Managing Leading People In International Organization Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of Managing Leading People In International Organization Assignment

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Good management focuses on providing better services for the community in an efficient, equitable, as well as sustainable manner. It also will be helpful in achieving various key resources for financing of service provisions and human resources with various process aspects in terms of delivery care which are being brought together from various other points of delivery of services along with synchronizing carefully. Critical management consideration for planning and assessment, human resources, and monitoring chapters related to it. Management and leadership both playing important role in terms of the delivery of better services and although there are different kinds of outlooks along with various behaviors and skills. This also includes various managers of better levels along with skills that are required to be more effective. This assignment focuses on the discussion of better management skills which are for international organizations after which there are various relevant considerations that have been made for the purpose of relevant considerations for the purpose of managing relations among other organizations and in terms of managing schedules as required. 

Literature Review

Organizations are mainly inclusive of a set of resources that are being employed in a proper way of production for the generation of better resources and wealth for an organization (World Health Organization, 2018). This also includes various skills, equipment, and buildings along with employees’ competencies including various norms procedures along with different cultural and organizational values.

In the present day of environment, there is an increased complexity as well as uncertainties and this also has affected the performance of the organization in a long run. There are also various trends and forces which include changing structures along with increasing knowledge whereas there are also increasing specialization, innovative technologies, consumerism, protection of environment along with various changing regulations which are being challenges and issues. These are also playing a bigger part which in regards depicts a better performance of the international organization. The international organizations are also facing various internal and external resources which are forcing towards a major change in an organization. This also focuses on overcoming various external and internal resources focusses on the organizational performance along with justifying its presence in the market and this organization will be proving its effectiveness in the society (Caligiuriet al. 2020). Furthermore,this international organization will also get the ability to reflect efficiency by working beside image building in the present market through its performance. This organizational performance is also needed to sustain along with improving the performance of the organization by depicting its advantage for every individual.

There is also a crucial role of organizational culture in the international market as organizational culture is defining various places in an organization along with organizing other peoples as this can be any stakeholders’employees’ customers or any managing directors. Organizational culture is also focusing on the bigger part of values of organizations which includes various common feelings along with thinking which are being shared among various members who are identifying various ways to get their job done in one or the other way (Koohanget al.2017). Organizational culture also lies with leadership as there are leaders who are focusing on setting a tone along with providing better tasks for the organization. The culture of the organizations apart from helping in the growth of the organization is also testing better in terms of the viability of this international organization. The culture of the organization can also be focused on six different ways which include self-knowledge, vision along with providing positive feelings and changes that are being proposed. Also, in terms of communication, there are blueprints that have been shared with every member of an organization. There is also a passion for every work which has been made to communicate amongst them as this will help inspire various groups along with meeting various challenges for these changes (Rudolph et al. 2021). Organizational cultures also have focused on influencing various current strategic changes which require changes in terms of development in the present culture of these organizations. It is because culture is focusing on vital elements which are both in terms of implementation and creation of strategies. Organizational culture is also attached to the performance of the organizations as it has been initiated mainly for the apparent role of the culture that it will be playing upon the competitive advantages. In the end, it also will be showing various results which will be focusing on reviewing methodologies that will be assuming a link to be created between the culture and the performance (World Health Organization, 2020). There are also various theorists who argue upon sustainable competitive advantages which are arising with the formation of organizational competencies both for the superior and incorrect instabilities which are being made by the competitors. This also includes various competitors and other academics who will be suggesting the dependence of the degrees which will be helpful in sharing the cultures comprehensively among the other parts of the organization. One of the examples of this organizational culture includes Zappos which is conducting various interviews for the cultural fit as this will also be carrying out half of the weight of the candidates. After this, there are most of the employees who will be going through the same training of the call centers where approximately ten different core values are being instilled to each of the team members and at the end of every week, the CEO of Zappos is paying around $2000 to quit if any of the individuals say that it not the cup of tea for him (Hillsqn, 2017). After this type of rigorous screening, it can be a wonder that this type of work culture might not work like a charm. They also take more care about the kind of people who will be acquiring money. It is also based on locating the right talent who will have the right culture to nurture it as they will be paying back for various drives and commitments. 

