The Healthcare Professional Assignment Sample

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Introduction of The Healthcare Professional Assignment

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The healthcare profession is one of the prestigious steps to provide proper service and care to patients and educating to prevent the disease from spreading with diverse tips. The study aims to examine the healthcare profession, focusing on "Codes of Conduct” to maintain professional ethics and etiquette. It provides a significant idea about the diverse roles and responsibilities of this health profession to ensure the safety and security of the patients. The role of professional and regulatory bodies in health and social care services in sales is to maintain standards with performing and maintaining ethics. The study sheds light on the significance of the selected profession, Gibbs reflective model analysis, and examines SMART goals for the health and social care profession.

1. Significance of critical incident in the selected profession

In this challenging time, the burden of different global diseases is continuously increasing which affects the lives of citizens and creates morbidity and mortality risks. Hence, the roles and responsibilities of a healthcare professional are important to maintaining professional ethics and ethical theories (Hargreaves and Page, 2013). The healthcare profession is aligned by different rules and regulations to ensure patient safety and provide high-quality and effective services. It further promotes and protects the interests of service carers and users through effective communication and managing risks. The significant regulation and policies in healthcare practices include the "Care Act" (2014), "Health and Social Care Act" (2012), "Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations" (2009), and "Equality Act" (2010). According to the view of O’Connor et al. (2019), these regulations and policies play a vital role to enhance safety operations and improve healthcare services with dignity and respect. Ethical decision-making processes uphold these regulations to create an ethical bonding and provide fair and equal opportunities to different groups of people.

Professional ethics and values are two important aspects concerning the best outcomes and improving customer satisfaction. As influenced by Ahmed et al. (2020), this profession critically follows different theories, including, “Utilitarianism, Consequentialism, Deontology and Virtue Ethics” to take on different roles and responsibilities. Ethical values identify right and wrong conduct, good and bad qualities, and other professional responsibilities that are closely connected with the related work. Utilitarianism is associated with the ethical theory of Consequentialism to promote happiness and pleasure to reduce the pain and severity of diseases. This theory of morality further advocated actions, and happiness by dealing with other challenges and directed toward economic, social, and political decisions (Moynihan et al. 2021). It is another secular system to create the highest good by focusing on humanity and teaching healthcare education for the best and most effective results.

Consequentialism mainly concerns the effectiveness of action while Deontology aims at healthcare duties and obligations by distinguishing right and wrong. In the words of Hendren et al. (2021), its consequences are critically irrelevant and avoid uncertainty and subjectivity by following a set of rules and regulations. It makes an individual become effective by following these ethical theories, mortalities, and virtues to with ensuring standard healthcare survival. The key principles of ethics further include, "autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice” to understand a situation and improve the ethical decision-making process. "Care Act '' signifies the right to the individuals to access their needs and design effective support and care to reduce disease burden and improve customer satisfaction. “Health and Social Care Act” (2012) establishes health boards to work together with effective planning and decision-making to deliver local and social services (Carvalho et al. 2018). Maintenance of these regulations is significant to provide effective service and ensure standard care and treatment to the patients.

“Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations” (2009) conform to a set of fundamental standards to ensure individuals for better treatment with respect and dignity and promote an individual’s good health. As stated by Savulescu et al. (2020), this theory is effective to monitor safety and quality services and staff management by displaying better services and dealing with harm, danger, abuse, and neglect. It critically and effectively reflects the needs and preferences of users in a safe way and is provided with consent. “Equality Act” (2010) is managed by hospitals, local councils, and schools to understand diverse needs with fair and equal opportunities for different groups of people. "Duty of Care” and “Duty of Candour” are legal and professional obligations to create honesty and openness and it requires adherence to responsible care by minimizing harmful activities (Everett and Kahane, 2020). “Code of Conduct” in professional standards is another legal duty within the “health and social care sector” to improve high-quality support and care by treating individuals respectfully with dignity.

