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564 Words
BSBWOR502 Leadership And Control Assignment Sample
Assessment 1
Written response questions
Team Objectives
- To boost the morale of the team through social interaction and building sense of building
- To ensure team participation in the decision-making
- To formulate policies for encouraging team participation and ensuring members do their job effectively.
- To maintain desirable team practices, team behaviour, and strategies for supporting team members.
- To formulate individual member’s performance plan
Strategies for Getting Input from Team Members
There are many ways to ensure that every team member participation. Some of these are explained here:-
- Recognition: It is required from the leader to give recognition to the member for their contribution. This would help in reducing hesitation during team meetings.
- Empowerment: Empowering the team members with the powers to make decisions and act on those decisions. It also includes giving them ownership and flexibility of carrying out their work within deadlines (Taylor, 2000).
- Confidence: Managers should induce or boost confidence of the team member by encouraging a good social and healthy working environment. Also, it is required to create transparent environment wherein the contribution of every member is visible.
Policies and Procedure for Ensuring Team Member Takes Responsibilities
The following policies are required to be implemented to ensure that team members takes their responsibilities:-
- Every member must engage in active listening during team meeting and while communicating with other colleagues.
- They must share information and resources and appreciate knowledge, values, and skills of others.
- Contribute innovative and new ideas and approaches.
- Support each other and educate new members during their orientation and induction period.
- Act promptly to work with other member and support them in difficult situation.
- The member is required to resolve personal conflict in a positive way.
Procedure for Policy Making
- Getting Management Support
- Consulting with Team Members
- Defining the Terms of Policies
- Putting Policies in Writing and Publicising them
- Training & Referral
- Evaluating & Reviewing
- Team Goals
- To create a positive, respectful, learning, and healthy working environment
These can be achieved by developing workplace policies and team guidelines. Also, training can also be provided regularly to the members.
- Fostering the development of positive attitude and good professionalism
This can be ensured by continuous guidance from team members and team leader to newbies. Also, seminars can be arranged on learning professionalism at workplace.
- Improving each member’s technical and mental abilities
For this, expert lectures and training sessions can be organised. Also, hiring technically sound and knowledgeable people can help in improving mental abilities and technical knowledge (Turner, 2014).
- Enhancing the understanding of every player and appreciating the best work and efforts
This can be done by indulging team member in group tasks. Also, the leaders should appreciate the best performer.
- Developing pride, confidence, and skills in each member.
Training for the member and indulging members in challenging task can help in developing pride, skills, and confidence. In addition to this, taking regular feedback from members regarding the operations and team environment can help them in gaining confidence and pride (Ting-Toomey& Dorjee, 2018). Also, empowering them to make their decisions can also be a useful step in doing so.
- Strategies for gaining consensus among the team members
- Clarification of the Issues
It is all about sharing relevant information and making sure that all the team member understands the problem and issues.
Exploring Alternative Solutions
It requires gathering ideas and perception of the team members along with identification of all the issues and exploring stakeholders’ understanding. Also, it is characterised by collecting information about alternative solutions and discuss pros and cons of each (Thompson, 2013).
Looking for developing Ideas
It requires identification of proposal that consolidate the best ideas and determine the best solutions to the problems (Wrench, 2016).
Implementing the Teamwork Plan
Developing an action plan for every tasks, nominating who will perform them, and how each task will be accomplished. In addition, leader needs to set deadlines for every task (Tjosvold, 2017).
Desirable group behaviour and practices for productive work team
The group behaviour has to be positive for maintaining the productivity and group dynamics. A few desirable behaviour and practices are enlisted below:-
- Promoting a practice of shared problem-solving and teamwork.
- Accept and welcome diverse opinions
- Encourage and employ active listening practices
- Convey empathy and welcome assessment of team objectives
- Letting other member speak and interrupting dominators gently to encourage others to present their views
- Taking more challenges and gathering information and making notes for presentations
- Encouraging positive workplace environment and managing positive attitudes
Agreed Strategies for Supporting Team Members with Assigned Responsibilities
- Support team members by developing a reviewing mechanism
- Communicating Accountability
- Supporting Team Members by Setting Standards
Team Meeting Minute Template
Company Name
Committee Name – Meeting Agenda
Date, Time
Meeting Name:
Pilot Meeting
Head Office
Purpose statement:
Developing team goals, objectives, policies, and performance plan for the team member.
Welcome Statement:
Apologies: -
Acceptance of previous minutes
Agenda Item
Presented by
1. Development of team objectives
Team leader
10 minutes
2. Development of team goals
Member 1
8 minutes
3. Strategies for Getting Input from Team Members
Support Trainer
10 minutes
4. Ways to support team members
Support Trainer
15 minutes
5. Desirable group behaviour and practices
Team Leader
10 minutes
General Business
Next Meeting: Next Week
- Individual Team Member’s Performance Plan
Team member’s Name: John Martin
He is sales executive and is working with organisation from past two years. He has the total experience of three years in sales and marketing.
The evaluation will be done within three days.
Sales Executive
Training and skills development programme
Company’s resources
Review dates
December 3, 2019 to December 5, 2019
Measurement: KPI; Outcome
Personal Development
Work Quality
Team leader’s responsibilities: The role of leader is to collect the information related to the member and analyse the performance and provide feedback to the employee.
- Taylor, C. R. (2000). Emerging issues in marketing. Psychology and Marketing, 17(6), 441–447. doi:10.1002/(sici)1520-6793(200006)17:63.0.co;2-z
- Thompson, J. B. (2013). Ideology and modern culture: Critical social theory in the era of mass communication. John Wiley & Sons.
- Ting-Toomey, S., & Dorjee, T. (2018). Communicating across cultures. Guilford Publications.
- Tjosvold, D. (2017). Cross-cultural management: foundations and future. Routledge.
- Turner, J. R. (2014). Handbook of project-based management (Vol. 92). New York, NY: McGraw-hill.
- Wilton, N. (2016). An introduction to human resource management. Sage.
- Wrench, J. (2016). Diversity management and discrimination: Immigrants and ethnic minorities in the EU. Routledge.