Challenges, issues, approaches, and best initiative of practice along with its impacts

Expanding the business overseas depicts reaching to the newer clients or the customers who will be helpful in boosting profits. Despite being uncertain, there are various challenges that might reveal this organization towards conducting business at a greater scale that one should always keep in mind before thinking about a new international operation (Chamola et al. 2020). Here are some of the suggestions about how to tackle the challenges faced by international businesses:

  • Foreign laws and regulations: The navigation of legal requirements is the main function behind the success of an international business. It is also important to take into consideration the requirement of labor and employment varies along with the country. Beyond the restrictions of the official laws, other cultural guidelines which are unwritten are also required for the engagement in international business.
  • Universal payment methods: This is about the proliferation of various websites of e-commerce is helpful in making the sales of these goods easier overseas and more affordable for various consumers and their business, However, this type of payment method can also be accepted commonly in the home market which might be unavailable sometimes in abroad (Braun et al. 2017). Similarly, in terms of determining various aspects of methods of payments will ensure a secure method of processing which can be a central consideration of the business which is seeking international trade. 

The creation of better business globally can be a kind of daunting task, and one that can be fraught with challenges along with various issues which are related to the business. Below are the five different issues which one will be experiencing in their business:

  • Absence of clear direction: There will have a lack of directionfor most of the organizational problems and it also because of two different causes which include:
  1.  There are various activities for the execution of the organization which lacks the requirements of alignments that are required for gaining traction which is necessary for the transformation of the organization for the purpose of happening the future along with better adaptability (Kumar and Nayar, 2021).
  2.  There are various leaders who might be discussing various deliberate directions to make better strategies for the future or might be because of a failure in terms of communication with various coherent messages related to the strategies of various members of the organization.
  • Difficulties blending multiple personalities into a unified and cohesive team: This can be enormous in terms of challenges regardless of whatever the team will be a part of the executive suite. This can also be a team of any project who will be operating a few people in terms of facilitating production. There are also various people who have diversified backgrounds along with various experiences which might cause major challenges for the required teams. It also might be creating a unique set of various opportunities (Djalanteet al. 2020). There are various major academic undertakings where there are few agreements that will be making them a leader and since the earliest days of this business, study there are various approaches to leadership which are being originated with advents of academic studies for the international organization. Leadership is hardly considered to be a discussion that is being an effective approach and will be helping various organizations in terms of their roles of leadership. There are various approaches to leadership which are discussed below (Schroth, 2019):
  • Trait approach: This is one of the major approaches of leadership which can be referred to commonly to trait approach and it is because of various approaches which will be looking for a series of mental, physical, and other traits of personalities by which the effective leadership will neither be possessing ineffective leaders or any non-leaders. These types of approaches will mainly be an approach of leadership which is being used predominantly and is as leadership approaches which are existing today.
  • Situational Approach: As these trait approaches are being used, there are also various newer approaches that are being emerged with the help of theorized leadership and were contingent on varieties of situational factors (Brenner et al. 2020). This also includes various other theories of leadership which are being referred to as situational approaches and there are also numerous leadership theorists who might be falling into this situational approach.

Leadership generally offers higher learning skills as these leaders are rather are not born instead it is necessary to create real leaders. Therefore, there are different types of leadership practices and this includes of:

Being inspired with shared visions: Actions and inspirations are generally born from the various process of visions and will only be appealing towards the hearts of people who are more focused on their minds (Kandampullyet al. 2018). These leaders also focus n various other plans with their heads but lead many with their hearts. This will be helpful in the long run and will also be helpful for the better profitability of this international organization.

Ensuring Alignment and focus: Without any of the inspired visions there are no chances of fruition and this focus will be simply ensuring alignments and complexities which will be based on ownership instead of artificial buying. Focus is required in almost everything and therefore international organizations are looking forward to focusing on leadership styles in the future.

Prioritizing Culture: Leaders cannot be such inspiring without any purpose of driven culture as culture is in the nervous system of any firm. Without this, any of the enterprises are paralyzed entities because the number would not be driving business as people do (Gemündenet al. 2018). This will be impacting the culture of the organization in various ways as the organizational culture plays an important role in every organization.