Understanding this “Code of Conduct” is significant to promote confidence and instil trust in their skills, knowledge, and experience. In the words of Schroeder et al. (2019), it critically influences the quality of social and healthcare providers through monitoring and regulating services and underpin values, for instance, dignity, privacy, compassion, and respect. This provides a clear idea about accountability and performance of health and social care practitioners and provides key ideas to support and guide. In this aspect, the maintenance of a "Code of Conduct” in the healthcare profession provides sufficient information and ideas on roles and responsibilities to access health and social care services with trust and confidence. The healthcare profession significantly follows up these responsibilities by maintaining ethical and moral principles with a set of regulations. As narrated by Evans et al. (2021), it enhances their skills, knowledge, and responsibilities in performing tasks and improves standard quality service to different groups of patients. Therefore, the regulations, theories, and "Code of Conduct” are essential to enhance the skills of healthcare professionals and instil confidence for effective care to the patients.

2. Performance of a critical reflective analysis

Gibbs Reflective Cycle” is critically presented to share experiences and feelings in the third week of knowledge on "Codes of Conduct” in healthcare professionals. As stated by Sekarwinahyu et al. (2019), it provides a systematic and clear way to learn about experiences and make a sense of situations to work better next time by looking back into past sessions. This self-reflection management tool improves the experience and leads to learning over time by creating and encountering familiar situations. This reflective tool puts an emphasis on past knowledge by evaluating situations with a reactive approach. This experience in the third week based on "Codes of Conduct” is significant and demonstrates key ideas about moral and ethical values to provide standard care and support. It makes an individual more professional and effective by evaluating their gap and deficiencies in improving personal skills and experiences in healthcare services (Adeani et al. 2020). The six stages, including, “Description, Feelings, Evaluation, Analysis, Conclusion, and Action Plan” centres on the classroom experiences of healthcare professionals' roles and responsibilities.

 “Gibbs Reflective Cycle”

(Source: Adeani et al. 2020)


The third-week study, based on "Codes of Conduct” for healthcare professionals provides a vast idea and information on diverse skills and responsibilities by maintaining ethical and legal principles. As cited by Akbar et al. (2021), points out healthcare regulations to monitor patient's conditions by taking proper data and creating a positive environment. In this part, critical observation of healthcare services and practitioners is provided by bringing a change in their attitudes. Proposed duty, responses, and concerns of individuals by aligning rules, regulations, and protocols are examined. The third week is essentially important to me to understand the different laws and responsibilities required to become an efficient person in this profession. "Codes of Conduct” demonstrate possible skills and instil confidence and knowledge to bring effective care and equal services to the patients. The proposed duty and responsibilities of healthcare professionals are beneficial to increasing security and safety while improving the standards of living (Agarry, 2022). In this aspect, the third week's lecture is extremely valuable to boost confidence and define right and wrong or good or bad.


I am quite happy after completing and gaining knowledge from third-week lectures on "Codes of Ethics” and this brings a vast idea about the diverse role and responsibilities of healthcare professionals. At first, I got frustrated about the challenging situation and increasing mortality and morbidity rate due to different global diseases and lack of responsibilities and awareness. This lesson provides vast knowledge and increases confidence in serving different patients by maintaining ethical and legal values. As cited by López Jiménez et al. (2021), maintenance of healthcare regulations, ethical theories, and moral responsibilities are beneficial and significant to improving services and increasing patient satisfaction. This makes me more encouraged to maintain ethics and understand utilitarianism theory to focus on humanity and foster happiness. It further aims for the betterment of society by maximizing well-being and happiness and leads me to increase my effectiveness in serving the patients (Keenan et al. 2021). Hence, I am satisfied and interested in understanding my duties and responsibilities as a healthcare professional.


