



Graph 3: How long you are working in Tesco

Source: Created by author

People who join in this survey they are given their response and said that are working for a long time in Tesco as some of them said that they are working in Tesco since 11 years and some of them said they are here around 10 years, people from 40 above said that around 9 years long they are working in Tesco, and they also said in this years they are facing very low rated talent acquisition which was not good for the employees as well as the company , so they said that it is need to be changed (Krithika 2020).

Q4. What talent management system Tesco have?



Total Responses

Employee Benefits



Retirement saving plan



Incentives and bonuses



Training and career development programs



Staff housing and voluntary benefits



Employee share scheme



Graph 4: What talent management system Tesco have?

Source: Created by author

From the above table in can be stated that the company Tesco has a low talent management , when the survey was happed 5 people said that talent management will help the employees of Tesco to get better knowledge, three of them said that the Tesco’s talent management will provide the retirement saving plan, another three stated that the process of talent management provided the increment and the bounces, 5 of them said that Tesco’s talent management provide employee share scheme, in highest 10 of the employees said that talent management will help the employees to develop their career, Tesco provide training through this talent management which will help them to grow in future.

Q5. Do you think Tesco’s talent management system is sufficient and effective?



Total Responses







May be



Graph 5: Do you think Tesco’s talent management system is sufficient and effective?

Source: Created by author

From the above table in is stated that 21 employees of that company thinks that the talent management process in very much effective and sufficient for them however 7 people from them said that the talent management is not that much effective for them and this system also not sufficient for them, another 2 employees are took neutral position (Pike 2020).

Q6. What issues do you think Tesco has in its talent management?



Total Responses

Lack of training for new comers



Poor personal development programs



Outdated programs



Incentives below industry standard



Lack of technology use in training and development






Graph 6: What issues do you think Tesco has in its talent management?

Source: Created by author

From the above table it can be stated that according to this research that Tesco have some problem in their talent acquisition, 12 people said that they have problem in the training process as Tesco give them poor process of training, 4 of them said that Tesco has poor personal development program, 4 of them also said that process of talent acquision in very low as they follow the out dated process for this, another 5 of them stated that Tesco provide the incentive which is low from the normal standard, 3 employees said that the technology which is used in training are very bad, and other 2 mention another problems.

Secondary analysis:

Leadership development is a vital part of talent management programs and cycles in associations. In a cutthroat business climate, organisations are searching for savvy approaches to create ability and continually look to recognize administration characteristics that will help them centre on the ideal individuals. This article investigates the variety of assessments about how authority abilities and enthusiastic development have a place with initiative abilities. An exploration study including 100 respondents was led at various degrees of the executives at the Tesco Hindustan Service Centre in Bangalore. Respondents were approached to give judgment on their worth in different viewpoints identified with mental knowledge and initiative capacity through touchy investigation (Lees 2020). The examination upholds the discoveries of the writing audit and connections the relationship between delicate development and authority capacity. The overview likewise approves the way that the pool the executives led shows the majority of the highlights identified with touchy insight and leadership abilities that the association's talent management practices are conveying to their expected reason.


In Tesco the employees always feel pressure under the talent management, the employees said that sometimes they were not able to take this pressure; they also said that the leadership of this company is not good for the employees as the management give pressure on the employees. The management of Tesco made a vast talent competition between the employees, which sometimes misleads the employees (Scully et al. 2020)


  • Tesco need to develop their training process for the employees, and they have use better tools for this process.
  • Tesco can follow the training process from Amazon and Wal-Mart as they are giving better process.
  • The company have to follow better personal development process for their employees.
  • The company need to change their program as they follow very out dated program which is not good for the employees.


This entire research paper was on talent management and here, in this following research report, there are several chapters like literature review, methodology, data analysis and limitations and recommendations about the following research paper. From the current investigation, it appears to be reasonable that by and large delegates feel that the recruitment of their skills agency is working positively. So if Tesco wants to make better talent management then they have to follow the given recommendation which will help the company to grow.

Section 4 – Reflective Practice

Performance review form

Complete a performance review form

The project aimed to identify talent management systems in Tesco including the issues of it. Besides, the goal was also to recommend new strategies for Tesco.

The project succeeded in the aims as it was found that the major talent management issues in Tesco are lack of training for new comers and below industry incentives.

Everything in this project went well due to direct support from my tutor. In terms of inception, he/she helped to select this topic and to develop aims and objectives relevant to it. He helped me to identify project activities required for completing the project. The project outcomes meet the project aims and objectives and therefore, it can be stated that everything went well.

No issue was there while handling the project. The risks mentioned in risk charter never occurred actually.

I have learned that an organization must evaluate its talent management system as without evaluation it can become out dated like Tesco and employees can become furious with their jobs.

As a project manager I will rate myself 9 out of 10.

Strengths are critical thinking, decision making, negotiation and analytical skills. Weaknesses are time management, leadership and problem solving.

Based on the above statement, I will develop a short-term and long-term plan for acquiring skills such as time management, leadership and problem solving.


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Rozario, S.D., Venkatraman, S., Chu, M.T. and Abbas, A., 2020. Enabling Corporate Sustainability from a Talent Acquisition Perspective. Journal of Sustainability Research2(2).

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