LSBM102: Organisations: Leadership and Management Assignment Sample

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Introduction of LSBM102: Organisations: Leadership and Management Assignment

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A) Leadership Style

Leadership plays a critical role in directing an organization's resources in order to maximise efficiency and productivity. Leaders that have a clear vision, excite their people, and drive the company toward its objectives are successful. There are several ways in which leadership contributes to an organization's success. It is the primary duty of a company's CEO to establish its course. Organizational objectives and how they may be attained are laid forth by the organization's leader. An organisation may have a diverse group of workers, but it is the leadership that unites them all in pursuit of the same goal. A leader's role is to help the company succeed by empowering their staff and coordinating their own actions in pursuit of a common goal (Fries, Kammerlander and Leitterstorf, 2021). Personality styles were clearly a lens through which a person views the world and himself. When it comes to their employment and how they communicate, this has a big impact on how they speak. Understanding the personality type may help people communicate more effectively, understand the needs of others, and build lasting connections.

Therefore, the two leadership styles that can be adopted by managers to motivate staff, encourage innovation and help staff to embrace significant Organisational change includes:

Transformational Leadership:

James MacGregor Burns first coined the term “transformational leadership,” a term he coined while serving as a leadership consultant and presidential biographer. Transformative leadership may be seen by Burns, according to the author “Leaders and followers motivate one other to a higher moral and motivational level”. Transformational leadership is a leadership style that encourages people to alter their behaviour for the better. Unbridled zeal, enthusiasm, and passion are hallmarks of leaders who have the power to alter companies (Al-Malki and Juan, 2018). These leaders are not only engaged and involved in the process; they are also eager to help each member of the group achieve their own goals and objectives. As a result of Burns' first views, Bernard M. Bass produced what is now known as Bass's Transformational Leadership Theory (Siangchokyoo, Klinger and Campion, 2020). Transformational leadership, according to Bass, is defined by its ability to influence its followers. According to Bass, transformational leaders inspire trust, respect, and adoration in their followers.


Transformative leadership, according to Bass, consists of four distinct elements.

Intellectual Stimulation: Transformational leaders don’t only question the existing quo; they also urge their followers to think outside the box and come up with new ideas (Meslec et al., 2020). The leader’s role is to inspire his or her subordinates to seek out new methods of doing things and new avenues for learning.

Individualized Consideration: Transformational leadership is also about providing personalized encouragement and support to those who follows the leaders (Garg, Mishra and Wadhawan, 2018). Transformational leaders maintain open lines of communication with their followers in order to develop supportive connections so that followers may freely exchange ideas and leaders can directly recognise the significant contribution of each follower.

Inspirational Motivation: Transformational leaders are able to communicate their vision with their followers in a way that inspires them. A leader’s ability to inspire and motivate his or her subordinates is also an asset.

Idealized Influence: The transformative leader serves as a role model for his or her subordinates. Because followers have faith in and like the leader, they follow his or her direction and adopt his or her values as their own (Cho, Yi and Choi, 2018).

According to Athanasopoulou et al. (2018), transformational leadership is characterised by four major characteristics: inspirational drive, idealised influence, intellectual stimulation, and individual care. A positive outlook and the usage of positive emotions are essential to energising and inspiring the workforce. Idealized influence is obtaining power by surrendering one’s own traits in order to serve a company or organization. Taking care of individuals who are already on board is an important part of individual attentiveness. “Intellectual stimulation” is a word used to describe activities that assist workers become more aware of the challenges they confront and encourage them to come up with fresh solutions to such challenges (Sadler and Linenberger, 2017). These techniques have a substantial influence on the output and efficiency of employees. An inspirational transition director who motivates his or her subordinates with his or her text may be able to fulfil their active demands (Lucas, 2018). When employees are involved in the decision-making process, they feel powerful and driven. Transformative leadership strategies enable the Organisation to foster a sense of responsibility and loyalty among its personnel (Lorber, Treven and Mumel, 2016). Consequently, workers who are more in charge of their job and feel more accountable for it are more loyal to the organization.

