Managing Human Resources Assignment Sample

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Introduction of Managing Human Resources Assignment

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Human resource management is the tactical move towards to the effectual as well as efficient administration of humans within a company so that they assist their company attains cutthroat advantages. It is usually planned to augment the performance of the worker within work to get overall organizational development. Management of employee is also considered to be as an important part of Human resource management which helps in strengthening the work association with the Company (C., 2015). This can be done through proper employee engagement, proper training and using a good communication approach.

So, one of the main focal point of conducting this study is to create a Human resource management business proposal for Ocado in which few important things will be discussed which are:

  • Development of tactics as well as the deployment of the process which might be deployed to grow the workers engagement within Ocado
  • Proposing a proper communication strategy which will help in creating maximum, “Employee voice” in Ocado
  • Outlining a proper training and development consideration the business proposal to develop executives and worker’s comprehension, functions and accountabilities for Ocado

Based on the overall discussion a cumulative recommendation will also be provided so as to deal with issues identified in the main discussion.


Strategies and use of techniques to enhance employee involvement

Ocado Group is a trade that warrants staple innovation. It possesses a half portion of along with licenses its staple fulfillment innovation to worldwide retailers, like Kroger in the USA and Coles Group in Australia (Group,Ocado, 2022)

Employee engagement is considered to be as the toughest part of Human Resource Management. Based on the functioning of the business various strategies can be used to develop employee involvement. Companies like Ocado also focus in various theories and models to cope up with these issues. But one widely used model which most of the companies like Ocado prefer to apply is the Zinger Model. Zinger model is basically focused on building involvement from the base up by pointing on the key workers requirements. The model consists of three important phases which are:

  1. The bottom row: The requirements- The lower part of the Zinger pyramid centers around the fundamentals that each employee requires to accomplish great work. The vital activities at this stage are to develop prosperity.
  2. The second row: Uniting the organization- The second column of the pyramid expands upon the fundamentals to interface people with the bigger association. The vital activities here are fostering recognition.
  3. Third row: boosting performance: The third row this pyramid usually focuses on to get the result after using the other mentioned two rows (Cowan, 2017).

 Zinger model

Source: Google

Considering the above mentioned model the various strategies and the techniques which can be used to develop the employee engagement in Ocado are listed in details below:

Considering all the stages of the model the strategies and the techniques which can help in increasing the employee involvement are discussed in the table below.

Improve well-being

Invigorate energy

Fostering recognition

Marking the progress of the employees

This strategy can be used by the Ocado in the form of giving perks, benefits and leaves when employee wants.


The well-being of the employees depends on how the managers are treating them and giving then additional recognition will help to make them more engaged.


The one notable disadvantage of this technique is that mostly those employee will be recognized who are efficient in working as a result overall involvement might not be there.

The main purpose of this strategy within Ocado is to develop a working climate wherein the workers can get the zeal to work as well as attain the energy from their work.


The benefit of using this strategy is that employees will feel motivated towards their team and will work more for both company and own development.


One major disadvantage of using this technique is that only some segment of people get motivated those who are willing to work for betterment rest it will not be effective.

This strategy does not always elude offering an intermittent advancement or a decent exhibition assessment it implies making a culture wherein the two representatives, as well as the administrators, contribute positive worker acknowledgment thoughts to keep representative commitment high (M., 2012).


It will help in creating an environment of appreciation which will help in augmented employee performance and engagement both.


One major disadvantage of using this technique is that the people who will not get recognized will create competition among them and this might effect the proper employee involvement and engagement.

Taking recognition is liked by all but it usually takes a long time recognize the correct employee. In order to make the workers involved even among the promotion and trained objectives it is important for the HR manager to generate a network for getting track as well as interactive progress.


One major benefit of tracking the employee benefit is that it will help in identifying which employees are giving their best and those who are not giving their 100%.


One disadvantage of using this strategy is that it will create high hopes for the managers which might not be 100% fulfilled if the employees does not able to meet the required performance.

So, from the overall discussion it can be identified that the final objective of the employee involvement strategy within Ocado is without a doubt to keep the employees motivated and engaged towards their work. In order to guarantee that the mentioned objectives ought to be achieving it will be important for the HR managers to apply these on the right tome over the appropriate department.

