Motivated Employees: Chitosan-Coated PET Packaging for Lamb Assignment

Employee Motivation's Role in Lamb Meat Packaging: Driving Productivity for Quality Preservation

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Impact Of Employee Motivation On The Productivity Of The Employees: Chitosan Coating Ontopolyethylene Terephthalate For Packaging Of Lamb Meat

This study has been summarised through the impact of employee engagement on productivity which refers to driving the performance of an employee and putting their efforts into their work performance. Employee motivation can be developed through being dependable, creative industrious, and thoroughly engaged in their work performance.

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Research question

RQ1. What are the effects of chitosan coatings incorporating on quality characteristics of lamb meat?

RQ2. What is the impact of employee motivation on the productivity of the employee?

RQ3. What are consumers’ attitudes toward the use of an edible coating for lamb meat according to label information?

Effects of chitosan coatings incorporating nano-encapsulated essential oil on quality characteristics of lamb meat

There is an increasing demand for active packaging as well as bio-based that are preferred to emerging technologies to develop the quality of the product. As opined by Pabast et al. (2018), it has been formulated that biodegradable coating can be used in embedding nano-encapsulated and show the effect of chitosan coatings on lamb meat preservation. This has compared the effect of chitosan coatings containing nano-encapsulated on chemical, sensory properties, and microbial of lamb meat samples. Nanoliposomes are considered lower droplet size that has the maximum selected coating of meat preservation. Therefore, Encapsulation has been decelerating through the release of SKEO that led to antioxidant activity as well as prolonged antimicrobial. It has been suggested that chitosan coatings contain encapsulated SKEO that help in extending the quality and characteristics of the shelf-life of lamb meat. However, some major challenges are concerning direct incorporation that contains essential oil. This contains reactive chemical compounds that include phenol compounds in a “complex food system”. This can show a negative impact on physical stability and degradation of “biological activity”.

According to the "Work Engagement Theory of Kahn," it denotes the person's degree that shows self-preferences in their allocated jobs. This focuses on developing a connection between work and self. “Work Engagement Theory of Kahn” has been explained through employee engagement that is considered effective in developing their working activities and focusing on maintaining the packaging of lamb meat. This theory has concentrated on increasing employee performance through physical self-investment, cognitive, and emotional (Huang et al. 2022). This study believes this impact of employee engagement believe to be divided into cognitive resources that help in increasing role performance and emotional resources in a job.

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Active packaging film to retain quality and prolong the shelf life of fresh minced lamb meat

It has been evaluated that the effect of "ploy lactic acid" contains polymorphism involucrate as well as nano chitosan on sensory characteristics of preserving lamb meat. As opined by Tabatabaee et al. (2020), it has been developed by the "solvent casting method” and analysis through FTIR that show typical bands through PLA-based materials. It has been determined that NCS shows no negative impact on tested parameters of mechanical materials. It is developed through typical bands that are considered more flexible. This help in improving the physical features that are developed through PLA film. This is based on the sensory evaluation, microbiological, and chemical features that help in increasing PEO concentration. It can be utilised in a composite film that can help in improving oxidative stability, sensory properties, and minced lamb meat preservation. Therefore, the development of active packaging with the utilisation of renewable material is considered an innovative approach for the packaging of lamb meat.

The “Goal setting theory of employee engagement”, focuses on the initial part of employee engagement and present different organisation. It focuses on setting goals and focuses long and short-term development. This theory has stated employee performance that drives towards constant development and set goals. This theory has been developed based on employee engagement that concentrates on utilising their advanced skills in preservation procedures. This states that employees can understand the importance of the preservation process and utilise their ideas to strive towards higher achievements. It states the ideal method that ensures more productivity and results in positive outcomes. Incentivising members of staff to implement have been considered their ideas and skills to reach goals (Locke and Latham, 2019). An employee has clear goals focus on achieving their targets and have tangible rewards for achieving their estimated goals.

Impact of performance appraisal on employee motivation and productivity in extract for lamb meat preservation

This deals with important factors of employee engagement and management by objectives that help in enhancing employee effectiveness. As stated by Islami et al. (2018), it has identified the importance of planning goals, setting control points, planning goals, employee commitment, and communication objectives. This help in determining freedom, independence, and MBO method that promote productivity for lamb meat preservation. A certain program such as a t-test, ANOVA, Pearson, correlation, and ANOVA can be implemented for a hypothesis test. It can be utilised in developing employee performance and enhancing their effectiveness in the extraction procedure. It clearly defines higher parameters that focus on other activities and raise employee effectiveness within an organisation. Employee motivation and its theory specified performance at a high level and lead to high standards of performance. This allows an organisation to face unstable as well as turbulent environments. On the other hand, managers focus on developing creative advantages with the help of employee development in extracting productivity for the extraction of lamb meat.

