Human Resource Management (HRM) In Hospitality Assignment Sample

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Introduction of Human Resource Management In Hospitality Assignment

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HRM (Human Resource Management) is considered personal management as per the previous year’s whereas, in the present context, HRM is considered a specific management approach to people in the organization (Torrington and Hall, 1988). As stated by Boon et al. (2019), HRM is the strategic approach to efficient management of a particular organization in order to ensure a highly competitive edge.

Baird’s view on HRM

From the viewpoint of Baird and Meshoulam (1988), effectiveness of the HRM depends on the fit regarding the development stages of a particular firm. Based on the changing external and internal consequences of the growth of the organization, the programs, practices as well as procedures of HRM need to be changed and developed. It can be beneficial enough to meet all of the needs of the business severely.

In the case of the main perspective, the high accomplishment regarding business objectives is mostly observed while the HR practices are developed through organizational needs. This type of aspect is also observed in the case of adopting strategic perspectives under HR practices (Baird and Meshoulam, 1988).

Effectiveness of HRM

HRM is responsible for recruiting and managing the employees, overseeing the disciplinary action, providing training as well as controlling the entire business. HRM is able enough to reduce the gap between the performance level of workers and the strategic objectives of a firm. It also helps a business to get enough edge over the competitors or competition.

Overview on strategy

Strategy is considered as the plan of action that is mainly designed for achieving the long-term impacts within the business. Based on the below-stated figure, an overview of Whittington typology is gained. Development of the profit-maximizing strategy is most relevant at present days to enhance the financial resources of the firm.

 Whittington typology

(Source: Influenced by Whittington, 2006)

The strategy of a firm indicates the core method through which businesses are able to outline plans for achieving future goals.

HRM theory

Harvard model

The below-stated model is able to provide a clear overview regarding the HRM territory along with positive influences. With the adoption of this model, it is possible for HRM to enhance employee empowerment within the organization along with long-term planning for the business (Human resource management, 2020). These are most effective to ensure better growth of the organization as employees are the core part of a successful business.

 Harvard model of HRM

(Source: Influenced by Tiwari et al. 2019)

Fombrun Model

 Fombrun Model

(Source: Influenced by Porter, 1997)

Based on the above-stated model, it can be evaluated that by adopting this model, it is possible for HRM to get maximum control over the business. This model is effective to outline the strategic HRM that helps to emerge labor force, professional groupings and managed effectively. It is helpful to reduce the chance of business hazards most relevantly. Cost-effective policies can be incorporated as well along with enhancing the ability for quick decision-making for managers. These are helpful to run the business smoothly by gaining a high competitive edge.

Best fit and practice

In the case of emphasis of the HRM, it can be evaluated that it is based on best fit or the matching models. Moreover, HRM practices need to be consistent enough with the organizational strategy such as cost, innovation, and quality of a particular firm. External fit needs to be understood also in order to ensure a proper match regarding growth in context to the organization’s lifecycle.

The best-fit approach mainly indicates the necessity to ensure that the HR strategies are well fitted with the entire circumstances of the organization. Under the circumstances, the culture of a firm, external environment along with operational processes are included. HR strategies need to be set up in such a way to fulfill the needs of both business and its people.

Best practice

Presence of a high commitment HRM is able to promote the organizational interventions by embodying the organizational policies as well as practices more (Marchington et al. 2020). The “ways of control” are also developed in this regard. In refer to the social exchange theory, employee turnover can be reduced with the presence of high commitment HRM.


Storey model

 The Storey model of HRM

(Source: Influenced by Foo et al. 2019)

The above-stated model indicates HRM as a distinctive approach to employment management. It is beneficial for achieving a competitive edge through strategic deployment with a “highly committed workforce”. It is also effective to develop a capable workforce that helps to run the business smoothly on a long-term approach.

Contingency theory

Based on the context of this theory, in order to enhance the effectiveness of HRM, it is essential to maintain consistency with different aspects of an organization along with the business environment.


Globalization helps the migrants such as new business for entering the UK and working here. The free movement of the laborers is mostly relevant to fill up the job vacancies as well. In the case of the Indian corporate boards, it has been observed that the way of working of this board is quite different than the other countries. As the best practices, risk management, executive compensation, timely manner for succession planning, and others are relevant enough to manage the business consequences more accurately. Globalization is very important for human resource management in the different organizations in the country of the UK. According to Elshaer et al. (2021), globalization helps in creating the required pressure for organizations. It impacts the free-flowing of the technologies as well as the management of the human resources towards the national boundaries with the presentation of the changing and the competitiveness of the business environment. Globalization draws the together ship of the different types of individuals in the particular organization for the country of the UK. It links the huge network in the technologies of communication. As per the view of Molina-Azorin et al. (2021), the impact of globalization is affecting the different businesses in the country nowadays. The managers of the human resource of the particular organization are not relying on the market with the small amount of the investments for finding the significant-good employees to meet the challenge of the global market in the country of the UK.