Propose communication approach for employee voice

Employee voice and maintaining workplace democracy has left a positive impact on the well-being of the employees along with improving the performance of the organisation. It has been found that working aged adults usually spend an average of 42-47 hours a week within a workplace. According to research, personal dissatisfaction within the workplace has significantly seemed to adversely affect the quality of an individual’s life. Employee voice can be defined as the factor which helps in providing work as a group of individuals with an age of communicating with the management of the company (Wilkinson et al., 2018). It also focuses on including employee participation in the process of decision-making and engaging them in the process of discussion that takes place within the workplace. It has been found out that employee voice has been able to identify four main goals within the workplace environment. It includes the articulation of personnel dissatisfaction of an individual within processes, the expression of collective thoughts and decisions; it also focuses on the chances of contributing towards the management decisions of a company that is relevant in nature along with displaying mutuality in employer-employee relationship (Ruck et al., 2017). It has been found out that the aim of workplace democracy is also similar to achieving the goals of employee voice. For example, workplace democracy and its maintenance in the organisation of Ocado has been beneficial for the employees in terms of providing them with the opportunities that have focused on influencing their working environment and has motivated them to participate in the process of decision-making. These projects have led to various legislative changes within the organisation of Ocado which has been able to empower the workers of the company as well as promote policies that have facilitated engagement of the workers as a means to increase the efficiency and productivity (Bennett et al., 2020). 

There are both formal and informal systems and different approaches for employee voice. A formal voice is usually captured with the help of pre-existing management and various structures and timelines of communication. On the other hand, informal voice has been able to allow the employees to express their opinions at any time, not necessarily as a part of response to any of the queries led by the management. It has been found out that for the employers of the organisation, employee voice has been able to take collective decision making in the most effective way (Wilkinson et al., 2019).

Enterprise Social Networks (ESNs): Ocado has promoted ESNs which have been intended to promote engagement between the employees so that they are able to access knowledge with bottom-up approaches. This platform has been modelled on popular social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook and has been helpful in offering the employees with various opportunities to form a group of working individuals who share the same interests (Wilkinson et al., 2020). 

Upward problem solving: Upward communication can be defined as any means utilised by an employee through whom they can make representations to management about that particular concern of their representatives and with the help of established channels. The organisation has also conducted different attitude surveys which help them and seek the opinions of their staff and employees through various questionnaires as provided to them (Wilkinson et al., 2020). They have also been able to encourage their employees to make various suggestions which are often accompanied by rewarding them for any of the ideas that have been accepted by the management. They also allow their employees to work together so that they can work well in group with the help of the line managers by developing new processes, ideas, products and services or help them in solving different categories of problems.

The framework for employee voice

This framework has been able to identify two dimensions of employee voice which include individual employees and collective experience and union of the employees along with other representation. The shared agenda of involving employees and their partnership is one of the collective forms of upward problem solving (Nechanska et al., 2020). Ocado usually has a tendency toward contested agendas for shared agendas at varying degrees of direct and indirect involvement. But it has also been found out that they are unlikely to have additional collective bargaining or partnership at the same time. This has proven to be one of the strongest factors that have affected the choice of approach to employ voice as one of the protestant values held by the management of the company towards employees and their unions. 

 A framework for employee voice

(Source: Nechanska et al., 2020)

Training and development consideration in the proposal

Training and Learning and Development (L&D) interventions has often generated a huge amount of debate around efficacy in terms of intended approaches, construct results and methodology, delivery of content and design, needs and evaluation techniques and many more. There are many factors that should be considered by the management of Ocado in order to see the impact of success and failure of training as well as learning and development interventions (Bakhurst, 2015). Training can be defined as one of the systematic processes which has been helpful in improving the skills, knowledge and competencies of the employees working for the company. Training and development processes within organisations and focus at aiming to facilitate a holistic growth of the employees at managerial levels. The management of the company focuses on providing the trading with various approaches such as Hands-On Approach. This approach has been helpful for the organisation in providing the trainees with allocated tasks who are directly involved in the process of training along with performing various roles and tasks as per the instruction given out by the trainers (Suhasini and Suganthalakshmi, 2015). This approach has been specifically used by the organisation in terms of giving out practical and interactive training to the trainees so that they can improve their skills and influence their behaviour at the workplace.

