Unit 2 Mental Health And Wellbeing In Public Service Assignment Sample

Applying the PERMA Model to Improve Mental Health of Emergency Service Workers During COVID-19

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Introduction of Mental Health And Wellbeing In Public Service (Unit-2)Assignment

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The covid-19 pandemic has affected health professionals' personal and professional environments. Nurses, doctors, and other healthcare workers' mental and physical wellbeing have declined. Public service workers from several sectors have experienced major issues during the covid-19 pandemic. The nurses from hospitals are experienced a major breakdown of psychological and physical wellbeing in the context of the covid-19 pandemic spread. The presented account will provide greater insight into the specific issue faced by Kim at Nightingale Hospital London. The welfare officer is responsible for providing effective emergency support and services. The selected scenario addressed the workplace's mental and physical destruction during covid-19 experienced by Kim, who has worked for NHS " in an Intensive care unit” . However, at the time of the covid-19 pandemic, she worked at Nightingale Hospital London. Critical care has been provided to patients severely affected by the virus. The scenario is required to explore by a welfare officer to provide emergency services for mental and physical destruction reduction at the workplace.

In the case of Kim's case, the emotional breakdown, mental Stress, workplace experiences and physical destruction made it a crucial state to deliver her services. Critical reflection is required to be performed here, as this scenario is the best source to identify the issues associated with wellbeing and mental health state. However, this study will provide a thick and evaluative explanation and recommendations for organizations and individuals to develop mental and physical health with wellbeing in the workplace.

Section 1: Factors that influence mental health and wellbeing

Relationship between physical and mental health

The covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a tremendous rate of mortality and morbidity. A higher percentage of morbidity and mortality has induced significant pressure on healthcare organizations. The high demand and lowered resources have clashed with each other. During the covid-19 pandemic, the main issue is experienced by the healthcare organization at human resources capital. The responsibility and functions of nurses in care delivery are expected to have enough mental and physical stability to fulfil all the activities. The shortage of healthcare workers has induced significant pressure on health workers. According to Graham et al . (2020), 22% of healthcare staff has been recognized with moderate psychological distress during the covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, the pandemic's impact has been estimated to endure wellbeing and mental health destruction to healthcare staff significantly. Normalized physical health without major issues facilitates mental health stability and vice-versa. Weakness, chronic disease and disabilities have direct effects on mental health. Depression, Stress, anxiety and sleeping issues are common mental destruction involved with physical health decline. As mentioned by Jacob et al. (2020), more physical activity with enough emotional support is relevant to provide a good piece of mental resilience. In the selected scenario, workplace pressures and Stress have developed the key physical and mental destruction in Kim. The high mortality rate and informing sad news to their families have declined Kim's mental condition. Their physical exhaustion of Kim with a long time of duty and a highly intense workload also reduced their motivation and strength.

The interconnected bond between mental and physical health is significantly reflected in Kim's case as she has reneged with the most empathic workplace and needs to handle patients and their families. One of the significant events stated in the scenario with 85 years old man, where Kim informed him about his condition with no hope of recovering. All these events and matters related to the workplace dimension have continued to affect Kim's mental and emotional stability. Therefore, mental instability is reflected in physical complication development, which, the physical problem, has resulted in mental destruction. According to Cloitre et al . (2019), emotional stability and physical strength share a very strong and effective relationship. In addition to this context, Kim's case has reflected the same outcomes as the emotional instability reflected by poor physical and mental proficiency.

Social and psychological factors impact

External and internal factors regulate the mental health and wellbeing of the individual. The external factors affecting Kim's mental health during the covid-19 pandemic can be significantly identified with isolation. The Nightingale hospital in London restricted visiting home staff and required them to follow the strict rules of isolation and social distancing , which built up major psychological distress in Kim (Cho et al . 2021). In Kim's case, emotional labour can be defined as the suppression of her own mental and physical needs. However, Kim has experienced and witnessed several deaths occurring due to covid-19 pandemic. Her emotional distress, worrying and tension are relevant to build, which caused the significant psychological decline. As stated by Hossain et al. (2020), the health staff has experienced major psychological distress due to fear of infection in the family and high workload, with a 52.6% rate. Therefore, the covid-19 related news has significantly developed fear, anxiety and depression in general and other people.

The work environment affects employees' motivation, performance and efficiency. Therefore, the high pressure at the workplace without proper management results in damage to human resources. The situation at Nightingale Hospital in London during the covid-19 pandemic has developed huge mortality among patients. Therefore, the impact of social and psychological factors on Kim can be recognized by reducing work efficiency. Thus, depression, anxiety and Stress in nurses seem to be developed with social factors impact (Wang and Geng, 2019). The recognized social factor is identified with economic status. As stated by Godini? and Obrenovic (2020), the lowered income has developed uncertainty with mental complications and issues development. However, poverty and education are the key factors that affect the presented scenario. Long-time work is the most effective factor in reducing the psychological stability of nurses (Hossain et al . 2020). The selected case scenario can be evaluated with insufficient social and psychological support to Kim is the main reason for causing physical and mental destruction.

