Project Management and Planning Assignment Sample

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Introduction of Project Management and Planing Assignment

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1. Project Definition


Gateway Energy Centre is a power construction project that has proposed to develop battery storage within London logistic park (Intergen .com, 2022). The power consumption project is designed to develop a large energy storage capability to resolve carbon emission issues. Several types of sustainable energy sources are undertaken to save the environment through this project.

Project objectives

  • Generate renewable energy for mankind and contribute to environmental development.
  • Implement next-generation technology to construct the largest battery energy storage plant
  • The objective of this project is to supply power to more than 450,000 homes at once (Intergen .com, 2022).

Desired outcomes

 The project is intended to implement a flexible electricity solution for mankind and industrial purposes. Gateway Energy Centre is going to minimize carbon emissions that are going to contribute to net-zero projects for the country. Gateway Energy Centre desires to create employment opportunities for society. Around 1500 indirect and direct construction jobs have been offered to employees for this project (Intergen .com, 2022).

Constraints and assumptions

This project includes several types of constraints to achieve its predetermined goal because of uncertainty. The project includes an electricity capacity of approximately 1250 megawatt through thermal plants which costs around 1481 million dollars, which is a big financial limitation (Intergen .com, 2022). The project is going to be successful if it is able to supply power to commercial operations. It is estimated that the project will provide service to commercial operations by 2024.

2. Project Approach


The agile approach is one of the most effective construction methods to implement technologically advanced projects in the 21st century. As opined by Mohammed and Jasim (2018), the Gateway Energy Centre project follows Agile methodology in order to develop its infrastructure and meet the requirements of this project. Intergen is one of the largest power generating companies in the United Kingdom (Intergen .com, 2022). The Global data power intelligence centre has drawn a report about this project. Electricity utilization and equipment manufacturing strategy has been undertaken as a methodology. Planning is the first stage of the Jail method which has helped in understanding the effectiveness of this project in the current market scenario.


Gateway Energy Centre is designed to utilize renewable energy by constructing a large battery plant. The predictability of the project has been improved by the Agile methodology. As opined by Do?an et al. (2021), the world is suffering from carbon footprint issues and most developed countries have announced to minimize their carbon footprints in order to save the environment. In this context, the project has been designed to utilize combined cycle gas, coalfield plants, open-cycle gas, battery storage and windmill to sustain energy supply all over the UK.


The agile model helps in developing adaptability to the ever-changing nature of the 21st century and considering advanced technology has satisfied the alliance of potential consumers by improving their lifestyle. As cited by Murray (2020), Gateway Energy Centre has developed one of the largest energy storage systems for commercial and home purposes. The Gateway project has invested approximately 200 million to set up a 10 times more powerful battery for residents of the UK.


Testing is one of the most important parts of any project because the success of a project is dependent on its parameter result. A different kind of secondary data regarding an energy power plant has been collected and its outcome in the upcoming future has been evaluated to Undertake this project. Long term benefits of the project have been found because it is not a sustainable resource in the power supply industry. In this context, large battery plants are required to store renewable energy.

 Agile model of construction

(Source: Mohammed and Jasim, 2018)


Gateway Energy Centre power plant is likely to start in 2022 and it is going to be constructed within 2024. This project has included a combined cycle gas turbine power plant to establish the largest power plant all over the world (Intergen .com, 2022). This project was released based on the Agile methodology. Evaluating a large amount of qualitative data and statistical overview of different authenticated sources has helped to understand the effectiveness of this project and reduced the potential related to it. The entire process of this project has been released considering Agile methodology based on a recent study on environmental change and upcoming demand for battery power plants to store renewable energy for mankind.


The entire project of the Gateway Energy Centre has followed Agile methodology to establish it this one of the largest power plants in the UK. This project has collected feedback from employees and potential consumers for the upcoming period to understand its scope in the upcoming future. Feedback is one of the most important parts of a project because it helps to identify potential risks of the project and ensure sustainable development. The Agile method has been implemented to understand its performance in the global marketplace. As cited by John (2018), the Agile method has benefited to adopt of a flexible workplace and responsive team development in the Gateway Energy Centre. Without the collaboration of teams and continuous communication regarding advanced technology, the Gateway Energy Centre project is not going to be effective in the upcoming period.

3. Business Case


The United Kingdom uses around 44% of gas to produce electricity, the rest of 56% of the energy is produced through nuclear power plants, wind, biomass, interconnectors, coal and other resources (Intergen .com, 2022). The world is suffering from carbon footprints in this context because solar panels and windmills are considered by power supply organizations to provide sustainable renewable energy to mankind. Storing a large amount of renewable energy is a big challenge for every organization that gateway energy supply is focused on to construct the largest battery power plant for potential consumers.

