Unit BM304 - Human Resource Management Assignment sample

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Unit BM304 – Human Resource Management


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Motivation is an active way to engender enthusiasm within the working atmosphere to the extent of the desired productivity. In today's market, the changing needs of the customers and the rising of different companies almost regularly increase the extraordinary level of competition. Tesco has been entitled as Britain's most prosperous food retailer along with staying competitive in the marketplace of UK. This food retail comprises 440,000 employees and functions its store worldwide. Tesco always look forwards to focusing on its employee and upholding human resources as well as taking the anticipated output from workforces.

This business report aims to deliver the various aspects of the human resource management activities of Tesco as well as mention its motivational factors which help to increase their business performance. 

Task 1: Human Resource Planning

Select an organisation of your choice and explain the following;

  1. Describe the internal and external factors to consider when planning the human resource requirements of an organisation.
  2. Both internal and external factors are intimately interrelated within the activities of human resource management of a particular organisation.

Internal factors

  • Technological advancements: the utilisation of technological advancements is considered to be the primal factor that plays an important role in terms of human resource management. the utilisation of appropriate tools has the ability to buy them time which they might use in terms of employee training and improvement program. 
  • Growth level: by aiming at the recruiting and employee retaining process multinational companies are planning to intensify their growth level in an extensive manner (Rosnizam et al., 2020). Therefore, focusing on developing the organisational culture as well as sustaining a positive workplace atmosphere is extremely important to enhance the enlargement of a specific company.

External factors

  • Economic conditions: it is considered to be one of the most vital external factors to impact human resource management (Tian, 2020). the ability to retain employees and give them sufficient training requires huge financial resources and without them, it would not be possible.
  • Workforce demographics: the rapid changing of the business criteria makes it more difficult for the workers to enhance their capabilities. It is indeed necessary for companies to focus on retaining a new talent pool for the growing needs of the business environment.

Explain why human resource planning is important to an organisation.

Human resource management has fully-fledged insignificance through time, predominantly in current day organisations. Hr management is indeed necessary for the organisation in every possible way. HR managers manage various strategies in order to ensure the business performance of a particular organisation. The primal focus of this department is to focus on employee training and development and that directly effects on the increase of company profitability (Tian, 2020). In terms of Tesco, the human resource management system might be utilised to track and observe KPIs so that they might be investigated per the organisation's premeditated aims and purposes. HR management helps to mitigate any type of conflicting issues in the workplace and that proves to accommodate in sustaining company efficiency (Masereka, 2019).

  1. Describe how the skills that employees require to carry out jobs in an organisation are identified.

These are some of the specific skills that an organisation requires in their employees to carry out their jobs effectively;

  • Communication skill: Not only communication skills but the skill of listening and negotiating efficiently also falls under the category of required skill for applying to a job.
  • Team working skill: an employee not having the ability to adjust in team working process, might have to encounter major difficulties. It is considered to be a significant skill that employees’ must-have for the progression of the operational process of Tesco.
  • Adaptability skill: Getting habituated to new skills is indeed important for an employee in every critical situation. The adaptability skill will allow the employees the changing needs of the market as well as mitigate problematic situations extensively.

Guidance: Remember that you will need to consider both the internal and external factors that affect human resource planning in your organisation, including the skills that are required and how gaps can be measured and reduced. You need to include as much evidence from your chosen organisation as possible when writing your answers, including examples.

Task 2: Application of Motivation theories

Continue with the organisation selected in task 1 or selecting another, explain the following;

  1. Compare the use of motivation theories in an organisation.

These are the two foremost motivational theories utilised by Tesco to enhance their performance competently:

 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

  • Physiological needs: Tesco attempt to deliver the employees work as well as make certain their requirements with their payment and other incentives
  • Safety needs: Tesco safeguards their job security along with offering them ease to accomplish well to ensure their safety with their performance (Fadeyi, 2020).
  • Social needs: Tesco gives appreciation as well as distinguishing their works it is probable to guarantee their social requirements.
  • Esteem needs: In this stage, people interrelate and communicate with their family, associates, and more people to please their esteem (Fader, 2019).
  • Self-actualization needs: In this final stage, employees look forward to getting self-actualisation through personal growth and their potential.