The organisation has also considered modern approaches by increasing the latest and innovative technologies in order to impart training to the employees by providing them with e-learning facilities. With the implementation of different technological advancement facilities in the workplace, their employees are exposed to receiving training through various training techniques which are based on computers such as virtual online sessions, interactive videos, digital training modules, webinars and many more (Kirwan, 2016). These approaches are very much engaging for the employees as they have been able to access this module anywhere and anytime. The approach of gamification has also been very much effective in terms of training the employees by applying various concepts and principles of different games to the training subjects. This approach has been helpful in making the process of training more engaging and stimulating for the trainees. It has been found out that the training and development programs within the organisation have been able to bring about positive changes in uplifting the skills, knowledge and potential of the employees by aiding them in the long-term productivity and fostering growth of organisations.

The organisation has also focused on the presentation of growth which is one of the age-old class two methods of training and involves the trainees listening to the trainer in a classroom setting. This approach has helped in involving cognitive techniques to explain to the trainees about various theoretical concepts which are crucial and helps in imparting knowledge about various processes that are required to develop systematic communication and other factors necessary within the organisation (Sheeba and Christopher, 2020). In this process of training, the employees get to ask a lot of questions and enquiries to the trainers which get solved through responses in a classroom setting. Although, it has been found out that technology-based training has been one of the most effective ways that has allowed the trainees to work at their own pace through the materials along with removing the need for an in-person facilitator.

Training and development of the individual have focused on improving the skills and knowledge of the employees so that they can effectively contribute towards developing the organisational aspects and innovating products and services which will bring a competitive edge in the marketplace. In order to facilitate proper communication and improve the productivity of the employees, training and development considerations should be made so that it can reduce employee turnover and improve the positive work culture of the company. The experiences of the employees with the training and development programming and the improvement of performance following it can be helpful in guiding future efforts to encourage learning within the organisation (Butler et al., 2021). With the recent outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic, as all the organisations have considered remote working lately, technological based learning has been one of the essential effective ways to promote employee efficiency and organisational benefit.


So, it can be concluded from the above done study that Ocado is very much proficient in suing various strategies so that their human resource management department works towards betterment. The study also highlighted what sort of tactics and steps will be needed to get the employee engagement and their performance better that will finally lead to organizational development. In addition to this various theories and models has been used to support the situation in each of the provided three cases. 


Based on the above discussion on the three core areas which are strategies for employee involvement, employee voice and training and development consideration below mentioned are few of the important recommendation that will help Ocado in gaining more competitive advantage. If the company follows the additional recommendation then it will be easier for them to cope up with the organizational changes too in the long run.

  1. Recommendation for employee involvement- Now the strategies which has been mentioned in the study can be make more beneficial if its handled by a single HR head. For example if Ocado hires additional HR for having proper employee engagement in the department it might create co fusion as different perspective will be there are from different HR. However if they manage to take only one HR it will be easier for them to identify which strategies will be best suited to keep the employee involved and engaged for a longer period of time. The initial phase for any association on the way to more prominent workers' involvement is for the administration to perceive the requirement for it. This regularly needs to begin at the top. The trade advantages of commitment are clear, from usefulness and development, to decreased truancy and modern activity, better enlistment and maintenance to more noteworthy prosperity (Association,Involvement & Participation , 2022).
  2. Recommendation for employee voice: In case of Ocado it has been seen that the company is focusing on this point by giving same opportunity to each and every level of employees still there are scope of betterment if they follow some of the additional points. Active groups generally dominate when their individuals are co-found. This is the way to guarantee they are effective now that COVID-19 has constrained them to work from a distance. As most of the companies are getting back to work in the same Ocado is also doing the same after the Covid-19 thus they need to take more seriously the voice of agile employee as they considered to be as one of the most important asset of company who will help in bringing cutthroat benefit (Dorda,Santiago Comella-, 2022).
  3. Recommendation for training and development- Last but not the least considering the recommendation for training and development within Ocado, the training and development managers needs to take some additional rigid steps apart from the mentioned in the discussion part of the study. For example they need to consider resilience within the place of work which means capacity to recuperate from or remain well even with affliction. In a place of work like Ocado, this converts into a representative having 'the ability to flourish, instead of simply get by, in high-pressure conditions (Development,Chartered Institute of Personnel and , 2022).


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