 Electricity generation fuel type in the UK

(Source: Intergen .com, 2022)

Business Options

Intergen is a power generation organization and world-class developer of power supply in the UK. The company has more than 25 years of experience in the energy supply market that focuses on utilizing the most renewable energy to save the environment. The company is implementing next-generation technology for the sustainable development of mankind and contributes to supplying dependable energy all across the UK and Australia (Intergen .com, 2022). the business has supported clean energy for upcoming generations and is constructing a Gateway Energy Centre for mankind.

Expected benefits

There are a lot of benefits of constructing one of the largest battery power plants in order to store renewable energy. Gateway Energy Centre is going to minimize the cost of power supply because it is implementing efficient power plants for local and commercial purposes. As opined by Anser et al. (2021), carbon footprints are a major issue in the current market scenario that the government is providing several types of benefits and exemptions for organizations considering zero-emission projects. Gateway Energy Centre is a zero-emission project because power is going to be created through renewable energy and stored in the largest battery plant. The utilization of green energy is going to be enhanced through this project and business organizations will be able to earn a large amount of investment easily for this sustainable development strategy.

Expected dis-benefits

There is a lot of complexity in constructing advanced power plants in the UK market. ASG Group, CNSI, ZSL and Compugen is market competitors of Intergen who may create market competition in the UK power supply market. As opined by King et al. (2021), Covid-19 has affected the financial infrastructure of every business organization and investors that creating financial risk within the Gateway Energy Centre project. the project is going to construct the largest energy power plant in London. This type of project has not ever been constructed by any organization that includes several types of uncertainty risk. Advanced technology is so costly that consumers have to purchase this type of power supply at a high cost which is one of the biggest dis-benefits of this project.


The project was announced in April 2021 and the entire project is estimated to be finished by 2024. Gateway Energy Centre is going to provide a large amount of power supply to residential houses and commercial organizations with zero emission. In this way, the United Kingdom will be able to achieve a net-zero project as soon as possible.

 Gateway Energy Centre project timescale

(Source: MS Excel)

Costs and major risks

The ever-changing environment and advanced technology are a major risk for the Gateway Energy Centre project. The cost of the gateway energy project is expected to be around 1500 million dollars. Environmental change and technology are major risks for this project. As cited by Reid et al. (2021), investors are highly influenced to invest in the medical sector after the covid-19 situation. Collecting investment for this project is going to be complicated for the Intergen Ltd. project that has followed Agile methodology difficulties in collaboration arise in long term construction operation. Lack of intensity in designing creates complexity in developing sustainable power plants through Gateway Energy Centre projects.

4. Project Team Structure

The department team structure is going to be followed in this project in order to execute each and every operation of this project efficiently. As cited by Webb (2018), consideration of departmental team structure is going to allow project managers to implement skilled professionals for different operating activities. It is proposed to include one technology professional, one finance expert, one constructing expert and one researcher on storing renewable energy. Each of these team leaders is going to manage their department efficiently and collaborate with each other by Agile methodology. Every leader of the team is going to implement a supervisor to monitor the entire process and provide real-time information to the project manager consistently.

Implementing a supervisor for every department is going to increase the transparency of the project and the project manager will be able to monitor the entire process consistently and provide sustainable suggestions to department heads in order to improve their performance. Gateway Energy Centre is one of the most valuable projects for Intergen Ltd and collaboration is most important among workers to achieve goals within a predetermined time scale. As stated by Bakken (2020), a departmental team structure provides stability and increases the efficiency of employees. Team leaders of every employee are professionally trained and skilled that employees gate sustainable skill development strategy to execute their jobs.

Moral support and motivation are most important for every employee. As stated by POTSULIN and LOGINOVA (2018), a configuration of departmental team structure is going to allow team leaders to understand moral values and their professional skills in this way team leaders will be able to provide moral support and sustainable strategy to employees. Departmental team structure allocates equal responsibility and power to team leaders so that they are able to take flexible decisions in order to construct projects efficiently. Flexible decision making is essential for the Gateway Energy Centre because the environment is emerging and the current situation is so volatile that dealing with unexpected threats request a department structure.

 Project Management Assignment Help

Every employee of this project is going to be recruited based on their professional skill and different team leaders are going to manage the activities of these employees according to their expertise. As opined by Murtic et al. (2018), a department team structure is a specialized structure to sustain an operational speed of a construction project. Clarity of operational activity is maintained through the departmental team structure. Functions of every department are controlled by different team leaders so that one leader does not have to take the entire burden of the project. Distribution of responsibility and power ensures efficient utilization of available resources and minimizes negotiation and conflict during operational activities.

