Reflecting on Human Rights and Psychology Assignment

An action plan for addressing human rights violations through early education and legal amendments

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Introduction Of FWD: Learning On The Concept Of Human Rights Assignment

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One of the main notions behind conducting this study is to highlight my learning on the concept of human rights. By conducting this reflective essay I will be sharing my thoughts as well as learning that I gained during my course and also will share the reason behind selecting this particular topic of human rights. The study will also use the Gibbs Reflective Model for better comprehension of the whole work. Overall the entire study will focus on the topic of human rights only and will discuss various important things and my learning related to the same only.

1. Description and feelings

Considering the first two phases of the Gibbs reflective cycle usually entails the overall description and feelings learned concerning a particular topic. For this particular module, I have selected the topic of Human Rights and the main reason behind selecting this topic is the rise in human violations. Based on the topic of Human Rights the thing I learned is that Human Rights are privileged inborn to every individual, paying little heed to race, sex, identity, nationality, language, religion, or some other status. I learned that “Human Rights” incorporate the right to life and freedom, independence from subjugation and torment, opportunity of assessment and articulation, the option to work and training, and a lot more. According to my learning and my present viewpoints, human rights are important in the current days because it signifies that nobody ought to be mishandled or oppressed and because everybody ought to get the opportunity to foster their ability. Tragically, many individuals all over the planet don't have these essential privileges and opportunities. Common freedoms are expected to secure as well as protect each individual's mankind, to guarantee that each individual might carry on with an existence of pride and a day-to-day existence that truly deserves a person. Basic freedoms or Human rights are norms that perceive in addition to safeguarding the pride of every single person. Basic liberties administer how individual people live in the public arena and with one another, as well as their relationship with the State and the commitments that the State have to them. Overall from the description of Human rights, I understood that people should fight for their basics to create a mark against society for their betterment.

Now if I consider my feeling about learning the topic of Human Rights I was not very much sure about selecting this as my main module topic. This was because of the reason that I do not have much idea about what is going on in the outside world. After doing much research on this topic I felt that to deal with this cruel world it is very much important to understand what Human Rights are. Also before learning this topic I usually visualize Human Rights as something that just gives some idea about how to fight for basic rights. But proper learning of the topic has changed my mindset entirely and now I feel I have taken the best decision of my life by enrolling in this course where I learned so many things about Human Rights. Now feelings have changed I feel Human rights are much more than just knowing about basic rights. Learning proper human rights helps the overall community for betterment, for example, teaching deprived children about the importance of education, stopping society from doing child labor, and helping old age people to fight for their rights with the family in addition to many more.

So, overall from the 1 st two phases of the Gibbs cycle, I have given my learning and feelings about the topic of Human Rights and in the next parts, I will continue discussing the other important learning on the topic using the other steps of the Gibbs Reflective cycle.

2. Learning about the Topic to your skills, professional experience, or discipline knowledge

Though psychology and human rights are seen as two distinctive fields of study, interestingly they do have some amount of semblance between them psychology is the subject that is mostly affiliated with the medical background, whereas human rights fall mostly on the side of politics, but a psychologist needs to understand human rights to perform their duties wisely. According to studies an effective application of psychology can prove to be a great contributor to the implication, development, and sustenance of human rights.

Although the fields of human rights and psychology have been claimed to be very different fields and this has been proven and argued upon succinctly by Clinton Anderson, A Ph.D. associate executive director of affiliated with the Public Interest Directorate and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Concerns Office director. The primary job of psychologists has often been associated with the violation of human rights and the consequences of the same faced by patients. It has been effectively seen that a person only visits a psychologist after she understands that the stances on human rights have been severely dismembered(Bluestein et al, 2019). As a psychologist I have seen people often move into denial, the denial works as a kind of coping mechanism as they do not wish to look into the side of their life where they have been wronged or prevented from their fundamental rights. It pains them to be so helpless in their existence. Interestingly, there are innumerable examples where uncountable people have spent lifetimes in this denial refusing to accept that they have been wronged. Speaking to such people makes me realize that this denial probably has become an inseparable part of their existence or that this denial is what their entire existence is based on.

As a psychologist, at times it is better beneficial to let people live in this denial since its foundations are so deeply engraved in their conscious and sub-conscious minds that if these people are forced to see the truth they might snap and move to a state of complete disengagement with the world. Fatefully the aspect of denial is much stronger in women than in men. In general, women who are not happy in their married lives and are facing some form of wrongdoing such as physical or mental torture mostly hide these matters. It is important to understand in this case that these women do not hide these things because they are ashamed to speak up or are scared of the consequences that will follow, these are small bits of the process but not the entire process. The majority of the process is denying the entire fact that they are victims of some kind of violation and they can do nothing about it.

This denial ultimately leads to the creation of an imaginary world for the victim that is mostly subtle where she pretends that everything is fine and there are no traumas. The people who come for psychotherapy or counseling are the few who can break away from this force of denial and see the truth. Hence, to understand the following portions of the Gibbs reflective model that is evaluation and analysis, it will be safe to say that psychology is multidimensional and portions of it are intertwined with some aspects of human rights as a whole. The effects of these two subjects on each other are somewhat symbiotic and one cannot be treated with more importance than the other, however, it can be said that these two subjects work as compliments to each other(Patel 2019).