Charismatic Leadership:

In order to be a charismatic leader, a person has to be able to communicate effectively, persuade people, and utilize their attractiveness to their advantage. If an Organisation is in the midst of a crisis or is striving to get back on its feet, charismatic leaders can be an invaluable asset. Having charismatic executives may have a significant impact on a company and the individuals they manage. In the wrong hands, this kind of leadership may have unexpected repercussions. To inspire and maximize teams, charismatic leadership could be a powerful tool, since charismatic leaders tend to work on the strength of their beliefs (Siangchokyoo, Klinger and Campion, 2020). Charismatic leadership has a number of advantages: Creating a genuine relationship with co-worker’s or clients. The efforts to discuss a big group of people and persuade them with an enticing speech is essential for charismatic leaders in business and politics alike (Meslec et al., 2020). It’s also lacking if it doesn’t go deep into the personalities of the people in charge. With this leadership style, the emphasis is on the leader’s personality and actions rather than the method or structure.

People are motivated by charismatic leaders since they believe they have a chance to achieve their own goals via their leadership. As a consequence of their leadership, these followers are given the chance to be a part of something much greater than themselves. It’s because they sense a strong emotional connection with the leader that they desire to follow them. Many followers of a charismatic leader develop tremendous loyalty as a result of this bond (Garg, Mishra and Wadhawan, 2018). Having a dynamic leader express his or her ideas provides others a fresh perspective on a certain topic. In certain cases, kids may even begin to imagine larger plans or goals that are attainable. If the message is powerful enough, there are always those who are prepared to take a leap of faith and follow a charismatic leader.

Evaluation of Managerial Grid Model and its implications

Why this model should be adopted?

The implication of Managerial Grid Model can be considered for implication. The Managerial Grid model was established by Robert R. Blake and Jane Mouton in 1964, at a period when a number of leadership breakthroughs were occurring. They learned and explored managerial efficiency improvements while working at Exxon (Cho, Yi and Choi, 2018). It was found that there were five basic leadership styles that could be depicted on a grid after spending time monitoring the company’s executives. While some managers were more concerned with increasing productivity, others were more concerned with improving the well-being of their workers. The first version of The Managerial Grid was issued by Blake and Mouton based on this acquired data.

How it can help to achieve organisational objectives?

Results-oriented management methods are shown horizontally, whereas people-focused approaches are plotted vertically. The leadership style may be classified into one of five broad categories based on the results of rating and evaluation in the grid (Athanasopoulou et al., 2018).

In addition to the previous five leadership options, these predefined styles may contain an additional two. While not technically part of the grid concept, they may nonetheless serve as crucial identifiers.

Paternalistic management: Dictatorial and country club management styles combine to form a leadership style that is both encouraging to others while also being rigorous in one’s own judgments.

Opportunistic management: No grid can accommodate a design that shifts so quickly from one type to the next. Opportunistic managers, as the term implies, are exclusively concerned with their own interests and will adapt their strategies from one scenario to the next based on their own preferences (Lucas, 2018). Opportunistic managers, on the other hand, are entirely concerned with the benefits they may get from any given scenario, regardless of the work at hand or the people involved.

These modification on management perspectives can be instigated to the specific needs of organizational objectives perceptive to performance development and substantiation of employee efficiencies.

The behaviours required to implement the chosen aspects of the model

Before one can use the Blake and Mouton grid effectively, one must first figure out what kind of leadership style they have. Considering previous experiences as a leader can the starting point. One can get a vertical axis score of nine or close to nine if they put the wants and concerns of their team first in their managerial job (Sadler and Linenberger, 2017). A nine or near to a nine on the horizontal axis is a good indicator that they are task-oriented (focused on outcomes, results, and job completion). One may determine their management style by connecting the scores on both horizontal and vertical axes. One may be classified as one of five types of leaders based on the combination of their scores.