The effectiveness of a quality team structure is dependent on decision making power and clarity of reporting relationship to the project manager. As stated by Grabowska and Sulej (2021), the work process and flow of information are efficient in department structure because one team leader does not have to deal with a lot of employees of different expertise. Dealing with the same type of employees increases understanding between operational staff and they are able to execute their jobs without any complex situations. The entire process is divided into 6 times scale. Every department is going to provide a real-time team structure overview to the project manager after the completion of a time scale period.

Specialization of every department is highly prioritized by the department of team structure. The project manager uses an efficient communication strategy to collaborate with department members. In this way, project management will be efficiently executed. As cited by Noguera et al. (2018), the classification of jobs is most effective in departmental team structure and it is designed to undertake product and services and geography location to create a team. A clear chain of comments is identified in the department structure and every department head reports to the project manager according to a project timeline.

5. Communication Management

Engagement strategy

The five-step approach is one of the most effective stakeholder attachment strategies in order to communicate with different operations staff. As cited by Wang et al. (2021), communication is necessary for every project management success because it helps to understand the values and collaboration of a particular context. Collaboration between employees and the external environment is managed through a five-step approach that makes communication between employees easier. The engagement of employees is dependent on their moral values and expertise. Engagement strategy helps to set goals of internal and external stakeholders according to past engagement and future opportunities for Gateway Energy Centre projects. The five-step approach is going to enhance the performance of the Gateway Energy Centre project and provide stability to this project through the engagement of internal and external stakeholders.

Stakeholder mapping

Prioritizing the responsibility and power of different stakeholders according to their department and their level of work is undertaken by a 5 step approach. In this way lower-level employees are directed to listen; they are higher authorities in order to minimize organisational conflicts and negotiations. In this project, it is recommended to provide more power to project managers after that department heads achieve their success. As opined by Torelli et al. (2020), the entire project must be monitored by digital tools and allow every stakeholder of this project time scenario with output in a lot of energy. Consideration of digital tools for communication minimizes that time of communication and increases the transparency of operation activities.

 Five-step approach to stakeholder approach and communication

(Source: Wang et al., 2021)


Defining logistic operations and focusing on short term and long term goals are determined by the preparation stage of the 5 step approach of stakeholder engagement. As stated by Pang et al. (2018), sustainable logistic operation and implementation long term goals are going to improve the performance of Gateway Energy Centre projects through efficient communication with internal and external stakeholders. As cited by Willumsen et al. (2019), evaluating executed projects with their predetermined time scale will provide clear data about the potential risk for completion of this project. Visiting every department head and collecting direct knowledge of that department will allow us to assess potential risks for this project. Dealing with different stakeholders is not an easy task however increasing transparency and maintaining business ethics have to sustain project management strategy for a long period till the success of a project.


Focusing on organization calls and understanding the priority of every state holder and their roles in the organization is identified through a five-step approach to stakeholder engagement. This procedure is going to enhance communication between stakeholders and employees. Several types of stakeholders are going to be engaged within the organization to make the project successful in ever-changing market scenarios. As cited by Lambret and Barki (2018), different kinds of industrial organizations and residential houses demand renewable energy and power supply chains for their purpose. In this context undertaking their demand in the upcoming period is important for effective communication between external stakeholders. Employees are able to communicate according to their priorities level that is going to maintain the operational structure of the organization.

Action plan

An action plan is a strategic approach to identifying opportunities through feedback from internal and external stakeholders. As opined by Fahner et al. (2021), future engagement of potential stakeholders is dependent on efficient communication between employees and organization staff. Several types of advertising and social awareness programs about the usage of renewable energy in current markets in Rio are important to make consumers even above the availability of renewable energy stores in plants. Potential consumers of Gateway Energy Centres are going to achieve their demand through an efficient communication strategy. The five-step approach is going to be the most effective and sustainable approach for communication in the gateway energy project.

6. Risk Management


Different kinds of risks may arise during operating Gateway Energy Centre projects in the UK. Gateway Energy Centre is consuming a large number of funds in a post-pandemic situation where maintaining liquidity and working capital is complex because investors are highly motivated to invest in the medical sector after covid-19 (Antonand Nucu, 2020). A global political imbalance may create complexity in this project because it affects the country's economy. Technology advanced devices are going to be implemented to construct a Gateway Energy Centre, however, the effectiveness of new technology has not been tested yet for this project which may create risk during the organization's operation. Equal types of team members are implemented in this project in order to enhance understanding and minimize negotiation however organizational conflict may arise those slowdown operation activities of the project. An efficient supply chain is required to sustain the project management process however uncertain situations may create supply chain risk for this project.


Gateway Energy Centre is focused on minimizing carbon emissions and providing a healthy environment to potential consumers. In this context, companies are investing a large number of funds in order to save the environment; however, the cost of using renewable energy is going to be high in the preliminary period, which may affect the affordability of consumers in the global marketplace. A project manager has to continuously monitor the entire process and take a collaborative approach to result in an uncertain risk of this construction project. As stated by Shad et al. (2019), digital tools and techniques are going to be implemented in this project so that project managers will be able to access time statistical data on project performance.

