Importance of Strategic Leadership Development Assignment Sample

Comprehensive Guide to Strategic Leadership Development: Importance and Implementation

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Introduction Of the Importance of Strategic Leadership Development

Leadership is an essential aspect of the company because it helps maintain cooperation or coordination among the team members. Still, it also helps to boost productivity through which a high profit margin can be achieved in the competitive world. With the digital transformation of the workplace, the company's leaders shall also develop new skills through which they will be able to adapt to the changing environment and maintain the interest of the team members or the employees at the same time. In this case, strategic leadership development is a set of plans which helps individuals to enhance their performance as a leaders in the workplace and maintain the proper structure of the workplace for an extended period (Bongomin et al., 2020). It also helps to manage the changing needs of the employees, through which the risks of employee burnout can be reduced in the company. However, strategic leadership development also helps individuals select the appropriate leadership style through which the scope of the companies can be maintained with an increase in the motivation or commitment of the employees or the staff members. The main qualities of the leaders, such as staying intuitive in the workplace and increasing the interest of the stakeholders, are also developed with the help of the plan.

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The report, in this case, provides a brief overview of personal development in becoming a successful leader. It will also include the strengths and weaknesses that can reduce my future career objectives. It will also include an analysis of the current skills, which can further help me to promote the high performance and productivity of the particular companies. Lastly, it includes a self-development plan through which I will be able to reduce the drawbacks and stay competent for the long term.


Reflection on personal skills

I will use a Gibbs reflective model to present my personal learning and skills which is further classified into six aspects. These are description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan which are further explained below.

Description: As I have learned good leader helps to align the activities performed by their team members with the goals of the company so that the issues of misconduct can be reduced. In this case, they also help to spread awareness in the workplace through which they are able to develop a reputable position in the workplace. The main characteristics of the leaders in this case include integrity, delegation, communication, self-awareness, learning agility, empathy, courage, and gratitude. I also learned that Integrity is the most important characteristic of leaders, which helps to maintain a smooth flow of operations in the company and promotes a proper decision-making process through which the company is able to win the trust and loyalty of the shareholders or the stakeholders (Leading Effectively Staff, 2023). It suppresses the loyalty of the individuals through which the company will be able to maintain high productivity in the marketplace. It can also help the company maintain coordination at different levels of execution through which it will be able to meet the expectations of the potential audience. While working as a team in our workshops and group projects, I understood that the main responsibility of the leaders is to maintain delegation in the workplace, which means enhancing the dedication to the goals of the company. In this case, the leaders are also responsible for enhancing the teamwork through which the conflict dynamics in the workplace can be reduced and a positive internal culture can be maintained (Walsh, 2020). The leaders also consider the ideas of the employees while planning the decision through which they are able to enhance the satisfaction of their team base and retain them. Delegations also help the leaders to build a strong relationship with the diverse workforce through which effective performance can be noted. In my educational as well as teamwork experience, I have realised that communication is the most crucial because leaders can enhance and even reduce their valuation in the workplace in terms of communication. Some of the individuals have adopted open, and some have adopted two-way communication through which they are able to transfer information regarding the strategies or the needs of the customers safely from one department to the other (Leading Effectively Staff, 2023). Effective communication also helps the leaders to inspire the performance of the employees, which further boosts the productivity in the workplace of a particular company. The leaders, in this case, shall also listen to the aspects of their team members through which they might be able to understand the current workplace issues and resolve them on time to maintain proper growth.

Feelings: I was very excited by gaining these skills but I am also a little worried regarding my time and team management skills as I have been an introvert from the start of my career. However, I feel extremely delighted for the support provided by my professor through which I was able to enhance my interpersonal skills over time. I was also happy as with the time being and maintaining proper learning on leadership, I have been able to maintain some skills which can help me to become a sustainable leader of a multinational company in the future. These skills have also helped me to give successful interviews in various companies, which can further facilitate my professional development in the competitive labour market and can help me to beat the current workplace situation efficiently. The first skill is creative thinking. In this case, I would like to say that I am very creative in the workplace, and I pay attention to every little detail through which I am able to address the challenges present in the marketing environment (Ramakrishnan, 2023). Initially, I was confident that we had handled the tasks and projects effectively and believed that we had adequately prepared before coming together to work on it. However, when I discovered that there was still much work to be done, I became quite frustrated that we were not able to submit the assignment as is. Additionally, I experienced feelings of guilt since some members of the group had to cancel their plans due to our delays. This guilt served as a motivating factor for me, and I worked harder to complete the task earlier in the evening. Upon reflection, I am content with the decision we made to prioritize the task. This reflective task will also help me to resolve the current workplace problems through which I will be able to enhance my patience, communication and empathy. I will also be able to have a green revolution in the workplace through which the issues of extra waste from the raw materials or the finalized products can be reduced, and the company will be able to increase its valuation among the competitors or the new entrants in the marketing environment. Likewise, I will also be able to focus on the gaps in the skill sets of the team members by connecting with them, which can further be resolved on time to maintain the stable growth of the company.

