Organizational Behavior at Sainsbury's: Strategies for Effective Team Management Assignment Sample

Gain insights into the company's strategies for creating a productive and engaged workforce. Improving Organizational Performance through Positive Behavior Change

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Introduction of Organizational Behaviour at Sainsbury Assignment 

Organizational behaviour refers to the approach and manners of every individual in an organizational team or group. The improvement in organizational behaviour helps to improve the performance of the team and the growth of the organization. Organizational behaviour reflects the behaviour of the employee within the workplace and it can influence the organization. The management of Sainsbury focuses highly on the organizational behaviour of the employees and this has made them one of the biggest supermarket chains in the UK. The company has three definite segments and these are supermarkets, retail stores and financial services in both the national and international markets. Sainsbury uses various management approaches and theories to influence and motivate the workers of the company. The company also uses various leadership behaviours and styles so that they can influence organisational behaviour.

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Influence of individual differences in the management approaches

The management of Sainsbury is fixed some goals to upgrade the performance level of each employee. Proper planning and setting a target are very important criteria for baseline evaluation. The management set a goal for the team and they set individual goals (Mousa and Othman, 2020). The individual goals are set according to the ability of each employee. The goals contain different categories and improve the behaviour of every employee's most important role in management. The employees give influenced to work and achieve their goals by the management of Sainsbury. Management gives feedback according to the performance level of employees. The feedback process helps to influence employees to do a good job for Sainsbury's organization.

Influences of Management on Individuals

Figure 1: Influences of Management on Individuals

(Source: Langfield-Smith et al. 2018)

Conversation and good relationships between management and employees are very effective for the company. Various obstacles are overcome on the basis of employees' creativity and strengths. The management makes proper plans for improvement on the basis of the performance level of each employee (Langfield-Smith et al. 2018). Engagement of employees with management and respect towards their higher authority is the main secret of company success. Management influence each employee with the help of a powerful communication process. Recognition of each employee's strengths and fixing a goal according to the performance is help to make an efficient employee.

Productive improvement and goal achievement are based on the trends of performance management. The management tends helps to improve the matter of trust of employees towards management (Mousa et al. 2020). A proper understanding between the higher authority of Sainsbury and employees makes better results for the company. The management helps to improve the behaviour of each employee and the critical thinking of employees is formed with the help of management. The employees are solved various organizational problems with the help of a critical thought process.

Positive Approaches of Management

Human resource is a small department but they handle the most important part of the Sainsbury organization. Regular as well as the open communication process is the main advantage of the positive approach to management. Good communication helps to achieve expected performance and increased the status of performance (Bititci et al. 2018). The communication process provides huge benefits for retaining employees. The management with a positive approach helps to make reports related to the performance of employees. Keed a detailed record of employees' behaviour and performance is beneficial for management.

Positive Approaches of Management

Figure 2: Positive Approaches of Management

(Source: Safa et al. 2019)

A few disadvantages of a positive approach are existable for human resources. The management of the company can give an oral reminder before making a written application to fire an employee (Safa et al. 2019). The positive approach follows the disciplinary leave for absence process. The employee is discharged approved after the absence process completely finished. The leave process and the long process of fire take up many energies of employees. The leave process consumes a huge amount of money for the company. The training process of employees is part of the positive approach of HR management. The positive approaches help to make proper organisational behaviour with the help of good communication skills.

Negative Approaches of Management

The negative approach of management gives placement employees during the probation period. The management received immediate results for behavioural issues of employees for this approach. Management detects the suitable employees for any position in the organization. The negative approach helps to identify good employees (Ohunakin et al. 2019). The negative approach in HR management is often attached to a reprimand of a few types due to a worker’s unwillingness to maintain the published guideline. Everyone remembers the negative actions by management and they can understand the significance of rules as well as regulations.

The negative approaches are forced to follow the company guidelines. The employees do not like strict approaches and they leave the job for strict rules. Flexibility in management is very important to maintain the profit rate of a company. The strict rule creates a bad and unfriendly environment for work. The interaction process may be obstructed by the negative approaches of human resource management (Mayo, 2020). The good relationship and team bond process completely obstruct these negative approaches. The constant write-up processes demotivate the employees and create a lack of appreciation level. Various negative approaches make workers arrogant and disrespectful towards the company as well as management.

