Innovative Tourism Operations Assignment Sample

Exploring Strategies to Overcome Operational Hurdles & Enhance Sustainability in the Tourism Sector

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Introduction Of Innovative Tourism Operations Assignment

The economy of many countries has been improved with the help of the tourism sector. During covid, many types of issues have been faced by the tourism sector because of the lockdown and restrictions on travel. Because of that, after the pandemic, the most crucial factor for that industry is to expand their business as before. In order to improve profitability, various types of modern technology have been used by the tourism sector for utilizing business profitability. After covid, many tourism companies have used modern and innovative technology for improving their business. Therefore, it is said that technology plays a crucial part in the tourism sector.

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After covid, the tourism sector is running its business and returning to its profitability. Hence, some operational issues have been faced by the tourism sector. Operational issues have affected the tourism sector and most of the staff of the sector have not accepted innovative ideas and concepts. In spite of these, employees are not skilful with innovative concepts, therefore, many operational issues have been created lack of employee efforts. The study will discuss a case study on the "sustainability practices of Disney Cruise Line". Various operational issues have been faced by Disney Cruise and all types of issues will discuss in the entire study.

Section A

Background of the Case study

Disney Cruise is a tourism sector that wants to expand its business in the global market. It is a cruise line operation that is part of the Walt Disney Company. In 1996, the company was famous for its Magical cruise company Limited because of Vessel, Disney magic. The company headquartered is situated in Celebration, Florida. Currently, this company is operated by five ships such as "Disney magic, Disney Wonder, Disney Dream, Disney Fantasy, and Disney Wish". It is expected that in 2024 and 2025, three ships will be joined the fleet (Woodbridgeet al. 2020). The company has its property in the southern end and a total of the 700-acre property has present in this company. The cruise line has improved its financial growth for seven years. The total market share of the company is 1.95% in 2011 and in 2015, the total growth rate is 2.8%. In the same way, this company is increasing its business in the global market (Case study). In 2022, the company has provided New vacation Operations for organisational implementation. Therefore, various types of operational issues have been faced by the company. The company has set an agreement with the Canaveral Port Authority from 2009 to 2022. Every living being lives on the earth's surface and they want to save their health (Buhalis et al. 2022). It is noted that a total of 510 million square kilometres of the area is part of the earth's land and all living being is lived in this place. Sustainability is a big part that helps to improve organisational business and improves environmental issues. Therefore, many types of operational issues have been improved with the help of the sustainability of the environment (, 2023). These issues have affected the industry and higher authorities in the industry have tried to overcome all issues with the help of good strategy.

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Section B

Impact of operational problems

Weak Systems and Inefficient processes

Internal systems and l processes have been playing a huge role to conduct the everyday activities and operations of a business consistently. As per the remarks of Fu et al. (2022), the systems and processes need to be efficient and streamlined in order to deliver maximum profits. However, business organisations often have to face challenges of internal systems and processes as multiple portals and systems are used for facility and operating only one part of a multi-tiered process. In addition to this, these half-face systems have been found to produce poor and inferior results eventually which also affects the scalability of production. On the other hand, it is very important for business organisations to make sure that the internal systems and processes are agile and efficient so that they can fill in the gaps. Due to the lack of streamlining of these systems, it creates more complex problems in operational efficiency.

Logistics Delay

Delays in logistics also have been considered one of the key concerns for most manufacturers and warehouses, especially after the outbreak of the global pandemic. The study of Khan et al. (2022) has suggested that there is a wide range of factors which has been affecting the logistic and supply chain of a business such as an increase in the turnover rates of workers. Besides that, manufacturers often have to face the issue of a lack of truck drivers because of the higher worker turnover rate. As a result, it also affects the delivery of raw materials for shipments, production and transportation of finished goods to the end users.