Evaluation: I have noted through my personal experience that I still need to develop certain skills which include the following-

Self-awareness- The individuals who are planning to become successful leaders shall also possess the character of self-awareness through which they will be able to save themselves from workplace humility. This further includes the process in which the individuals are able to gain knowledge regarding their strengths and weaknesses through which they will be able to develop their interpersonal skills with the changing marketing economy (Walsh, 2020). Proper self-awareness can also help the individuals to meet the needs of the company, which further improves its sustainability as well as stability in the competitive world.

Gratitude- The individuals or the leaders shall always be thankful to their team members and to the supervisors who have helped them to improve their performance. This can enhance the self-esteem needs of the leaders through which they are able to achieve proper mental health, and the issues of depression or stress can be reduced (Walsh, 2020). In this case, the leaders are also able to maintain a positive workplace culture which can further help them to maintain sustainability and attract new talents from the labour markets for an extended period.

Agility- The leaders should have the capability to know which strategy shall work in a crucial situation. For example, the leaders of Tesco have decided to implement a remote working environment during the period of COVID-19 and have implemented Skype, which is an online tool to maintain timely communication in the workplace. This can also help the leaders to maintain active decision-making through which they will be able to enhance productivity even in unfavourable situations (Leading Effectively Staff, 2023). This can also help the leaders to stay intuitive in the workplace and constantly learn so that they are able to maintain high workplace experience, which can further lead them to achieve their career goals efficiently.

Analysis: I have obtained the capability of reducing the complex nature of the workplace through which I am able to address the changes required in the organization and make my team members more flexible, which can further help them to stay reliable in the changing environment. This is one of my main skills which can further help me to generate a difference between the style and type of leadership which are adopted according to the changing forces in the marketplace so that the sustainability of the particular company can be achieved at any point of time (Caesar, 2011). In this case, I have also learned to analyse the nature or scope of challenges which can help me make a comfortable working government so that my team members are able to work without any complexities. For example, during an increase in the operational cost, I might shift some of the workers to the remote workspace so that the cost of the traditional working environment can be mitigated partially. This can also help me to maintain the needs of the stakeholders, which can further help the company to grow efficiently. It can also help me to create a balance between the natural system and the competent factors of the company, through which I will be able to smooth out the rough patches in the workplace effectively.

Apart from this, I am also maintaining equality in the workplace through which the issues of improper treatment of the diversified staff members in terms of the culture can be resolved. In this case, I support the contribution of the female members in the workplace through which I will be able to develop a proper internal structure which can further develop new ideas in relation to the changing environment. Providing training on maintaining equality in the workplace is another skill which has been maintained by me in the workplace through which I will be able to reduce the conflicts among the culturally different individuals. This further supports the development of the employees through which they will be able to reduce the stereotyped views in the workplace (Ramakrishnan, 2023). Proper equality in the workplace can also help the employees to support the performance of each other and maintain proper coordination, which can further help them to complete the tasks on time. The leaders, in association with this, shall also display the attributes of the team members through which they will be able to enhance their expenses and maintain constant improvement in their performance in the long run.

Conclusion: Through the overall experience it can be said that I am now able to maintain timely and effective communication in the workplace. In this case, I have also learned to use different types of tools and technology to transfer the information or to maintain weekly interaction with my team members so that they are able to connect with t]me freely at any point of time. I am also able to channel open communication in the working environment through which the team members are able to connect among themselves so that they are able to stay coordinated among different tasks. This can help me to reduce the issues of misrepresentation in the workplace, and I will also be able to mitigate the risks of confusion or repetitive activities completely in a particular company. Open communication has also helped me to advance the skills of the employees through which they are able to share the visions of the company and stay dedicated to the workplace for the long run. Some of the best interpersonal skills, such as active listening, communicating in a sound language, storytelling, and managing conflicts, have also been learned by me while improving my communication skills (Caesar, 2011). This can further help me to convince or influence my team members to perform any tasks and submit it on the deadline without any delays. The feedback sessions, on the other hand, can help me to get ideas on the issues faced by the employees through which proper sustainability of the company can be maintained.

Action plan: I further need a period of 1 year to enhance my performance and commitment in the workplace as a leader through which I will be able to resolve the real challenges efficiently. The detailed action plan is given in the leadership development plan.

Leadership development plan

The leadership development plan is a framework that involves three basic aspects that can help me to develop my skills over the time period. This includes the analysis of the strengths and the weaknesses through which I will be able to gain ideas regarding my personal goals and my skill gaps. The second step is to create a goal which can help me to achieve my career objectives with efficient performance. Lastly, the development plan is maintained through which the proper skills which are needed to be developed with a timescale are provided.

