Employee Engagement Assignment Sample

Employee Engagement Assignment

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Introduction of Employee Engagement Assignment

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This study can explain the importance of employee engagement in maintaining the growth and development of the organisation. Various principal dimensions are also present in maintaining the authenticity of the employee engagement process, which are also included in this study. Along with this, 8 effective components of employee engagement are also highlighted efficiently in this study. This study can explain a few effective drivers of employee engagement such as relationship with the manager, having a voice, pride in belonging and belief in leadership. These four drivers are involved in increasing organisational efficiency. Job design has an effective impact on employee engagement processes, which is also included in this study.

1. An analysis of 'Employee Engagement,' including its principal dimensions and components, together with a comparison with related concepts. (AC1.1) (approx. 250 words)

Employee engagement is also highlighted authentically due to the involvement of enthusiastic and dedicated workers, this aspect has been measured with the involvement of the HR manager. Workability and performance of the company have been maintained with the involvement of a proper and effective employee engagement program. Sustaining employee engagement can increase the efficiency of the organisation, which has been maintained with the involvement of a strategic human resource manager. The feeling and behaviour of employees are also highlighted authentically due to the involvement of a proper employee engagement program. Along with this, the mental and emotional connection among employees is also maintained authentically due to the involvement of the employee engagement program. Participation of people in innovative work is also highlighted due to involvement in this aspect (Van Wingerden et al. 2017).

Three effective principal dimensions are present in employee engagement programs such as physical, cognitive and emotional engagement experiencing a high level of personal experience has been maintained with the involvement of physical engagement processes. Physical and mental energies are also justified authentically due to the involvement of physical engagement processes. Along with this, it is also noticed that employees can improve their feeling of confidence due to involvement in this physical engagement process. Along with this, the creative and confident decision-making abilities of employees are justified due to the involvement of cognitive engagement processes. In addition, the vision and strategic aspects of people are also maintained through this process. The feeling of employees and positive relationships between employees and the organisation has been maintained with the involvement of emotional engagement processes (Kuok and Taormina 2017).

 Dimensions of employee engagement

(Source: created by author)

Eight key components are present in employee engagement processes that help to achieve a high level of success. Strengthen communication, appreciate employees, provide workplace wellness, personal and professional development, roles and responsibilities, practice feedback and evaluation, work environment and be a leader. These key component helps to increase working relationship among employees that can increase the efficiency of the organisation. Recognising employees successfully can develop the working efficiency of employees, which directly has an impact on the organization's goals and values (Orgambídez-Ramos and de Almeida 2017).

 Components of employee engagement

(Source: created by author)

2. A justification of the need for alignment between engagement practices and other corporate components (e.g., mission) if the full benefits of high engagement are to be realized. (AC1.2) (approx. 250 words)

Velter et al. (2020) stated that engagement practices are involved in maintaining a few effective aspects of an organisation such as diversity, integrity and commitment inside the organisation. Fairness related aspects inside the organisation will be maintained due to the involvement of engagement practices. The efficiency of the communication strategy will be improved due to the presence of the engagement practices process. Engagement practice is also involved in maintaining morale, training and culture inside an organisation. With the help of a few effective resources, it is easy to state that work-life balance related aspects of employees should be maintained due to the presence of proper engagement practices. The strategic aspect of the organisation is also highlighted due to the presence of these engagement practices.

Based on a few effective resources, it is easy to state that almost 86% of aligned employees can learn about the organisation’s strategy. Successful conduction of the organisation is also maintained with the involvement of this strategic alignment program of employee engagement. Engagement practice is also involved in maintaining communicational aspects inside the organisation. The authenticity of the organisation is also maintained due to the involvement of this aspect. Shirt tern result and sustainability of organisation are controlled due to aligning engagement practices with corporate components. Communication and strategic planning of the organisation are maintained by this alignment. Emotional disconnection related problems inside of organisation have been identified and solved by this alignment process (Wagh et al. 2017).