Innovative strategies

Figure 2: Innovative strategies

(Source: Inspired by Killmer, 2022)

The company have improved its fuel efficiency and lost its wastage and always promotes conservation. In spite of these, it is noted that one ship of the company has produced the same carbon as 12,000 cars have produced. As a result, day by day, this company's profitability rate is decreasing day by day. Cruise is the largest ship in the world, therefore, these issues have affected mostly, and unhealthy environments affected human health. Many researchers have noticed the air quality in this sector (Killmer, 2022). Poor environmental conditions have affected the company. Day-by-day, this company's bad condition is increasing daily basis, therefore, various innovative technology has been taken by the company for improving business activities.

Economical issues

The cruise sector has supported 1.2 million job persons and take contributed US$150 billion to the global economy. It has occurred every year and its total revenue is increasing daily basis. From 2014 to 2018, this company improved their economic growth by 1.2 million (Mathew, 2021). A total of 734,000 passengers have arrived every year. Cruise passengers will be improved by B$62.7 million in 2018. The total labour income of this industry is B$31.3 million and its rate is increasing on daily basis.

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Impact of these two operational issues on the suppliers and customers

Logistics Delays would affect the suppliers as well as the customers. In this same context, Business organizations need to provide their finished goods to consumers within the delivery date, however, due to inefficient operational systems and processes the suppliers can fail to provide real-time delivery. On the other hand, logistics delays would provide poor buying experiences to the customers which would not satisfy them. As a result, the operational issues would not only affect the suppliers but also would lead to poor customer satisfaction. Besides that, during increased demand for consumer goods, the suppliers also have to face difficulties which are caused due to congestion in supply and distribution.

Disney Cruise

Figure: Disney Cruise

(Source: Inspired by Mathew, 2021)

After the covid pandemic, Disney Cruise is increasing its business with the help of innovative ideas and concepts. It is reported that the tourism sector is the fastest-growing business and it helps to grow the country's economy of the country. Using innovative tools and technology, Disney Cruise has improved its business and provides many job offers. Most of earning money get the company from foreign countries (Goel et al. 2021). Therefore, various modern strategies have been used for improving business. Good communication helps to improve sustainability and all coastal states have supported overcoming all challenges and sustainability. The company has taken some rules and regulations, and the members of this sector try to protect environmental factors and reduce pollution and reduce plastic use. As a result, the biodiversity of the environment has improved and the company has used green technology for improved business.

Reasons for operational problems

Various types of operational issues have been affected by the company. Many reasons have been mentioned in the below section that has affected the operational problems of the business.

  • Lack of management gas
  • Lack of innovative ideas and concepts
  • Lack of awareness
  • Improve burns issue for lacking awareness

Section C

Inventory management systems

The companies need to focus on automating logistics in order to achieve automation of different inventory activities such as tracking, monitoring and handling of the raw materials. In addition to this inventory tracking would also help a company to increase their visibility so that the suppliers can provide an accurate estimate of timing based on the location of the products.

Streamlining processes

The company also needs to streamline all their processes in order to optimise the efficiency and productivity of its operations. Besides that, optimisation and efficient processes also allow the employees and management to have more time and resources to maximise profits. Moreover, an efficient internal system would also help to achieve effective operational results.

Solutions to Environmental issues

Disney Cruise is the largest shipping company in the global market. Therefore, Disney has worked with "Bahamian Artists" and many advisors have created a destination that provides natural beauty and improves rich culture. This company has faced many challenges but wants to improve its business profitability. Therefore, various types of innovative ideas and concepts have been used by the company (Goel et al. 2021). Customers are the most important part of every business sector. Therefore, many types of strategies have been used by the company. Disney has provided the best quality facilities and improved its profitability. Environmental issues have affected the company's business, therefore, many steps have been followed by the company. The company has committed to improving its property by 20% and supplying solar energy by 90% and improving others' sustainability growth (Buhalis et al. 2022). The government has provided 190 acres of land for improving the business sector. Many types of steps have been followed by the company and these are mentioned below:

