Theories, Principles And Models In Education And Training Assignment Sample

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Introduction of Theories, Principles And Models In Education And Training Assignment

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This report is based on implementing various learning models that are important for education to follow and refer for competent teaching procedures in a university or any other academic institution. The report covers the analysis, theories, application, importance and impact of learning models, which are crucial for communication, assessment of progress, determining the progress according to the curriculum and developmental motive, evaluation of the progress and reflecting on the learning prospect through various implementations of learning models. The education must determine the applicable models for each situation regarding the phases of teaching, and the following ideology is conducted in this analytical report.

Task 1

1.1. Analyse theories, principles, and models of learning

As per the given scenario, it has been identified that there are particular methods, theories, and models of learning used by the lecturers in their teaching skills which include Procedural and Declarative knowledge, skill development, scaffolding learning, and inductive vs deductive approaches. Procedural and Declarative knowledge has different aspects of teaching in the university. According to this model, declarative knowledge is used by the lecturers when the activities can be verbalised. This type of knowledge is all about in a linguistic form. But, procedural knowledge involves how to do particular tasks. It involves the application of the theoretical aspect to the practice to gain experience and learning. Skills development was suggested by Robert Gagne. It has been identified that an individual used this model of learning when one has experience in a particular field (Changwong, Sukkamart and Sisan, 2018). As per the author, this theory is based on the four skills such as attitudes, cognitive strategies, motor skills, and intellectual skills. Scaffolding learning theory enables the students to learn the information with the help of a more informed lecturer in a specific field. Bruner's Scaffolding theory focuses that the children need support and help from their teachers if they are going to become independent learners (Doo, Bonk and Heo, 2020). According to this theory, children are more dependent on people who have enough knowledge in a specific field. Inductive v/s deductive approaches were proposed by Burner which is a teacher-centric approach. On the other hand, the deductive model was suggested by Ausubel which is a student-centric approach.

1.2.Explain ways in which theories, principles and models of learning can be applied to teaching, learning and assessment.

There are several ways in which a teacher can apply the models and principles of knowledge to provide better knowledge to the students. It includes individual learning planning (IPL) and SMART goals. An IPL enables the teachers to plan a set of activities according to the skills and capabilities of a student. In this way, an individual can develop practical knowledge by applying theoretical knowledge properly (Persad 2020). It is a specific student program and strategy of education that takes into consideration the strengths of students and accordingly makes a plan to increase their knowledge. The advantage of this strategy is that it will help the students to enhance their knowledge according to their skills and capabilities but it will take lots of time to prepare a plan which is a disadvantage for them. SMART models and principles can also be applied by the teachers while setting the targets with the help of the SMART tool. In the work SMART targets, S stands for specific, stretching, and significant; M stands for meaningful, motivational, and measurable; A stands for achievable, action-oriented, attainable, and acceptable; R stands for reasonable, rewarding, relevant, and realistic; and T stands for time-based, timely, tangible, and time-bound (Do?an and Erdil, 2022). While setting the targets like this, the teachers can be able to effectively apply all the models and theories in the process of learning, teaching, and assessments to the students.

1.3. Analyse models of learning pReferences

The analysis of knowledge techniques reflects the learning styles at the educational centers. The teachers used several learning styles to get effective knowledge and information (Bhatnagar and Sinha, 2018). Several learning styles were suggested by Honey and Mumford to enhance the process of learning. This learning style was developed by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford in 1986. The authors learning styles are based on Kolb's learning styles because they found that it had low validity with managers. The four learning styles include activists, theorists, pragmatists, and reflectors.

Activities learning style is related to people who learn by doing the activities. The activists' learner has an interesting way to deal with their learning without the participation of new meetings. Theorists' learners require a particular model to apply within their learning process. These types of learners break down the learning tasks while drawing new data and consistent hypotheses. Pragmatist learners can put the learning into practice in their current situation. While using this learning style, the learners experiment with the new ideas, methods, concepts, and speculations to check their mode of action for their work (Dyulicheva and Kosova, 2020). Reflector learning style is used by those people who can learn by watching the activities which are done by the others. These people first gather information while using the opportunity to work to a suitable conclusion. All these learning styles can be used in teaching by brainstorming ideas, groups discussion, puzzles, role play, self-analysis, personality questionnaires, and so on.

