Mod003770 Embracing Diversity: Effects Of Childhood Motivation & Musical Art Education On Child

Exploring Diversity and Inclusion in Early Childhood Education

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Introduction of Mod003770 Embracing Diversity Assignment Sample

The societies of recent times are constructed with a wider range of different individuals where the term "diversity" states various aspects of people concerning the "gender, age, religion and faith, ethnicity, race, economic status, health, sexuality, family structure and disabilities". Diversity of a person's belief along with values is important to be "recognised and accommodated which further involves a "wide range of minority groups" providing the inclusive provisions to be a priority. Diversity generally refers to traits as well as the characteristics which make individuals unique whereas inclusion refers to different behaviors along with social norms making people feel comfortable. The concept of diversity is significant as this encompasses all the diverse people which are a part of the recent society. Inclusion thereafter focuses to help every individual in the society to feel supported and belonging within the society. 

In theoretical terminology, diversity involves a "range of people” that have diverse ethnic, racial, "socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds". These people also include diverse experiences, interests and lifestyles referring that a group of different people are thriving in the same place at the same time. Diversity encompasses different minority groups which make every individual unique that also includes diverse backgrounds, life experiences, personalities and beliefs. This is the combination of an overall difference which helps shape the "view of the world", and individual perspectives along with the approach to life. The minority group refers to be the "ethnic, religious or linguistic group" making them quality-prone with "identifiability, differential power, differential and pejorative treatment and group awareness". Diversity in this sense encompassed the various levels of minority groups based on their specific behavioural styles, thinking styles, identification and flexibility. 

The promotional activities related to introducing inclusive groups within the society or any organization are complicated as a commitment to promoting any social integration after fostering societies which are safe and stable. Inclusion can be identified to be complex despite its projected positivity surrounded by the major complexities and barriers that are engulfing the concepts of inclusion. Selective or informal mentoring and recovering from probable mistakes project significant barriers. This is followed by the bullying nature as well as insensitivity projected from the society which reflects on perceived underperformance.

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Effects Of Early Childhood Motivation And Musical Art Education On The Child 

In this assessment, the chosen focus group refers to the children "with special needs" or disabilities belonging to the minority group. Children belonging to the minority group significantly face challenges in inclusive education relating to serious psychological problems and stress. The process of integration is complicated and there exist such schools which are biased with discriminatory and stereotypical attitudes projected towards children who require "special educational needs". Other significant challenges and barriers projected for inclusion refer to attitudinal, physical, inappropriate curriculum, inadequate funding, untrained teachers, and poor organizational barriers.  

Section 1: Awareness of the wide diversity of children, parents and families in early years

The awareness of the diversity of the children, families and children has a brief valuation in the early years as this has been the most effective factor each individual needs to be aware of. Based on the view of Ugochukwu (2022), the use of each factor has the proper instigation as it is required to increase the diversity and inclusion of each individual in an appropriate way. The valuation of the effective changes in the entire group has been analyzed based on the effective valuation of the required chosen group as "Children with special needs or disability belonging to the minority group". The proper use of diversity and inclusion has implications in terms of analyzing the required performance based on the accumulation of the rights of the children in the minority group. The valuation of the instigated changes has a clear implication at the stated factor and has accumulation at each aspect of the diversity and inclusion. The major awareness of diversity in children has been properly analyzed and has made an effect on understanding the requirement that makes effect developing diversity among disabled children.

Two major professionalists that can help in accumulating the overall work valuation and awareness of diversity and inclusion in an appropriate way are "Educational therapists for special children and the key workers of the children's center". As per the reference of Devine and Hughes (2018), these are the two major professionals that have effective information about providing the proper information related to the importance of diversity and inclusion for the special child. The educational therapist has the required information that can help the local; community or other families to create an effect on changing the way of treating the child with the disability. The minority group are children who do not have the proper knowledge as they are not aware of their disabilities. In that case, the educational therapist has the brief implication of providing the proper information related to the child's disability and a reflection on increasing their knowledge in an appropriate manner.

diversity & inclusion for Children

Figure 1: Aspects related to diversity and inclusion for Children with special needs

(Source: Lacey and Minnis, 2020)

It can have the required reflection by the proper evaluation and help of the key worker of the children's center. It has also played a major role in providing the required information in terms of developing diversity and inclusion among minority children and creating an effect on understanding the major need for the development of each practice that can help in developing the proper inclusion and diversity in an appropriate way. In the opinion of Smith and Pollak, (2021), the use of each factor related to the accumulated stages has been diversified if the parents and families have the required education in terms of dealing with the issue with the special child with the proper development of "diversity and inclusion". Proper diversity in education has the most relatable aspect that creates an effect on developing the factor that can help in providing the required information. It has included three major terms of education which are stated in the above figure as "inclusive education, Focused education and special education". These are the major terms that have been used for the proper development of diversity and make an effect in analyzing the proper factors in an appropriate manner.