Herzberg two factor theory of Motivation

  • Motivators: it has been observed that by giving the employees security as well as giving them assurance about their job, Tesco tends to motivate their employees in an extensive manner.
  • Hygiene factor: Hygiene elements are extremely beneficial for guaranteeing employees' motivation and enhancement of their level of energy (Fader, 2019). The delivery of motivators factor, as well as hygiene, has been proved to be accommodating for supporting them and creating trustworthiness within the employees.
  1. Outline how an organisation motivates its employees.

Motivation is an operative way to produce enthusiasm within the working atmosphere to reach the anticipated output. Tesco has recognised that it is imperative to generate trust and esteem. therefore, through the procedure of giving value to the employees, providing representative goals as well as an interesting atmosphere for them to operate in, considered as employees" motivation (Fadeyi, 2020). In Tesco, an encouraged member 'works in partnership with others to achieve individual and team objectives. This basically indicates that the employee aims at customers, pleasures people impartially, and is determined and dedicated to getting feedback from others. This initiation taken by the company has been proved to be accommodating in terms of enhancing its organisational performance efficiently (Awadari, and Kanwal, 2019).

  1. Suggest, with justification, ways of improving motivation in an organisational setting.

Tesco is attempting commendably in order to make their motivation program more efficient to increase their productivity. In this below mentioned way, the retail company might be able to motivate their employees in a superior way.

  • The changing rate of organisational culture also effects on the HR department too. Making them empowered by offering them right to voice effectively in the decision making process can be an effective motivation policy for Tesco.
  • Therefore, providing them privacy to maintain their personal life effectively can be a suitable motivation policy for the retail company to increase their organisational performance.
  • Taking the employees in a short tour also can be an encouraging factor to increase their productivity in an extensive manner.

Guidance: You will need to apply the theories of motivation that you have learned about to activities that are used to motivate employees in a specific organisation. You will need to think about all the different incentives that are used. You should make clear links between the use of a type of reward and the motivational theory that it links to, for example, the use of childcare vouchers to satisfy affiliation needs.

Task 3: Performance Management

  1. Explain how employee performance is measured and managed.

As per the consideration of the company professional of Tesco, the employees are measured to be the key aspect of their business. In fact, the performance management plan of the retail company is to enhance their quality and stay competitive through the application of major strategies.

  • Make it unique: Keeping in mind the changing needs of the customers, Tesco continues to modify its strategy to make its brand differentiated in every possible way. It has been observed that they specially provide advantages to the consumers to send feedback in terms of the service offered to them (Krummel, 2022). understanding the requirements of the customers by analysing their feedback might be accommodating improve the system. For example, Tesco is entitled as the brand which helps customers to live a healthy lifestyle according to the response of the customers as it decreases the amount of sugar and unhealthy fat from their food materials.
  • Innovation: the company focuses on customer satisfaction and then it applies to their innovation procedure. Regarding this fact, most of the innovations of Tesco are dependent on the requirements of the customers. For instant, Tesco presents a high-class Wicked Kitchen range of plant-based dishes, in which the number of vegetarian purchasing in Tesco increases in an effective manner (Zhao, 2021). In fact, the implementation of appropriate technological advancements in order to progress the customer's journey also proves to be beneficial in sustaining their performance.
  • Decrease costs: Tesco also focuses on diminishing the operational costs to maintain their low-cost level as well as competing with other rival companies. This initiative taken by the company professionals of Tesco helps to upsurge their performance extensively (Krummel, 2022). Therefore, the retail company has the services such as shipping and in case of delivering to maintain their cost savings

Guidance: You will need to explain the different measurements of performance that are used within the organisation, including the different types of targets and goals employees are set.

