What Are Language Techniques?
11 September 2023 Views: 103

What Are Language Techniques?

The power of language techniques is immense as they transform the whole game of verbal and written communication. Mostly, they are used by erudite writers and professional speakers to enhance their communication and make it more impactful and interesting for the readers or audience. Using these tools, the writer breathes life to the documents and a speaker expresses emotions and feelings in the most enticing way. Language techniques are those ingredients that add spice and flavour to the recipe of communication.

If you are a student who wants to improve the quality of assignments like poem writing, essays, and story plots, then reading this blog will truly be useful for you.

Before we delve deep into the language techniques, it is better for us to understand its core importance & advantages in the academic career:

Reasons Why Language Techniques Are Important

  • Improves clarity: With the use of language techniques, even the most complex ideas seem comprehensive. Students are often advised to use analogies and examples which make the concepts easier to understand.
  • Evokes emotions: Every word or sentence evokes an emotion in us- whether we are listening or reading. With the use of language techniques like metaphors and similes, you can connect your audience at a more profound level.
  • Engages the readers or listeners: With effective language techniques, you can grab your audience’s attention and keep them hooked for a long time. It makes the speech or write-up so engaging that it becomes a memorable content for the audience.
  • Expresses mood and tone: Your choice of words determine the mood and tone of the communicator. With language techniques, you create an emotional atmosphere for the audience, making them more engaged in the communication.
  • Strengthens Persuasion: As students, you may get persuasive essay writing tasks. In that case, you would require techniques like rhetorical questions, repetition, and parallelism. This way you can persuade the thought process and opinions of the audience.
  • Adds Depth to the Story plots: By enriching the piece of writing with language techniques, one can add depth and meaning to the story plots even more strongly.
  • Establishes Style and Voice: Every writer has a unique style of writing. By using language techniques, the communicator can make his/her work more recognizable by setting it apart from the rest.
  • Enhances Artistry: In the realm of creative writing, the language techniques like symbolism, word play, or allegory, are used extensively as it adds an artistic flair to the content.
  • Captivating and Entertaining: The techniques like humorous words, idioms, wordplay, etc., make the piece more entertaining and enjoyable for the audience.

English Language Techniques You Must Know About

  1. Simile: When two unlike things are compared with each other using ‘like’ or ‘as’. For instance, ‘She is as brave as a lion.’
  2. Metaphor: When two unlike things are directly compared against each other. For example, ‘He is an early bird’.
  3. Irony: A situation or statement where there is a contrast between what is expected and what actually happens. There are three types of irony: verbal, situational, and dramatic.
  4. Personification: They are truly interesting as they give human characteristics to non-human entities or objects. For example, "The sun smiled down on us’ or ‘The trees danced in the wind’.
  5. Alliteration: The repetition of consonant sounds at the start of the words back to back in close proximity. For example, "Sally sells seashells by the seashore."
  6. Assonance: The repetition of vowel sounds within words in close proximity. For example, ‘son of a gun, or "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain."
  7. Onomatopoeia: Words that imitate or mimic the sounds they describe. For example, "The bees buzzed around the flowers."
  8. Hyperbole: It is all about the feeling of exaggeration to pay more emphasis or effect. For example, "I love you to the moon and back."
  9. Allusion: A brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing, or idea of historical, cultural, literary, or political significance. For example, "She had a smile that could rival the Mona Lisa” or “To my dog, our neighbourhood park is the Garden of Eden”.
  10. Imagery: The use of vivid and descriptive language that triggers the five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell) and appeals to create mental images for the audience.
  11. Foreshadowing: A literary device in which a writer gives hints or clues about what may happen later in the story.
  12. Cliché: An overused or trite expression which has been used a lot many times before that it has lost its originality or impact. For example, "Every cloud has a silver lining”.
  13. Juxtaposition: Placing two or more ideas, characters, or objects side by side for comparison. For example “Making a mountain out of a molehill.”
  14. Oxymoron: A figure of speech that is made by combining two opposite or contradictory terms. For example, "bittersweet" "living dead."
  15. Symbolism: Representing ideas and concepts using symbols. For example: ‘Red roses symbolise love’.
  16. Repetition: The repetition in the use of the same word or phrase to pay more emphasis or deepen the effect. For example, ‘hand in hand’, or ‘home sweet home’.
  17. Parallelism: The use of similar grammatical structures or patterns in a series of sentences or phrases. For example, "She enjoys reading, swimming, and hiking."
  18. Anaphora: Repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of sentences. For example, ‘stay safe, stay well, stay happy."
  19. Rhetorical Question: A question posed by the communicator which doesn’t require an answer. For example, "Are you kidding me?’’ or “Who wouldn’t want to be a millionaire?”.
  20. Euphemism: The use of a milder or indirect word or phrase to replace the harsh or brusque one. For example, "passed away" instead of "died." or using ‘She is under the weather instead of ‘She is sick.’

In case you want to improve the quality of your academic essays, story, poems, then seek assistance from our skilled writers. New Assignment Help is always there to support you. Our professional writers have a knack for working with these language techniques so that you leave a lasting impression on your readers and score well in creative writing assignments. Place an order with us now!

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