Human Resource Management Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of Human Resource Management In An Organization To Achieve The Goals And Objectives Of The Company Assignment

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This report will discuss human resource management and its contribution to achieving organizational goals and objectives. Strategic human resource management provides a structure connecting personnel, management, and development practices to achieve long-term business goals and outcomes. The report wills also discuss the importance of HR management which helps in supporting the achievement of the company's vision, mission, goals, and objectives. The company should select appropriate human resources with skills, talent, knowledge, and experience to achieve common goals. The manager should ensure effective staffing by internal and external recruitment and selection of suitable candidates. The company can use technology, press advertising, social media, skills audit, job description, interview process, selection procedures, and many other recruitment platforms. Strategic HRM is the development of programs, practices, and policies to facilitate the attainment of organizational objectives and goals (Stone, et. al. 2020). It is the process of attracting talent from the marketplace and ensuring that they are rewarded, retained, and developed to achieve common goals within the organization. This report also states the formulation and implementation of HR management strategies in a business. Human resource is a hiring process to select and recruit the right person for the job role to implement the strategic plan. This report will include the issues and challenges affecting human resource management.

Activity 1- the importance of human resource management and implementation strategies

Definition of strategic human resource management

Strategic human resource management provides a structure linking employees, management, and growing practices in preparing long-term business goals. These strategic plans focus on long-term resourcing issues within an organization and evolving nature of the job. This also informs other HR strategies like rewards on performance and determining how they are included in the overall business strategies. Strategic human resource management helps to ensure the various aspects of the organization manage employees and achieve the targets of the company (Hamadamin and Atan, 2019). This focuses on the long-term issues of employees and improves structure, culture, and quality on large scale. Strategic HRM aims to advance competitive advantage and improve innovation in an organization. It also develops an organizational culture and improves business performance (Collins, 2021). Human resources play an important role in making the company's policies and strategies. Strategic HRM helps to ensure that the various aspect of group management works together to drive behavior, create value for the company and improve the performance of the organization.

Importance of human resource management in organizations

Human resource is a powerful asset in every organization. Human resource management helps the company to bridge the gap between strategic objectives and employee performance. The company by implementing an effective HR team can gain competitive advantages over competitors. Human resources help the manager in strategic management and help to take decisions effectively. They are used to make objectives and policies for the company which will increase their profits and revenue (Chams and García-Blandón, 2019). The company by conducting effective training and development programs can support its human resource and build a strong relationship with employees. The managers or employers should provide employees safety at the workplace. Safety at the workplace engages employees in safely handling machines, and pieces of equipment and promotes awareness. Maintaining positive relations with employees will help the organization in achieving goals, and high performance, and increase the morale and satisfaction levels of the workforce (Arbab and Mahdi, 2018). It can create a way to strengthen the employer-employee relationship within an organization. HRM also helps the company in taking effective hiring decisions by selecting suitable candidates according to the job profiles.

Analyze the framework for strategic human resource management

HR policies and programs should be consistent and included within a framework. This will help the manager in facilitating the organization's vision, mission, and objectives. The HR managers should be involved in managing the entry and exit process for their employees. The company should provide training and development programs to their workforce to increase their efficiency. They should provide reward the workers for their performance; this will motivate them and increase their job performance toward the common goals (Macke and Genari, 2019). In the extremely competitive and rapidly varying business environment of today, the manager must foster a climate that challenges employees to better their performance.

Analyze the strategic human resource process

Strategic HRM carries out an analysis of human resources and determines the actions required to increase the value of the business. There are 5 steps of strategic HRM which are used to direct employees toward the goals of the organization. The first step begins with environmental scanning which includes external and internal factors of the company. The company should also conduct a SWOT analysis to improve its performance in long term. The next step is to identify sources or parameters of competitive advantages such as customer’s needs, branding, price, good quality products, and many more. The human resource department should be provided with a proper training program which will help the company to gain a competitive advantage. The third step is to identify the HRM strategies which include training employees to achieve targets, providing them with career development programs, creating a social network outside the company, and empowering the learning environment (Josimovski, 2019). The next step involves the implementation of HR strategies and the last step is to compare and monitor these HR strategies against pre-established standards.