Importance of Personality for Effective Managerial Relationships

The personality of employees and their behaviour are very important for the Sainsbury organization. Human resource management helps to develop the personality traits of every employee. The management provides proper training for every employee and do not demean their strength as well as weakness. The company can give proper care to the personality of each employee (Trinchero et al. 2020). Development in personality is good for the company but changing personality for company pressure is bad for the company. Huge pressure from the company provides a bad effect on employees and the negative impact decreases the growth rate of a company.

Ambition, enthusiasm, and adaptability are the few qualities that are attracted by the management of the company. Personality traits are the main issue which is the main pillar company’s success. Openness to experience, agreeableness, extraversion, and neuroticism are the few dimensions of personality. The roles of personality depend on the type of organization (Yap et al. 2020). A positive personality that gives lots of motivation to others is perfect for leaders as well as managers. The leaders and the managers have a responsibility to make an optimistic attitude that influences their colleagues. The ability of good communication can be a very important personality type for each employee. Employees with bad communication skills can create a problem for organizations and for individuals. Maintaining a flexible personality trait makes a healthy relationship with kinds of staff as well as other employees.

Managers always give a good effort to develop their personality traits. They always try to give motivation to their employees and help to reduce stress. Knowledgeable about stress management is very important for human resource management. Always updated thoughts and listening to other colleagues is very important organizational behaviour (Giudici and Filimonau, 2019). Critical thought and problem-solving skills are a part of training for the employees that are organized by management. Management developed employees' personality traits based on a few business models as well as theories. Providing a healthy atmosphere can help to develop the personality traits of employees. A good understanding of the personality of each employee helps to make an effective team in the organization. Similar personality-based employees make good progress in work and create a powerful bond.

Usage of motivation theories for the creation and maintenance of the effective workforce

The analysis of the effective workforce of Sainsbury’s can be done by using five motivation theories that are related to an organization. The increment level in influence level will be different as per the usage of these theories.

Maslow’s law

The employees of the organization can be motivated from bottom to top with the help of Maslow’s law. Sainsbury has enforced various motivational techniques to influence the third, fourth and fifth pillars of the law. They encourage the employees to move towards self-actualization at the workplace which is the fifth and final pillar of the law (Kondalkar, 2020). This has helped the employees to contribute to the company to their fullest. The implementation of these motivational techniques has shown a positive impact on the organization’s performance report.

Sainsbury has also associated with ASDA and this has strengthened both of the companies’ strengths even further. The business has created rapid growth due to this association. Almost 3 lakh employees have achieved profit from these companies' market share. The dedication level among the employees of Sainsbury has helped the company to achieve the Grocer Gold Awards for five consecutive years (Coccia, 2018). This means that the employees of this company are motivated enough as the company highly focuses on the psychological needs of the employees. This high focus on the psychological needs of the employees helps the organization increase the retention rate of the employees.

Herzberg’s theory

Herzberg’s theory related to organizational motivation discusses the individual needs of the employees. Every individual feels motivated when the organization recognizes and satisfies the individual needs and desires of those individuals. Another name for this theory is the two-factor content theory and these two factors are known as job dissatisfaction and job satisfaction (Wilson, 2018). The employees cannot choose one between these two factors but they need to find a balance between these factors. Job dissatisfaction is related to the motivation of the employee whereas job satisfaction is related to the hygiene of the workplace.

The workforce of Sainsbury has accepted the workplace environment changes. They have decided to accept the challenges that are given to them and this helps to increase the growth of the organization as well as job satisfaction among the employees. The involvement of 35% of employees in sustainable packaging work has created an environment for learning. Packaging work is a hard job and therefore the company has also provided the employees with higher wages and incentives (Maiorano, 2018). The increment in wages and inclusion of an incentive structure is necessary because this way the company will be providing an affirmative environment to the employee.