The success of the organizations in the future is relying on the abilities of the management of controlling the body in bringing the innovation in the ideas and the perspective along with the views for the work in the different organizations in the country UK. According to Ngoc et al. (2021), the human resource managers are mindful in employing the approach to the different circumstances undergoing the globalization based on the culture of the training for the employees in the proper motivation to the companies in the country UK. The professionals of the human resource ensure the different domestic professionals for the advancement in the talent of the foreign. The effectiveness in the workplace is dependent on the balance of the skilful employees in the organization of the UK.

 Globalization helps in the free-flowing of the smoothness in the human resources and the technology crossing the different boundaries reaching the competitiveness for the environment of the business in the different organizations. Globalization is the key to the human resource management of hospitality for the organizations in the country of the UK.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

CSR is the core aspect of an organization that helps to maintain a positive role within the community. Environmental, as well as the social impacts of the business decisions, are also developed in this context.

Hofstede model

Figure 5: Hofstede country comparison

(Source: Hofstede-insights, 2021)












48 (Both collectivistic and individualistic) 




Uncertainty avoidance



Long term orientation



Table 1: Country comparison between India and UK

(Source: Hofstede-insights, 2021)


The score of UK is 35 whereas India scores as 77 that indicates Indian organizations have “top-down structure” mainly.


Here, India scores 26 whereas the UK scores 69 which refers to the culture of India as a restraint.


India has both individualistic and collectivistic cultures whereas the UK has only the previous one.


Both the societies of India and the UK have a masculine culture in terms of success and power.

Uncertainty avoidance

Medium-low preference is observed for avoiding the uncertainty in both UK and India.

Long-term orientation

Dominant preference in both of country’s cultures is observed.

Limitation of models


Difficult to use the Best Practice

Political and societal aspects

These are able to develop low company regulation, low union involvement along with shareholder-focused practices.

Product market

“Highly competitive markets” are able to raise difficult situations for implementing the best practice (Marchington et al. 2020).


Low customer service, lack of staff compared to customer ratios and high labor-intensive are responsible to affect the best practices.

Labor markets

The lower skill levels of the individuals, “low union acceptance” and aggressive potential toward the right of the workers are able to affect the best practices also.

Table 2: Limitations

(Source: Influenced by Marchington et al. 2020)

The way strategy limits the HR models

Talent management

Cheap or low-cost labor and sub-contractors can be the best fit

Selection of high-level employees, inductions, as well as team-based aspects, is the best practice

Agreed KPIs and high core skills

Development of people

Training needs to be conducted in lower-level

A strong focus needs to be provided on training and skill development

Self-learning and the up-gradation of personal responsibility

Maintenance of employee relations

Zero communication, proper management of the managers and the presence of non-union aspect

Strong development in the system feedback along with the agreement of partners

Providing of regular feedback, “Ad-hoc meetings”, modification of informal communication

HR Functions

Presence of the basic functions

Presence of the large influence

Employee driven approach

Presence of reward management

Zero employee benefits and low pay scale

“Benchmarked remuneration” along with additional benefits

Share ownership as well as ad-hoc meetings

Table 3: Competitive strategy

(Source: Influenced by)

Presence of HR practices

Strong focus on retirement

Maintaining high performance standards

Development of people

Opportunity of career along with long term focus on goals

Ability to learn

Employment relations

Higher level of cooperation

No presence of employee voice

Management of reward

High pay structure

Presence of bonus, benchmarked pay and others

HR function

Well established aspects

Limited role

Table 4: Strategic configuration

(Source: Influenced by)

Best Fit – Critical Analysis

Ability to make right decisions of managers is effective to enhance the co-operative management within the organization. Cost reduction and efficient market leadership are the beneficial ones to gain a high competitive edge. Macro influences need to be taken under consideration as well and effective strategies need to be developed based on the business context. The inability of management in the workforce can raise the issue to protect workers’ rights. In a changing business world, proper management is highly essential to run the business smoothly. Human resource plays a very important role in hospitality such as the proper service in the industries or the organization as well as the satisfaction of the different staff and employees in the organization of the UK. As per the view of Nisar et al. (2021), the aim of human resource management in hospitality is to increase the performance of the customers. The growth of the different organizations in the business is highly dependent on the employees working in them. The significant managers that are much more skilled in the human resource management of hospitality need to ensure the particular work being done in the companies. According to Piwowar-Sulej (2021), the organizations are being well established in the poor running with the management of the human resource. The human resource management in hospitality helps the organization in edging for the effectiveness in reaching the higher competition in the market UK.