1.4. Explain how identifying and taking account of learners individual learning preferences enables inclusive learning and assessment.

According to analysis, there are several aspects of inclusive learning which help the students to recognize the requirements of education while retrieving through different learning blockades (Al-Qatawneh et al, 2021). It has been identified that there are several methods of delivery of teaching to the students that can help the students for lifetime learning. Allocation of the group is one of the significant ways to teach the students. In the group, people are coming from diverse backgrounds with a different perspectives on a particular topic. For example, a teacher can give a topic to a specific group of students and divide the parts of that topic between the students. All the students will prepare according to their given part.

The students will prepare the tasks in a group while making each other's understand the topic. This will bring different ideas and different perspectives on how to learn the topic and how they will represent it in front of the classroom. The whole process will help them to learn that specific topic effectively (Ferrero, Vadillo and León, 2021). While applying the theoretical aspects to practical, will give effective learning to the students as well as the teachers. The teachers can also use the Garden's multiple intelligence which has proposed different learning styles to create inclusivity. It includes musical, interpersonal, naturalist, intrapersonal, logical, visual, kinesthetic, and naturalistic intelligence.

Task 2

2.1 Analyse theories, principles and models of communication

In the scope of communication, the incorporation of different principles, models, principles, models, and theories are essential that helps to enhance the outcome of communication practices. One of the significant theories is associated with the skill development theory by Gagne. This model is highly influential as it helps to focus on the learning requirements that can be effectively incorporated into the process of communication (advantage). In addition to this, the communication theory can also include Maslow's hierarchy of need theory, which is extremely dependent on the scope of communication and focuses on the framework that is required for enabling the process of communication (disadvantage). There are principles of communication that are important to incorporate and are specific with the elements such as clarity, attention, comprehensive behaviour and appropriate body language that helps to understand the process of communication in feedback at its best (Popovskiet al. 2018). In the principles of communication, the incorporation of communication channels is also significant that allows one to concentrate on the seven C's of communication which includes clarity, completeness, concreteness, conciseness, courtesy, consideration and correctness. These seven elements are extremely vital to focus on the process of communication and evaluate a successful outcome by the end. Concentrating on the different elements of communication, the understanding of the approaches is also facilitated by the models of communication. When it comes to the models of communication it is dependent on an interaction that is a reflection of a two-way communication process (disadvantage). The models that can be taken into consideration are specific to the Wesley and Maclean model that is influenced by the personal, environmental and cultural factors that facilitate the scope of communication at its best. Another vital model for communication is the Osgood-Schramm model, which is also dependent on the interactive approach and focuses on the reciprocation of communication that ensures the process of decoding and encoding and also has to enterprises the real-time information that is evaluated during the process of conversation.

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It is important to mention that understanding the core attributes of communication is heavily facilitated by the reasonable practices that are incorporated (disadvantage). It is vital to know that the modular approaches followed by the surgical perspective of communication are dependent on a real-time manifestation of communication that helps to transfer the data and information through the process of communication between two individuals or groups of individuals. From the above-mentioned models, principles and theories of communication, it can be specified that it is considered to be extremely significant in terms of teaching, learning, and assessment criteria and helps to understand the final outcome that has to be well integrated with the different aspects of communication (Waisbord, 2020). The main aim of incorporating these theories and models in terms of communication is it will help to focus on the factors that have to be included in order to derive communication in a successful manner. These factors are important to understand the modular approach toward teaching and learning specifications and ensure the desired outcome by the end of it through the process of communication.