Task 4: Employees Cooperation

Understanding of contracts of employment and employee involvement techniques. Be very careful when choosing your organisation as you must make sure that you can cover all the elements of the assessment.

  1. Explain how organisations obtain the co-operation of their employees.

Motivated employees have superior attentiveness and are less likely to make errors and are also measured loyal to a business organisation. Therefore, the rate of job satisfaction in a particular company determines its organisational performance. There are a number of reasons that the employees of Tesco have been satisfied by their motivational strategy as well as staying loyal to the retail company for a longer period of time.

  • Job satisfaction: The appliance of effective motivational strategies has been able to make the employees trustworthy towards the organisation. It has been observed that Tesco provides a satisfying amount of salary as well as giving them yearly bonuses according to their performance level (Zhao, 2021). Therefore, the company also provides facilities for vacation and that has been proved to be successful in making them loyal to the company. The initiating of a superior working atmosphere directly effects productivity in the operational and manufacturing procedure of the company (Singh et al., 2021). This helps the company to get better performance from their employees in an extensive manner.
  • Promoting a healthy workplace: Any kind of conflicting situation between the employees might hamper their working progress and can create negativity in the workplace. Therefore, promotes equality and fairness in their workplace and that helps to maintain a huge diversified workplace effectively (Singh et al., 2021). These help the employees of Tesco to enhance their efficiency and that affects in sustaining their organisational performance.

Guidance: You will need to include all the elements that you have learned about within this section of the unit, including how the contract of employment helps to gain co-operation, the way that disciplinary procedures are used, and the culture of the organisation. You will need to show how employees identify themselves with an organisation, and the influence of managers on the way that feedback from employees is considered and acted upon.


Tesco is considered as the best supermarket that provides opportunities to their employees and upholds them in every possible way. In fact, the offering of non-financial and financial encouragements has been able to preserve them enthused. They always look forward to recruiting employees with greater abilities for superior performance guarantees.


Awadari, A.C. and Kanwal, S., 2019. Employee participation in organizational change: A case of Tesco PLC. International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management, 1(2), pp.91-99.

Fader, E.J., 2019 Motivational Theory: A Brief Overview Eli J. Fader, Bradley L. Hoopes, and Patrick J. Korn Columbia International University.

Fadeyi, A.P., 2020. An Analysis on the Application of Motivational Theories at Workplace and the Impact on Employee Engagement: A Study of Tesco Ireland (Doctoral dissertation, Dublin, National College of Ireland).

Krummel, D., 2022. Expansion in the Retail Sector—Market Entry Strategies in Consideration of Formal and Informal Institutions: A Tesco Case Study. Open Access Library Journal9(2), pp.1-19.

Masereka, A.K., 2019 High Sickness Absence among Part-time Workers in the UK Food Retail Sector-Unravelling the Truth.

Rosnizam, M.R.A.B., Kee, D.M.H., Akhir, M.E.H.B.M., Shahqira, M., Yusoff, M.A.H.B.M., Budiman, R.S. and Alajmi, A.M., 2020. Market opportunities and challenges: A case study of Tesco. Journal of the Community Development in Asia (JCDA), 3(2), pp.18-27.

Singh, P., Ranjith, P.V., Fathihah, N., Kee, D.M.H., Nuralina, N., Nurdiyanah, N. and Nursyahirah, N., 2021. Service Quality Dimension and Customers' Satisfaction: An Empirical Study of Tesco Hypermarket in Malaysia. International Journal of Applied Business and International Management (IJABIM)6(3), pp.102-114.

Tian, Q., 2020 Analysis on the Business Strategy of Tesco in the Chinese Market.

Zhao, C., 2021. Research on Cost Management of E-commerce Enterprises Based on Value Chain——Taking Suning Tesco as an Example.

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