The Strategic, Tactical And Operational Decisions Assignment Sample

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Introduction of The Strategic Tactical And Operational Decisions Assignment

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The company Neat Burger was founded by Lewis Hamilton and Zack Bishti, in New York city of London. The company’s business mainly focused on harnessing modern food technology ingredients and techniques in order to develop an alternative for animal food products. The company has thought of producing vegan or neat burgers instead of meat burgers. The current study highlights the business strategies and ideas that Neat Burger has thought of adapting for enhancing the business revue at both international and national levels. To expand this business of vegan burgers across the world the company has also taken various strategic operations and tactical decisions that have also been explained here. The study also explains the business strategy and the success rate of Neat Burger with the help of two frameworks like PESTLE and SWOT analysis. 

The business strategy of Neat Burger

Neat Burger was founded by a “Formula One” or “World racing” champion named Lewis Hamilton. Neat Burger generally falls under the category of vegan burger which is determined as one of the healthy diet foods. In the UK as well as the world most health-conscious customers prefer this vegan burger as it helps them to improve their health by reducing body fats and keeping them energized and fit. The company Neat Burger, after securing new funding in the food industry has raised its revenue to nearly $70 million in recent years (Jogaratnam, 2017). The company has thought of opening 30 new outlets in London within the year 2023.

Production costs of vegan burgers

(Source: Raveendran et al. 2018)

The company has made an announcement about expanding its business globally before opening its first restaurant of vegan foods and burgers. The co-founders of Neat Burger have also stated that they will be establishing 14 “international franchises” by the end of the year 2022. Neat Burger falls under the plan-based or vegan food chain and it mainly aims to provide their customer with healthy living and strong gut health. The co-founder of the company is Zack Bishti, who has secured news that has enhanced the revenue rate and value of the company in recent years. The first business of Neat Burger was opened in New York City, the U.S.

Neat Burger: Tactical decision and strategic operation

The alternative protein food groups are gradually becoming famous among consumers across the world that is more health-conscious. This concept of vegan burgers is backed by the founder of Neat Burger, Lewis Hamilton. He also announced that the company will go to represent this concept at the international level in order to expand its business plans in food markets across the globe (Bocken et al. 2020). The company’s marketers and professionals have also decided to launch its new “proprietary product” in the supermarkets in the U.S as well as in international food markets by next year. Neat Burger has been observed, bolstering its Board of Advisory, with 2 fresh appointments.

The first appointment was with Jeffrey S. Fried, the former chairman of the U.S fast-food salad chain, Sweetgreen. Jeffrey is a specialized investor and is ready to invest in Neat Burger’s business growth. The second appointment was with, Henrik Fjordbak, who is an expert in equity funds and has also specialized in lifestyle and F&B enterprises. As opined by Lacy-Nichols et al. (2021), Henrik as an expert on new venture ideas has advised the company’s founders if they can maintain the quality and nutritive value of the vegan burgers then its business can generate high revenue in the international food market. The company is expecting a growth in its revenue which is about $74 million by the year 2027. The main vision of Neat Burger is to provide its consumers with alternative proteins through this vegan burger to maintain their flexible and vegan lifestyle.

PESTLE analysis of Neat Burger





? Political stability index in the UK: 0.47 in 2020

? Corruption rate in the UK: 78 in 2021



? GDP rate in the UK: 6.76% in 2021

? Inflation rate in the UK: 2.19% in 2021



? Average annual income in the UK: 31,285 in GBP in 2021



Technological investment by UK government: £375m fund in 2021



The organization abides by the Employment Right Act (1996) and Consumer Right Act (2015)



The organization abides by Environment Protection Act (1990) and sustainable resource utilization


Table 1: Neat Burger’s PESTLE analysis

PESTLE analysis is much important to understand how the business of the organization getting influenced by the internal and external factors. In the case of “broad fact” finding activity, this PESTLE framework is used by the marketers and professionals of small, medium, and large enterprises (Zaridis et al. 2020). This framework has also helped the company, Neat Burger to establish and determine the external factors which influence its strategic and tactical decisions. By gaining a proper understanding of how the political, environmental, social, economic, technological, and legal factors are affecting the business operation of the company the professionals are also provided with th ability to plan their marketing strategy better.

In the context of political factors, it can be stated that in the UK, the political stability index which is 0.47 in the year 2020 has a positive effect on the company’s business practices across the country. The corruption rate in the UK is 78 in the year 2021 which has affected the Neat Burger’s business profitability badly. As opined by Ekezie et al. (2017), others impact that company’s business has due to high corruption rates are an increase in inequality issues and distorts in markets of the food industry.

An increase in the rate of “cost to firms”, and undermines market competition have also been observed due to higher corruption rates. Economical factors have also affected the company’s business profitability in various aspects. In the year 2021, the GDP rate in the UK is nearly 6.76% which has affected the business of Neat Burger positively by increasing the revenue and government investment rates (Raveendran et al. 2018). With the increase in the investment rate, the company’s productivity rate also increases and allows it to achieve goals. The inflation rate in the UK increased to 2.19% in the year 2021 which has negatively affected the company's value and supply chain.