  • Development program: Disney has faced so many operational issues that have affected mostly. The Environmental issues have affected the company's business. As a result, the company has provided a management program that has focused sustainability of the environment (Eccleston et al. 2019). Many types of rules and regulations have been used by the sector for reducing environmental risks. The government has provided some rules for improving operational factors.
  • Provide Solar energy: Disney is the largest ship company and it is affected by the environment mostly because of producing carbon and other greenhouses gas. It is noted that a total of 12,000 cars have produced more carbon and in the same way, a ship produced the same carbon as cars. Therefore, many types of risks have been faced by the company. After covid, most companies have used modern tools and concepts that help to overcome this issue (Charlotte et al. 2019). After affected, this company has been used solar energy for overcoming all operational issues. A total of 90% of solar energy has been provided by the company for more power supply. As a result, environmental issues have been solved for the most part.
  • Improve Disney Magic: The Company has improved its business in the global market. Therefore, Disney Magic has developed its facilities and provided the best quality efforts for fulfilling customer needs (BR, 2022). New technology has been used by the company for attracting customers. The new technological ship has committed to fixing its time limit and reaching the actual destinations within a fixed time. Most of the local guests have got these facilities. The customer gets facilities for enhancing their enjoyment and entertainment.

Proposed solutions

It is recommended that proper innovative strategies will be used by the company for overcoming all types of environmental and economical issues. Therefore, it is said that many digital tools and technology will be used by the company for avoiding environmental and economical issues. In spite of these, the second recommended thing is that more facilities will provide for improving stakeholders' commitment and profitability (Pallis and Vaggelas, 2020). Stakeholders are the main part of every business, therefore, various types of technical facilities will be provided by the company for more engagement.

Solutions to economical issues

The tourism sector is the running industry in the global market. Every country's economy has developed with the help of the tourism sector. During the covid pandemic, most companies have faced many economical issues. Every sector has disrupted their business during covid. In the same way, Disney Crusie has been affected mostly and all features have been disrupted by the company (Chen et al. 2022). The economical factors of this company have decreased by 80% in 2020. Many employees have left their job in fear. The marine sector has kept many risks and most people have not accepted jobs in the marine sector. The tourism sector has applied various types of innovative and positive steps that help to improve the economical factors of the company. Many types of economic solutions have been mentioned below:

  • Improve modern solution: Disney is a big company in the global market. Therefore, various types of economic factors have helped to expand business in the global market. This company have used old technology so many operational risks have been improved with the help of technical tools (Abuelenain, 2022). This company has used digital tools for calculating various data. Every famous business needs for using authentic data. Good quality data helps to improve organisational business in the global market.
  • Take Survey: Many types of operational risks have been reduced with the help of collecting authentic data. This company has taken a survey method that helps to improve economical issues (Carmosino et al. 2021). A clear image of the economical factor has been provided by the company for understanding proper knowledge. Every researcher has taken many survey programmes and calculated appropriate data. Therefore, it helps to improve economical factors.
  • Applied policies and procedures: Disney is a big company in the global market and it is famous for its quality services. Many types of unique policies and procedures have been used by the company for improving business. Digital tools and technology have been improved in the tourism sector (Lu and Zheng, 2021). Modern policies have reduced economical issues. Employees have got many types of opportunities for improving business. Various standards have been maintained by the company for organizational implementation. Personal revenue has been improved with the help of tax factors.

Proposed solutions

It is recommended that proper strategies will be used for improving the business of the company. Proper policies and procedures will be used for improving business. Many types of digital tools and technology will be used for improving business. In spite of these, proper standards will be used by the sector for improving overall growth (Buhalis et al. 2022). Good-quality data will be collected use of technical tools and technology. Tax-related issues have been reduced with the help of technical tools and technology. Therefore, it is said that in the current situation, digital tools have been used for avoiding tax-related issues.


It is concluded that Disney Crusie is the shipping industry in the global market. This company has used much modern technology for reducing operational risks. Various types of operational issues have been faced by the company and these are affected the economy of the company. Economical factors and environmental factors have been decreased for operational issues. Hence, in the current situation, many types of issues have been reduced with the help of digital tools and technology. Modern tools and concepts help to reduce operational risks and improve total revenue and improve its profitability. Various types of standards have been used for improving business and developing many risk factors.



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  •, (2023),About Company, Available at: [Accessed on: 22th March, 2022]
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