Determining the strengths and the weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
Communication- I have been able to maintain two-way communication in the workplace through which my team members can stay connected in any unfamiliar situations (Bongomin et al., 2020). This can boost their engagement and enhance their satisfaction. Poor time management- I have been unable to manage the time required for the completion of the skills in the workplace, through which the company will be unable to meet the needs of the customers over a particular period.
Acute listening- I am also able to listen carefully in terms of the problems of the employees, through which I am able to enhance the decision-making process or maintain constant interaction in the workplace. Problem-solving skills- I am also unable to resolve problems because I take too much time thinking about a particular strategy, and I am also unable to take risks while innovating a certain product through which the performance of the firm can be lowered (Bongomin et al., 2020).
Team management- I am also able to manage my team efficiently, through which I am able to promote timely development of the workplace. In this case, I also have the knowledge on maintaining diversity in the workplace through which proper creativity can be achieved (Bongomin et al., 2020). Workplace flexibility- I am also not flexible when it comes to maintaining a proper balance between work and personal life, and I am also unable to work in the remote workplace. This can lower my confidentiality in handling the poor situation of the company.
Motivation- I am also able to maintain proper influence or motivate the employees because I force personal interaction with them through which their skill gaps can also be addressed on time. This can further help me to increase the productivity of the company through which its profit margin can also be increased simultaneously. Planning- I am also unable to select one plan as there are various opinions of the diverse workforce whichincreases my confusion in the workplace.

It can be noted through the above table that I should focus on my time management and my flexibility skills, through which my interpersonal skills can also be enhanced, and I will be able to plan strategies more efficiently in the workplace.

Setting a goal

I have used a pacing model, which includes (Picking a style, appraising the skills, collecting more information or knowledge, and eliciting the workplace) through which I will be able to set a personal goal that can further help me to become a successful leader in the future.

Picking- The style of leadership is transformative, which can further help me to address the challenges or changes in trends in the marketplace of the company so that I am able to plan the strategies accordingly.

Appraising- This includes gathering more skills that can help me to maintain the interest of the direct or the indirect stakeholders of the company.

Collecting- This refers to the increase in my knowledge regarding the workforce, which can help me to maintain strong relationships with my team members or maintain a positive workplace culture.

Eliciting- This refers to the continuous improvement in terms of managing the team members and the time at the same time.

Development model

Skills needed to be developed Time scale for the development of the skills Requirement of the skills Reasons for its importance Resources required for its development
Time management 4-6 months It can be used to deliver the activities timely through which the demand of the customers can be fulfilled Without time management, a reduction in customer satisfaction can be noted I will be able to develop time management skills by creating the time chart through offline or online means
Problem-solving 8 months It can be used in every department of the company to resolve the current challenges of the workplace efficiently It is necessary to promote constant growth and expansionof the company(Cote, 2023) I shall engage with my supervisor to maintain the problem-solving aspect
Flexibility 3 months It can be used to enhance interpersonal skills and to maintain a proper work-life balance It is required to maintain my mental health so that workplace stress cannot reduce my competency or efficiency I shall learn from the YouTube videos regarding the flexibility skills
Planning 1 year It can be used in the top, medium, and the lower level of management to reduce the wastage of resources and to maintain appropriate operational cost It is required to enhance the strategies development of the company I shall communicate with my team members and the top-level executives to maintain proper planning.


It can be concluded through the study that I am able to maintain proper development through which I will be able to enhance the performance of the team members in any crucial period. It can also be noted through the study that sustainable leadership is the most effective aspect through which I will be able to think about the perspective or the long-term goals of the company. In this case, I have learned that leaders should develop critical thinking, problem-solving, monitoring, planning, maintaining ethics, and integrity skills through which they can help the company to address the daily challenges.

It can be noted through personal reflection that I have been able to maintain proper communication in the workplace, which can help the staff members to stay coordinated in the workplace. In this case, I have also understood the importance of feedback sessions which can further help me to gain a high reputation in the working environment and can also help me to enhance the motivation of the employees for an extended period. In this case, the skills such as honesty and intuitiveness can also help me to manage the resources in the workplace through which the risks of employee burnout or turnover can be reduced.

Lastly, I have noted through the help of the development plan that the problem-solving skills are needed to be developed on time. On the other hand, I also need to develop my extrovert skills through which I will be able to maintain proper interaction with the diverse workforce. In association with this, I think that I need to adopt transformative skills which can further help me to adapt to the changes with the inclusion of the creative ideas provided by the employees. This can also help me to fill the gaps in the company and promote growth.


  • Bongomin, O., Gilibrays Ocen, G., Oyondi Nganyi, E., Musinguzi, A. and Omara, T., 2020. Exponential disruptive technologies and the required skills of industry 4.0. Journal of Engineering, 2020, pp.1-17.
  • Caesar, N., 2011. Characterising Leadership for Sustainable Development (2011) The Guardian. Available at: (Accessed: 12 May 2023).
  • Cote, C. (2023, January 17). Why Problem-Solving Skills Are Essential for Leaders. Business Insights Blog.
  • Walsh, M. (2020) Council post: The Seven characteristics of great leaders, Forbes. Available at: (Accessed: 12 May 2023).
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