PESTLE analysis framework

(Source: Hamzeh et al. 2019)

In the context of social factors, it can be stated that in the year 2021, the average annual income in the UK is about 31,285 which has increased from previous years and has positively affected in business productivity and profitability of Neat Burger. In the context of technological factors, it can be mentioned that in the year 2021, the UK government has invested about £375 million so that UK’s business firms can incorporate various modern and advanced technology to enhance their business productivity and performance.

In the context of legal factors, it can be mentioned that the company mainly follows the norms and guidelines of the Employment Right Act (1996) and Consumer Right Act (2015), which have positively affected the company's business profit rate and productivity and has also enhanced the value of Neat Burger. As opined by Rejeb et al. (2020), this has also convinced the consumer to incorporate the vegan burger into their daily healthy diet chart. In the context of environmental factors, the company is trying hard to enhance the sustainability of the environment by following the guidelines of the Environment Protection Act (1990) and sustainable resource utilization. This has affected Neat Burger’s business operation positively as it has thought of using vegan meat products instead of animal meat products to prepare delicious burgers.

Neat Burger: SWOT analysis

SWOT Analysis



Strong position in food markets

Greater franchise mix

“Robust” financial performance

Budget analysis

Scattered campaign for marketing



Expiring of agreement of Franchise

Variation in the taste of vegan burgers

Increased Market competition

Developing new products

New opportunities to enhance revenue rate

Positive attitude to establish several restaurants across the UK.

Table 2: Neat Burger’s SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis is very important for organization success and business profitability. This framework mainly provides the professionals and marketers of the organizations with clear missions and objectives. It allows the professionals to get a clear vision of its current business status in a competitive market. Neat Burger with the help of the SWOT framework can able to understand its existing strengths and weaknesses and also can determine its opportunities and threats in business operation across the UK as well as the World. By understanding its strength the company can easily penetrate new market segments with their new products (Ruiz et al.  2020). A strong marketing position can gradually enhance the company’s business profitability and productivity and also increase its value at the international level. Having a greater franchise mix can also help the company to increase the customer satisfaction rate and strengthen the customer base. 

The weaknesses that the company has are scattered marketing campaign. The company sometimes fails to analyze their annual budget which affects the business performance and value in the upcoming days (Hamzeh et al. 2019). There are some threats identified that the company find difficult to add variation in their products to meet the customer demand. As opined by Ginting et al. (2020), there is a huge market completion in the UK and in order to remain in the competition Neat Burger is constantly trying to develop either product and improve its marketing strategies. The opportunities the company can get by developing the products and improving marketing strategies can penetrate new market segments and establish various restaurants across the UK.

Area of interest: Sustainability or technological advancement in business

The concept of using vegan or plant-based meat products to prepare burgers is a brilliant idea to enhance sustainability. Going vegan is very much sustainable as it reduces the slaughtering of animals for meat and other food products (Soon et al. 2017). Compared with the diets which involve plant-based meats or vegan diets increase environmental sustainability as it emits less than 49.6% of greenhouse gas and their production consumes less than 26.9% of energy.

Increasing sustainability by using vegan meat

(Source: Soon et al. 2017)

Vegan food production also has a less environmental footprint which is nearly 41.5% if compared to animal meat products production. As opined by Lestari et al. (2020), the company, Neat Burger can also incorporate an advanced technology that is Multiplex PCR to measure the authenticity of the vegan meat used in the burgers. With the use of this technology, bacteria and harmful microbes can be easily removed from raw food products to enhance the quality of burgers.


  • Technologies to check the quality of food products: Neat burgers can incorporate new advanced technologies such as PCR sensors to check the authenticity level of the meat used in the preparation of burgers. The other investigates and major technologies the company can use to measure the quality of meat products are Active packaging means AP, “High Hydrostatic Pressure” which means HHP, and “Modified atmosphere packaging” which means MAP.
  • Incorporating effective communication among the organization: Effective communication can enhance better understanding among the employees and other stakeholders. The information regarding business strategies, marketing processes, and new tactical decisions can be discussed with stakeholders and employees to enhance profitability, and business productivity (Al Mamun et al. 2017). By incorporating this strategy Neat Burger can increase the efficiency of the employees and business value at both national and international levels.


Neat Burger has thought of establishing new results across the UK with its famous food product vegan burgers and introduced this concept to a large group of consumers across the world by the year 2027. The value that the company has generated in these recent years is about $74 million. The ideas of Neat Burger have been appreciated by many experts and entrepreneurs as the vegan burgers provide the customers with a healthy life. It helps the consumers to reduce body fats and weight by improving their gut health. Consuming plant-based protein can also reduce the risk of heart attack and high blood pressure. Neat Burgers’ food products are famous as they lower the BMI of the consumers than the consumers eating burgers with the animal-meat patty inside. 



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