 Risk Management strategy

(Source: Silvestre et al. (2018)


Provide training programs to employees in order to maintain a particular structure for communication with organizational team leaders and project managers. In this way, communication of every team member will be enhanced and the project manager will be able to get knowledge of the current situation. As opined by Silvestre et al. (2018), creating an effective portfolio for the Gateway Energy Centre project is going to allow potential investors to invest large amounts of funds in this construction project. However, acquiring optimum investment and taking flexible decisions in uncertain situations by project managers will minimize the effect of political imbalance in the global market. As cited by Xia et al. (2018), Political imbalance may create uncertain situations in project management. Digital tools must be implemented for communication because it is one of the fastest ways to communicate with the organizational hierarchy. Equal distribution of responsibility and power will allow team leaders to take innovative decisions to deal with uncertainty risk.


Stakeholder risk management theory is one of the most effective theories to deal with uncertain situations. Based on stakeholder theory, the project is executed by internal and external influencers of this project. The contribution of internal and external influencers to a project helps to deal with uncertain situations and maintain business ethics. Competitive advantage in the global power energy supply market will be increased for stakeholder management theory. As opined by Pedrini and Ferri (2018), stakeholders can be an organization, individual or a group of organizations that changes with time and considering their viewpoints in different departments of this project is going to increase the sustainability of the project.

Stakeholder management theory will allow every department head as well as employees of this project to provide a sustainable decision regarding project management. As stated by Shad et al. (2019), a risk management strategy is going to be effective for the Gateway Energy Centre project because this type of project has not been executed by any other organization. As it is a completely new concept in the current market, identifying risks related to it in the upcoming situation is complex.

7. Project plan

Plan prerequisites


Generate renewable energy for mankind and contribute to environmental development. Implement next-generation technology to construct the largest battery energy storage plant. The objective of this project is to supply power to more than 450,000 homes at once (Intergen .com, 2022).

As per the view of Gunduz and Almuajebh (2020), a prerequisite refers to something that is placed before a work of a plan and in order to succeed this needs to be in place a plan. This is generally the dependency that could be confused with the risks of this project such as the risk of environmental change and technology which are present in this project plan. Moreover, there is also a high chance of being confused in this stage with dependence as both of them are related to the project risk.

 Plan Prerequisites

(Source: Influenced by Gunduz and Almuajebh, 2020)

Planning permission is necessary for the Gateway Energy Centre as it can have a great impact on stopping the plan before starting. On the other hand, the contract signing to develop the battery storage plant could also stop the plan of the project. Moreover, site clearance is also important to remove wastage from land and make it hazard-free.

External dependencies

As stated by Varsani et al. (2020), the works that are required to complete a project are referred to as external dependencies. The external dependencies of GEC (Gateway Energy Centre) are discussed below.

Competitors: There is a risk of high competition among companies to take and complete a project related to power plant development. These competitors may increase the risk of this project getting appropriate resources on time.

Suppliers: The scope of this project to be completed is dependent on the appropriate documentation of suppliers. The presence of suppliers without having proper history and documentation could be a risk factor for this project.

Contact agreement: the signature of contractors and the contract agreement remain outside the scope of a project plan.

Product breakdown structure (product description)

The production of renewable energy sources is discussed here. As per the view of Varsani et al. (2020), the hierarchical structure of the deliverables of a project is referred to as a product breakdown structure.

 Product breakdown structure 

(Source: Influenced by Varsani et al. 2020)

In the above figure, it has been highlighted those different types of renewable energy sources are aimed to be developed in this project. The sources are wind farms, hydroelectric, and biomass. In order to produce wind farm energy steel, resin, fibreglass, cast iron, and plastic. On the other hand, in order to produce the hydroelectric energy headrace tunnel, penstock, surface powerhouse, and surge chamber are required. Moreover, biomass energy is produced through plants, waste, and wood.

 Product flow diagram

(Source: Influenced by Gunduz and Almuajebh, 2020)

In the above figure, it has been highlighted that in order to produce the hydroelectric energy water is flown through a pipe, however, a penstock can also be used. Then this is pushed against and then the blades are turned into a turbine for spinning the generator that produces the electricity. On the other hand, for producing wind energy this project needs to develop wind turbines (Gunduz and Almuajebh, 2020). The blades of the wind turbines are responsible for producing wind energy. The creation of lifts is done when blades catch the wind flows. In this way, blades are turned and then connected with the drive shaft that turns the electric generator and produces the electricity. In the case of biomass energy production, the parts of plants and other biodegradable materials are dried and the water inside it is removed. The steams that are produced in the process of drying lead to the production of bio-syngas.



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