3. Evaluation of the Topic to show an understanding of how things work in this discipline or professional field 600

The definition of human rights has changed enormously over time simply because of the evolution of society. The truest essence of human rights has been discovered and cultured ever since the European enlightenment. Before this phenomenon, society was bonded in shackles or orthodoxy where each human had a particular place in society that could not be changed. Social mobility had very limited chances. There were high levels of discrimination and various types of ill practices such as slavery and so on. The European enlightenment allowed people to think differently and disregarded the idea of ownership in people. In other words, the enlightenment showed people that no person and own another person, however, slavery was legally abolished much later but the idea was hence generated. That is considered to be the very beginning of human rights on planet earth.

The UDHR or Universal Declaration of Human Rights was framed post-World War two by Eleonor Roosevelt. Human Rights were again altered post the official acceptance of the third gender in society and later on when the third gender specified its subcategories (the LGBTQA+) community. The rights of this section are yet to be documented as the fight is still raging(Wetstein 2019). Human rights are considered to be at the base of any political system, the violation of any is indirectly a violation of human rights itself and hence it is taken up with so much concern. The fundamental aspect of human rights is extremely simple, these are the rights given to any individual on the basis that they are humans, no other sanction, such as caste, creed, race, color, gender, and so on matters in the case of fundamental rights. These rights include right liberty, health, work, food, and education. Any person who is denied any of these aspects based on the aforementioned criteria is a violator of human rights.

The most interesting aspect of human rights is that it is fundamental and universal, it is not like other conventional laws that change from country to country. These rights can only be taken away under certain situations for example when a person is found guilty of a crime then that person loses the right to liberty. Human rights are also indivisible and are strongly interdependent. This means that one right cannot be fully enjoyed without the presence of the other and hence each right is important in every case scenario and regarding every individual. A very vibrant example of this is that when a country provides equal political and civil rights to any person, then the person is automatically granted social, cultural, and economical rights.

The clause of non-discrimination and equality is presently roaring especially in the corporate culture. In the last decade, the corporate world has fatefully witnessed brutal acts of discrimination. Global corporate wish to enlarge the aspect of diversity in their work to increase their worth in the market so that they can prove themselves to be an inclusive office, however, the measures and precautions a workplace needs to undertake to employ a diverse working culture that originates from different ethnicities, religions, sexual orientation, gender, and even disabilities are hardly present anywhere near the scene. Hence, the last decade has seen some very heinous acts of workplace bullying and harassment that again are a direct threat to human rights. Firms in the present time are being more assertive regarding the issue of discrimination and equality. As a society too, some classes of it are being more 'accepting' towards 'unconventional' folks, however, the war will wage for a long and even after it signs of total victory seem dim(Pasture 2018).

4. Conclusion & Action Plan 600

This report has seen and elaborately understood the concepts and strategies of human rights and hence it has a wide range of conclusions associated with it. This report has also allowed the core concepts to be seen from the perspective of a professional field such as psychology. The aspect of human rights is very subjective to each person, however, it does have some core concepts attributed to it as a whole. The first two aspects of the Gibbs reflective cycle are description and feelings. From the study that was conducted by this report, it can be vastly seen and understood that though the description of human rights can be objective since it is based on facts and studies but the feelings associated with it are vastly subjective since every human takes an individual note and account of their perspective of human rights.

Secondly, psychology and human rights, though two distinctive studies by themselves are closely interrelated to each other, one has adverse effects on the other. It has been observed by a psychologist that human rights violation is the primary reason for the requirement of psychiatric treatment of a person. The effects of the same come as a secondary aspect, however, the primary issue remains to be the fact that violation of human rights can trigger serious psychotic issues within a person. As mentioned in the study, the person can develop a world of denial or multiple personalities to deal with this situation. A normal human mind is physiologically built to repel any kind of violation. However, it is important to remember here what exactly is the definition of violation according to the victim. The analysis and evaluation of such complications make u the second portion of the report.

The third portion of the report aims at understanding the history of human rights and its development and evolution throughout the years. This section saw why are fundamental rights too evolved and revised with time. Furthermore, various aspects of fundamental human rights that are deeply intertwined with each other also saw elaborate explanations in this section/ the immediate issues with fundamental rights were also discussed in this section as the places where they are mostly misused.

The aspect of human rights and psychological connection and the issues associated with them carry a certain level of complexity and hence cannot be mildly taken to be solved with simple steps. Controlling such factors requires long-term planning:

  • Children, especially girls should be trained at an early age to understand what is a violation and what can be done against it. They should be taught to refuse denial of the cause and seek professional and legal help if required to do so.
  • The amendments to human rights that provide inclusion to the newly recognized sections of society should be done with immediate urgency. In this way, society will be somewhat legally obligated to treat every person as equal and discrimination against these people along with violence will be somewhat under control.
  • Inclusion is a very organic idea or the overall development of any place, however, it is important to remember that inclusion to has its challenges and these challenges should be understood and carefully handled at the first glance before they can turn into acts of discrimination and non-equality. Such aspects promote dissatisfaction within people that ultimately lead to violence as a whole.


Blustein, D.L., Kenny, M.E., Di Fabio, A. and Guichard, J., 2019. Expanding the impact of the psychology of working: Engaging psychology in the struggle for decent work and human rights. Journal of Career Assessment, 27(1), pp.3-28.

Pasture, P., 2018. The invention of European human rights. History, 103(356), pp.485-504.

Patel, N., 2019. A human rights-based approach to applied psychology. European Psychologist, 24(2), p.113.

Wettstein, F., 2020. The history of business and human rights and its relationship with corporate social responsibility. In Research handbook on human rights and business (pp. 23-45). Edward Elgar Publishing.

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