Application of the PERMA model

The present scenario Kim has to be explored and analyzed with a significant model and tool of Evaluation. The welfare officer can be responsible for providing major emergency services. The usage of PERMA can be a leading psychological model of Evaluation to provide support and services for care providers. In the context of wellbeing destruction and mental health reduction, Kim, the application PERMA will be effective as this model is critical to evaluating emergency response. The PERMA model refers to positive emotion, engagement, relationship, meaning and achievement. In the case of Kim's wellbeing, the most relevant and effective process is the PERMA application. [Refer to appendix 1]

In the case of emergency services, the development of positive emotions in Kim required them to be supported with trust and gratitude. Therefore, disengagement of Kim seems to be evaluated by workplace stress. The engagement development in staff can be facilitated with interest development (Gloster et al. 2020). The setting in workplace culture can be changed to support the interesting development of staff. In the case of emergency services, engagement with the workplace is essential. Relationship building with trust and respect are common performance and is preferred by the healthcare organization. Kim can develop a proactive nature during working time to enhance their relationship with others and patients. In responding to emergency services management for better outcomes in health care organizations, the nurse must follow the meaning. The actual purpose of services needs to be understood by the provider, and the achievement t aspect of this model can be reflected in a growth mindset .

Section 2: The value of the early intervention

Identification of the early intervention to promote positive mental health in public service

Early intervention is one kind of term, which is addressing several assistance and services that are helping to reduce the negative impact of mental disorders and promote wellbeing. Kim works in a hospital and provides treatment to critically ill patients affected by the Covid pandemic in the ICU ward. She is suffering from mental distress while seeing the patients at the breaking point stage. Boost resilience in Kim's community with the help of different approaches like community development is a significant intervention that helps reduce the negative impact of mental illness and supports Kim mentally. According to the statement of Colizzi et al. (2020), it can be said that Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy and Mental support are the major services which are provided to mentally ill patients and help to overcome this issue. In addition, promoting Disease Management and Lifestyle Change is another activity that promotes mental health and wellbeing (Knapp and Wong, 2020). Enhancing resilience is helping to protect against mental disorders like anxiety and depression. Henceforth, it helps Kim to overcome her mental Stress and is able to lead a normal lifestyle.

Maintaining Biopsychosocial skills helps in overcoming mental distress, and it helps in understanding the interactions between the elements of psychological and biological illnesses. Additionally, those improve the dyadic relationship among patients and nursing staff and different multidisciplinary approaches in patient care. As depicted by Bucci et al. (2019), Ensuring good communication and Intersectoral and Interdisciplinary teamwork with other nursing staff, agencies and teams is effective as an early intervention. Providing mental support and communicating actively with Kim may help her recover in a rapid manner and it is effective for her to overcome her critical health issues. As opined by Mulvale et al. (2019), recognizing individuals at increased risk of mental issues to support and screen them properly is beneficial for the nursing staff to overcome mental distress. Henceforth, it has been evaluated that, Disease management and Lifestyle Change is an effective intervention to promote physical wellbeing and mental health in this pandemic situation.

Analysis of the impact of early intervention on mental health and wellbeing

Addressing the issues in an early manner assists to prevent mental issues without any kind of medication. As stated by Pappa et al. (2021), taking early intervention decreases an individual's Stress and makes recovering from mental distress in an easy way. In addition, home treatment and early interventions effectively decrease hospital admission rates, shorten hospital stays and require expensive interventions. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy effectively manage and evaluate mental distress and solve the root cause of increasing mental pressure. Additionally, it saves around 38 million Euros each year, specifically during the pandemic (Duncan et al. 2020). However, it can be said that early intervention may lead to improve treatment and diagnosis of mental distress and reduce the negative impact of both physical and mental issues. Additionally, improved mental health and well-being assist in providing positive health outcomes, which supports Kim in overcoming her Stress, anxiety and depression. According to the case study, Kim is exhausted both mentally as well as physically; hence, she is required proper mental support, and it helps her to overcome her critical health issues.

Henderson’s Need Theory is effective and helpful for Kim in improving her mental distress. Additionally, this theory can mitigate the requirements of those elements, which help overcome mental distress and physical exhaustion. According to the statement of Smith et al. (2018), it can be said that with the help of Henderson's theory, nursing staff are able to provide proper and effective treatment to reduce Stress and mental disorders. In this regard, it helps in overcoming the issues of anxiety and depression, which are identified during the Covid-19 pandemic situation. According to the major principle of this theory is, communicating with other staff or sharing both bad and good experiences is beneficial in reducing mental Stress and depression. At the same time, with the help of this theory, it provides freedom to mentally exhausted individuals by which they can make decisions about treatment acceptance (Allande-Cussó, 2020). Henceforth, it has been evaluated that, expressing emotions, opinions and bad experiences is helpful to reduce the negative impact of anxiety, distress and mental distress in an individual during the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, it is also helpful or beneficial for Kim to follow and reduce her depression, anxiety and exhaustion during the pandemic situation.