2.2 Explain ways in which theories, principles and models of communication can be applied to teaching, learning and assessment

It has to be evaluated that the process of communication is different for different individuals and for the force of action that they are entitled to. For the different aspects in terms of teachings, the scope of communication is different as it will be following a one-way communication approach where all the factors will be transferred to the students in order to maintain the relevance of communication. For the learners, the evaluation of the different factors of communication followed by the principles, models, and theoretical approaches are important. The main reason for this is that the learners have to maintain a clear concept of communication in order to ensure that they are able to understand the process of communication and be able to access information and data accordingly through the process of communication that ensures an interactive outcome by the end (disadvantage). Especially when it comes to assessment criteria, the incorporation of the above-mentioned theories and principles of communication is important as it helps to deal with the process of specialisation in terms of a clear concept of communication and application of the attributes that will help to maintain a logical response to the process of communication (Chiu, 2022). Especially in terms of teaching, the incorporation of Berne's theory of transactional analysis is extremely vital as it focuses on the factors of communication and importance accordingly that will help to enhance the role of a teacher and will affect the learning procedure for the students at the same time. This is more relevant and crucial as it helps to focus on the vital specifications of communication and maintain the elements that are important in order to reflect a positive impact and strengthen the process of communication (advantage). Therefore understanding the logical responsiveness followed by the maintenance of communication elements is dependent on the practical incorporation of the models followed by the principles and theories of communication accordingly. It is significant to understand the approach of communication and the resources that are available for the teachers and learners to accomplish the scope of assessment at its best. The development of communication is facilitated by the internal specifications and knowing the purpose and objectives of communication that will help to develop a clear picture and incorporate multiple communication channels and techniques that will support the transfer of information (advantage). The principles of communication focus on the positive approaches of the process followed by context and the content that will help to establish the goal of communication perspective. Therefore the integration of the approaches of communication that can be implemented in learning and teaching followed by assessment criteria is dependent on the practical, functional areas that will help to understand the background of communication and act accordingly (Bozkurt, 2019). These are the most valuable factors that have to be included in the process of communication to enable a successful outcome by the end of the communication process. However, it is always recommended to incorporate flexibility as an important part of communication that can help individuals or groups of individuals to enhance the communication process.

Task 3

3.1 Analyse theories, principles and models of assessment

To understand the scope of assessment, it is equally important to focus on the Jerome Bruner theory that is dependent on the scaffolding of learning. Especially when it comes to the context of writing or producing a report, it requires assessment at its best. Incorporation of different models, principles and theories that are associated with assessment can be easily taken into consideration that is similar to the scaffolding of learning. Through this theory, the process of assessment can be easily taken into consideration by referring to the different steps that are incorporated in order to reduce the degree of freedom and also helps to carry out the concrete approach to enhance their skills and process for academic acquisition. One of the prominent approaches is to understand the principles of assessment (Bleidorn and Hopwood, 2019). The principle includes four main criteria that are associated with fairness, validity, flexibility and reliability. This is the main principle of assessment that helps to ensure that it will act with the process of acquisition for certain activities that is more reliable, valid and has a fair and flexible framework within its functional framework. These are the operational activities of the principle of assessment that helps to focus on the modular and theoretical aspects of assessment at the same time. It is reliable to mention that by understanding these elements and principles of assessment, the overall outcome of the assessment can be predicted in a successful manner that will be able to enhance the process of producing a report through assessment (advantage). When it comes to the models of assessment, it can be incorporated using three different models where the questioning model, exchange model and the procedural model can be easily taken into consideration. These three models are extremely supportive in terms of the evaluation of the assessment; these models are predominantly effective in deriving the questioning followed by the exchange and procedural approach of assessment criteria (advantage). Moreover, these models help to understand the scope of assessment and the different modes followed by the factors that have to be incorporated into the practical framework can be evaluated accordingly. These tend to make the process of assessment more reliable, followed by the elementary approach to the assessment procedure. Therefore the model of assessment that is mentioned above is more reliable and valid in terms of the production of a report (Dikhanbayevaet al. 2020). One of the prominent theories that can be effectively incorporated into the process of assessment is the procedural vs declarative knowledge theory by Anderson.


  • The central ideology behind this theory is that it has to understand the knowledge species that are more definitive and focuses on the control and conscious approach to control the procedural process accordingly in terms of knowledge appreciation and incorporating it in the report.
  • It is essential to mention that understanding the core factors of these theories, models and principles of assessment helps to enhance the final outcome of the assessments depending on the internal attributes that are being taken into consideration to follow up with the process of assessment which can become a problem if the concept is not clear.