These classroom lectures provide different good and bad experiences in accomplishing the responsibilities of a healthcare profession. It provides a significant idea to serve different patients by maintaining ethical and legal principles through the “Codes of Ethics”. As cited by Sewpaul and Henrickson (2019), the increasing rate of mortality and morbidity rate with the presence of hospitalized patients are the bad situations that make me frustrated. Besides, the classroom lessons and ethical principles bring different ideas and information about the roles of healthcare professionals. This session provides me with an enormous idea and vast knowledge about the different roles, and central responsibilities of their healthcare professionals by understanding the situation of presence and bringing equality services (Keenan et al. 2021). The maintenance of ethical and legal principles is essential to build knowledge and provide critical services to different patients with quality education and utmost care.


This situation provides a key idea on different healthcare practices to demonstrate a vast knowledge about the roles and responsibilities of healthcare professionals. According to the view of Zhou et al. (2020), it enhances the strengths and capabilities of the individual by providing depth knowledge about ethical and legal responsibilities to serve different patients. The moral values and ethical theories are significant to understand to bring quality healthcare facilities to the individuals. Effective performance of healthcare professionals is required to improve the conditions of different health diseases and reduce mortality and morbidity rates. This study gives me an enormous idea about the ethical principles and legal values to serve the patients and improve their standards of living. Understanding the codes of conduct is also important to rectify and identify different roles and responsibilities by dealing with different social challenges (Evans et al. 2021). It provides quality healthcare services with effective knowledge and defines different roles with proper dignity and respect.


In conclusion, it can be stated that the healthcare professional's roles and "Code of Conduct” are essential to improve healthcare practices and hospital situations. As influenced by Moynihan et al. (2021), it effectively deals with deeper challenges and improves the hospital and patient situation with effective communication and enhanced service and care. The study provides me with vast knowledge and experience about the roles and responsibilities of healthcare professionals and the "Code of Conduct". It is extremely beneficial for me and improved my in-depth knowledge about the diverse rules and responsibilities of healthcare professionals. It makes me more influenced in developing my knowledge and skills to take prestigious positions and makes me more efficient in this field. I am highly encouraged to develop my skills and responsibilities to serve different patients and enhance their standard of living (Everett and Kahane, 2020). Understanding ethical and illegal values are also significant to improving healthcare practices and satisfying the patients through advanced care and effective programs.

Action Plan

The action plan is further taken to improve gaps and deficiencies in the role of healthcare practitioners to improve services with effective communication and other practices. This lesson is extremely beneficial for me to enhance my skills and knowledge and define arrears to satisfy the patients (Schroeder et al. 2019). It is essential to improve the skills, capabilities, and knowledge to serve different areas and improve the living condition of patients. This further makes me highly aware and concerned about different challenges and risks in healthcare practices that critically affects patients' situations. I am also aware of improving my communication skills and understanding of legal principles to bring quality care and facilitate equal services (Monrouxe and Rees, 2017). This action plan is helpful for me to develop my skills and capabilities to serve the citizens and improve their standard of living.

3. SMART goals for the health and social care profession







To improve communication skill

This is significantly required to improve patient satisfaction with key support to their mental and physical condition.

It is miserable through effective patient satisfaction and the number of hospitalized patients and satisfaction scale.

Communication skill is easily achievable by identifying patients' health condition, economic burden, and other factors behind them (Jasper, 2013).

This skill is relevant and effective to make a prestigious position in this challenging field and increase patient satisfaction through effective services.

Two-three weeks

To understand ethical and legal principles

Understanding ethical and legal principles are significantly required to maintain different protocols and provide equal service to different groups of patients.

Understanding legal and ethical principles are miserable by undertaking different regulations and number of satisfied customers.

Ethical and legal principles are achievable by overviewing the station and bringing equality in hospital services to increase patient satisfaction.

It is critically relevant and reduces different healthcare and human rights risks by bringing quality and effective services to different groups of patients and enhancing the roles of healthcare professionals (Monrouxe and Rees, 2017).

One to three weeks

To maintain the “Code of Conduct”

Effective maintenance of the codes of conduct is also essential to understand different roles and responsibilities and improve effective service to the patients.