Alderfer’s theory

The ERG theory of Alderfer discusses the different need levels of an individual that will increase the motivation level within them. These needs can occur at the same time in an individual’s life and can change with time (, 2022). Maslow’s law also talks about the needs of the employees; however, this theory is different. The difference between Maslow’s law and Alderfer’s theory is that the needs in Maslow’s law needs occur at the different stages of an individual’s life whereas in Alderfer’s theory needs can occur at the same time and they change over time (Bidarkar and Tekwani, 2022). The needs in Maslow’s law do not change as every individual has the need to achieve self-actualization.

The basic factors that help to motivate employees in their work are psychological needs, leader’s support, pay and money. Sainsbury’s management team needs to focus more on these factors so that they can improve the motivation of the employees. This helps the employees of the company to enjoy security and safety within the organization (Ugoani, 2020). This also creates a strong sense of relationship among the employees and increases the performance level. This happens because the employees feel more honoured about doing their work. Almost 1 lakh employees of Sainsbury participated in a survey regarding the company and 72% of them stated that the company has provided them with a great environment.

McGregor and Mayo's theory

The management theory of Mayo states the motivation of the employee depends more on relational factors. The relational factors are the sense of camaraderie or providing attention. The increase in motivation depends less on environmental factors like humidity or lighting and on any type of monetary reward like a salary increment or providing an increment (Xia et al. 2021). McGregor was also a firm believer in the self-actualization process and he stated that self-actualization increases the motivation within employees. The theories of McGregor are known as Theory Y and Theory X.

These two theories justify the work process of the Sainsbury employees where the employees are not working in the organization just for the mere monetary benefit. They enjoy their work experience and they feel satisfied with their work. They enjoy their work because they interact with their colleagues in the workplace and this creates a feeling of belongingness within the organization. Social interactions play a big role in Sainsbury’s work culture and this was created by using Mayo’s Theory (, 2022). The company also looks after the Y factor of the employees and that is providing them with a healthy and safe work environment. The use of Theory Y has made them the biggest supermarket chain business in the whole world.\

Equity theory, Vroom’s theory and Skinner’s theory

The theory related to equity, expectancy by Vroom and operant conditioning by Skinner helps the company to focus on the employee’s efforts at the workplace. The equity theory explains that the motivation level of every individual directly becomes influenced by the individual’s receives from their work. The expectancy theory of Vroom states that their belief regarding expectancy, valence and instrumentality directly influences the psychology of the employees (Yik et al. 2019). Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning is based on two factors. The first factor suggests that the behaviour of a person is related to that person’s surroundings. The second factor suggests that the repetition of the scenario depends upon the consequences of one’s behaviour. The management system of Sainsbury needs to rate every individual’s efforts and reward them properly as per these theories. The reward process and recognition of their efforts will help the employees to stay motivated and perform well in future.

Demonstration of effective team skills

Role of Management for Effective Teamwork:

Every manager of Sainsbury continuously strives to improve the skills of team management. Effective skills of management are beneficial for both teams as well as the management of the company. The skills are ensuring equality for all members and also detecting the expectations of the team members. The team manager of an organization fixed some goals for their team members (Markey et al. 2021). Effective management believes in communication and support for the upliftment of all team members. The management encourages better performances as per the ability of each member and helps to maintain professional growth. Effective managers are mostly focused on serving processes rather than team management. Management always gives much effort to get information about the interests of every team member.

Effective managers always strive to support as well as assist the team members to achieve every goal individually and as a team. Good managers continuously performed with their team members not only giving them directions. Managers with effective skills always learn new things with their team and they are always open-minded with team members (Warde et al. 2020). The management always keeps up to date attitude to lead a team effectively. A transparent workplace helps to provide a positive attitude to the team members. Consistent and open communication with team members helps to create transparency in the workplace.

Group behaviour related Theories

Organizational behaviour is the level of performance illustrated by employees in an organization. Organizations build up with the continuous efforts of individuals. The orientation of the Multi-interdisciplinary process is the main pillar of organisational behaviour. Various theories are coordinated with this method but there is no particular theory available for this factor (Warde et al. 2020). Organizational behaviour is a part of behavioural science and it is a combination of various subjects. Social psychology, sociology, psychology as well as anthropology also helps to form organisational behaviour. Organizational behaviour always gives attention to the behaviour of people and their process of interaction with the Sainsbury organization.

