MGBBT1TAS understanding of participation in the tourism sector Essay Sample

Insights into Participation in the Tourism Sector: An In-Depth Essay

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Introduction Of Understanding Of Participation, Accessibility, And Poverty In The Tourism Sector

The topic of participating in the tourism sector holds great significance in the tourism sector (Streimikiene et al., 2021). This is the main part of the tourism sector. This essay aims to research the idea of participation in the tourism sector, which is important for many points of view. By researching these facets, the essay sheds light on why the contribution is crucial for the tourism sector. For businesses like hotels and restaurants get money from tourism. Tourism is the main source of income for them. It is good for local communities and government agencies, for others. Every stakeholder has their part and worries in the tourism industry. Tourism affects daily life as well. For tourism, government agencies create rules and regulations. Understanding stakeholders is important because it helps to reflect on the changed needs and benefits.

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In today's world, poverty, accessibility, and tourism are becoming increasingly important. Tourism is one of the world's biggest markets due to increasing growth. This growth has caused several major issues that demand prompt action (Rinaldi and Salerno, 2020). Tourism should be accessible to everyone, therefore first, involve people. Tourism should benefit all ages, races, and socio economic classes. It can unify communities and increase economic opportunity by removing travel restrictions. Second, accessibility makes tourist attractions and services accessible to everybody, including the elderly, young, and impoverished. By allowing people of various backgrounds to participate, tourism may help develop community and equality. Finally, tourists often visit impoverished places. Focusing on poverty's impact on tourism can boost sustainable development, poverty reduction, and tourism's benefits distribution. Tourism may promote positive change and inclusion, but it must consider participation, accessibility, and poverty to avoid exacerbating disparities.

The concept of participation in the tourism sector

Active involvement of individuals and communities in tourism-related planning, decision-making, and development is what is meant by "participation" in this industry. It acknowledges the value of community participation in shaping and reaping the rewards of tourism experiences. There are a number of important reasons why people should take part in the tourism industry. First, it encourages self-reliance and pride in one's community. The more people are included in planning and policymaking, the more their opinions will be taken into account, and the more they will feel like they have ownership over the places they visit. Sustainable and culturally-aware tourist practises may improve as a result. But there are obstacles to gaining all the benefits of becoming a part of the tourism industry. The unequal distribution of power and resources is a key obstacle. Local communities often have little say in tourism business decision making because it is dominated by huge corporations, government agencies, and tour operators. Another challenge is the restricted availability of educational resources. It can be difficult for many communities to actively participate and make educated decisions regarding tourism because of a lack of awareness about the possible benefits and impacts of tourism. Other obstacles include a lack of common language, inadequate facilities, and limited resources.

Some stakeholders may be resistant to local involvement because they see it as a threat to their interests or because they value short-term profits over long-term sustainability and the well-being of the community (Tribe, 2020). It is crucial to encourage capacity building and supply training and resources to equip local communities in order to conquer these obstacles. Overcoming obstacles and maximising beneficial impacts of participation in the tourist sector requires the creation of inclusive forums for debate and collaboration, the guarantee of transparent decision-making procedures, and the implementation of policies that prioritise community involvement.

What mean by "participation in tourism" is that individuals and communities are actively involved and engaged in tourism's development, management, and decision-making processes across a wide range of contexts (Wondirad and Ewnetu, 2019). It emphasises the significance of locals, visitors, and other stakeholders actively designing and benefiting from tourism experiences, as opposed to only participating as passive beneficiaries of activities.

There are several facets to the connection between tourism and social problems. Accessibility, equality, and poverty are just a few of the societal concerns that can be made better through participation(Ahmad, Bakar, Ahmad, 2018). For instance, integrating locals in tourist planning and development can improve accessibility by tailoring infrastructure and services to the needs of a wide range of visitors, including those with physical limitations. Equally, involvement may advance equity by giving underrepresented groups a platform and increasing the fair distribution of tourism's positive outcomes. In addition, involvement can help reduce poverty by opening doors for local business development, job creation, and income generating. These claims are backed by facts and evidence from studies. Participation in tourism, for example, has been found to promote social capital, boost income, boost quality of life, and decrease poverty rates in host communities. Community-based tourism projects and other examples of successful participatory tourism efforts show how participation may help solve societal problems.