Assess the roles in strategic human resource management

Human resource management (HRM) is the process of motivating workers in an organization to improve their individual and organizational abilities, skills, and knowledge. The leader can help them by providing them with training, career development programs, and performance management. The main aim of the company is to develop an effective workforce that will enable the company to achieve its goals and objectives. HR development would be done from within the company or outside the organization. The involvement of the HR manager is making business strategies and to forecast market change. The company can also plan organizational changes, provide training to employees, and guide them toward the working culture of the organization. HR should appoint an effective, skilled, and talented workforce that will help the company achieve its common goals (Hamid, et. al. 2022). The company should create a healthy and safe working environment for their employees, this will help them to increase their efficiency toward the organization.

Analyze the development and implementation of human resource strategies

For creating an HR strategy an organization should conduct a SWOT analysis to identify their strength, opportunities, threats, and weaknesses. For developing an HR strategy the first step understands the organization and its goals, and considering the business's previous performance and current product range. The second step is an assessment of employee skill set, then finding the gap between what skill set is needed and the present skill set of employees. The next step evaluation of the current HR strategy is performed and the plan for the development of the existing workforce. Then try to find out the reasons for employee turnover and make a plan to reduce turnover (Lohana, et. al. 2022). Next is succession planning of the employees, which means filling the higher lever position which is vacant. The last one is to create an HR statement which will be used as a litmus test for all decisions in the future.

Activity 2 -issues affecting strategic human resource management

Identification and analysis of contemporary issues affecting strategic human resource management

Contemporary issues mean the problems which are currently affecting strategic human management. Human resource strategic management is done to improve organizations' performance and build an organizational culture that supports innovation. Strategic HRM focuses on long-term issues related to the organization’s goals.

Workforce diversity: in the present era employees wish for a sense of balance between work life and social life. In previous times employees wanted to earn more by working overtime but nowadays employees don’t want to work on weekend days. For this issue, more bothering factors are minorities, cultural diversity, women employees, etc.

Workforce training and development: cost of training and development of lower-level staff is a common human resource problem. This issue can be solved by the mentorship of senior managers to their subordinates (Albaz, 2019). Front-line workers are the workers who need training from time to time. Investing in the development of employees forms good work relationships between workers and increases team spirit in them.

Technological advancement: human resource management faces the issue of coping with technological changes. The organization must be fast in adapting to the external environment changes and evaluating the risk involved in it. The solution to technological changes is communication, manager should communicate to his team why, when, and how these changes will be implemented. Training should be provided to employees so they can learn innovation and get comfortable working with it.

Follow rules and regulations: every business has to comply with state, localand federal labor laws. Human resource management has to follow rules related to hiring practices, employee compensation, and the safety of employees in the workplace. HRM should be updated with laws and should not ignore them.

 Employee remuneration: this is one of the contemporary issues faced by many organizations. Employee compensation structures should be appropriate and based on what is prevailing in the market( Diamantidis and Chatzoglou, 201). While making compensation structure managers should consider taxes, cost of benefits, the contribution of employees, and other costs involved. HR management must create a reward system for staff which can consist of bonuses, incentives, and nonmonetary rewards.

Reducing employee turnover: retaining skillful people is very important in this competitive world. Businesses can retain their employees by offering the best retirement plans, good insurance plans, etc. Onboarding can be used to retain employees; here onboarding means a process by which new employees get comfortable in the organization.

Structural management changes: with time business expands its operations because of it management has to make changes in the organization’s structure, strategies, and related processes. Many employees find it difficult to keep up with the changes made. It can harm the performance of the employees (Greer, 2021). That's why managers should hold meetings to share the changes and address every query related to changes that will make employees comfortable.

Development of supervision skills: implanting leadership skills in the employees is very important because it will prepare employees to take more authority in the upcoming time. Managers should plan and implement leadership development programs.

Activity 3- the range of HR strategies that may be implemented within the organization

Identification of a range of HR strategies for an organization

HR strategy is a path that is created by the business to manage its human resources so that organizational objectives can be achieved. It includes all activities related to human resources in the organization, covering recruitment, compensation, performance appraisal, training, and development. A good HR strategy can help to reduce employee turnover and increase the level of satisfaction among the employees. Human resource strategies are created to control the organizational behavior of the employees. Major 5 types of human resource strategies are there.