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“Maslow's hierarchy of needs” presents the needs of the employee in their living in an order of requirements. It claims that an individual cannot get satisfied at a lower level. The workplace plays a vital role in integrating employee performance within an organisation. An organisation needs to support their efficient staff that are considered to be possible in securing their needs. Performance appraisal is considered an effective process that concentrates on the overall “performance management process” and defines formal assessment. The evaluation of the work performance has been of employee focus on achieving personnel decision. This promotes productivity in the extraction process of preservation for lamb meat. The impact of performance appraisal on productivity has been elaborated through ”Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This theory can be facilitated in every employee needs pyramid that can provide access to their fundamental requirement (Hale et al. 2019). An organisation need to promote effective method that supports motivation and enhance performance.

Customer's attitudes related to the use of an edible coating on lamb meat based on label information

Mauricio et al. (2022) opined that the Chitosan around the analysed antimicrobial on the food packaging the absences of its property through the coating and films and could be made an optimistic decade by improving the differentiation of cultures related to renewable and biodegradable cultures. The analysis has also been making several investigations by increasing the rates of customer's attitudes by developing the cultures of technical interpretations with purchasing the rates of “Vaccum-Pcakging”. The differentiations of pricing structures have been effectively shown in the below-mentioned pictures that can be specified the pictures by using the "Professional Photographic Camera" [Refer to figure 1].

However, Sayadi et al. (2021) have argued that the determinations of the study have been making a positive range of effects by making segmentations of the two kinds of attributes related to “Mentha pulegium essential oil (MEO)” and “Berberis vulgaris extract (BE)”. The alterations of the "Thiobarbituric acid value (TBAR)" have been making a volatile culture by making segmentations of the differentiations of attributes related to pH, Texture, Color, Taste, Odor, Physio-Chemical that can be invested. The edible coating has been also effectively monitored for the respective kinds of time management related to 25 days by making incorporating structures with enhancing the rates of deterioration of modified atmosphere packaging. As opined by ?tefan et al. (2020), the proportions of “Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs" have been making interlinked with improvements in satisfaction and that can be evaluated by the developments of the customer's satisfaction rates. In this context, good product quality and packaging help to improve the customer satisfaction rate and therefore improves the sales rate. Furthermore, quality products and packaging attract the customer to purchase the product and improve the sales rate and business revenue of the organisation.

The Effect of Discipline and Work Motivation on the productivity of the organization

Employees are one of the essential resources of the organisation that helps the organisation to achieve its business growth. As per the opinion of Ali and Anwar (2021), the job satisfaction of the worker helps the organisation to achieve its business goal and meet the market demands. At present, the job satisfaction of the workers is one of the major issues of almost every company, therefore, reducing the productivity in the organisation. In this context, the organisation is required to focus on motivating the employee to provide better work performance that helps to improve overall productivity in the organisation and the organisation can get high business growth. The proper workplace culture and working environment motivate the employee to work in the organisation and provide better performance to improve productivity and meet customer demands.

The above future shows the way effective leadership helps to improve overall organisational performance. In this context, knowledge management, organisational strategy, and information technology help the organisation to achieve its business goal. As per the opinion of Sayyadi (2019), “Transformational Leadership” help the organisation maintain workplace integrity and improve employee retention. On the contrary, Caillier (2020) argued that adopting the principles of “Democratic Leadership” is very effective as it helps to improve the performance of the organisation. In this regard, every employee is involved to implement a business decision; therefore, it helps to make a proper business decision. An effective leader motivates their team members and guides them to provide better work performance that helps to improve overall business performance therefore the company can easily achieve its business objective. Employee engagement in the organisation is essential, the experienced and efficient employee helps the organisation to meet the market demands, and the organisation can easily achieve its business goals. In this context, the company is required to encourage and motivates the employee by maintaining job satisfaction and proving proper wages to the customers.

Proper packaging of the food product is one of the major things that help to maintain the quality of the food. As per the opinion of Xu et al. (2022), proper packaging of lamb meat is essential that helps to maintain the quality of the meat. Good product quality and packaging help to draw customer attraction and improves the sales rate of the product. In this context, the efficient worker helps the organisation to make proper packaging of the product and meet customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the customer's valuable feedback helps the organisation to analyse the demand of the customer and based on this the company can make innovation in the product, and packaging and maintains customer satisfaction. Proper packaging of the lamb meat helps to keep the product longer time by maintaining the quality of the product therefore the customer can get a good quality product and the company can easily meet customer satisfaction.

Research Gap

In the research, Xu et al. (2022), only includes the product packaging of lamb meat and has not included anything related to worker motivation and the importance of the workers in the organisation to meet customer satisfaction. Caillier (2020) has only described the importance of employee motivation and suitable leadership styles and has not included the way a company can improve its business performance. Therefore, the literature gap has been bridged. However, in this research, secondary data collection has been followed to explore the relationship between the variable and includes an in-depth analysis of the research topic.


The literature review chapter summarises the issues related to packaging of the lamb meat. Furthermore, this chapter also includes the importance of employee motivation and job satisfaction to improve productivity in the organisation. It has been finding out that, proper packaging of lamb meat is essential to keep the product for longer timed by maintaining the original quality of the product. Furthermore, efficient employees help the organisation meet customer demands and achieve the business goal.


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