The reason group behaviour, as well as individual behaviour towards the Sainsbury organization, is detected by the objective. Situational outcomes are easily determined by the prediction that is a part of organisational behaviour. The management of Sainsbury controls and improves the behaviour of employees with the help of this objective (Abosede et al. 2021). The theory of “Belbin’s” team role is framed as nine major roles to manage team behaviour. Resource investigator, shaper, evaluator, implementer, and complete finisher are a few examples of each member’s behaviour of a team in the Sainsbury organization. “Bruce Tuckman's” theory and model were formed in 1965 and it applied to various organizations. Forming, norming, storming, and performing are the four stages of effective teamwork in an organization.

Personal Contribution to Effective Teamwork

Individual team members' complete participation in a team meeting and maintaining efficiency in their work are the main roles of each team member. Members cooperate with higher authorities with the help of a webinar platform. Each team members are cooperative with their management and it helps to build a perfect organizational culture. The communication process of the team leader and team members helps to make an efficient team. The performance level increased the team leader's influence (De Vries and Van der Poll, 2018). Good communication can be a solution to various problems in the organization. Every team member can properly maintain proper instruction from the team leader. Members should not be afraid of higher authorities and make a good relationship with them.

Maintaining efficiency for the organization and respecting the thought of every member is very important for an efficient team. Every member of the team is respectful to each other. A good team member has not adopted an omniscient attitude in him. Each member continues his learning process from other members and the team leader (Ogbonnaya, 2019). The team leader makes good team bonding with a team member and a big effort. Maintaining a proper team goal that is given by management is a big responsibility of each team member. Proper dedication to each task and maintaining efficiency in every work is the chief responsibility of individual team members. Discussion problems and removing problems with communication is a symbol of good team members.

Recommendations for Self-Improvement

Internal self-awareness

Individual employees can improve their team-building skills if they are aware of themselves. The awareness of the employees starts with the acknowledgement of their inner narratives like their values, feelings and beliefs. The employees must understand themselves first so that they can eventually contribute to the team. Individual employees need to charge of their emotions so that they can deal with challenging scenarios in the workplace (Chitale et al. 2019). The employees of Sainsbury must look upon the facts instead of their perspective of the situation. The employee must not assume the situation of another employee instead of asking for the actual scenario.

External self-awareness

External self-awareness refers to an individual’s actions and words that can impact other persons. It is important for every individual to learn how their actions can impact their team members. Productive work can only happen when every team member of the team is working in sync. This will help the team and team members grow together along with the organization. The employees of Sainsbury need to pay attention to their external self-awareness along with their internal self-awareness (Fauzi et al. 2021). This will help them to understand how their colleagues are experiencing and what are their personal beliefs. The knowledge regarding external self-awareness will help the employees to understand each other and work in collaboration.

Personal accountability

A team can only grow when the team members and leaders hold themselves accountable for their own behaviour. It is necessary for the team members to understand their responsibility and their actions can create dysfunction or order in the team. The growth of the team happens when every individual is focused to grow as a person (, 2022). The accountability of an employee requires the zeal to recognize the problem, the understanding about solving the problem, taking responsibility and finally sticking to the problem-solving process until the problem is completely solved.

Taking action

The final step is taking action instead of waiting for the other teammate to act. An employee of Sainsbury can take action and solve problems with another employee instead of waiting for the other employee to come and solve the problems. The employee must consider the reactions of the other employees and their values (, 2022). This means mixing all the resources that an individual has already worked on. Employees can only improve their team-building skills if they are aware of their internal and external selves as well as hold themselves accountable and take action on it.

Usage of culture, power and politics

Power culture

Sainsbury is an organization that is linked to a sort of culture and has the characteristics of smoothly responding to various events. The members of the company are hugely dependent on consistent success along with the abilities of the people at the central part of the company (Spicer, 2020). This culture of the company thus attracts many peoples who are mostly oriented toward power and thus minded politically. There is the regulation of the various resources and these are considered to be the pillar of the power of the culture of the organization. There is the control and regulation of the vicarious resources along with the various elements of the constricted power of the centre.