The first one is training and development strategies, this strategy deals with providing training to the employees to learn new skills and improve their performance. There are many ways in which training and development needs can be fulfilled; one method is the employer can pay for the courses and certification programs taken by the employees. Employers can also provide on-the-job training to the staff (Kang and Lee, 2021). The second type of strategy is Recruitment strategies recruitment means inviting suitable candidates to apply for the vacant job. The recruitment strategy includes appointing new people with the skills which are needed in the organization. Whenever recruitment is done employer must consider a strategic perspective for example if many supervisors are about to retire then the employer should recruit the staff with the capacity to perform a directional role in the upcoming time. The third one is Outsourcing strategies outsourcing means using the skills of persons who are outsiders to the organization. Outsourcing is done to complete any specific task by an external expert. Outsourcing strategies are used for short-term projects such as legal advice that can be bought from outside. Many companies outsource project work, bookkeeping, or human resource activities. Outsourcing strategies include professional outsourcing, process outsourcing, IT outsourcing, manufacturing outsourcing, operational outsourcing, and project outsourcing. The fourth one is Collaboration strategies collaboration means working with other organizations' employees for the achievement of mutual goals. Collaboration strategies are used when there is a paucity of skills in an organization. An example of collaboration is sending employees to visit different work cultures to gain and improve knowledge and skills (Mykhailichenko, et. al. 2021). Collaboration helps to promote creativity; critical thinking sets measurable goals and helps in achieving the organization's vision and mission. The last one is restructuring strategies are used when there are more employees than required. It includes decreasing the workforce by termination, reorganizing tasks, and restructuring the work units so that work is more effective and efficient.HR managers should consider present labor market trends because it can have a longer impact if you terminate current staff.

HR strategies and their application in an organization

Human resource Strategies are adopted by an organization, which aim at combining a company’s culture, workforce, and system by managing a set of actions to acquire the business goals. It is meant to position strategic human resource management as the means to amplify broader organizational goals. HR strategy implementation is a difficult task for the company. The manager has to look for internal and external factors before applying strategies. In the first step, the manage needs to ensure the company values with strategies and make sure the ethics and mission are completely wicker within the company. The next step involves the organizational department should demonstrate equally a high level of support for applying HR strategies. To take the source for human resources strategy the teamwork should be clear. The third step is to review goals which should e specific, measurable, time-conditioned, and relevant. The company measures productivity and goals accomplishment through various strategy implementations. The manager should ensure the number of employees hired in the event of applying the HR strategic plan. To attain the strategic goals development of policy is the job of human resources. Communicating the HR policies at break time, and flextime schedule on security, safety, and preparation have to be developed by the HR department. For the successful implementation of HR policy, the company needs to decide on the expansion which has been achieved within the past year (Olson, et. al. 2018). They need to clarify the style and implement HR strategies to make sure the business runs efficiently in the future long-term. The company needs to make sure that the new HR department must be handled properly which will enhance their performance and help to gain a competitive advantage. To attract talented personnel in the business, the human resource department of the company should moreover work on implementing HR strategies. The organization needs to hire the proper kind of staff by attending a college job fair and contact to candidates on job sites. The HR Strategies must include standardized measures. Human resource management can assist the company to achieve an open communication pathway within the company once employees leave the company. Human resource strategies must include data regarding each side of the business and data must include salaried time off, working from home, and handling inconsistency (Hmoud and Laszlo, 2019). It is up to the human resource department that enforces the volume of those rules and regulations within the organization to achieve the goals of the company.


This report has discussed the strategic HR management in an organization. It is about implementing and developing an effective workforce within an organization. The company can apply these strategies to retain, motivate and manage a talented workforce to achieve the goals and objectives of the company. SHRM is an important tool for the company to gain competitive advantages. It is the combination of meeting customer needs; managing organization policies and procedures, taking effective decisions, and managing organizational structure and processes used to conduct goods or services. The company can use these strategies to improve its technology changes and personnel-related issues like selecting, training, recruiting, and rewarding. An effective strategy in HR planning will benefit the company in identifying their strength and weakness. This would also help the company to make business strategies and create its organizational culture effectively. An effective HR strategy will also help the company in making policies and programs (Hamouche, 2021). The company should create a strategic plan which will increase its profitability and improve customer service. The manager can provide their employee's training and development opportunities; this will increase their motivation and morale to work efficiently. This report also stated the contemporary issues affecting human resource management. The biggest challenge the company faces is communication skills while working in the global market. The company also faces cultural differences in global business which creates a huge impact on the company's performance.


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