The HRM in hospitality forms the management in the strategic form to the different organizations by the management of the strategies implemented to reach the target audience in the global market of the UK. It ensures the better functioning of the reaching to the desired goals in the environment of business along with the contribution to the high decision making in the corporate sector including the assessment of the significant employees predicting for the future based on the demands in the business for the organization in the country of the UK. As per the view of Santhanam et al. (2021), the managers of the human resource in hospitality are working the reduction the costs for the recruitment and the retention of the different organizations. The different types of efficient professionals have well trained for the conducting ineffectiveness the negotiation with the existing along with the potential employees in the company.

They are working to allow the better benefits in attraction for the quality of the different candidates as well as retention for the existence of workforce among the employees in the significant sectors. The managers of the human resource management in hospitality have a significance in the contribution to the development and the training programmers of the employees in playing an important role along with the leading role of strength in the employees and the relationship among them in the contribution for the growth of them in the particular organization aiming for the enhancement in the satisfaction of the employees and the productiveness. According to Tanova and Bayighomog (2022), the human resource managers in hospitality are rarely responsible for the conduction of activities or the celebrations and the events for the organization giving a positive way in building the excellent opportunities as the team.

The activities help in the better interaction with trust and respect among the employees in the sector of the UK. The human resource management in hospitality is an important aspect of the organization in removing the conflict between the employees ensuring a better solution of the problems resolving the effectiveness in better communications not letting off the particular personal judgments in the behaviors. As per the view of Ngoc et al. (2021), the individualism in the human resource management of hospitality states the fulfillment of the different groups of the employees in emphasizing the conflict among them increasing the work culture. Masculinity for human resource management in hospitality refers to the distribution of the significant role among the various gender and norms of the employees in the organization. The uncertainty avoidance in the human resource management of hospitality is the tolerance of the different societies and the cultures for the management in the business of the UK country.

The long-term orientation in the management of human resources of hospitality refers to the focus on meeting the future needs of the organization in the culture as well as the workforce. Indulgence is known for the betterment of human resource management in hospitality extending the control of the desires and the weaknesses of the different employees in the organization of the UK country.


Based on the above conducted critical analysis, it is clear enough that HRM plays the most important role to manage business consequences properly. Focusing on the viewpoints of authors, it can be stated that most of them prefer low labor wages to save financial resources. On the other hand, some of the authors disagreed with the fact as they think low labor wages are not an effective HRM decision.


Elshaer, I.A., Sobaih, A.E.E., Aliedan, M. and Azzaz, A., 2021. The effect of green human resource management on environmental performance in small tourism enterprises: mediating role of pro-environmental behaviors. Sustainability, 13(4), p.1956.

Molina-Azorin, J.F., López-Gamero, M.D., Tarí, J.J., Pereira-Moliner, J. and Pertusa-Ortega, E.M., 2021. Environmental management, human resource management and green human resource management: A literature review. Administrative Sciences, 11(2), p.48.

Ngoc Su, D., Luc Tra, D., Thi Huynh, H.M., Nguyen, H.H.T. and O’Mahony, B., 2021. Enhancing resilience in the Covid-19 crisis: lessons from human resource management practices in Vietnam. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(22), pp.3189-3205.

Nisar, Q.A., Haider, S., Ali, F., Jamshed, S., Ryu, K. and Gill, S.S., 2021. Green human resource management practices and environmental performance in Malaysian green hotels: The role of green intellectual capital and pro-environmental behavior. Journal of cleaner production, 311, p.127504.

Piwowar?Sulej, K., 2021. Core functions of Sustainable Human Resource Management. A hybrid literature review with the use of H?Classics methodology. Sustainable Development, 29(4), pp.671-693.

Santhanam, N., Kumar, J.R., Kumar, V. and Saha, R., 2021. Employee turnover intention in the milieu of human resource management practices: moderating role of work-life balance. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 24(1), pp.57-75.

Tanova, C. and Bayighomog, S.W., 2022. Green human resource management in service industries: the construct, antecedents, consequences, and outlook. The Service Industries Journal, pp.1-41.

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