The impact or results that are anticipated

If a person’s score is better in one area but lower in another, it may indicate that they have room for progress in those areas. To put it another way, if a person is very task-oriented and low on the people-oriented axis, they may want to apply methods that might assist them establish a leadership style that is more balanced (Lorber, Treven and Mumel, 2016). A team-building activity or a daily check-in with the workers may be devised to guarantee that everyone is happy and productive. It is possible that they may use a “country club” leadership style to raise morale and motivation before moving on to more task-oriented methods in the future if they have taken the position of a previous dominating or controlling boss.

B) Leadership Development Programme for female staff in the organization

Demonstrate the benefits of leadership development programmes to all levels of the organization’s workforce and stakeholders

Employee performance and effort are vitally needed to boost the organization’s production, growth, and profits. Leadership in an organisation develops the skills and knowledge necessary for employees to perform well. In other words, leaders are created via a programme of leadership education and development at a leadership school (Bradley and -Canham, 2022). Some underlying concerns mean that leaders may make use of the NHS leadership academy curriculum in this respect. When it comes to organisational and staff settings, here are a few reasons why this leadership training programme is critical:

Employee satisfaction – A successful leader is able to inspire and encourage his or her people so that the organization’s production and development may be maximised. With effective leadership training and development, leaders are better able to inspire and benefit their teams (Siangchokyoo, Klinger and Campion, 2020). Because employees are seen as important members of the company, they are more likely to be engaged and happy as a result. Achieving the best possible level of performance will be rewarded.

Company success – The company’s success is due in large part to the successful application of leadership in the workplace. In order to achieve this accomplishment, it is necessary to train and grow the leadership of the organisation. When leaders get the greatest leadership development training, they will be able to motivate their team members to their best abilities. This technique ensures productivity, culture, growth, revenue, and other benefits (Meslec et al., 2020). A high degree of organisational growth will be achieved when all efforts and potentials are put to use at work and all limits and issues are resolved.

Talent Scouting – Employees will be hired on the basis of their skills and prior experience, which will be ascertained via on-the-job observation. Because they can guide people effectively, leaders who lead with effectiveness guarantee the finest skills and experiences for their teams (Lucas, 2018). A large number of people will be hired internally to fill leadership positions that are now vacant, as well as to develop lower-experienced staff.

Balance seeking – When a company’s executives are doing their jobs well, the relationships between the organisation and its employees are balanced. When workers have more control over their work environments, they are more likely to be satisfied with their work, ensuring a better balance between their work and their employers. As long as the chemistry between them is strong, the results will be excellent. Because of this, the organization’s growth will be guaranteed.

Improve risk management – Risk management is one of the most difficult tasks in an organisation since without it, productivity cannot be attained. The risk management will be enhanced and refined if the training and development programme can be carried out by the leaders (Sadler and Linenberger, 2017). To decrease risk, a good leader must assume responsibility for it.

Nevertheless, The Elizabeth Garrett Anderson programme is very beneficial for senior executives who want to take on more responsibility in order to have a greater effect and reach a broader audience. On the whole, this is based on a normal, 24-month comprehensive programme. MSc in Healthcare Leadership students will benefit from the NHS leadership Award in Senior Healthcare Leadership at this time. As a result of this programme, managers will be better equipped to deal with the difficulties and changes that will come as a result of it (Lorber, Treven and Mumel, 2016). For this leadership programme, which is a joint grant from the University of Manchester and University of Birmingham, additional support comes from Eden & Partners, the British Association for Quality in Healthcare, and the National Voices for this programme. Leaders in healthcare and leadership from across the world are invited to attend the course, which is taught by professionals in both fields.