3.2 Explain ways in which theories, principles and models of assessment can be applied in assessing learning

From the above-mentioned model, principles, and theories that are associated with assessment, it has been evaluated that they can be implemented in multiple ways that will help to access the process of learning to be more well acquainted with assessment evaluation. The following are the explanations of some of the most crucial ways of implementing these models in theories of assessment.

Check progress: The models of assessment are developed in such a manner that it helps to understand the scope of progress, especially when it comes to the learning context. It helps to make sure that an individual is able to understand the assessment procedure, and based on this, the assessment evaluation and learning progress can also be taken into consideration with multiple acquisitions. It has to facilitate the process of progress and ensures that the redundant areas can also be reduced significantly within the course of action. It makes sure that the perspective of assessment is heavily facilitated by learning resources and is being integrated accordingly (Yueet al. 2018).

Understand the next stages or process: The evaluation of the next stages or processors of assessment can easily be evaluated by using the models and principles of assessment. In the assessment process, the incorporation of the next stages is important as it helps to focus on the reliable resources and integrate them accordingly, which will help to enhance the process of implementation in terms of modular approaches and theoretical perspectives. Therefore it is an important way that will help to derive the next stage evaluation in the assessment process and will ensure that learning requirements are achieved significantly. This is yet another way of using the models and principles of assessment.

Guidelines: The assessment models are even more influential as it helps to provide guidelines that are highly required in terms of evaluating the resources for learning purposes. More specifically, it helps to understand the models and principles of assessment and provides a guidance approach that will help to enhance the assessing capability in terms of the learning process. This is considered to be more relevant and well-integrated with a resource evaluating approach that is more influential in accessing the desired success in terms of learning purpose. In addition to this, the guidelines help to focus on the relevant factors of the theoretical approaches of assessment and incorporate them accordingly to produce a successful outcome (Pulatova, 2020).

Amplify achievement: This is regarded as the most successful way of implementing the theoretical and model-based principle approaches to assessment. This is considered to be relevant as it helps to understand the amplification process for the achievements that have been taken into consideration through the assessment and also has a positive impact on the learning process and progress accordingly. This will help to have a mature process of decision making in terms of delivery achievement and amplifying itself within the course of action. It has to achieve the scope of sustainability and success that will be effective in the long run with the access towards assessment and learning process.

Task 4

4.1 Analyse theories and models of curriculum and development

According to the theory of procedural and declarative theory of Anderson, the subject curriculum must cover the theoretical as well as a practical approach which can be implemented by a teacher who is concerned about the learner and how the learner absorbs the matter through the assessed content of the subject. The theoretical explanations are not always enough to develop an elegant concept of the subject, so a practical element must be incorporated which can be related to real-life experience. The curriculum becomes challenging to accomplish when a practical approach is not applied, which is both counterproductive and a path to sluggish development.

Skill development is the next level of facilitating teaching principles where the learner is clear with the concept of the subject and is ready to apply the understanding in an application format (Avis et al. 2018). According to the proposal of Robert Gagne, the model of skill development can be explained as such:

  • Gaining appropriate attention from the students.
  • Discussion of the subject, its concept and learning outcomes.
  • Presenting applicatory examples to which the students can relate to and recall the subject concept to apply a similar evaluation approach.
  • Application of the concept through showcasing learning outcomes facilitated by the teacher by staying strict with the curriculum.
  • Conducting review sessions where the involved students respond to the applied concept and the overall conduct of the performance.
  • Feedback sessions are to be held with the teacher's involvement where the appropriate evaluation of the performance and room for improvement is discussed.
  • The performance of students is evaluated, and a clear result of the course is reflected by the students through this performance assessment initiative.
  • The teacher is the key interface to evaluate the students regarding the understanding and application of the subject curriculum, which is crucial for retentive measures. The teacher is expected to bar the performance evaluation through markings and a limit to be set to comply with the passing criteria (Bostocket al. 2010).