Inadequate representation and inclusion of marginalised groups, as well as unequal power dynamics, are typical obstacles to stakeholder participation in the tourism sector. Due to the prevalence of powerful parties in decision-making processes, power inequalities might limit the impact of local communities. It can be difficult for communities to actively participate when they lack access to necessary information and resources. Furthermore, effective engagement might be hampered by a lack of understanding and education about the potential benefits and drawbacks of tourism (Royce, 2022). Finally, marginalised groups may be excluded from and under-represented in tourism-related decision-making forums as a result. Strategies such as capacity building, community empowerment, inclusive governance systems, and stakeholder participation are crucial for overcoming these obstacles. Participation may be increased and societal challenges can be tackled more efficiently through education and training programmes, transparent and participatory decision-making procedures, and the promotion of partnerships between different stakeholders. Understanding the significance of tourist sector engagement and its capacity to alleviate social concerns requires integrating appropriate theories, research evidence, and statistical data.

The interrelationship between concepts of accessibility and participation

Destinations, facilities, services, and experiences in the tourist industry are considered accessible if they are accessible to, usable by, and accommodating of people of varying physical abilities, disabilities, and other needs (Kessler,2018). It involves making travel more accessible for people with a wide range of abilities by removing obstacles to mobility, hearing, vision, and language. Promoting diversity, equal rights, and access for everyone, accessible tourism works to make travel experiences available to those with a wide range of physical and mental limitations.

An estimated 1.3 billion individuals, or roughly 16% of the worldwide population in 2023, are living with several major disabilities, as reported by the World Health Organisation (WHO, 2022). Any responsible and long-term tourism policy must prioritise access to all tourist-related goods and services. Human rights are only part of the picture. For destinations, it's all about making money.

Participation can also make a difference by giving a voice to people frequently left out, such as those who are poor or relegated. When it comes to tourism decisions, they can look forward to anything beneficial, such as better job opportunities or protecting their culture and environment. Tourism can also help others learn new skills and become more self-reliant. They can be trained and get support to start new businesses or can improve their existing work. It can be helpful for them to be more independent and less dependent on others or government assistance (Maynard-Moody and Musheno, 2022). Tourism benefits can be shared fair and responsible way. There is a mutually beneficial connection between tourism industry participation and openness to the public. Participation promotes the discovery and implementation of accessibility measures, and accessibility enables a wider range of people to take part. By ensuring that tourism is accessible and welcoming to all individuals, regardless of their abilities or unique requirements, they assist encourage inclusive tourism experiences and help prevent unfavourable consequences.

There are several reasons to conduct more research and monitor the accessibility-tourism sector relationship. First, tourism offers new destinations, activities, and services. Constant research and monitoring are needed to fulfil the changing accessibility needs of many people. By studying accessibility and participation, researchers may predict issues, capitalise on opportunities, shape policy, and implement successful inclusion initiatives. Second, technology, public policy, and social norms affect access and participation (Cheer et al., 2019). Studying this relationship helps us stay up with its shifting dynamics and complexity. It identifies promising practises, new ideas, and potential bottlenecks so stakeholders may change and improve their work. Third, tracking the link helps evaluate accessibility and engagement projects. Policymakers, organisations, and destination managers can measure their projects' achievements and effects to see how well they're performing and where they might improve. This feedback loop improves tactics, reallocates resources, and implements evidence-based practises that boost accessibility and participation.

Research and monitoring help share knowledge and best practises, by sharing research and case studies with the tourism sector, governments, advocacy groups, and local communities, we can increase accessibility and inclusion.

The interrelationship between concepts of poverty and participation

Poverty and participation both have a connection, and it is important. As soon as people participate in the tourism sector, they can earn money, find jobs, and improve their daily lives. It can help them escape poverty and can have better chances (Valeri and Baggio, 2021). By being involved in the tourism sector, they can easily get money and support their families and themselves. They will have new opportunities and a better life by getting new jobs.

The poverty rate in the United Kingdom is 22.0% (2016), which translates to about 13.9 million people. The poverty rate is 50% in Bangladesh; however it is much higher for some ethnic groups (e.g., lone-parent homes) and people with disabilities (34%). Twenty-one point nine million Britons, or 22 percent of the population, were poor in 2015–16.

The involvement of individuals in the tourism sector has the potential to generate employment opportunities and mitigate poverty. Effective communication facilitates mutual understanding and promotes collaborative work. Collaboration entails the collective effort of individuals towards a common objective, leveraging their unique strengths and skills to attain success (Bakker and Van, 2018). The diversity of individuals in a team allows for the integration of varied strengths, perspectives, and knowledge, thereby enhancing team performance.

