Understanding Health And Safety In Business Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of Understanding Health And Safety In Business Assignment

Understanding Health And Safety In Business Assignment Sample

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The "health and safety" is primarily signified as a basic procedure of regulation, which is intended to initially prevent injury and accident in an individual workplace. However, not only in the workplace but this situation is also intended in the public environment. The act of "health and safety" was first invented in the year of 1974. In business, "health and safety" is initially signified as the individual part of statutory legislation. The individual piece of the legislation-oriented term is popular nowadays. The "health and safety" term primarily creates an important role in the modern business-oriented workplace culture.

Task 1

Health and safety implementation in the workplace: application of legislation

“Health and safety” implementation in individual work is primarily defined as the safety plan, which initially involves various types of thinking, such as educating the managers and employees. However, it is also an important factor in making each and every stakeholder of an individual company primarily feel responsible for making sure that total policies and acquired norms are being predominantly followed. According to Umeokafor (2018), employee health is one of the significant aspects that affect overall productivity. According to the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), it is highly recommended to ensure that the health of the employees within the workplace is effectively maintained (britsafe, 2022). Section 2, section 7, 8 indicate that it becomes vital for the organization to ensure that the employers and employees maintain healthy standards within the work premises.

Implementing proper "health and safety" mannerisms in a workplace is initially required for certain types of workplace-related safety plans, such as selecting a proper "health and safety" manager, who can primarily be responsible for the individual company's any kinds of "health and safety" issues (Ajayi et al. 2018). The managers are responsible for checking out the complications existing within the business that could threaten the safety of the employees.

The specifically mentioned person is also responsible for taking care of the company's proper ethical behaviour. However, the above-mentioned person needs to be well experienced and well qualified and can have the proper ability to maintain the "health and safety" policy in a business organization. As opined by Chen (2018), educating each and every stakeholder about the predominant factors of a safety programme in an organization is also considered an important work to maintain the “health and safety” policy in a business organization. The management of three organizations needs to implement the proper workplace-related safety programme to motivate the company’s employees to follow the company’s safety policy.

An individual company's “human resource management” team is primarily responsible for ensuring the “health, safety and security” related responsibility. According to Yanar et al. (2018), employees are one of the main segments of an organization's actual development process. The law ensures that proper training is provided to the employees to prevent the risk associated with equipment handling. Furthermore, staff welfare should be prioritised by the organisation to ensure improved operational activities through positive organisational growth (Cefaliello, 2020). In context to the legislation “Health, safety and security” is primarily focused on various types of segments, such as exposure control in an organisation, legal compliance, migration strategies, and development of a safety culture.

The predominant business culture of the physical environment and equipment

The physical environment of an individual business primarily consists of various types of man-made oriented and natural components. In context to the physical requirements of the business, it is crucial for the organisation to ensure that the machines used to deal with business progression are suitable and less hazardous. Accordion to Horsfall et al. (2022), the organisation should furthermore focus on ensuring that the machines are kept safe. The “physical environment” primarily has a substantial impact on an individual organisation’s development. Inspection of the machinery ensures that the machines remain in improved conditions (Tetzlaff et al. 2021). It is highly crucial that the organisation perform tests to check the condition of the equipment. The provision of personal protective equipment further ensures the protection of arms, head, and feet in order to prevent further injury thereby contributing to improved workplace conditions.

Task 2

Employee's responsibility towards an organisation and risk assessment

Employees are one of the vital stakeholders of an organisation's actual development process; however, employees hold a key role in a particular organization’s success procedure. An individual employee's daily performance for a significant workforce can evaluate the huge influence of a specific company's actual success. However, the employees are primarily responsible for a specific company's failure and success modules.

Risk assessment is one of the significant aspects in the context of business progression. Lack of risk assessment can contribute to increased business complications. According to Al Hashmi et al. (2021), employees within the organisation are responsible for risk assessment through the implementation of strategies to identify the risk. Risk identification and allocation of resources further serve to be beneficial to in effectively managing the risk.