The theory of scaffolding learning is a fundamental model that the teacher can apply in a demonstrative process which is executed by the application of this model, which is related to problem-solving, evaluating setbacks and providing appropriate support for improvement. This teaching model was introduced by Jerome Burner, which was a constructive approach toward the development of students with the aid of a curriculum setting. The Scaffolding theory is a supportive model of teaching which is applied for the increment of students in the best possible way. In a University, the students are vulnerable to miss out on core concepts that can make them suffer in their professional spell, which is why the ideology of students requires close control implemented by teachers. An active learning, development and constructive approach are applied in this model, which is crucial to complement the spiral curriculum of Burner. This model applies to interactive phenomena where students are associated with peers to develop skills, judgemental ideology to understand a subject and spontaneous improvement approach which is sustained by the teacher with constant support.

4.2 Explain ways in which theories and models of curriculum development can be applied in developing curricula in own area of specialism

When a teacher is allowed to showcase the importance and concept of a subject to a set number of students, it is considered that the students are empty about the related topic, which is important to understand by the teacher as well. It is crucial that a teacher initiates a subject with a fundamental approach so that even if a subject has previous mentions in the past, it can be rejuvenated among the student group, allowing the teacher to conduct the course in a set standard and integrative approach. The Banking concept can be applied in this scenario which is an example of a metaphor where a student is explained with the conceptual, applicatory and practical approach of education to raise their knowledge account, which can provide them with a competent living in the future (Mislevy, 2018).

According to Gagne's theory of skill development, the students are required to be under optimum conditions to accept the new or related subject, which is crucial for their effectiveness in learning. It is essential while developing skills on a particular subject that the fundamentals of the subject with its history of development must be induced among the student group, which may be an interactive scenario of a set course of simple explanation fluid enough to be understandable. The conditions of the student's learning state are crucial for the acceptance of the teachings, which can be determined by the following factors:

  • Condition of the student related to the specialised subject and scope of accepting verbal information explained in a course through lecturers.
  • The unique ability of certain students who can excel in this subject with acceptance of intellectual skills development related to the subject of teaching.
  • A crucial factor related to cognitive strategies of how a student can accept, process, utilise, apply and integrate within the domain of the course is an overall enhancement void required of the student group (Jacobson et al. 2019).
  • The motor skills of the teacher and the acceptance of this phenomenon by the students are crucial for the acceptance of the learning domain.
  • The attitude towards the subject, the teacher, the institute and a self-integratory approach is required of the students to excel in the course.

There are deductive initiatives from the teacher or lecturer to apply the concept of teaching regarding skill development and to sustain the curriculum domain. The scope of utilising a checklist which can provide significant support for the teaching activities related to the engagement with the students and training them to excel in the concerned subject as well as the curriculum. The inductive approach is an application of skill development among students concerned with identification, understanding and application conducted by self-reasoning of students. It involves motivating the students to understand the concept and explaining the importance of the subject in their lives for future assessments (Hattie, 2012). Defining the structural breakdown of the course or subject to describe the module domain related to the curriculum. The order of learning the concepts, facts and application which are essential for the student to understand sequentially and reinforce that among them.

Task 5

5.1 Analyse theories and models of reflection and evaluation

Analysing the teaching methods which are different for each student as some like to engage with the theoretical approach, some are prone to apply practical activities which can showcase integrative skills, and some try the theoretical approach in real-life to understand the compatibility of the subject in practical approach and some don't get involved in the academic approach but understand the fundamentals and a generalised model is gained to apply in work and review its competence efficiently. This concept is related to the Honey & Mumford reflector learning, which explains the style of students about the approach and evaluation differences, which are enhanced through gradual progression in the course.

According to the concept of multiple intelligence of Gardner, the intelligence of students are variable among them and can be categorised into various potentials, which are considered as traits within their integrity. This is considered to be a genetic attribute and cannot be speculated to be a scenario of change, so accepting this condition by the teacher is crucial to direct the concerned students on the right path to excellence (Post et al. 2020). There are various types of intelligence that can provide different perspectives of reflection on a singular subject with expertise in multiple sub-parts of the subject. Intelligence can be logical, visual, verbal, etc., which cannot be differentiated by comparison as all the domains are non-conjugative but correct in their own ways. The metacognitive concept is based on sheer mental abilities and is destructive to change, so an integrative approach to cognitive ability must be facilitated. It is necessary that the lecturer or teacher understand the concerned student's perspective about the reflective overview of the subject so that the required understanding can be changed delicately without harming the concept of the student.