Section 3: Strategies to promote mental health & build resilience

Build Health Policies

Building health policies is necessary to decrease the impact and prevalence of those risk factors, which are directly linked to mental health disorders. In addition, it reduces the rate of anxiety and depression among nursing staff. As opined by Frow et al. (2019), implementing several policies help decrease stigma, which is related to mental health issues. In this regard, it is one kind of official guideline to improve mental and physical health. It is also beneficial for the nursing staff to reduce their working stress during the pandemic situation. Building resilience in nursing is required to improve self-esteem and to become flexible with working environment.

Similarly, mental health plans and policies promote effective treatment and preventive interventions in terms of reducing mental disorders. The Mental Health Act of 1983 is effective in providing involvement and empowerment to the nursing staff by which they are able to create a strong relationship with patients (Nhs, 2022). Thus, it encourages healthy behaviours and promotes mental health and wellbeing in healthcare organizations.

Create Supportive environments

Creating a Stress-reducing environment helps to work effectively and freely in the workplace, and it improves an individual's quality of life. In this regard, maintaining a positive working environment assists Kim in working properly, and it is enhancing resilience to mental Stress. According to the case study, several patients are admitted to the "Nightingale Hospital London" during the pandemic, and this healthcare provides Intensive Care to those critically ill patients. As a result, while Kim is providing care to the Covid positive patients, hence, she was mentally depressed. As opined by Walton et al. (2020), creating a positive working place helps in protecting against the development of trauma-associated issues in an individual. Henceforth, it helps improve mental health and reduce the pandemic's negative impact on Kim's mental state. Thus, it assists Kim in leading a normal and healthy lifestyle and easily provides proper treatment to the Covid-19 affected individuals.

Develop personal skills and strengthen the community actions

Community development outlines the working community's existing material and human resources. In addition, it is enhancing social support and self-help and developing flexible systems to strengthen public participation and improve mental distress. As Greenberg et al. (2020) state, promoting mental health assists social and personal development by providing information enhancing personal and professional skills and health education. In this regard, it is effective in improving mental state and reducing mental Stress, which is effective in leading a normal and healthy lifestyle. At the same time, as expressed by Blake et al. (2020), creating new bonds or connections by communicating with other nursing staff positively helps in providing proper treatment and reducing the negative impact of the pandemic. In this regard, communicating positively with the nursing staff reduces the chances of mental illness risks for Kim, and she is able to provide proper treatment without any kind of vague thoughts.

Analysis of policy effects to promote the mental health of emergency care workers

Implementation of the policy is helping to improve the mental state of healthcare workers and reducing the negative outcomes of mental distress. Implementing healthcare policies is essential as it assists in establishing proper guidelines, which benefit the Covid-19 affected patients, healthcare system and organization. There is a strong connection between social media usage and the increasing rate of anxiety, depression and vague thought. In addition, social media promotes different types of negative experiences like inadequacy about appearance. As opined by Iflaifel et al. (2020), the mental health policy is effective in improving both mental as well as physical health, and it is effective in reducing the mental distress of nursing staff. In addition to that, maintaining several mental health policies is beneficial for the nursing staff who are working in the ICU ward to provide effective treatment and medication. Thus, taking proper treatment and medication assists in overcoming the critical health issues recognized at the time of the Covid 19 pandemic.

The emergency nursing staff provides the right guidance and proper treatment to the patients to help them recover rapidly. In this regard, in case Kim is supervised by a mental health specialist, then it is obvious that she is able to overcome her mental distress. Tomlin et al. (2020) opined that taking accurate supervision about the care deliverance or provision is effective and beneficial for overcoming any kind of health issue easily and leading a normal and healthy lifestyle. Henceforth, she can provide treatment and take care of critically ill patients.


The overall Evaluation of well-being and mental health for the presented scenario has stated that psychological and social factors directly impact nurse performance. The critical reflection on Kim's situation and issues is relevant to explore to provide emergency services. Therefore, I have considered her situation related to her mental and physical status and well-being. Using the Gibbs reflect with six elements is the most relevant model to reflect the overall outcomes and issues. The handling of patients in the critical care units and ventilators is being delivered with the description phase. Intervention issues and strategic issues facilitated Kim's actions. However, the good feeling is being recognized with recommendations for the strategic implementation of effective policies. The bad feelings associated with underdeveloped emergency response. The Evaluation of the asserted scenario refers to the major issues of social and psychological factors' impact. The isolation from family, fear of infection and huge loss of life daily has affected Kim's work condition.

The positive mindset set has been destroyed, and I have observed negative mental and physical health impacts. Kim's mental health analysis in emergency response is considered unaffected and insufficient in the application. Hence, the conclusion can be drawn that the negative impact of psychological and social factors reduced the overall outcomes of Kim's performance. I can state the action plan for Kim, as the existing gaps and issues in developing the emergency services and response must be managed with new adequate policies and resilience development. Moreover, this critical reflection on the present scenario has referred to the impact of well-being and mental health destruction related to the work environment and psychological and social factors. I can conclude that the future scope of emergency services and responses will be developed with the PERMA model application.


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