Section 2: Critical examination of experiences of children referring to theoretical explanations exploring diversity

The impact of diversity issues on children’s experiences makes them more comfortable as well as safe to achieve education or at the minimum live in a safe society. Children must be required to be informed and educated in their earlier life regarding various cultures as they receive education to feel more comfortable along with safety with the concoction of such differences in future (McPhatter, 2018). This critically allows the children's experiences to have interactions in wider ranges among social groups where they feel more confident within themselves and they can interact well with others. As per the suggestions of Mapes et al. (2020), "diversity and inclusion" help to fertile children's experiences for showering empathy with other people who are different from themselves. With respect to diversity in children, education enables educators in society to celebrate differences along with encouraging families to participate in different cultural events.

Children require to be motivated to input willingness to understand concepts if inclusion and diversity come to the inner minds having the strengths and abilities to conduct work. This has projected requirements for critical examination for explaining the concept to embrace diversity among children with special needs and belonging to the minority group, which is the focus group. Assessment of the impact of diversity from the "sociological, ecological and psychological aspects" had been discussed on developing notions concerning self-esteem and self-identity. Along with this assessment, the ecological factors that affect inclusion and social construction of childhood demonstrate to gather evidence surrounding the diversity and inclusion of specially-able children belonging to the minority community.

The Motivational theory of Maslow: "Maslow's human pyramids of needs" can be selected to project a humanistic approach for emphasizing motivation on "personal freedom of choice, self-determination and stressed the importance of intrinsic motivation". As mentioned by Dohlman et al. (2019), motivation can be identified as inherent in a person's ability for acquiring his needs which helps make him attain the "lower needs before the higher one" that entails human behavior. With the help of "Maslow's theory of needs and motivation," it is possible to learn the "lower level of needs" is required to be completed with satisfaction before proceeding to "higher levels of needs".

Maslows' Hierarchy of Needs

Figure 2: "Maslows' Hierarchy of Needs"

(Source: Abdulrahman and Hui, 2018)

Thus, diversity and inclusion of minority groups are required to be involved and get accommodated with children's experiences from an earlier stage to motivate the fulfillment of needs. On the other hand, a special child belonging to a minority group is required to be educated with significant needs based on the motivation theory where one is educated to fulfill the basic "biological and physiological needs". Following this, the child needs to be educated to understand the safety needs to be followed by "belonging and love needs" (Verma and Sharma, 2018). Thereafter the "self-esteem need" requires to be followed finally reaching the "self-actualisation need" at the highest level.

Bronfenbrenner’s Theory: "Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory" can be considered one of the "most accepted explanations" about the influences of social environments on "human development" which argues that the growing environment of a child affects individual facets of life. As per the extraction of writings of Hayes (2021), according to "Bronfenbrenner's theory" there exist 5 environmental systems which interact with "each other" to influence the course of child development. The systems refer to "microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem". This theory can be identified to be significant for understanding the overall systematic approach concerning the "human and social development" of a child as he learns about inclusion and diversity engulfed in societal norms.

Based on this biological theory has helped provide key links to why a child develops differently as per the "aspects of development" which are under the child's control and not. For a special child, the upbringing is challenging, having constant changes in the environment as well as relationships projected to be detrimental to the child's early growth period reflecting well-being. Thus, "Bronfenbrenner's theory" is significant as this stresses environmental influences which thereafter reinforces the "rights of children" being shifted to safer environments (Eriksson et al. 2018). Moreover, this theory allows reflecting on how a special child develops at diverse stages being compared with children belonging to different environments.

The theory of Bronfenbrenner draws key links to the cognitive theory propounded by Piaget which emphasized how children are active seekers of knowledge and are able to reflect on their personal abilities to see the surrounding environment. This can be explained from the ecological perspective for the child having abilities to state their desires as well as needs as the clear "expression of development" within their microsystems. As contrasted by Navarro and Tudge (2022), the "Bronfenbrenner framework" can be proclaimed to be a significant tool for implying the contexts which impact a child however; it is deprived of the full consideration of a child's views, participation and feelings. "Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory" projects significant contradiction to the theory of Piaget, which has an emphasis on the roles of "social factors of cognitive development". The perspective considers the historical as well as institutional factors where the children are living and co-construct. Based on "Vygotsky children’s learning" it can be seen that heavily influenced by the cooperation of adults or any better knowledgeable person which refers to a process known as "scaffolding". 