According to the concept of the behaviourist approach of Coffield and co., the educator is allowed to evaluate the research work of students who utilised the knowledge of a particular subject and applied it in the form of reflective assessment, which concluded a result. These results are analysed by the educators to understand the correct form of application and their understanding of the subject, which is based on investigation, evidence collection and extension of students to get indulged. This behaviourist approach is based on quick response, feedback orientation, correct use of knowledge and student acknowledgement.

Kolby's approach of reflective observation is based on observing the understanding of the subject, which has been applied by the student after a practical experience related to the subject course. The evaluation of concepts is conducted by comparing the applied reflection of students with the actual model of the subject and measuring the correctness of the application, where an innovative extent is also provided to integrate the subject model.

Kolby's model is based on a standard cycle of understanding the learning outcomes, observing reflections, conceptualising the understanding of the students and allowing experimentation to evaluate further (Brand and Ekkekakis, 2018). Bloom's reflective and evaluative model is based on a classification system that recognises the cognitive differences among students, which are crucial for interactive education.

5.2 Explain ways in which theories and models of reflection and evaluation can be applied to reviewing own practice

When it comes to the process of reviewing practices, the incorporation of reflective theories and models is vital as it helps to focus on the process of evaluation. It is important to focus on the facts that incorporate the refractive model that is the Kolb reflective cycle. By using this cycle, the four stages associated with the learning process can be easily taken into consideration. The first stage is specific with concrete experience that focuses on the physical experience specific to a situation and enables an individual to learn the process the way they have incorporated factors in a selected context. The second part of the cycle is reflected observation. This is considered the most valuable part where a written approach to one's own practice is evaluated through observations that help to understand the deep insights associated with the subject matter. In the third part of the cycle, an abstract conceptualisation is evaluated. This is considered to be extremely significant as it focuses on the evaluation of the internal and external situation that is extremely facilitative towards the reflection and helps to understand one's own practices in the process of report format. It has to be mentioned that the final part of the cycle is active experimentation that helps to incorporate theoretical knowledge and stream it down to the review process and reflect on self-practices that are evaluated in the reflective cycle (Idriset al. 2020). This is the most prominent and practical way of integrating Kolb's reflective cycle that will help to understand the review process in order to specify one's own practices within the course of action.

When it comes to the context of one's own practices, it is important to reflect and evaluate on it. There are different ways to evaluate the review process of one's own practices. In terms of evaluation, there are three main models that can be incorporated and specific with goal-based evaluation, process-based evaluation, and outcome-based evaluation. When it comes to goal-based evaluation, it is more oriented toward the process of functions associated with the practices that incorporate the goals and expectations and the achievement of the objectives that are associated with it. It is an important part of self-realisation and review practices in order to enhance its longevity and stability. One of the prominent principles of evaluation is also dependent on the process of review that helps to understand the needs and expectations of a review process. In a process-based evaluation, all the report specifications followed by the practices that have been incorporated are synthesised accordingly based on the theoretical perspective of evaluation. The final model of evaluation is dependent on the outcome-based evaluation. In this perspective of evaluation, the relevance of the practices followed by the modular approach of reflection in evaluation is signified with the established outcome, and whether it is highly structured and accurate or not is reviewed accordingly (Alaboolet al. 2018). These are the most relevant ways that help to cope up with the models and theories of reflection followed by evaluation in order to review own practices.


This study outlined the implementation of numerous learning models that are critical for education to follow and refer to for competent teaching procedures in a university or other academic institution. The report examines the analysis, theories, application, importance, and impact of learning models, which are critical for communication, progress assessment, determining progress according to the curriculum and developmental motive, progress evaluation, and reflection on the learning prospect through various learning model implementations. The education must select the appropriate models for each situation in terms of instructional phases, and this analytical report conducts the following ideology.

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