The cultural part of the organization thus mainly relies on the individuals and is opposed to the committees. In this company the culture that is specified mainly responds swiftly to various events and is hugely dependent on the abilities of the people of the centre. The control of the various resources is the basis of the main power of the cultural part of the company along with the dimensions of the various issues for the civilizations of the powers (Odor, 2018). The dimensional culture of the organisation thus identifies the challenges that are linked with the various routines and the retention of the controls.

The culture of the company mainly depends on the individuals and is opposed to the various committees (Brieger and De Clercq,2018). In the organization, there is a culture that is specified and the performance is evaluated on the basis of the results. The wrong anticipation thus results in extreme dissatisfaction and results in the highest level of labour turnover along with the lack of various efforts and enthusiasm.

Role Culture

The cultural role thus is illustrated and supported by the columns and beams of the organization. Every beam and column has a specified function and the individuals have a specific role that keeps on going after the discontinuation of a certain individual (Islam et al. 2022). The cultural part mainly shares the specific factors that explain the description of Webster Sainsbury is mainly characterized by the specialized areas along with highly strong mechanisms.

The specialized area of the organization is coordinated by a band of senior management. The coordination is mainly done at the top level of the organization with the highest degree of formalization and standardized work (Muzondiwa et al. 2022). The various work of the functional part and the interaction thus pass and are manipulated by the various rules and the methods that define the work. The specialist of the organization thus passes through this process along with the various modes of communication and the settlement of the various differences.

The position is a crucial strength in the functional culture. The members are picked through the various roles that are satisfactory and personal; the powers and the strength of the experts are thus tolerated at a particular place. The efficiency of the specified culture is thus determined by the allocation of the various responsibilities and is opposed to the personalities of the individuals.

Task culture

The activities of this culture are mainly a project-oriented approach and are accompanied by the construction of representation. Task cultures are primarily attached to the organizations and those adapted to the matrix and the structural designs that are project-oriented (Xia et al. 2019). The culture finds to bring together the important resources by the specific and competent individuals to assemble the resources that are most relevant. The influence of the organization is mainly based on the strength of the experts in particular positions and personal power. This effect is largely spread in the part of the other civilizations.

Political implications of Power

In the organization, the main advantage of the political aspect of the power mainly arrives at every level of management. In a recent structure of the organization, the game of political power and its impact is very much real. Similar to the other aspects of the dynamic policies of the organization the system of politics is not an easy one. Sometimes this is different from the other type of organizations and is not similar from the sub-unit point of view.

The four main power of politics mainly focus hypothesis the power of the company and thus sometimes focuses on the real aspects of politics. The organization is composed of coalitions that are enemies among each other along with the resources (, 2022). This influence the energy and the various groups that create the coalition along with the protection of their stake and position. The influential positions get to know the various pressures along with the effects on the environment.

The recent structure of the organization, the game of political power and its impact are very much real. Similar to the other aspects of the dynamic policies of the organization the system of politics is not an easy one. There are adverse effects of dehumanizing the irregular distribution of power (, 2022). The police of the organization is mainly identified by the majority of the areas that are relevant to the various degrees at which the management is political and rational. In recent times, the majority of organizations are political and thereby consist of a limited amount of resources. This makes the decisions of the management ambient along with the remaining uncertainty and the goals that are mainly complex for the organization. The technological part of the organization is highly rigid and sometimes goes through various rigid alterations.

The specific type of organization faces various challenges that are political and the influence of power that encourages the politics to get its intensity in the organization. There is mainly an increase in the level of behaviour in the organization mainly in the decisions making process, this is sometimes political and sometimes rational (Ahmad et al. 2019). The utilization of power in the various companies is very much crucial from the field of initiating the power and regulations in the larger part of the management along with the social system.


The effectiveness of the organizational behaviour of Sainsbury has worked as one of the key behaviours for its sustainability in the market among its competitors. The company has become a global business venture since it is one of the biggest supermarket retail companies in the UK. The various organizational structure and cultures can improve the effectiveness of the employees and the overall growth of the organization. The decision-making processes of the organization mostly happen by the leaders and managers. The decisions taken by the leaders and managers help the company and employees to grow and develop the overall performance as well as the productivity of the workplace. The decision-making process plays an essential role in the development of the company. This process is helping the company to increase its stability and growth of the company within the national and international markets. The culture of the company has a high capability to improve the organisational behaviour of the individuals.



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