Examine the benefits of programmes that focus on women’s empowerment

Women empowerment programmes plays a significant role on empowering women rights and leadership prospects for future development. For instance, to take on more responsibility and have a greater influence, the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson programme is a huge asset for senior executives looking to move up the corporate ladder (Bradley and -Canham, 2022). On the whole, this is based on a normal, 24-month comprehensive programme. Much more is needed to establish a competent and experienced workforce. In the following, two key aspects of benefits within the context of ethical and social and business and economics factors are rationalised.

Ethical and Social Factors

Those in charge of this style of leadership will have to acquire and develop their skills since they have no past experience with it. Employees will be better prepared to cope with high-stress situations and manage risks as a consequence of this training. These are only a few of the advantages that the present development plan provides. It is also likely that the executives’ relationships may get more convoluted, resulting in employee dissatisfaction and the organization’s eventual closure. This particular development programme is expensive ($6,000) and takes a long time to complete (24 months), which is one of the reasons for the limits (Belvís and Momblán, 2019). It is possible to leverage a variety of difficulties to assist overcome these limitations. For example, employee participation and motivation for the organisation, as well as perks and other problems, should be brought to the attention of management. Effective leadership training programmes must be created in order to reduce costs and time to a minimal while yet providing high quality results.

Business and Economic Factors

This programme is open to leaders who are prepared to take on the most difficult challenges and achieve the loftiest objectives. There is no doubt that this program’s benefits and productivity will be enhanced as a result of its implementation. This development programme will assure good and productive improvements in organisations, teams, patients, and services by improving patient satisfaction, employee morale, and, of course, financial gains (Laig and Abocejo, 2021). Women leaders may engage in and profit from development processes in a manner that recognises the value of their contributions, respects their dignity, and allows for a more equitable distribution of the benefits of growth via economic empowerment, which is part of the programme. Women’s economic empowerment entails providing them with more access to a wider range of economic resources and possibilities, such as employment, financial services, real estate and other forms of productive capital, skill development and market intelligence.

Sustainable development and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals need the economic empowerment of women. Furthermore, a fundamental human right is the freedom to pursue one’s own economic interests. For women’s economic empowerment to be achieved, it requires a long-term commitment from all stakeholders in the development process.

C) Change Leadership

Explain the concept of Change Leadership and the role it should play in implementing the changes

Change is practically a given in today’s workplace. It is unusual for big organisations to avoid a major transition in their business model at some time in their lifespan. This may be due to a variety of factors, including changes in technology and market maturity, as well as changes in the macroeconomic climate. Large-scale change is necessary, regardless of the reason, and strong leadership is essential for a successful transformation (Haas et al., 2020). As the project progresses, it is impossible to overestimate the necessity of a strong leader. Leaders are responsible for establishing the project’s scope and sponsoring it from the beginning, and for maintaining that scope and sponsoring throughout the project. This is critical if the shift necessitates difficult choices, such as reducing costs. In order for leaders to be both engaged and strong supporters, they must also be accessible and open enough to understand barriers to the change, while at the same time speaking favourably and consistently about their cause. The selection and motivation of a high-performance team is critical to the success of a change leader (Buzan and Whitehead, 2021). Leaders depend on their abilities to ensure that the teams who work for them remain focused on the goals of the change during the transition to “Business as Usual” (BAU). Large-scale changes typically need cultural adjustments, which can only be supported by strong leadership.

Considering the change requirements as conceptualised in the above sections, it very well be implied that aspects of transformational leadership and charismatic leadership may prove highly perceptible to change with potency to instigate needed change when necessary (Harrison et al., 2021). Also considering the model of Managerial Grid, proper adjustments and motivations through the proper managerial techniques can be applied which will substantiate the change more profoundly.

Use of Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model with practical examples to analyse how change can be implemented

“Leading change expert and Harvard Business School Professor John Kotter released his 8 Step Model of Change in his book ‘Leading Change’ (1996)”, which was based on research of 100 organisations going through a change process (Bradley and -Canham, 2022). To ensure that change is successful, there are eight steps to follow, which include creating urgency, forming powerful coalitions, developing a vision and interacting it, remove barriers and uplifting employees to take action, achieving short-term victories, consolidating gains, and embedding change in the company culture.