In the current scenario, the business market is extremely fast-growing; it is difficult to hold the same authoritative position for multiple years. Then there is no certain type of guarantee to hold the same authoritative position for a long period due to the extremely competitive business competition. As opined by Dabrowska-Miciula and Lima (2020), employees are responsible for understanding the corporate requirements and accordingly implementing strategies towards organisational goal fulfilment. HR management teams within the organisation are responsible for selecting the suitable candidate while it is the responsibility of employees to achieve corporate goals through investing their efforts and time. Thus, the strategies adopted by HR managers in the selection of potential candidates reduce the risk of organizational failure.

Risk management is primarily symbolized as an identical "business analytical analysis", which primarily helps to determine the actual potential impact on the business organisation. The potential impacts primarily create an important role in the "critical business analysis” The workplace-related risk management is primarily segmented into five types, such as "qualitative risk assignment, quantitative risk assignment, site-specific risk assignment, dynamic risk assignment and generic risk assignment".

Unidentified risk can be a major hurdle toward organizational progression. Personnel within business organisations are actively involved in undertaking approaches for risk mitigation. Avoidance techniques serve to be beneficial in effective risk management. According to Al Hashmi et al. (2021), often technical or financial risks might arise that affect the overall corporate performance. During such a crisis period, the project manager is responsible for analysing the risk existing within the organisation. It is the responsibility of the financial manager to look for new opportunities for financial investments to mitigate the financial risk. Risk assessment findings further ensure that appropriate methodologies have been followed for checking the instruments to prevent any form of injury. Furthermore, risk assessment emphasises the strategies adopted for monitoring business progression. Risk assessment further creates positive organizational culture thereby contributing to improved performance of the employees. Risk assessment further results in improved workplace productivity.


"Health and safety" mannerism towards an organisation is primarily required to maintain the employees and management of the organisation. Hence, it is primarily included that the organization’s success and ethical consideration primarily depend on the organization’s safety protocols. "Health and Safety" is a new term, which is primarily used in the modern and professional working culture. In a particular organisation, the managers are responsible for checking out the complications existing within the business that could threaten the safety of the employees. It is highly recommended that the employees within the organisation are aware of their roles and responsibility and accordingly implement strategies to meet the corporate goals. Furthermore, workplace safety ensures that the employees within the organisation abide by the safety law for a better outcome.



Ajayi, A., Oyedele, L., Delgado, J.M.D., Akanbi, L., Bilal, M., Akinade, O. and Olawale, O., 2018. Big data platform for health and safety accident prediction. World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development.

Al Hashmi, W.S.G. and Arnold, B., 2021. Governance and Leadership in Health and Safety: A Guide for Board Members and Executive Management. Routledge.

Cefaliello, A., 2020. Towards an improvement of the legal framework governing Occupational Health and Safety in the European Union (Doctoral dissertation, University of Glasgow).

Chen, M., 2018. Health and safety regulators in a superdiverse context: Review of challenges and lessons from the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.

Dabrowska-Miciula, E. and Lima, P.D., 2020. Challenging a “cycle of neglect”: health and safety among transnational agricultural workers in Canada and the UK. In Health, safety and well-being of migrant workers: new hazards, new workers (pp. 137-156). Springer, Cham.

Horsfall, S., Hatton, T., Collins, T. and Brown, C., 2022. Is health and safety legislation an effective tool for disaster risk reduction? A case study from New Zealand. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, p.102773.

Tetzlaff, E.J., Goggins, K.A., Pegoraro, A.L., Dorman, S.C., Pakalnis, V. and Eger, T.R., 2021. Safety culture: a retrospective analysis of occupational health and safety mining reports. Safety and health at work12(2), pp.201-208.

Umeokafor, N., 2018. Construction health and safety research in Nigeria: towards a sustainable future.

Yanar, B., Kosny, A. and Smith, P.M., 2018. Occupational health and safety vulnerability of recent immigrants and refugees. International journal of environmental research and public health15(9), p.2004.


Britsafe, 2022, The Health and Safety at Work Act Explained, available from: https://www.britsafe.org/training-and-learning/find-the-right-course-for-you/informational-resources/health-and-safety-legislation-what-you-need-to-know/ [Accessed on: 26/4/2022].

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