A similar view had been projected by a theory propounded by Riley who had drawn attention to how the child is capable of gaining knowledge which is considered to be equally important as he is learning. From the viewpoint of McNaughton et al. (2021), children who are reluctantly involved with co-construction have successfully built knowledge and acquired effective social skills. This is significantly required to be projected for the children belonging to the minority group and is required to be educated in diversity because they are particularly feeling accepted by other significant individuals. It can be proclaimed to be particularly important for children to protect positive self-esteem and thereafter fosters positive dispositions. As viewed from the literature of Vik and Somby (2018), " Following the Salamanca Statement, the international movement to promote inclusive education has been viewed as a reform of education and training, aiming to adapt education to pupils’ diversity – in contrast to having children adapt to education". The theories propounded by Vygotsky emphasize the overall biological need for fitting in with regular society as the operations of social interactions can be projected to be necessary for human development.

Section 3: Evaluation of the current political and legislative frameworks and their impact on diversity issues

The current political and legislative framework has been effectively analyzed based on the required valuation of children's rights in an appropriate way. The use of the proper rights of disabled children has a clear implication in analyzing the required position and rights in an appropriate way. The proper use of diversity and inclusion with the use of the legislative framework has implications in terms of analyzing the required performance based on the accumulation of effective rights of the children in the minority group. It has mainly analyzed several articles that have a brief implication on stating the required rights of humans in an appropriate manner. The proper use of the governmental article includes the brief valuation of each aspect relatable to the children right in an effective way. “UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)” has been the most effective statement that begs a clear implication to apply and analyze all the facts related to children's rights. It has been the most effective factor that has been stated with the implied factors and stated changes in the children's rights in an appropriate manner.

The UN Convention is specially analyzed for the valuation of children's rights that has included the required valuation of each aspect as “civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights' '. The valuation of all these aspects has helped in preparing the required articles based on children's rights. It has mainly included a total of 54 articles that have implications for evaluating all the aspects at the time of analyzing Children's rights as well. Out of the 54 articles, it has analyzed the three major articles which are effectively related to the rights of children and have an effect on accumulating their rights in an appropriate manner. The three major articles under the UN conventions are “Article 2, Article 3 and Article 30”.

The use of the all effective factor has the major accumulation in terms of discussing these three articles in an appropriate way. Article 2 of “UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)” has stated the non-discrimination and make effect on conducting the work in an effective manner. Article 2 has stated the major valuation against the right of the children based on the effective valuation of non-discrimination. The use of the proper and effective factor has the required delivery of the discrimination has been made to remove with the valuation of article 2. It has also provided the major implication based on the valuation of the several aspects which have been relatable to the children's rights as “guardian’s race, colour, sex, language, religion”. The use of all respective factors has been included in Article 2. It has the required statement and creates an impact on the other opinion  as “national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or another status” (, 2022). The required inclusion of each aspect has been correlated to each factor that has stated all changes in an effective and appropriate manner. The use of all factors has an effective impact in an appropriate manner. On the other hand, the evaluation of each relatable aspect has a clear reflection on the overall work in an appropriate manner. The valuation of the proper measurement of the protection of children against discrimination has an impact on the proper punishment of the individual. It has a reflection on stating all the aspect related to the discrimination has been punished based on the “status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs” of the child’s parents and legal guardians

Article 3 in the “UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)” has mainly denoted the “Best interest of the child” as it has implied all the changes with the reflection of the changed factor. The use of the stated ranges with the valuation of the best interest of the child has a clear reflection in an appropriate manner. The best interest of each child will be the primary consideration as it has the required state and factor in terms of the “legislative and administrative measures” which have been conducted by the “social welfare institutions, community, courts of law, administrative authorities”. The use of this factor has implied the work with the proper integration of each state of Article 3 in an appropriate manner.