For implementing change, integration of change management theories is highly essential. Considering this, implication of Kotter-8 Step change is exemplified using its intricate 8 stage framework.

Step 1: Creating a feeling of urgency

The first step in Kotter’s strategy was to instil a sense of urgency in the audience. Creating a feeling of urgency in the workplace may be effective in motivating employees. Providing folks with an enticing reason to participate in the change process is also critical. If management does not take action, there will be a negative effect on profits and salaries, which is why it is critical that changes be made (Laig and Abocejo, 2021). If the changes are made and the anticipated effect is realised, there will be significant benefits for the organisation as well as its employees.

Step 2: Forming a powerful guiding coalition

Employees must be directed to participate at this phase by the organization’s change leaders and educators, who must be identified and trained. The efforts of school officials and teachers will have a significant impact on the efficacy of the reform.

Step 3: Creating a Vision

Having a clear vision helps individuals grasp the impact of change on businesses and their workforces. People are more likely to engage in change if they have a clear idea of what they want to accomplish.

Step 4: Communicating the vision

Good communication and effective delivery of the company’s vision to its personnel are the keys to success. Communication between the governing coalition and personnel may significantly ease this problem, while at the same time providing quick technical assistance (Laig and Abocejo, 2021).

Step 5: Empowering others to act on the vision

Before implementing the change, the guiding coalition must identify the obstacles that may occur during the change and develop corresponding measures for these obstacles (Buzan and Whitehead, 2021). External consultants might be employed if the company’s own resources are not sufficient to overcome issues. People’s trust in a change will rise if barriers can be surmounted.

Step 6: Planning for and creating short-term wins

Allowing individuals to taste the feeling of winning in advance is a powerful motivator for workers. As a second point, short-term victories are more accessible and cost less, and the risk of failure is smaller, and via short-term, stepwise wins, one may complete the transformation more steadily (Belvís and Momblán, 2019). Short-term achievements may be broken down into smaller, more manageable targets. The organisation can more successfully persuade people to work in the transformation after attaining certain short-term successes.

Step 7: Consolidating improvements through changes

It is imperative that Apple evaluates the outcomes of each phase in the change process and applies what it has learned to following procedures after first achieving short-term successes (Buzan and Whitehead, 2021). Products’ quality and dependability will have a significant influence on a brand’s reputation once they are placed on the market, thus the analysis findings are critical for business improvement.

Step 8: Institutionalizing new approaches

Changes need to be a part of the company’s long-term strategy and corporate culture in order to stick. For the time being, leaders have to make sure that current and future executives are on board with the shift (Harrison et al., 2021). For this reason, it is crucial that the new corporate culture be conveyed to all current and potential workers. Creating a new corporate culture is essential to effectively implementing this shift and ensuring that it remains effective.


In conclusion, it can be implied that one must understand about change leadership in order to be an effective manager or leader of a group of people. In order to enhance the company and establish closer ties with employees, this style of leadership is necessary. Practicing change leadership may help executives maintain their businesses up to date, prepare for unforeseen events, and learn about exciting new technology. The purpose of this research is to describe what change leadership is, the advantages of this management style, and how successful management models may be used in conjunction with proper management models. In this regard, it also be emphasised that empower female encouragement development programs can also aid to the development in socio-cultural and business economic prospects. Hence, to instigate some needed changes, proper implication of change management theories can entail significant advancements on both workforce and business contexts. Hence, in closure it can dully be noted that it is possible to keep a business current and prepared for unforeseen events by practising change leadership. How to be a successful change leader and its key functionalities and dimensions are covered in this study, as are various advantages to this management style as well as practical advice on how to be a change leader.


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