Discuss Organisational Cultures; A Better Way Of Managing Performance Or A More Manipulative, Darker Side Assignment

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Introduction Of Discuss Organisational Cultures; A Better Way Of Managing Performance Or A More Manipulative, Darker Side Assignment

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Organisational culture is the considered as the gathering of expectations as well as values and practices which inform and direct the actions of the employees. This present study will discuss the roles and importance of organizational culture in managing the corporate and team members' performance. It will discuss the benefits and challenges received by the company through the proper structure of organizational culture.

Concept of organizational culture

As mentioned by Wagstaff and Burton-Wylie (2018), organizational culture impacts all the aspects of the business in relation to employee benefit to customer-related services. In this context, when the culture of the company is being connected with the employees then they feel comfortable working with the company by giving their best performance. Along with that, they feel safe and protected to share their problems with the management of the company for receiving proper solutions in an effective way. Apart from that, culture is the fundamental benefit while attracting talent as well as outperforming the competition. In this aspect, most people consider the culture of the company before applying for the job position in order to feel safe and protected within the workplace environment (Wagstaff and Burton-Wylie, 2018). Employees from different cultural backgrounds also receive equal opportunities to share their opinion through their creative and innovative ideas in the decision-making process of the company.

Furthermore, the different types of organizational culture are adhocracy culture as well as hierarchy culture, clan culture, and market culture. In this aspect, an organization that implements an adhocracy organizational culture provides flexibility to their employees for sharing their job-related issues with the management of the company. it also pays attention to the constant innovation within the performance level of the employees by developing their weak skills and knowledge through proper training arrangements (Szyd?o and Grze?-Buk?aho, 2020). It also increases the coordination and collaboration among the diverse group team members in a positive manner. However, clan type of organizational culture is mainly implemented within the same kind of family business in which not a proper hierarchical structure is being followed by the management. IN this regard, the hierarchical organizational culture helps the employees to understand their job-related roles and responsibilities based on their position within the company in an effective way (Szyd?o and Grze?-Buk?aho, 2020).

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Role of HRM (human resource management) in shaping organizational culture

As per the view of Obeidat et al., (2018), HRM plays an important role in shaping the culture of the company by encouraging leaders to provide proper direction and guidance to the employees. In this context, the HR leaders have the duty to connect employees and managers with the aspired culture in order to foster a sense of ownership for maintaining the culture of the work environment in a positive manner. However, the HR (Human Resource) manager of the company pays attention to developing skills and knowledge of the employees which are weak in relation to their culture and policies of the company which are needed to be followed by them in a proper manner. In this aspect, an HR manager is also playing an essential role by sharing appropriate feedback with the employees who belongs to a diverse group in order to support them to understand their job-related mistakes (Obeidat et al., 2018). In addition to this, after identifying the mistakes, it is supporting the workers from different cultural backgrounds to improve their future and present performance in an effective manner.

Moreover, HR manager also encourages their diverse group of employees to share their innovative and creative ideas within the company by driving change in the business environment in an effective manner. In this regard, it also increases the coordination and collaboration among the diverse group of team members by encouraging them to share their work progress with each other and changes initiated by them in their work for maintaining the work consistency (Curry et al., 2018). Along with that, it also helps to increase the satisfaction level of the customers by meeting their needs and expectations by providing better quality service to them. The employees also receive equal facilities which increase their job-related satisfaction and influence them to give their best performance in an effective manner.

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Features of organizational culture

Organizational culture is made up of seven elements that range from top to bottom in importance (Oriade et al., 2021). Each of these attributes has a different significance for each organization. Members of the organization make ethical judgments about the value of these symbols in their organization, and then change their behavior to meet this set of principles. Features of Organisational Culture include:-

Rule orientation or stability

Organizational values are based on rules that follow a set of rules. These regulations were established at the beginning of the existence of the organization. To perform even the smallest job, all employees of these companies must adhere to these standards. Rules and regulations are very important in these institutions, and they often do not intend to change them.

Result Oriented

Organizational managers are only interested in results if they have a culture that focuses on the outcome (Sinha and Dhall, 2020) They do not care about the strategies used to get results. Most modern organizations have an organizational culture that focuses on the outcome. As a result of today's intense tension in the marketplace, these companies are upgrading their previous operating systems to achieve higher productivity or revenue.

People-oriented or fairness oriented

Companies that maintain a culture of organization that focuses on people to their employees. An organizational culture with a people-centered brand is known as a company of people. People want to work for a company with this quality. These businesses focus on how a particular decision will affect the people they work for.

Detail-oriented or emphasis on detail

The culture of an organization is characterized by its attention to detail. That the company pays attention to small details in order to provide better customer information. This aspect of organizational culture is often seen in hotel and e-commerce businesses (Roscoe et al., 2019). Client orders are considered for restaurants and hotels to provide better service in the future.

Benefits of organizational culture design

The benefits of Organisational Culture design include:-

An Easier Recruitment

Some businesses prefer to hire new employees based on their cultural equality with existing employees, putting information down in the list of priorities (Szyd?o and Grze?-Buk?aho, 2020). A business culture that puts the team first is known as group thinking. The idea is that if employees feel comfortable in the workplace and respect their colleagues as individuals, they may be more inclined to work harder.

Improved Retention

Creating a good business culture can lead to a better hiring program and more effective integration; new workers should fit in well with the factory and feel comfortable in their new environment as soon as possible, encouraging them to stay.

Development of employees

If a company's culture is deeply rooted in the minds of its employees, they may be inclined to enjoy similar work practices, including the way they handle criticism. This means that a detailed feedback process can be established, making response discussions easier (Martínez-Caro, Cegarra-Navarro and Alfonso-Ruiz, 2020). As a result, these discussions will be very fruitful and will result in rapid progress.

Clearly defined objectives

Everyone works together to achieve a goal where every company knows the company's core values and principles. For example, although a company sells goods, if customer support is a priority and ‘helping in any way they can’ is an important value, then all employees will keep that in mind when selling products more or less. support function.

Challenges of organizational culture design

Uncertainty, poor communication, and insecurity are commonplace in organizational culture. These factors can lead to a harsh and uncomfortable work environment, which can lead employees to become less responsible and lead to issues such as harassment, intimidation, and higher profits (Erthal and Marques, 2018). Businesses concerned about their organization and management may hire external experts to review their position and may evaluate using performance analysis to solicit ideas from their employees (Wagstaff and Burton-Wylie, 2018). Organizational culture problems can also be exacerbated by unpredictability. Employees may believe that policies are not consistently and consistently followed; Managers, for example, will not be punished for actions that employees do not expect to be punished. Another issue with an organizational culture that affects businesses of all sizes is the lack of communication. Employees may not be able to interact effectively and may even hesitate to contact management for comments, comments, or concerns (Mannion and Davies, 2018).


People who want to work for a company with a good organizational culture are more likely to do so. Workers in these businesses, on the other hand, can explain clearly what they are doing and why they do it. The company has a distinct personality. Firms with strong organizational cultures see honest dialogue between managers and employees, as well as peer collaboration, in addition to having a clear objective. This report has clearly defined the concept of organizational culture, and the role of HRM. features of organizational culture, advantages, and disadvantages of the organizational culture.


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