The last article that states children's rights is Article 30 which implies the “children from minority or indigenous groups”. As per the reference of Kokkalia et al. (2019), the use of this article has a clear implication in stating the required right of minority children. The proper valuation of the stated factor in the accumulation of Article 30 has been discussed (, 2022). It effectively stated the major rights of the cold in terms of the right to learn and use the various languages as per their own interest. On the other hand, article 30 has implied the use of the major aspect which is correlated to the use of “customs and religion”. The uses of all the aspects has been clearly implied based on the majority of the people. The valuation of the proper majority has the clear implication that states the required majority of the people that can make an effect on showing whether all of the included aspects has been properly followed by the particular country or not.

Section 4: Practical strategies, information and resources for supporting and promoting diversity in the current year

The valuation of the proper practice issues has been stated in terms of providing effective strategies and integration on stating all the major valuations for support and diversity in an appropriate manner. As per the reference of LeMoult et al. (2020), the required valuation of the effective changes in support and promotion can help in identifying the current changes in diversity and inclusion in an appropriate manner. The use of all the proper factors has the analysis which will help in identifying that the changes in the strategies in terms of implementing the motivation has a great effect on increasing the awareness as well.

Practical strategies

The use of effective strategies in terms of instigating all the major practices that have an effective impact on having positive support is the most effective and adequate. As per the view of Haslip and Gullo, (2018), the use of the appropriate state has a clear reflection and has a critical aspect that can help in providing the major integration in an appropriate way. The use of effective children's activities that can help children to engage has been an adequate factor that has the effective implication in terms of promotion. The positive activity will help in promotion and have an effect on analyzing the effectiveness of the strategy in an appropriate manner. On the other hand, the proper promotion of effective "diversity and inclusion" has been supported as it can make an effect on providing a brief understanding of each factor that can help in developing diversity in an appropriate manner.

Valuation of the effective activity of disabled children

The valuation of the proper plan has been properly depended on the required valuation of the children's activity. Children with disabilities can be required to have the proper function that can help in analyzing the required performance in terms of developing the major ideas for kinder play as the disabled children have to be active and make an effect on analyzing the overall performance in an appropriate way. The use of each effective factor that can help minority children to play can make improvements in the overall work activity and make implications on the overall understanding as well. The use of adequate terms and valuation in terms of the different stages in the children's work activity can also have an effect in conducting their work in an appropriate manner and make changes in the way to analyze the work effectiveness for the disabled child in an appropriate way.

Uses of the online platforms

Apart from the inclusion of the activity, the online platform has also made a reflection on providing the proper information based on the effective integration of each aspect which is relatable to the developing educational knowledge. The valuation of the several online platforms and websites has a clear reflection on providing the required information in terms of including more appropriate activity. The use of all the required changes in each aspect related to the development of the planning has been related to each educational aspect in an appropriate way. the major understanding sources and benefits of the online educational website have required to be related to the various inclusion of diversity in disabled children. On the other hand, it has brief information that can help the families and children of disabled children and has included each factor. As per the reference of Feldman (2020), the valuation of the website information based on the educational purpose can help in guiding the parents and family to deal with the issue and create an effect on adopting the ways to improve the children's education with the valuation of the diversity.

The major benefit of using the online tool has been analyzed in terms of proper improvement in communication as the parents and families learn about the major coordination and understanding of the children's language in an appropriate way. In the opinion of van Huizen and Plantenga (2018), the valuation of each aspect related to the proper path that has been provided as a guide can provide major access to the effective understanding of the situation for the children and effectively communicate with each other. Valuation of the required path and the child's interest has been also monitored as this has an effective implication on understanding that the major variables have a clear reflection on analyzing the child's interest in a particular area in an effective and appropriate manner. The use of the proper factors that are related to each factor needs to be analyzed in terms of having the proper training for the staff and teachers at the time of providing the proper information to the families and parents of the disabled child.

The proper inclusion of the children based on the required accumulation of each aspect has been relatable to the factors related to the development of inclusive education as well. Based on the view of Smith and Pollak (2021), the effective changes in the way to analyze each aspect have been related to the changes in each aspect and have an effect on developing the skills in an appropriate manner for their disabled children. On the other hand, it has the major barriers that have also made an effect at the time of conducting the work in an appropriate manner. The major issues faced by each aspect in terms of analyzing the major aspect as "Technical, social, personal and institutional". These are the factors that have been clearly stated above and have a reflection on reflecting that it has implications on taking the class of the children at the time of using the website. The technical barriers are mainly faced by the company in terms of analyzing the overall aspect as issues in the internet connection and access. The effectiveness of internet access has a critical implication at the time of completing the work and has an effect on having the required tool as well.


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