Reflective Task

Leadership has played a very important role in each and every profession such as nursing and teaching to improve their efficiency and the level of skills for their future functioning by considering the state and the level of errors which has already been occurred previously and by finding a better solution against it in the future. It can also be considered as a heart of effective learning for the development in all the professions simply because it allows each and every person to learn something from the practice. Being a student, it is good to have a bright knowledge of what is going on around, and sometimes it might take a lot of time in researching. The reflection can also be recognized as an experience where I can think and recall the knowledge and make use of it by assessing it to solve a solution. It has given stronger thoughts to the students about the caring and the desire about their work and the better suggestions on the selections which a student desire. It has also been helpful in creating better self-confidence in the potentials, services, and qualities they produce for their profession according to their choice. It has made the profession remain in a side of the progress to contesting for their occupations and to provide them with the sense and the abilities for the examination of their skills, capabilities, and the private abilities with the managers. Finally, leadership has helped in gaining good problem-solving skills and in designing better services. It also describes today’s global economy to be transformed into a knowledge economy. Information technology as well as a system following this process will be beginning from the starting of 21st century. There are various factors which can be important in terms of functioning economically for the countries which are developed internationally. However, there are few more information which will be helpful in conveying various changes related to the creation of values along with changes in the thinking process of the students by the implementation of modern approaches related to the management and business. These also includes of various changes which are reflected in the present business and the utilization of resources is shifted from the current strategic resources to the sources which are in the form of creative knowledge, innovations and thinking skills. This type of knowledge and skills will be helpful in gaining competitive advantages along with the implementation of managerial skills and knowledges which is helpful in further processing of this innovation process by the students. There are also various small entrepreneurs who might be gaining advantages and I being the student will be keeping an eye on it so that it would not be underestimated or will be overlooked by any of the supporting programs. This small business enterprise will also be playing a considerable part in the development of supportiveprograms and I will also be focusing actively in various areas where the skills and knowledge are necessary. This can be of any terms such as the ways in which this managerial skill will be neglected of the ways the enterprises will be affecting the success which would be covered under this situation.

To develop individual managerial and learning skills a student is required to follow the below steps:

Not to be afraid of adjustments: The biggest mistake that maximum of organizations make is to follow the procedures for the sake of an organization. “We’ve always done it that way” is not the ideal or the real justification for any of the processes of the business. If a particular workflow or process may make sense on time, that does not at all signify that it will make sense each and every time. A student should give them as much flexibility to adjust the processes as much as necessary, and the staff should be empowered to come to the students if they may feel overburdened by the over-complication of the workflow.

Stay flexible: It is about staying flexible as it is the responsibility of every student to look after a larger number of employees or tasks and they might be advised to follow a very accurate format. With having a lot of benefits to set policies and the standard operating procedures, it is also important to maintain enough flexibility to face a surprise that often occurs occasionally and which is bound to arise from time to time. At the same time, it is also important to avoid micromanaging the team any longer as it can negatively impact productivity and morale.

Become more data-driven: In terms of being a task initiative, I would recommend themselves to adopt the first step which would be determining various metrics for the projects which are being expected to impact international organizations. After the identification of various key performance indicators, these students will also be able to leverage various data to benchmark with the current state of determining various realistic goals within a given time frame. Without this, it would be difficult for the students to understand whatever would be manageable along with being aggressive in terms of their goals.

Improve their own communication skills: It is about the discussion of stronger skills of communication as this could be essential in terms of achieving missions. This could also be helpful in the effective management of the expectations of stakeholders of various team members. I also would recommend them to take various available opportunities for the improvement of skills.


The above assignment is mainly divided into two different parts and the first part is focused mainly on demonstration of clear emphasis on international organization and there are also various researches which have been performed globally. There is also the focus done on the literature review along with making analysis of the selection of topic by providing various extensive researches providing examples of a case study of an organization. There are also various risks, issues, and various approaches identified including different practices initiatives along with the explanation of its impacts. Similarly, the second part is about the reflection along with the explanation of various individual managerial skills and explaining various understanding related to the explanation of the importance of reflection which is applicable in various international organizations in various ways.


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