This objective is measurable by improving the condition of hospital services and decreasing the number of patients and increasing patient satisfaction (Edge and Groves, 2018).

It is also accessible by defining the roles and responsibilities of healthcare professionals and encouraging them to optimize and accomplish diverse activities.

It is relevant to enhance the skills and capabilities of healthcare professionals to solve different groups of patients by maintaining ethical and legal principles and values.

Four to five weeks

To improve technical skills and observation capabilities

Improvement of technical and observation capabilities is also required to monitor different programs and take a proper record of patients' conditions.

It is significant to improve accuracy and proper data record by defining patient conditions and maintaining health and safety protocols.

As opined by Banks (2012), improvement of technical skills is necessary and accessible to take proper data collection and provide sufficiently and quality care to the patients. 

Observation and technical capabilities are essential to improve services and patient care through effective data collection and records.

Two to three weeks

To enhance knowledge of "Health education"

Enhancing knowledge of health education is also necessary to provide different strategies to different groups of citizens to reduce disease burdens and foster self-awareness.

It is measurable through the increasing and decreasing rate of hospitalized patients by creating self-awareness and implementing strategies to improve healthcare practices (Mukhalalati and Taylor, 2019.

Healthcare education is significantly required and accessible by providing different strategies and tips for different global diseases to reduce disease burden and complications.

Health education is relevant and recommended to prevent disease risks and provide quality services with creating self-awareness. 

One to four weeks

Table 1: SMART objectives

(Source: Mukhalalati and Taylor, 2019)

The study explains five ways to develop professional skills in-hospital services for effective education and promote practices by enhancing skills and capabilities. As stated by the General Medical Council (2015), the development of communication skills enhancing and expanding the knowledge of health education with technical and monitoring skills are significant to improving healthcare conditions. In this challenging time, the increasing rate of mortality and morbidity rate is gradually threatening and corrupting the well-being of citizens. The study explains the ways to improve healthcare practices through effective education and monitoring of patients' conditions and records. It further assists in dealing with different challenges and enhances quality healthcare services with respect and dignity. As opined by O’Connor et al. (2019), effective communication assists in identifying a patient's needs and providing adequate mental and physical support to accomplish activities. These SMART goals are essential to improve healthcare services with effective care, knowledge, capabilities, and support.

Bringing health education is also significant to provide different tips and strategies to the citizens and create self-awareness about the severity of different global diseases. As influenced by Banks (2012), the maintenance of ethical and legal principles is also significant to reduce risks and provide effective services to the patients. The smart objectives explain the following different activities for professional practices and ensure standard healthcare practices to support the patients. Improvement of technical skills is also recommended to enhance proper monitoring and data record of patients to facilitate proper medications and care. Technical skills and adaptation of technology make hospital services easier and smart to organize activities and promote success.

Therefore, maintenance of a code of conduct and ethical and legal principles are significant for both the patients and the professionals to improve hospital services and patient care. These objectives are achieved through different steps and promote happiness by identifying issues. As cited by Edge and Groves (2018), effective communication skills support the patients by identifying their behavior and problems in different acute health problems. Spreading health education is significant to prevent disease burden and increase self-awareness among different citizens. These SMART goals are necessary to improve skills within a proper time by maintaining different steps and strategies.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, it is imperative to say that the roles and responsibilities of healthcare professionals are significant to improving patient conditions and reducing the disease burden. The study criticality focuses on the roles and responsibilities of healthcare professionals by maintaining ethical and legal principles. Ethical and legal values play an essential role in reducing risks and bringing equality in healthcare practices with respect and care. The third week focuses on the knowledge of the "Code of Conduct” by identifying diverse rules and responsibilities. The study further illustrated the "Gibbs Reflective Model” to specify situations from past experiences to create an action plan and develop further skills. SMART objectives with five critical ways are explained to enhance capabilities and develop knowledge to foster effective services and promote happiness. Therefore, this study explained ethical and legal theories and define situations to improve healthcare practices and skills for future development.


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