The relationship between the two entities is not straightforward. Regular monitoring enables the tracking of emerging changes over time and facilitates the implementation of necessary adjustments. The tourism sector must adapt to its environment by engaging in monitoring activities to remain abreast of emerging trends and challenges, thereby facilitating the generation of innovative concepts. According to Holloway and Humphreys (2022), the identification of emerging issues, such as the effects of technology or shifting trends, can aid in their early mitigation and preparation. Conducting additional research and ongoing observation can facilitate the dissemination of novel concepts and methodologies.


Accessibility, equality, and poverty reduction are just few of the many societal issues that can be improved with increased tourism engagement. Participation strengthens local stakeholders, encourages cultural interchange, and advances economic prospects, all of which contribute to overall social development. Accessibility in the tourism industry relies heavily on people taking part in it. Accessible infrastructure and services may be created and implemented when people with a range of abilities and needs are included in the process. This opens up travel and tourism to people of all backgrounds. This all-inclusive strategy is great for the tourism sector as a whole since it helps make it more accessible and fair for people with disabilities.

In addition, being involved can help lessen the impact of problems like poverty and inequality. When underrepresented communities have a say in tourism policy and planning, everyone benefits. As a result, local communities may be strengthened and poverty alleviated through the development of jobs and the generating of money. Communities benefit from increased social cohesiveness and pride when their culture and history are respected and celebrated. However, obstacles prevent full involvement from being realised. Meaningful involvement can be hampered by imbalances in power, a lack of access to information and resources, and a lack of effective representation of marginalised groups. In order to overcome these challenges, we need concerted action, increased capability, and governance systems that encourage participation from all levels of society, especially at the local level. Further research and constant monitoring of the interplay between participation and societal issues are necessary to ensure the sustained significance of involvement in the tourism sector. Constant investigation will aid in the detection of new threats, the evaluation of existing solutions, and the creation of more effective, evidence-based approaches. Constant evaluation ensures that tourist growth continues to prioritise inclusion, fair treatment of all people, and poverty reduction.

Finally, engagement in the tourism industry is crucial for solving societal problems and improving people's lives. Creating a tourism economy that is welcoming to all, easy to navigate, and fair for all parties involved requires the active participation of individuals and communities. The tourism industry may be more sustainable and socially responsible, improving people's lives, if we adopt participation as a guiding concept.


  • Ahmad, S.Z., Bakar, A.R.A. and Ahmad, N., 2018. An evaluation of teaching methods of entrepreneurship in hospitality and tourism programs. The International Journal of Management Education, 16(1), pp.14-25.
  • Bakker, A.B. and van Woerkom, M., 2018. Strengths use in organizations: A positive approach of occupational health. Canadian Psychology/psychologie canadienne, 59(1), p.38.
  • Cheer, J.M., Milano, C. and Novelli, M., 2019. Tourism and community resilience in the Anthropocene: Accentuating temporal over-tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 27(4), pp.554-572.
  • Holloway, J.C. and Humphreys, C., 2022. The business of tourism. Sage.
  • Kessler, G., 2018. Technology and the future of language teaching. Foreign language annals, 51(1), pp.205-218.
  • Maynard-Moody, S.W. and Musheno, M.C., 2022. Cops, teachers, counsellors: Stories from the front lines of public service. University of Michigan Press.
  • Rinaldi, A. and Salerno, I., 2020. The tourism gender gap and its potential impact on the development of emerging countries. Quality & Quantity, 54(5-6), pp.1465-1477.
  • Royce, E., 2022. Poverty and power: The problem of structural inequality. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Streimikiene, D., Svagzdiene, B., Jasinskas, E. and Simanavicius, A., 2021. Sustainable tourism development and competitiveness: The systematic literature review. Sustainable development, 29(1), pp.259-271.
  • Tribe, J., 2020. The economics of recreation, leisure, and tourism. Routledge.
  • Valeri, M. and Baggio, R., 2021. Social network analysis: Organizational implications in tourism management. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 29(2), pp.342-353.
  • Wondirad, A. and Ewnetu, B., 2019. Community participation in tourism development as a tool to foster sustainable land and resource use practices in a national park milieu. Land use policy, 88, p.104155.

Reading list

  • Harju-Myllyaho A., &Jutila, S. (2021). Inclusive Tourism Futures. Bristol, UK: Channel View Publications (The Future of Tourism). Available at:
  • Sharpley R., & Telfer, D.J. (2015). Tourism and Development: Concepts and Issues. Clevedon [U.K.]: Channel View Publications (Aspects of Tourism). Available at:
  • Yeoman I., & McMahon-Beattie, U. (2020). The Future Past of Tourism: Historical Perspectives and Future Evolutions. Bristol, UK: Channel View Publications (The Future of Tourism). Available at:
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