3. An identification of the principal drivers of employee engagement and offer an evaluation of the business benefits for key stakeholders-customers, employees, managers. (AC2.1) (approx. 250 words)

Four key drivers are present in employee engagement processes that can create new and effective opportunities for stakeholders of the organisation such as customers, managers and employees. These four effective drivers are relationship with the manager, belief in leadership, pride in belonging and having a voice. These four components are too important for the organisation. The entire organisation development process is highlighted due to the involvement of this aspect. The involvement of these four components is involved in increasing the efficiency of employee engagement in the organisation. The contribution of emotional intelligence to an organisation has been highlighted due to the involvement of this aspect. A relationship with a manager can justify a working environment properly that can extract entire work from employees. A proper relationship with the customers helps employees to imply their thinking and doing work properly (Sharma and Garg 2017).

 A relationship with the manager can ensure a working environment that can influence productivity and customer satisfaction in an organisation. On the other hand, belief in leadership helps to maintain needed clear, relatable, frequent and effective strategic communication. The working efficiency of the employees is maintained due to the presence of belief in leadership. Tensay and Singh (2020) stated that the efficiency of the manager is also increased due to the presence of this driver. On the other hand, customer satisfaction is also maintained by this aspect. Pride in belonging and having a voice driver are also involved in maintaining the efficiency of the team and organisation also. These two drivers are most important for employees and managers however, the productivity of the organisation is also maintained due to the presence of these drivers that can influence customer satisfaction.

4. An explanation of how job design, discretionary behavior, role autonomy and organizational citizenship contribute to employee engagement (AC2.2) (approx. 250 words)

The employee engagement program has been maintained with the involvement of a few effective components among them job design is an essential component. All kinds of significant factors of employee engagement are maintained due to the involvement of job design processes. The end-to-end responsibility of employees is also maintained with the involvement of a proper job design program. The variety and challenges of employee engagement programs are also solved due to the involvement of job design programs. Job efficiency and commitment of employees towards the organisation have been maintained with the involvement of discretionary behaviour. This aspect directly has an impact on employee engagement programs (Guan and Frenkel 2018).

 Increased performance of employees is also maintained with the involvement of discretionary behaviour successfully. The motivation of employees is also maintained with the involvement of this aspect. Own decision-making ability of employees has been maintained with the involvement of role autonomy. In addition, the working target has been fulfilled by employees due to the presence of role autonomy. Gupta et al. (2017) stated that due to the presence of this aspect employee engagement can justify organizational efficiency. Strong psychological aspects among employees have been justified due to the involvement of organisational citizenship, which directly has an impact on employee engagement processes. This aspect can motivate employees to make a meaningful contribution to the organizational development program.


Based on this study it is easy to conclude that employee engagement is an essential aspect of the organisation that can increase its production of the organisation. On the other hand, the working environment of the organisation is also maintained due to the presence of the employee engagement process. Proper job design helps to maintain employee engagement. Customer satisfaction related aspect is maintained by the organisation due to the presence of employee engagement processes. The employee engagement process can help the organisation to ensure motivation and training for employees. This study can conclude that organisational efficiency has been maintained by the alignment between employee engagement and other corporate components.


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Gupta, M., Shaheen, M. and Reddy, P.K., 2017. Impact of psychological capital on organizational citizenship behavior: Mediation by work engagement. Journal of Management Development.

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Orgambídez-Ramos, A. and de Almeida, H., 2017. Work engagement, social support, and job satisfaction in Portuguese nursing staff: A winning combination. Applied Nursing Research36, pp.37-41.

Sharma, N. and Garg, P., 2017. Psychological contract and psychological empowerment as employee engagement drivers in Indian IT sector. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research15(1).

Tensay, A.T. and Singh, M., 2020. The nexus between HRM, employee engagement and organizational performance of federal public service organizations in Ethiopia. Heliyon6(6), p.e04094.

Van Wingerden, J., Derks, D. and Bakker, A.B., 2017. The impact of personal resources and job crafting interventions on work engagement and performance. Human Resource Management56(1), pp.51-67.

Velter, M.G.E., Bitzer, V., Bocken, N.M.P. and Kemp, R., 2020. Sustainable business model innovation: The role of boundary work for multi-stakeholder alignment. Journal of Cleaner Production247, p.119497.

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